765 resultados para Aged volunteers
PURPOSE: To study the prevalence and determinants of compliance with spectacle wear among school-age children in Oaxaca, Mexico, who were provided spectacles free of charge. METHODS: A cohort of 493 children aged 5 to 18 years chosen by random cluster sampling from primary and secondary schools in Oaxaca, Mexico, all of whom had received free spectacles through a local program, underwent unannounced, direct examination to determine compliance with spectacle wear within 18 months after initial provision of spectacles. Potential determinants of spectacle wear including age, gender, urban versus rural residence, presenting visual acuity, refractive error, and time since dispensing of the spectacles were examined in univariate and multivariate regression models. Children not currently wearing their spectacles were asked to select the reason from a list of possibilities, and reasons for noncompliance were analyzed within different demographic groups. RESULTS: Among this sample of children with a mean age of 10.4 +/- 2.6 years, the majority (74.5%) of whom were myopic (spherical equivalent [SE] < or = -0.50 D), 13.4% (66/493) were wearing their spectacles at the time of examination. An additional 34% (169/493) had the spectacles with them but were not wearing them. In regression models, the odds of spectacle wear were significantly higher among younger (OR = 1.19 per year of age; 95% CI, 1.05-1.33) rural (OR = 10.6; 95% CI, 5.3-21.0) children and those with myopia < or = -1.25 D (OR = 3.97; 95% CI, 1.98-7.94). The oldest children and children in urban-suburban areas were significantly more likely to list concerns about the appearance of the glasses or about being teased than were younger, rurally resident children. CONCLUSIONS: Compliance with spectacle wear may be very low, even when spectacles are provided free of charge, particularly among older, urban children, who have been shown in many populations to have the highest prevalence of myopia. As screening programs for refractive error become increasingly common throughout the world, new strategies are needed to improve compliance if program resources are to be maximized.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate different refractive cutoffs for spectacle provision with regards to their impact on visual improvement and spectacle compliance. DESIGN: Prospective study of visual improvement and spectacle compliance. PARTICIPANTS: South African school children aged 6-19 years receiving free spectacles in a programme supported by Helen Keller International. METHODS: Refractive error, age, gender, urban versus rural residence, presenting and best-corrected vision were recorded for participants. Spectacle wear was observed directly at an unannounced follow-up examination 4-11 months after initial provision of spectacles. The association between five proposed refractive cutoff protocols and visual improvement and spectacle compliance were examined in separate multivariate models. MAIN OUTCOMES: Refractive cutoffs for spectacle distribution which would effectively identify children with improved vision, and those more likely to comply with spectacle wear. RESULTS: Among 8520 children screened, 810 (9.5%) received spectacles, of whom 636 (79%) were aged 10-14 years, 530 (65%) were girls, 324 (40%) had vision improvement > or = 3 lines, and 483 (60%) were examined 6.4+/-1.5 (range 4.6 to 10.9) months after spectacle dispensing. Among examined children, 149 (31%) were wearing or carrying their glasses. Children meeting cutoffs < or = -0.75 D of myopia, > or = +1.00 D of hyperopia and > or = +0.75 D of astigmatism had significantly greater improvement in vision than children failing to meet these criteria, when adjusting for age, gender and urban versus rural residence. None of the proposed refractive protocols discriminated between children wearing and not wearing spectacles. Presenting vision and improvement in vision were unassociated with subsequent spectacle wear, but girls (p < or = 0.0006 for all models) were more likely to be wearing glasses than were boys. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first suggested refractive cutoff for glasses dispensing validated with respect to key programme outcomes. The lack of association between spectacle retention and either refractive error or vision may have been due to the relatively modest degree of refractive error in this African population.
PURPOSE: To quantify the impact on self-reported visual functioning of spectacle provision for school-aged children in Oaxaca, Mexico. METHODS: The Refractive Status Vision Profile (RSVP), a previously validated tool to measure the impact of refractive correction on visual functioning, was adapted for use in rural children and administered at baseline and 4 weeks (27.3 +/- 4.4 days) after the provision of free spectacles. Visual acuity with and without correction, age, sex, and spherical equivalent refraction were recorded at the time of follow-up. RESULTS: Among 88 children (mean age, 12 years; 55.7% girls), the median presenting acuity (uncorrected or with original spectacles), tested 4 weeks after the provision of free spectacles, was 6/9 (range, 6/6-6/120). Significant improvements in the following subscales of the RSVP were seen for the group as a whole after the provision of free spectacles: function, 11.2 points (P = 0.0001); symptoms, 14.3 points (P < 0.0001); total score, 10.3 points (P = 0.0001). After stratification by presenting vision in the better-seeing eye, children with 6/6 acuity (n = 22) did not have significant improvement in any subscale; those with acuity of 6/7.5 to 6/9 (n = 34) improved only on function (P = 0.02), symptoms (P = 0.005), and total score (P = 0.003); and those with acuity of 6/12 or worse improved on total score (P < 0.0001) and all subscales. Subjects (n = 31) with uncorrected myopia of -1.25 D or more had a mean improvement in total score of 15.9 points (P < 0.0001), whereas those with uncorrected myopia between -0.50 and -1.00 D inclusive (n = 53) had a mean improvement of 8 points (P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Provision of spectacles to children in this setting had a significant impact on self-reported function, even at modest levels of baseline visual disability. The correlation between presenting vision/refraction and improvement and the failure of children 6/6 at baseline to improve offer evidence for a real effect.
Objectives: To identify factors associated with root caries development during a two year period in a population of independently living older adults. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out with 334 independently living volunteers aged 65 and older. At baseline (t0), each participant completed a questionnaire which recorded age, gender, medical history, fluoride exposure, oral and denture hygiene practices, smoking and alcohol consumption, diet information, and socio economic information. Clinical examinations were performed and stimulated saliva samples were collected. Patients were reviewed 12(t1) and 24(t2) months later to determine the root caries increment. Results: 307 adults were assessed at t1 and 280 were assessed at t2 with 83.8% of participants examined at 24 months. Incidence of root caries in this cohort was 17.4% at t1 and 21.6% at t2. The mean root caries increment was 0.43 (SD 1.45) surfaces at t1 and 0.70 (SD 1.86) surfaces at t2. Age >70 years, completing education at primary level, poor oral hygiene, xerostomia, coronal decay at baseline, higher root caries index at baseline and number of exposed root surfaces showed a statistically significant association (P < 0.05) with root caries development. Conclusion: Root caries is a substantive dental health problem for our older population. Root caries prevention strategies should be targeted at older adults who have poor plaque control and high levels of caries experience. In particular patients with xerostomia should be targeted with preventive measures.
OBJECTIVE: Assess efficacy and acceptability of reduced intensity constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) in children with cerebral palsy (CP).
METHODS: Single-subject research design and semi-structured interviews. Children (9-11y) with hemiplegia underwent five baseline assessments followed by two weeks CIMT. Six further assessments were performed during treatment and follow-up phases. The primary outcome was the Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function (MUUL). Quantitative data were analysed using standard single-subject methods and qualitative data by thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Four of the seven participants demonstrated statistically significant improvements in MUUL (3-11%, p < .05). Two participants achieved significant improvements in active range of motion but strength and tone remained largely unchanged. Qualitative interviews highlighted limitations of the restraint, importance of family involvement, and coordination of treatment with education.
CONCLUSIONS: Reduced intensity CIMT may be effective for some children in this population; however it is not suitable for all children with hemiplegia.
This article uses strategic human resource management theory to consider the ways in which volunteers can potentially enhance hospital patient satisfaction. Results of a structural equation modeling analysis of multi-source data on 107 U.S. hospitals show positive associations between hospital strategy, volunteer management practices, volunteer workforce attributes, and patient satisfaction. Although no causality can be assumed, the results shed light on the volunteer–patient satisfaction relationship and have important implications for hospital leaders, volunteer administrators, and future research.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the different types of motivations in hospital volunteers. We present a literature review about different types of motivation and we collect data from hospital volunteers through a questionnaire. Four different motivation categories are identified: development and learning, altruism, career recognition and belonging and protection. The main motivations expressed are development and learning, followed by altruism. Belonging and protection, followed by career recognition are the least cited motivations. Career recognition is negatively correlated with age, and belonging/ protection is negatively correlated with education. That is, younger volunteers present more career recognition motives and less educated volunteers have more from protection and belonging. This study encompasses hospital volunteers and their motivations. The paper is useful to policy makers aiming to develop targeted approaches to attracting and retaining volunteers.
We examine volunteer satisfaction with HRM practices, namely recruitment, training and reward in NPOs and attitudes regarding the appropriateness of these practices. The participants in this study are 76 volunteers affiliated with four different NPOs, who work in hospitals and have direct contact with patients and their families. Analysing aggregate results we show that volunteers are more satisfied with training, and consider the training strategies to be very appropriate. After identifying differences between organisations we discover that in some organisations volunteers are satisfied with rewards but they have negative attitudes regarding the appropriateness of the recognition strategies. We also identify the volunteers who are the most and the least satisfied.
Introdução: O declínio do equilíbrio, da força dos membros inferiores e o medo de cair são fatores de risco de queda associados ao envelhecimento e a sua avaliação pode ser realizada pelo teste One Leg Standing (OLS), Sit to Stand (STS) e pela Falls Eficacy Scale (FES), respetivamente. As aplicações para smartphone constituem uma alternativa para a avaliação dos fatores de risco de queda no envelhecimento. Objetivo: Analisar a capacidade de uma aplicação para smartphone na avaliação dos testes STS, OLS e FES. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo analítico numa amostra de 27 voluntários com idade ≥ 60 anos. Realizaram-se os testes STS, OLS e a FES (versão iconográfica, apresentada no smartphone). Os dados foram recolhidos simultaneamente por um smartphone e pelo Qualisys Motion Capture Systems associado a uma plataforma de forças. Foi utilizado o r de Pearson ou Spearman para analisar as possíveis correlações. Resultados: No STS obteve-se uma correlação muito forte (rp=0.97) no número de repetições de ciclos Sit Stand Sit (SLS) e forte na duração média do SLS (rp=0.85) e das subfases Sit to Stand (rp=0.69) e Stand to Sit (rp=0.778), com p<0.001. As medidas de inclinação do tronco apresentaram correlações fortes, com exceção do ângulo inicial (p≥0.05). No OLS, verificou-se uma correlação moderada entre o deslocamento do centro de pressão peak to peak médio-lateral (rs=0.45; p=0.017) e antero-posterior (rs=0.39; p=0.046), root mean square médio-lateral (rs=0.39; p=0.046) e antero-posterior (rs=0.46; p=0.017) e área do estatocinesiograma (rs=0.45; p=0.018). Na FES obteve-se uma correlação moderada em três categorias: ‘tomar banho/duche’ (rs=0.49; p=0.010), ‘deitar/levantar da cama (rs=0.43; p=0.024) e ‘chegar aos armários’ (rs=0.38; p=0.050). Conclusão: A aplicação para smartphone parece avaliar corretamente os ciclos e a variação da inclinação do tronco no STS, porém parece necessitar de ser reajustada na FES e na velocidade do deslocamento do centro de pressão, no OLS.
Introdução: Os parâmetros metabólicos durante a marcha normal e a sua regulação são importantes devido ao metabolismo oxidativo ser o principal meio através do qual o organismo humano gera energia para realizar as atividades do quotidiano. Nem sempre a marcha é realizada de forma independente e necessita do apoio de auxiliares de marcha, como o tripé, que tem por função ampliar a base de sustentação e melhorar o equilíbrio. Objetivo: Analisar a influência de utilização de um tripé na marcha, na despesa energética em jovens e idosos saudáveis Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo observacional transversal numa amostra de 21 voluntários, com idade entre 18 a 25 anos e mais ou igual a 60 anos. Realizaram-se as avaliações com o Cosmed K4b2 (Cosmed, Rome, Italy), sendo através do mesmo que os dados foram recolhidos. Foi utilizado o teste de Friedman, com P <0,05. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos para o gasto energético nos jovens foram inferiores aos valores obtidos pelos idosos. Relativamente ao metabolismo energético o substrato energético utilizado pelos jovens foi o proteico e o lipídico pelos idosos. Entre sexos foram os homens quem tiveram um maior gasto energético. Conclusão: O uso do tripé durante a marcha não influencia o gasto energético em adultos jovens e/ou idosos saudáveis.
Introdução: Estruturalmente, a marcha é modificada de acordo com as características de cada individuo, sua natureza morfológica, tipo de atividade, idade e a presença de determinadas doenças, entre outros fatores. Devidas as alterações fisiológicas de envelhecimento, o custo energético da marcha normal por si só é superior nos idosos comparativamente com os jovens. Objetivo: Analisar a influência do uso de andarilho com rodas e fixo nos parâmetros metabólicos de indivíduos com mais de 60 anos e em jovens. Metodologia: realizou-se um estudo analítico transversal numa amostra de 21 voluntários, sendo 11adultos jovens (idade compreendida entre 18 e 25 anos) e 10 são adultos com idade superior a 60 anos. Utilizou-se o sistema K4b2 COSMED de forma a recolher os dados relativos ao consumo energético, quociente respiratório e volume de CO2 produzido. Os participantes realizaram os diferentes tipos de marcha (marcha normal, a três pontos com andarilho fixo, a três pontos modificada com andarilho fixo, a três pontos com andarilho com rodas e a três pontos modificada com andarilho com rodas) durante 10 minutos num percurso rectilíneo de 20 metros. Para a análise estatística recorreu-se ao software IBM SPSS Statistics v20 com um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: observou-se que á exceção da marcha normal em todos os outros tipos de marcha com andarilho, os participantes com mais de 60 anos, apresentam valores significativamente superiores aos dos jovens, nomeadamente nas marchas com andarilho fixo, a 3 pontos e a 3 pontos modificada e com andarilho de rodas, na marcha a 3ponto modificada. Verificaram-se diferenças apenas no grupo dos jovens, pois a marcha normal apresentou valores significativamente maiores que as restantes. Conclusão: A idade influenciou os parâmetros metabólicos da marcha normal e com andarilhos fixo e móvel apresentando os idosos um maior gasto energético, bem como os METS utilizados.
Objective Public health organizations recommend that preschool-aged children accumulate at least 3 h of physical activity (PA) daily. Objective monitoring using pedometers offers an opportunity to measure preschooler's PA and assess compliance with this recommendation. The purpose of this study was to derive step-based recommendations consistent with the 3 h PA recommendation for preschool-aged children. Method The study sample comprised 916 preschool-aged children, aged 3 to 6 years (mean age = 5.0 ± 0.8 years). Children were recruited from kindergartens located in Portugal, between 2009 and 2013. Children wore an ActiGraph GT1M accelerometer that measured PA intensity and steps per day simultaneously over a 7-day monitoring period. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to identify the daily step count threshold associated with meeting the daily 3 hour PA recommendation. Results A significant correlation was observed between minutes of total PA and steps per day (r = 0.76, p < 0.001). The optimal step count for ≥ 3 h of total PA was 9099 steps per day (sensitivity (90%) and specificity (66%)) with area under the ROC curve = 0.86 (95% CI: 0.84 to 0.88). Conclusion Preschool-aged children who accumulate less than 9000 steps per day may be considered Insufficiently Active.
An infinite-horizon discrete time model with multiple size-class structures using a transition matrix is built to assess optimal harvesting schedules in the context of Non-Industrial Private Forest (NIPF) owners. Three model specifications accounting for forest income, financial return on an asset and amenity valuations are considered. Numerical simulations suggest uneven-aged forest management where a rational forest owner adapts her or his forest policy by influencing the regeneration of trees or adjusting consumption dynamics depending on subjective time preference and market return rate dynamics on the financial asset. Moreover she or he does not value significantly non-market benefits captured by amenity valuations relatively to forest income.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematical model (sine model, SIN) to describe fat oxidation kinetics as a function of the relative exercise intensity [% of maximal oxygen uptake (%VO2max)] during graded exercise and to determine the exercise intensity (Fatmax) that elicits maximal fat oxidation (MFO) and the intensity at which the fat oxidation becomes negligible (Fatmin). This model included three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, and translation) that incorporated primary expected modulations of the curve because of training level or body composition. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy volunteers (17 women and 15 men) performed a graded exercise test on a cycle ergometer, with 3-min stages and 20-W increments. Substrate oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry. SIN was compared with measured values (MV) and with other methods currently used [i.e., the RER method (MRER) and third polynomial curves (P3)]. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the fitting accuracy between SIN and P3 (P = 0.157), whereas MRER was less precise than SIN (P < 0.001). Fatmax (44 +/- 10% VO2max) and MFO (0.37 +/- 0.16 g x min(-1)) determined using SIN were significantly correlated with MV, P3, and MRER (P < 0.001). The variable of dilatation was correlated with Fatmax, Fatmin, and MFO (r = 0.79, r = 0.67, and r = 0.60, respectively, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The SIN model presents the same precision as other methods currently used in the determination of Fatmax and MFO but in addition allows calculation of Fatmin. Moreover, the three independent variables are directly related to the main expected modulations of the fat oxidation curve. SIN, therefore, seems to be an appropriate tool in analyzing fat oxidation kinetics obtained during graded exercise.
Atazanavir inhibits UDP-glucuronyl-transferase-1A1 (UGT1A1), which metabolizes raltegravir, but the magnitude of steady-state inhibition and role of the UGT1A1 genotype are unknown. Sufficient inhibition could lead to reduced-dose and -cost raltegravir regimens. Nineteen healthy volunteers, age 24 to 51 years, took raltegravir 400 mg twice daily (arm A) and 400 mg plus atazanavir 400 mg once daily (arm B), separated by ?3 days, in a crossover design. After 1 week on each regimen, raltegravir and raltegravir-glucuronide plasma and urine concentrations were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in multiple samples obtained over 12 h (arm A) or 24 h (arm B) and analyzed by noncompartmental methods. UGT1A1 promoter variants were detected with a commercially available kit and published primers. The primary outcome was the ratio of plasma raltegravir C(tau), or concentration at the end of the dosing interval, for arm B (24 h) versus arm A (12 h). The arm B-to-arm A geometric mean ratios (95% confidence interval, P value) for plasma raltegravir C(tau), area under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 12 h (AUC(0-12)), and raltegravir-glucuronide/raltegravir AUC(0-12) were 0.38 (0.22 to 0.65, 0.001), 1.32 (0.62 to 2.81, 0.45), and 0.47 (0.38 to 0.59, <0.001), respectively. Nine volunteers were heterozygous and one was homozygous for a UGT1A1 reduction-of-function allele, but these were not associated with metabolite formation. Although atazanavir significantly reduced the formation of the glucuronide metabolite, its steady-state boosting of plasma raltegravir did not render the C(tau) with a once-daily raltegravir dose of 400 mg similar to the C(tau) with the standard twice-daily dose. UGT1A1 promoter variants did not significantly influence this interaction.