372 resultados para Agón


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Los mitos de Savitri (Mahabharata 3.293-299) y Orfeo (Ovidio. Metamorfosis 10.1-85), pertenecientes al ámbito cultural indoeur opeo, presentan algunos puntos en común: narran la historia del amante que rescata a su ser amado de la muerte, y combinan el encuentro con los dioses de la muerte y el discurso mediante el poder de la palabra. En esta propuesta, se analizan los discursos de los protagonistas a partir de las convenciones propias de cada contexto de enunciación. Para el caso indio, se sigue el modelo lógico de la escuela Nyaya; para el greco-latino, el de la retórica clásica. De este modo, sobre la base de la estructura argumentativa del silogismo aristotélico, se plantean dos variaciones, respectivamente, el silogismo hindú y el silogismo retórico. Se trata de dos aproximaciones argumentativas con métodos distintos pero con un mismo fin: (con)vencer al oponente


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Los epigramas son pequeñas composiciones en verso grabadas inicialmente sobre algún objeto, bien con fines votivos, como fórmulas de maldición, o simplemente como marcas de propiedad. Dentro de los epigramas destacan los funerarios, consistentes, en su origen, en versos inscritos sobre las tumbas, que indicaban filiación, edad y alguna característica del difunto, pero que más tarde se convirtieron en verdaderas composiciones literarias, por lo que resultan testimonios útiles para conocer a la sociedad griega. En esta ponencia se analizará la concepción griega de la vejez a través de los epigramas funerarios áticos de la época clásica (siglos V y IV a. C.). Este análisis se hará comparando lo inscrito en éstos con lo que algunos autores clásicos dijeron acerca de ese tema (ya sea con o sin intención). El objetivo es conocer más de esta cultura y demostrar cómo el imaginario social se reflejó en estos testimonios funerarios


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El presente trabajo aborda la controversia actual sobre la continuidad del concepto de "substancia primera" en el pensamiento aristotélico. La discusión tiene como eje a los tratados Categorías y Metafísica Z-H, puesto que en el primero Aristóteles sostiene que los individuos son las substancias primeras, mientras que en el segundo reserva dicho título para la forma. Nuestra tesis es que ambos tratados no son incompatibles debido a que responden a interrogantes distintos: cuáles son los sujetos últimos de inherencia y cuál es la causa de dichas entidades. Las conclusiones obtenidas se sostienen en un análisis de la evolución de la concepción de la definición de un tratado a otro. En otras palabras, el problema de la definición es el hilo conductor utilizado para el abordaje de dichos tratados


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El proyecto del presente trabajo consiste en reflexionar sobre la constitución del sujeto ético-político en los Erga de Hesíodo. Trabajaremos desde una propuesta de matriz antropológica, en torno a los consejos de administración familiar que el poeta propone, recurriendo a Jenofonte cuando la comparación sea oportuna. Siguiendo el horizonte semántico del término chresis, indagaremos dos cuestiones fundamentales, la gestión del hogar, a partir de la problematización del matrimonio como cuestión afín, y la gestión de los vínculos personales, que van más allá del oikos, para convocar a otros actores, el hermano, el huésped, el amigo. En ambos niveles, el estrictamente familiar con la presencia del marido y la esposa en el centro de la escena, y el familiar, en sentido más amplio, los tópicos devuelven ciertas preocupaciones y reflexiones en torno a cuestiones que se repiten, el trabajo, la riqueza, la productividad, la prudencia, el honor, la convivencia, la tolerancia. Se plasma un universo antropológico que nos permite relevar, desde los topoi recortados, la pequeña familia intramuros y la gran familia extramuros, la preocupación habitual de la constitución de un sujeto temperante que en Hesíodo cobra distintas aristas. El modelo discursivo obedece a las reglas de formación que reconocemos en los Erga como matriz de discurso: recomendaciones, consejos, exhortaciones, que delinean dos topoi reconocibles, dos categorías de sujetos, dos registros de conductas, dos modelos de instalación en la vida. Hesíodo nos tiene acostumbrados a esos sistemas binarios que, a nuestro juicio, se inscriben en la lógica del linaje. Hombres, valores, conductas de matriz diurna o nocturna, positiva o negativa, luminosa o tenebrosa. La vida familiar y la comunitaria no parece escapar a esta lógica binaria y el corpus de consejos no hace otra cosa que vigorizar con su logos el aspecto diurno de la tensión


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El encomio del trágico Agatón es un intermedio musical, una canción que detiene la avanzada conceptual del Banquete, pero con gravísimo poder proléptico. Se recupera todo lo dicho hasta allí, pero tergiversado por su enfoque de marcada impronta gorgiana. Cada comensal conlleva la concepción compuesta Amor-Belleza, donde todo amor es amor de cierta belleza. Distinguiendo el éros presentado por Agatón (erótica narcisista) intentaremos mostrar qué tipo de belleza nos presenta este comensal, y cuál es la poesía que le corresponde. Entonces se dará un agón paratextual, una referencia al gran combate que Platón sostuvo toda su vida: el conflicto entre filosofía y poesía. Mostraremos que Agatón, a la vez Narciso, poeta mimético, inspirado, poseso y cosmético, es la imagen del poeta que el filósofo ateniense detesta, que, como paradigma construido para este diálogo, tiene todos los defectos criticados a lo largo de la obra platónica y sirve para tematizar este enfrentamiento


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I investigate the issue of whether the various subclasses of radio-loud galaxies are intrinsically the same but have been classified differently mainly due to their being viewed from different directions. Evidence for the two key elements of this popular version of the "unified scheme (US)," relativistic jets and nuclear tori, is updated. The case for the torus opening angle increasing with the radio luminosity of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) is freshly argued. Radio-loud AGN are particularly suited for testing the US, since their structures and polarization properties on different scales, as well as their overall radio sizes, provide useful statistical indicators of the relative orientations of their various subclasses. I summarize recent attempts to bring under a single conceptual framework the USs developed for radio-moderate [Fanaroff-Riley type I (FRI)] and radio-powerful (FRII) AGN. By focusing on FRII radio sources, I critically examine the recent claims of conflict with the US, based on the statistics of radio-size measurements for large, presumably orientation-independent, samples with essentially complete optical identifications. Possible ways of reconciling these results, and also the ones based on very-long-baseline radio interferometry polarimetric observations, with the US are pointed out. By incorporating a highly plausible temporal evolution of radio source properties into the US, I outline a scenario that allows the median linear size of quasars to approach, or even exceed, that of radio galaxies, as samples with decreasing radio luminosity are observed. Thus, even though a number of issues remain to be fully resolved, the scope of unified models continues to expand.


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Context. Galaxies, which often contain ionised gas, sometimes also exhibit a so-called low-ionisation nuclear emission line region (LINER). For 30 years, this was attributed to a central mass-accreting supermassive black hole (more commonly known as active galactic nucleus, AGN) of low luminosity, making LINER galaxies the largest AGN sub-population, which dominate in numbers over higher luminosity Seyfert galaxies and quasars. This, however, poses a serious problem. While the inferred energy balance is plausible, many LINERs clearly do not contain any other independent signatures of an AGN. Aims. Using integral field spectroscopic data from the CALIFA survey, we compare the observed radial surface brightness profiles with what is expected from illumination by an AGN. Methods. Essential for this analysis is a proper extraction of emission lines, especially weak lines, such as Balmer H beta lines, which are superposed on an absorption trough. To accomplish this, we use the GANDALF code, which simultaneously fits the underlying stellar continuum and emission lines. Results. For 48 galaxies with LINER-like emission, we show that the radial emission-line surface brightness profiles are inconsistent with ionisation by a central point-source and hence cannot be due to an AGN alone. Conclusions. The most probable explanation for the excess LINER-like emission is ionisation by evolved stars during the short but very hot and energetic phase known as post-AGB. This leads us to an entirely new interpretation. Post-AGB stars are ubiquitous and their ionising effect should be potentially observable in every galaxy with the gas present and with stars older than ~1 Gyr unless a stronger radiation field from young hot stars or an AGN outshines them. This means that galaxies with LINER-like emission are not a class defined by a property but rather by the absence of a property. It also explains why LINER emission is observed mostly in massive galaxies with old stars and little star formation.


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Chandra data in the COSMOS, AEGIS-XD and 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field South are combined with multiwavelength photometry available in those fields to determine the rest-frame U − V versus V − J colours of X-ray AGN hosts in the redshift intervals 0.1 < z < 0.6 (mean z¯=0.40) and 0.6 < z < 1.2 (mean z¯=0.85). This combination of colours provides an effective and least model-dependent means of separating quiescent from star-forming, including dust reddened, galaxies. Morphological information emphasizes differences between AGN populations split by their U − V versus V − J colours. AGN in quiescent galaxies consist almost exclusively of bulges, while star-forming hosts are equally split between early- and late-type hosts. The position of AGN hosts on the U − V versusV − J diagram is then used to set limits on the accretion density of the Universe associated with evolved and star-forming systems independent of dust induced biases. It is found that most of the black hole growth at z≈ 0.40 and 0.85 is associated with star-forming hosts. Nevertheless, a non-negligible fraction of the X-ray luminosity density, about 15–20 per cent, at both z¯=0.40 and 0.85, is taking place in galaxies in the quiescent region of the U − V versus V − J diagram. For the low-redshift sub-sample, 0.1 < z < 0.6, we also find tentative evidence, significant at the 2σ level, that AGN split by their U − V and V − J colours have different Eddington ratio distributions. AGN in blue star-forming hosts dominate at relatively high Eddington ratios. In contrast, AGN in red quiescent hosts become increasingly important as a fraction of the total population towards low Eddington ratios. At higher redshift, z > 0.6, such differences are significant at the 2σ level only for sources with Eddington ratios ≳ 10^− 3. These findings are consistent with scenarios in which diverse accretion modes are responsible for the build-up of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies. We compare these results with the predictions of theGALFORM semi-analytic model for the cosmological evolution of AGN and galaxies. This model postulates two black hole fuelling modes, the first is linked to star formation events and the second takes place in passive galaxies. GALFORM predicts that a substantial fraction of the black hole growth at z < 1 is associated with quiescent galaxies, in apparent conflict with the observations. Relaxing the strong assumption of the model that passive AGN hosts have zero star formation rate could bring those predictions in better agreement with the data.


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We combine high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3 images with multi-wavelength photometry to track the evolution of structure and activity of massive (M_*> 10^10 M_☉) galaxies at redshifts z = 1.4-3 in two fields of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey. We detect compact, star-forming galaxies (cSFGs) whose number densities, masses, sizes, and star formation rates (SFRs) qualify them as likely progenitors of compact, quiescent, massive galaxies (cQGs) at z = 1.5-3. At z≲2, cSFGs present SFR = 100-200 M_☉ yr^–1, yet their specific star formation rates (sSFR ~ 10^–9 yr^–1) are typically half that of other massive SFGs at the same epoch, and host X-ray luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs) 30 times (~30%) more frequently. These properties suggest that cSFGs are formed by gas-rich processes (mergers or disk-instabilities) that induce a compact starburst and feed an AGN, which, in turn, quench the star formation on dynamical timescales (few 10^8 yr). The cSFGs are continuously being formed at z = 2-3 and fade to cQGs down to z ~ 1.5. After this epoch, cSFGs are rare, thereby truncating the formation of new cQGs. Meanwhile, down to z = 1, existing cQGs continue to enlarge to match local QGs in size, while less-gas-rich mergers and other secular mechanisms shepherd (larger) SFGs as later arrivals to the red sequence. In summary, we propose two evolutionary tracks of QG formation: an early (z≲2), formation path of rapidly quenched cSFGs fading into cQGs that later enlarge within the quiescent phase, and a late-arrival (z≳2) path in which larger SFGs form extended QGs without passing through a compact state.


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We present some of the first science data with the new Keck/MOSFIRE instrument to test the effectiveness of different AGN/SF diagnostics at z ~ 1.5. MOSFIRE spectra were obtained in three H-band multi-slit masks in the GOODS-S field, resulting in 2 hr exposures of 36 emission-line galaxies. We compare X-ray data with the traditional emission-line ratio diagnostics and the alternative mass-excitation and color-excitation diagrams, combining new MOSFIRE infrared data with previous HST/WFC3 infrared spectra (from the 3D-HST survey) and multiwavelength photometry. We demonstrate that a high [O III]/Hβ ratio is insufficient as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) indicator at z > 1. For the four X-ray-detected galaxies, the classic diagnostics ([O III]/Hβ versus [N II]/Hα and [S II]/Hα) remain consistent with X-ray AGN/SF classification. The X-ray data also suggest that "composite" galaxies (with intermediate AGN/SF classification) host bona fide AGNs. Nearly ~2/3 of the z ~ 1.5 emission-line galaxies have nuclear activity detected by either X-rays or the classic diagnostics. Compared to the X-ray and line ratio classifications, the mass-excitation method remains effective at z > 1, but we show that the color-excitation method requires a new calibration to successfully identify AGNs at these redshifts.


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The aim of this Thesis work is to study the multi-frequency properties of the Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy (ULIRG) IRAS 00183-7111 (I00183) at z = 0.327, connecting ALMA sub-mm/mm observations with those at high energies in order to place constraints on the properties of its central power source and verify whether the gas traced by the CO may be responsible for the obscuration observed in X-rays. I00183 was selected from the so-called Spoon diagnostic diagram (Spoon et al. 2007) for mid-infrared spectra of infrared galaxies based on the equivalent width of the 6.2 μm Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature versus the 9.7 μm silicate strength. Such features are a powerful tool to investigate the contribution of star formation and AGN activity in this class of objects. I00183 was selected from the top-left region of the plot where the most obscured sources, characterized by a strong Si absorption feature, are located. To link the sub-mm/mm to the X-ray properties of I00183, ALMA archival Cycle 0 data in Band 3 (87 GHz) and Band 6 (270 GHz) have been calibrated and analyzed, using CASA software. ALMA Cycle 0 was the Early Science program for which data reprocessing is strongly suggested. The main work of this Thesis consisted in reprocessing raw data to provide an improvement with respect to the available archival products and results, which were obtained using standard procedures. The high-energy data consists of Chandra, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations which provide a broad coverage of the spectrum in the energy range 0.5 − 30 keV. Chandra and XMM archival data were used, with an exposure time of 22 and 22.2 ks, respectively; their reduction was carried out using CIAO and SAS software. The 100 ks NuSTAR are still private and the spectra were obtained by courtesy of the PI (K. Iwasawa). A detailed spectral analysis was done using XSPEC software; the spectral shape was reproduced starting from simple phenomenological models, and then more physical models were introduced to account for the complex mechanisms that involve this source. In Chapter 1, an overview of the scientific background is discussed, with a focus on the target, I00183, and the Spoon diagnostic diagram, from which it was originally selected. In Chapter 2, the basic principles of interferometry are briefly introduced, with a description of the calibration theory applied to interferometric observations. In Chapter 3, ALMA and its capabilities, both current and future, are shown, explaining also the complex structure of the ALMA archive. In Chapter 4, the calibration of ALMA data is presented and discussed, showing also the obtained imaging products. In Chapter 5, the analysis and discussion of the main results obtained from ALMA data is presented. In Chapter 6, the X-ray observations, data reduction and spectral analysis are reported, with a brief introduction to the basic principle of X-ray astronomy and the instruments from which the observations were carried out. Finally, the overall work is summarized, with particular emphasis on the main obtained results and the possible future perspectives.


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L'analisi degli spetti astronomici ci fornisce informazioni cruciali per la comprensione degli oggetti astrofisici che li generano. In questo breve elaborato, si analizzano i processi fisici a livello microscopico che portano alla loro formazione, i meccanismi per i quali le righe subiscono uno shift, e quelli per cui il loro profilo viene modificato. Infine, si approfondiscono alcuni esempi astrofisici di spettri.


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SHARDS, an ESO/GTC Large Program, is an ultra-deep (26.5 mag) spectro-photometric survey with GTC/OSIRIS designed to select and study massive passively evolving galaxies at z=1.0-2.3 in the GOODS-N field using a set of 24 medium-band filters (FWHM ∼ 17 nm) covering the 500-950 nm spectral range. Our observing strategy has been planned to detect, for z>1 sources, the prominent Mg absorption feature (at rest-frame ∼ 280 nm), a distinctive, necessary, and sufficient feature of evolved stellar populations (older than 0.5 Gyr). These observations are being used to: (1) derive for the first time an unbiased sample of high-z quiescent galaxies, which extends to fainter magnitudes the samples selected with color techniques and spectroscopic surveys; (2) derive accurate ages and stellar masses based on robust measurements of spectral features such as the Mg_UV or D(4000) indices; (3) measure their redshift with an accuracy Δz/(1+z)<0.02; and (4) study emission-line galaxies (starbursts and AGN) up to very high redshifts. The well-sampled optical SEDs provided by SHARDS for all sources in the GOODS-N field are a valuable complement for current and future surveys carried out with other telescopes (e.g., Spitzer, HST, and Herschel).


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Our main objective is to determine what kind of galaxies dominate the cosmic SFR density at z~2. Our sample consists of 24 galaxies in Chandra Deep Field South, a unique field for the study of galaxy evolution (12 observed with GNIRS/GEMINI and 12 with ISAAC/VLT). We use H alpha together with the already merged X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, near and mid-infrared imaging data to obtain estimations of SFRs, metallicities, stellar and dynamical masses, AGN activity, and extinction properties. We have obtained 15 Hα detections, 4 rotation curves, and SFR relationship for 7 galaxies. The metallicities obtained for 8 galaxies of the sample are compatible with the metallicities of local galaxies.


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During our Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) of massive galaxy clusters, we have discovered an exceptionally bright source behind the z = 0.22 cluster Abell 773, which appears to be a strongly lensed submillimeter galaxy (SMG) at z = 5.2429. This source is unusual compared to most other lensed sources discovered by Herschel so far, because of its higher submm flux (∼200 mJy at 500 μm) and its high redshift. The dominant lens is a foreground z = 0.63 galaxy, not the cluster itself. The source has a far-infrared (FIR) luminosity of L_FIR = 1.1 × 10^14/μ L_⨀, where μ is the magnification factor, likely ∼11. We report here the redshift identification through CO lines with the IRAM-30 m, and the analysis of the gas excitation, based on CO(7–6), CO(6–5), CO(5–4) detected at IRAM and the CO(2–1) at the EVLA. All lines decompose into a wide and strong red component, and a narrower and weaker blue component, 540 km s^−1 apart. Assuming the ultraluminous galaxy (ULIRG) CO-to-H_2 conversion ratio, the H_2 mass is 5.8×10^11/μ M_⨀, of which one third is in a cool component. From the CI(^3P_2−^3 P_1) line we derive a C_I/H_2 number abundance of 6 × 10^−5 similar to that in other ULIRGs. The H_2O_p(2, 0, 2−1, 1, 1) line is strong only in the red velocity component, with an intensity ratio I(H_2O)/I(CO) ∼ 0.5, suggesting a strong local FIR radiation field, possibly from an active nucleus (AGN) component. We detect the [NII]205 μm line for the first time at high-z. It shows comparable blue and red components, with a strikingly broad blue one, suggesting strong ionized gas flows.