906 resultados para Aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms
The ocean quahog, Arctica islandica is the longest-lived non-colonial animal known to science. A maximum individual age of this bivalve of 405 years has been found in a population off the north western coast of Iceland. Conspicuously shorter maximum lifespan potentials (MLSPs) were recorded from other populations of A. islandica in European waters (e.g. Kiel Bay: 30 years, German Bight: 150 years) which experience wider temperature and salinity fluctuations than the clams from Iceland. The aim of my thesis was to identify possible life-prolonging physiological strategies in A. islandica and to examine the modulating effects of extrinsic factors (e.g. seawater temperature, food availability) and intrinsic factors (e.g. species-specific behavior) on these strategies. Burrowing behavior and metabolic rate depression (MRD), tissue-specific antioxidant and anaerobic capacities as well as cell-turnover (= apoptosis and proliferation) rates were investigated in A. islandica from Iceland and the German Bight. An inter-species comparison of the quahog with the epibenthic scallop Aequipecten opercularis (MLSP = 8-10 years) was carried out in order to determine whether bivalves with short lifespans and different lifestyles also feature a different pattern in cellular maintenance and repair. The combined effects of a low-metabolic lifestyle, low oxidative damage accumulation, and constant investment into cellular protection and tissue maintenance, appear to slow-down the process of physiological aging in A. islandica and to afford the extraordinarily long MLSP in this species. Standard metabolic rates were lower in A. islandica when compared to the shorter-lived A. opercularis. Furthermore, A. islandica regulate mantle cavity water PO2 to mean values < 5 kPa, a PO2 at which the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in isolated gill tissues of the clams was found to be 10 times lower than at normoxic conditions (21 kPa). Burrowing and metabolic rate depression (MRD) in Icelandic specimens were more pronounced in winter, possibly supported by low seawater temperature and food availability, and seem to be key energy-saving and life-prolonging parameters in A. islandica. The signaling molecule nitric oxide (NO) may play an important role during the onset of MRD in the ocean quahog by directly inhibiting cytochome-c-oxidase at low internal oxygenation upon shell closure. In laboratory experiments, respiration of isolated A. islandica gills was completely inhibited by chemically produced NO at low experimental PO2 <= 10 kPa. During shell closure, mantle cavity water PO2 decreased to 0 kPa for longer than 24 h, a state in which ROS production is supposed to subside. Compared to other mollusk species, onset of anaerobic metabolism is late in A. islandica in the metabolically reduced state. Increased accumulation of the anaerobic metabolite succinate was initially detected in the adductor muscle of the clams after 3.5 days under anoxic incubation or in burrowed specimens. A ROS-burst was absent in isolated gill tissue of the clams following hypoxia (5 kPa)-reoxygenation (21 kPa). Accordingly, neither the activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), nor the specific content of the ROS-scavenger glutathione (GSH) was enhanced in different tissues of the ocean quahog after 3.5 days of self-induced or forced hypoxia/anoxia to prepare for an oxidative burst. While reduced ROS formation compared to routine levels lowers oxidative stress during MRD and also during surfacing, the general preservation of high cellular defense and the efficient removal and replacement of damaged cells over lifetime seem to be of crucial importance in decelerating the senescent decline in tissues of A. islandica. Along with stable antioxidant protection over 200 years of age, proliferation rates and apoptosis intensities in most investigated tissues of the ocean quahog were low, but constant over 140 years of age. Accordingly, age-dependent accumulations of protein and lipid oxidation products are lower in A. islandica tissues when compared to the shorter-lived bivalve A. opercularis. The short-lived swimming scallop is a model bivalve species representing the opposite life and aging strategy to A. islandica. In this species permanently high energy throughput, reduced investment into antioxidant defense with age, and higher accumulation of oxidation products are met by higher cell turnover rates than in the ocean quahog. The only symptoms of physiological change over age ever found in A. islandica were decreasing cell turnover rates in the heart muscle over a lifetime of 140 years. This may either indicate higher damage levels and possibly ongoing loss of functioning in the heart of aging clams, or, the opposite, lower rates of cell damage and a reduced need for cell renewal in the heart tissue of A. islandica over lifetime. Basic physiological capacities of different A. islandica populations, measured at controlled laboratory conditions, could not explain considerable discrepancies in population specific MLSPs. For example, levels of tissue-specific antioxidant capacities and cell turnover rates were similarly high in individuals from the German Bight and from Iceland. Rather than genetic differences, the local impacts of environmental conditions on behavioral and physiological traits in the ocean quahog seem to be responsible for differences in population-specific MLSPs.
Introducción. La prevalencia de la Diabetes Gestacional (DG) varía en todo el mundo, así como entre los grupos raciales y étnicos del mismo país. Hasta la fecha actual, no se ha llegado a un consenso en el criterio diagnóstico, y eso dificulta una estimación veraz de prevalencia entre países. A pesar de ello, es ineludible obviar el incremento en la incidencia de esta complicación en todo el mundo, y la trascendencia de sus riesgos a la salud pública. En España, según los criterios clásicos –del National Diabetes Data Group- existe una alta prevalencia en un 8,8 % de DG en gestantes. Es importante encontrar la mejor vía para la prevención de la DG y, uno de los factores de riesgo parece ser el aumento excesivo de peso durante el embarazo. El ejercicio es un elemento fundamental para el control del metabolismo de la glucosa y para reducir los niveles de hiperlipidemia. Sin embargo, existe controversia para definir el tipo de sesiones, duración e intensidad que puedan contribuir a su prevención. Objetivo. Conocer en qué medida el ejercicio físico programado durante el embarazo, combinado en agua y tierra, con ejercicios aeróbicos y de tonificación muscular, puede actuar como un factor de prevención de la DG. Al mismo tiempo, valorar si exceder las recomendaciones de peso puede influir el diagnóstico de la DG. Material y Métodos. Este estudio se desarrolló mediante una colaboración entre la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y los Servicios de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital Universitario de Puerta de Hierro, el Hospital Universitario de Torrelodones y el Centro de Salud de Torrelodones. Se obtuvo la aprobación del Comité Ético de Investigación Clínica (CEIC). Se realizó un ensayo clínico, aleatorizado, controlado, no enmascarado. 272 mujeres gestantes sanas dieron su consentimiento informado para la inclusión en el estudio. De las cuáles, finalmente 257 (edad= 33,2±4,4 años) fueron analizadas, 101 de ellas correspondientes al grupo intervención (GI, n=101) y 156 al grupo control (GC, n=156). El inicio del programa correspondió a la semana 10-14 del embarazo hasta el final, la 38-40. Con una frecuencia de 3 sesiones semanales y una duración de 60 y 50 minutos, en tierra y agua, respectivamente. Resultados. Se halló diferencias significativas en los valores en los 180 min del test de tolerancia oral a la glucosa [GI: 98,00±29,48 mg/dl vs. GC: 116,25±29,90 mg/dl (t64= 2,37; p= 0,021)] y, de igual modo, el GI mostró menor prevalencia de la DG [GI: 1 %, Ejercicio y DG n= 1 vs. GC: 8,8 %, n= 13 (2 1= 6,84; p= 0,009)] y una estimación de riesgo significativa (OR= 9,604; 95 % CI: 1,23-74,66). La excesiva ganancia de peso fue menor en el GI [GI: 22,8 %, n= 23 vs. GC: 34,9 %, n= 53 (2 1= 4,22; p= 0,040)], pero no existió una correlación con la incidencia de DG (ϕ= -0,007; p= 0,910). Conclusiones. El programa de ejercicio desarrollado durante el embarazo mostró efectividad en la reducción de la prevalencia de la DG, preservó la tolerancia a la glucosa y redujo la excesiva ganancia de peso materno. Background. The prevalence of Gestational Diabetes (GD) varies around the world, as well as between racial and ethnic groups within the same country. Currently, there is not a consensus about the diagnostic criteria, and that makes it difficult to obtain accurate estimates of prevalence between countries. The increased trend in the prevalence across the globe and the risks for public health cannot be ignored. In Spain, according to the diagnostic criteria of National Diabetes Data Group, there is a prevalence of 8.8 % for GD in pregnant women. It is important to look for the best way to prevent GD and one of the risk factors seems to be excessive weight gained during pregnancy. Exercise is an essential element for glucose metabolic control and reducing hyperlipidemia levels. However, there is controversy to define the type of activity, duration and intensity to prevent GD. Objective. To assess the effectiveness of an exercise programme carried out during pregnancy (land/aquatic activities), both aerobic and muscular conditioning can help to the prevent GD. Also, to assess if excessive maternal weight gain influences the GD diagnosis. Material and methods. Collaboration between the Technical University of Madrid and the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Puerta de Hierro University Hospital, Torrelodones University Hospital and Health Center of Torrelodones supported the study. It was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CEIC). A clinical, randomized controlled trial recruited 272 pregnant women without obstetric contraindications and gave informed consent for inclusion in the study. Of these women, 257 were studied (age= 33,2±4,4 years), 101 in intervention group (IG, n= 101) and 156 in control group (CG, n= 156). A physical exercise program three times per week during pregnancy was developed. The duration of the sessions was 60 minutes and 50 minutes in land and water, respectively. Results. The IG showed lower maternal values in the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) at 180 minutes [IG: 98,00±29,48 mg/dl vs. CG: 116,25±29,90 mg/dl (t64= 2,37; p= 0,021)] and the IG reduced the prevalence of GD [IG: 1%, n= 1 vs. CG: 8,8 %, n= 13 (2 1= 6,84; p= 0,009)] with a significance risk estimate (OR= 9,604; 95 % CI: 1,23- 74,66). Excessive maternal weight gain was less in the IG [IG: 22,8 %, n= 23 vs. CG: Exercise and GD 34,9 %, n= 53 (2 1= 4,22; p= 0,040)] but there was no correlation with the prevalence of GD (ϕ= -0,007; p= 0,910). Conclusions. The exercise programme performed during pregnancy reduced the prevalence of GD, preserved glucose tolerance and reduced excessive maternal weight gain.
We previously reported that short exposure of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) fruits to high temperature protects them from chilling injury. To study the involvement of heat-shock proteins (HSPs) in the acquisition of low-temperature tolerance, we cloned two heat-shock-induced genes that are also expressed at low temperatures. The cloned cDNAs belong to the small HSP group. Sequence analyses of the clones showed perfect homology to the tomato-ripening gene tom66 and to the tomato chloroplastic HSP21 gene tom111. The expression of both genes was induced by high temperature in fruits, flowers, leaves, and stems, but not by low or ambient temperatures or by other stresses such as drought and anaerobic conditions. When the heated fruits were transferred to low temperature, tom66 and tom111 mRNA levels first decreased but were then reinduced. Induction was not observed in nonheated fruits at low temperature. Immunodetection of tom111-encoded protein indicated that this protein is present at low temperatures in the heated fruits. The results of this study show that the expression of tom66 and tom111 is correlated with protection against some, but not all, symptoms of chilling injury.
Reef-building corals and other tropical anthozoans harbor endosymbiotic dinoflagellates. It is now recognized that the dinoflagellates are fundamental to the biology of their hosts, and their carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are linked in important ways. Unlike free living species, growth of symbiotic dinoflagellates is unbalanced and a substantial fraction of the carbon fixed daily by symbiont photosynthesis is released and used by the host for respiration and growth. Release of fixed carbon as low molecular weight compounds by freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates is evoked by a factor (i.e., a chemical agent) present in a homogenate of host tissue. We have identified this "host factor" in the Hawaiian coral Pocillopora damicornis as a set of free amino acids. Synthetic amino acid mixtures, based on the measured free amino acid pools of P. damicornis tissues, not only elicit the selective release of 14C-labeled photosynthetic products from isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates but also enhance total 14CO2 fixation.
Introdução: O fenótipo asma-obeso caracteriza-se por uma asma mais grave, no qual o controle clínico é mais difícil de ser alcançado, mesmo sob terapia medicamentosa otimizada. A cirurgia bariátrica tem sido recomendada para perda de peso e melhora dos sintomas, porém os benefícios de intervenções não-cirúrgicas têm sido pouco estudados. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do treinamento físico associado a um programa de perda de peso no controle clínico da asma, qualidade de vida e sintomas psicossociais em asmáticos obesos. Métodos: 55 pacientes com asma moderada a grave e obesidade grau II (IMC >= 35 e < 39.9 kg/m2) foram alocados em 2 grupos: programa de perda de peso + placebo (PP+P) ou programa de perda de peso + exercícios (PP+E), sendo que o programa de perda de peso incluiu terapia nutricional e psicológica (12 sessões semanais de 60 minutos cada). O grupo PP+E associou exercícios aeróbios e resistidos programa de perda de peso, enquanto o grupo PP+P associou exercícios placebo (respiratórios e alongamentos), 2xvezes/semana, 60 minutos/sessão durante 3 meses. Antes e após as intervenções, foram avaliados o controle clínico da asma, os fatores de saúde relacionados a qualidade de vida (FSRQV), a capacidade física, a composição corporal, os sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, a qualidade do sono, a função pulmonar e as inflamações das vias aéreas e sistêmica. A comparação dos dados contínuos entre os grupos foi realizada por ANOVA de dois fatores com medidas repetidas e das variáveis categóricas pelo teste qui-quadrado. A correlação linear e a regressão linear múltipla foram utilizadas para avaliar associações entre as variáveis avaliadas. Resultados: Foram analisados os resultados de 51 pacientes que foram reavaliados. Comparado com o grupo PP+P, os pacientes que realizaram exercício apresentaram melhora no controle clínico da asma (- 0,7 [-1,3 - -0,3] vs. -0,3 [-0,9 - 0,4] escore ACQ; p=0,01) e nos FSRQV (0,8 [0,3 -2,0] vs. 0,4 [-0,3 - 0,9] escore AQLQ; p=0,02), respectivamente. Essa melhora parece ter sido consequência do aumento do condicionamento físico (3,0 [2,4-4,0] vs. 0,9 [-0,3-1,3] mL.O2/Kg/min; p < 0,001) e da perda de peso (6,8±3,5% vs. 3,1±2,6% do peso corpóreo; p < 0,001) nos pacientes do grupo PP+E, que também apresentaram uma melhora dos sintomas de depressão, da qualidade do sono (ronco, latência e eficiência) e dos níveis séricos de vitamina D. Houve também melhora da função pulmonar (capacidade vital forçada e volume de reserva expiratório) e das inflamações das vias aéreas (FeNO) e sistêmica (CCL2, CXCL9, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-alfa, IL-10 e leptina/adiponectina), que parecem ser possíveis mecanismos associados à melhora do controle clinico da asma nos pacientes do grupo PP+E (p < 0,05 para todas variáveis apresentadas). Conclusão: A inclusão do treinamento físico em um programa de perda de peso a curto prazo deve ser considerada como uma intervenção eficiente para associar à terapia medicamentosa da asma na melhora do controle clínico em asmáticos obesos
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Culture-negative peritoneal inflammation accounts for between 5 and 20% of cases of peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients. Diagnostic yields may be enhanced considerably by reculturing dialysate effluents using appropriate collection methods and optimal laboratory techniques (including prolonged low-temperature and anaerobic incubations). In patients with persistent culture-negative peritonitis, consideration should be given to the possibilities of unusual or fastidious microorganisms (especially fungi and mycobacteria) and non-infective causes (especially drug reactions, malignancy, visceral inflammation and retroperitoneal inflammation). In this paper, an illustrative case of persistent culture-negative peritonitis is presented followed by a discussion of the investigative approach to such patients, with particular emphasis on differential diagnosis and the limitations of currently available tests.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente
The objective was to evaluate amino acid composition of silages produced from three raw materials. Commercial marine fish waste, commercial freshwater fish waste, and tilapia filleting residue were used to produce fish silage by acid digestion (20 ml/kg formic acid and 20 ml/kg sulfuric acid) and anaerobic fermentation (50 g/kg Lactobacillus plantarum, 150 g/kg sugar cane molasses). Protein content and amino acid composition were determined for raw materials and silage. Marine fish waste had higher crude protein content (776.7 g/kg) compared to freshwater fish waste (496.2 g/kg) and tilapia filleting residue (429.9 g/kg). All silages lacked up to three amino acids for each product according to FAO standards for essential amino acids. However, considering as the limiting factor only the amino acids below the 30% minimum requirement for fish in general, all products were satisfactory with respect to essential amino acids. Therefore, the results suggest that all products investigated are appropriate for use in balanced fish diets. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The randomized controlled trial ‘Physical Activity in Pediatric Cancer’ (PAPEC) determined the effects of an in-hospital exercise intervention combining aerobic and muscle strength training on pediatric cancer patients with solid tumors undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Methods. Participants were allocated to an exercise (n=24, 17 boys; mean±SEM age 10±1y) or control group (n=25, 18 boys; 11±1y). Training included three sessions/week for 19±2 weeks. Participants were assessed at treatment initiation, termination, and two months after end-treatment. The primary endpoint was muscle strength (as assessed by upper and lower-body five-repetition-maximum (5RM) tests). Secondary endpoints included cardiorespiratory fitness, functional capacity during daily life activities, physical activity, body mass and body mass index, and quality of life. Results. Most sessions were performed in the hospital’s gymnasium. Adherence to the program averaged 68±4% and no major adverse events or health issues were noted. A significant interaction (group*time) effect was found for all 5RM tests. Performance significantly increased after training (leg press: 40% (95% CI=15–41 kg); bench press: 24% (95% CI=6–14 kg); lateral row 25% (95%CI=6–15 kg)), whereas an opposite trend was found in controls. Two-month post values tended to be higher than baseline for leg (P=0.017) and bench press (P=0.014). In contrast, no significant interaction effect was found for any of the secondary endpoints. Conclusion. An in-hospital exercise program for pediatric cancer patients with solid tumors undergoing neoadjuvant treatment increases muscle strength despite the aggressiveness of such therapy. Key words: Cancer, exercise, muscle strength, fitness, quality of life.
Introducción y objetivo: La escala de auto-reporte de la condición física (IFIS) “The International FItness Scale”, fue creada como parte del proyecto financiado por la unión europea HELENA Study “Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence”. A la fecha, no se conoce ningún estudio que haya examinado el auto-reporte de la condición física en un contexto distinto al Europeo. Este trabajo evalúa por auto-reporte la condición física relacionada con la salud (CFRS) en una muestra de niños y adolescentes del distrito de Bogotá pertenecientes al grupo FUPRECOL. Materiales y Método: Estudio transversal en 1.922 escolares (54.3% mujeres). Se aplicó de manera auto-administrada la escala “IFIS”. Se midió el peso, talla, circunferencia de cintura y se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) en kg/m2. La capacidad aeróbica, el índice general de fuerza (z-score fuerza prensil + z-score salto de longitud), la velocidad/agilidad y la flexibilidad fueron como indicadores objetivos de la CFRS objetiva y directa. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.922 escolares, de los cuales 1.045 fueron mujeres (54.3%) y 877 hombres (45.6%). El análisis ANOVA mostró que los varones tenían mayores valores de peso (p<0.003), estatura (p<0.001), CC (p<0.001), capacidad aeróbica (p<0.001), velocidad/agilidad (p<0.001) e índice general de fuerza (p<0.001), mientras que las mujeres presentaron exceso de peso por IMC (sobrepeso y obesidad). En el componente de condición física general, las puntuaciones más altas en la escala “IFIS” se encontraron en la categoría buena (40%), seguido de aceptable (34%), mientras que la puntuación más baja se encontró en la categoría muy mala/mala (6%). En población general, relaciones lineales fueron observadas entre el auto-reporte de la CFRS por la escala “IFIS” y la mayoría de los indicadores del fitness evaluado objetivamente. El análisis post-hoc ajustado por sexo, edad y etapa de maduración reveló que los escolares que acusaron mejores valores en la auto-percepción de los dominios del “IFIS”, presentaron mejor desempeño en los indicadores de CFRS objetivos. Conclusión: Este trabajo describe por primera vez en población Latina, que el auto-reporte con la escala “IFIS”, es un instrumento válido para evaluar la CFRS, y además posee una adecuada capacidad para clasificar la aptitud física en población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia. Esta escala se encuentra disponible para otros investigadores interesados en evaluar la condición física muscular en América Latina.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present work evaluated the performance of two treatment systems in reducing indicators of biological contamination in swine production wastewater. System I consisted of two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, with 510 and 209 L in volume, being serially arranged. System II consisted of a UASB reactor, anaerobic filter, trickling filter, and decanter, being also organized in series, with volumes of 300, 190, 250, and 150 L, respectively. Hydraulic retention times (HRT) applied in the first UASB reactors were 40, 30, 20, and 11 h in systems I and II. The average removal efficiencies of total and thermotolerant coliforms in system I were 92.92% to 99.50% and 94.29% to 99.56%, respectively, and increased in system II to 99.45% to 99.91% and 99.52% to 99.93%, respectively. Average removal rates of helminth eggs in system I were 96.44% to 99.11%, reaching 100% as in system II. In reactor sludge, the counts of total and thermotolerant coliforms ranged between 10(5) and 10(9) MPN (100 mL)(-1), while helminth eggs ranged from 0.86 to 9.27 eggs g(-1) TS.
A two-stage bioreactor was operated for a period of 140 days in order to develop a post-treatment process based on anaerobic bioxidation of sulfite. This process was designed for simultaneously treating the effluent and biogas of a full-scale UASB reactor, containing significant concentrations of NH4 and H2S, respectively. The system comprised of two horizontal-flow bed-packed reactors operated with different oxygen concentrations. Ammonium present in the effluent was transformed into nitrates in the first aerobic stage. The second anaerobic stage combined the treatment of nitrates in the liquor with the hydrogen sulfide present in the UASB-reactor biogas. Nitrates were consumed with a significant production of sulfate, resulting in a nitrate removal rate of 0.43 kg N m(3) day(-1) and a parts per thousand yen92 % efficiency. Such a removal rate is comparable to those achieved by heterotrophic denitrifying systems. Polymeric forms of sulfur were not detected (elementary sulfur); sulfate was the main product of the sulfide-based denitrifying process. S-sulfate was produced at a rate of about 0.35 kg m(3) day(-1). Sulfur inputs as S-H2S were estimated at about 0.75 kg m(3) day(-1) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal rates did not vary significantly during the process. DGGE profiling and 16S rRNA identified Halothiobacillus-like species as the key microorganism supporting this process; such a strain has not yet been previously associated with such bioengineered systems.