985 resultados para Aerial photography in oceanography.
The control of aerial gymnastic maneuvers is challenging because these maneuvers frequently involve complex rotational motion and because the performer has limited control of the maneuver during flight. A performer can influence a maneuver using a sequence of limb movements during flight. However, the same sequence may not produce reliable performances in the presence of off-nominal conditions. How do people compensate for variations in performance to reliably produce aerial maneuvers? In this report I explore the role that passive dynamic stability may play in making the performance of aerial maneuvers simple and reliable. I present a control strategy comprised of active and passive components for performing robot front somersaults in the laboratory. I show that passive dynamics can neutrally stabilize the layout somersault which involves an "inherently unstable" rotation about the intermediate principal axis. And I show that a strategy that uses open loop joint torques plus passive dynamics leads to more reliable 1 1/2 twisting front somersaults in simulation than a strategy that uses prescribed limb motion. Results are presented from laboratory experiments on gymnastic robots, from dynamic simulation of humans and robots, and from linear stability analyses of these systems.
Flood extent maps derived from SAR images are a useful source of data for validating hydraulic models of river flood flow. The accuracy of such maps is reduced by a number of factors, including changes in returns from the water surface caused by different meteorological conditions and the presence of emergent vegetation. The paper describes how improved accuracy can be achieved by modifying an existing flood extent delineation algorithm to use airborne laser altimetry (LiDAR) as well as SAR data. The LiDAR data provide an additional constraint that waterline (land-water boundary) heights should vary smoothly along the flooded reach. The method was tested on a SAR image of a flood for which contemporaneous aerial photography existed, together with LiDAR data of the un-flooded reach. Waterline heights of the SAR flood extent conditioned on both SAR and LiDAR data matched the corresponding heights from the aerial photo waterline significantly more closely than those from the SAR flood extent conditioned only on SAR data.
Urban flood inundation models require considerable data for their parameterisation, calibration and validation. TerraSAR-X should be suitable for urban flood detection because of its high resolution in stripmap/spotlight modes. The paper describes ongoing work on a project to assess how well TerraSAR-X can detect flooded regions in urban areas, and how well these can constrain the parameters of an urban flood model. The study uses a TerraSAR-X image of a 1-in-150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK , in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SETES SAR simulator was used in conjunction with LiDAR data to estimate regions of the image in which water would not be visible due to shadow or layover caused by buildings and vegetation. An algorithm for the delineation of flood water in urban areas is described, together with its validation using the aerial photographs.
Recent severe flooding in the UK has highlighted the need for better information on flood risk, increasing the pressure on engineers to enhance the capabilities of computer models for flood prediction. This paper evaluates the benefits to be gained from the use of remotely sensed data to support flood modelling. The remotely sensed data available can be used either to produce high-resolution digital terrain models (DTMs) (light detection and ranging (Lidar) data), or to generate accurate inundation mapping of past flood events (airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and aerial photography). The paper reports on the modelling of real flood events that occurred at two UK sites on the rivers Severn and Ouse. At these sites a combination of remotely sensed data and recorded hydrographs was available. It is concluded first that light detection and ranging Lidar generated DTMs support the generation of considerably better models and enhance the visualisation of model results and second that flood outlines obtained from airborne SAR or aerial images help develop an appreciation of the hydraulic behaviour of important model components, and facilitate model validation. The need for further research is highlighted by a number of limitations, namely: the difficulties in obtaining an adequate representation of hydraulically important features such as embankment crests and walls; uncertainties in the validation data; and difficulties in extracting flood outlines from airborne SAR images in urban areas.
The study of the morphology of tidal networks and their relation to salt marsh vegetation is currently an active area of research, and a number of theories have been developed which require validation using extensive observations. Conventional methods of measuring networks and associated vegetation can be cumbersome and subjective. Recent advances in remote sensing techniques mean that these can now often reduce measurement effort whilst at the same time increasing measurement scale. The status of remote sensing of tidal networks and their relation to vegetation is reviewed. The measurement of network planforms and their associated variables is possible to sufficient resolution using digital aerial photography and airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR), with LiDAR also being able to measure channel depths. A multi-level knowledge-based technique is described to extract networks from LiDAR in a semi-automated fashion. This allows objective and detailed geomorphological information on networks to be obtained over large areas of the inter-tidal zone. It is illustrated using LIDAR data of the River Ems, Germany, the Venice lagoon, and Carnforth Marsh, Morecambe Bay, UK. Examples of geomorphological variables of networks extracted from LiDAR data are given. Associated marsh vegetation can be classified into its component species using airborne hyperspectral and satellite multispectral data. Other potential applications of remote sensing for network studies include determining spatial relationships between networks and vegetation, measuring marsh platform vegetation roughness, in-channel velocities and sediment processes, studying salt pans, and for marsh restoration schemes.
Remote sensing from space-borne platforms is often seen as an appealing method of monitoring components of the hydrological cycle, including river discharge, due to its spatial coverage. However, data from these platforms is often less than ideal because the geophysical properties of interest are rarely measured directly and the measurements that are taken can be subject to significant errors. This study assimilated water levels derived from a TerraSAR-X synthetic aperture radar image and digital aerial photography with simulations from a two dimensional hydraulic model to estimate discharge, inundation extent, depths and velocities at the confluence of the rivers Severn and Avon, UK. An ensemble Kalman filter was used to assimilate spot heights water levels derived by intersecting shorelines from the imagery with a digital elevation model. Discharge was estimated from the ensemble of simulations using state augmentation and then compared with gauge data. Assimilating the real data reduced the error between analyzed mean water levels and levels from three gauging stations to less than 0.3 m, which is less than typically found in post event water marks data from the field at these scales. Measurement bias was evident, but the method still provided a means of improving estimates of discharge for high flows where gauge data are unavailable or of poor quality. Posterior estimates of discharge had standard deviations between 63.3 m3s-1 and 52.7 m3s-1, which were below 15% of the gauged flows along the reach. Therefore, assuming a roughness uncertainty of 0.03-0.05 and no model structural errors discharge could be estimated by the EnKF with accuracy similar to that arguably expected from gauging stations during flood events. Quality control prior to assimilation, where measurements were rejected for being in areas of high topographic slope or close to tall vegetation and trees, was found to be essential. The study demonstrates the potential, but also the significant limitations of currently available imagery to reduce discharge uncertainty in un-gauged or poorly gauged basins when combined with model simulations in a data assimilation framework.
Full-waveform laser scanning data acquired with a Riegl LMS-Q560 instrument were used to classify an orange orchard into orange trees, grass and ground using waveform parameters alone. Gaussian decomposition was performed on this data capture from the National Airborne Field Experiment in November 2006 using a custom peak-detection procedure and a trust-region-reflective algorithm for fitting Gauss functions. Calibration was carried out using waveforms returned from a road surface, and the backscattering coefficient c was derived for every waveform peak. The processed data were then analysed according to the number of returns detected within each waveform and classified into three classes based on pulse width and c. For single-peak waveforms the scatterplot of c versus pulse width was used to distinguish between ground, grass and orange trees. In the case of multiple returns, the relationship between first (or first plus middle) and last return c values was used to separate ground from other targets. Refinement of this classification, and further sub-classification into grass and orange trees was performed using the c versus pulse width scatterplots of last returns. In all cases the separation was carried out using a decision tree with empirical relationships between the waveform parameters. Ground points were successfully separated from orange tree points. The most difficult class to separate and verify was grass, but those points in general corresponded well with the grass areas identified in the aerial photography. The overall accuracy reached 91%, using photography and relative elevation as ground truth. The overall accuracy for two classes, orange tree and combined class of grass and ground, yielded 95%. Finally, the backscattering coefficient c of single-peak waveforms was also used to derive reflectance values of the three classes. The reflectance of the orange tree class (0.31) and ground class (0.60) are consistent with published values at the wavelength of the Riegl scanner (1550 nm). The grass class reflectance (0.46) falls in between the other two classes as might be expected, as this class has a mixture of the contributions of both vegetation and ground reflectance properties.
An ability to quantify the reliability of probabilistic flood inundation predictions is a requirement not only for guiding model development but also for their successful application. Probabilistic flood inundation predictions are usually produced by choosing a method of weighting the model parameter space, but previous study suggests that this choice leads to clear differences in inundation probabilities. This study aims to address the evaluation of the reliability of these probabilistic predictions. However, a lack of an adequate number of observations of flood inundation for a catchment limits the application of conventional methods of evaluating predictive reliability. Consequently, attempts have been made to assess the reliability of probabilistic predictions using multiple observations from a single flood event. Here, a LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model of an extreme (>1 in 1000 years) flood event in Cockermouth, UK, is constructed and calibrated using multiple performance measures from both peak flood wrack mark data and aerial photography captured post-peak. These measures are used in weighting the parameter space to produce multiple probabilistic predictions for the event. Two methods of assessing the reliability of these probabilistic predictions using limited observations are utilized; an existing method assessing the binary pattern of flooding, and a method developed in this paper to assess predictions of water surface elevation. This study finds that the water surface elevation method has both a better diagnostic and discriminatory ability, but this result is likely to be sensitive to the unknown uncertainties in the upstream boundary condition
Between 1995 and 2000, on average 4 eddies per year are observed from satellite altimetry to propagate southward through the Mozambique Channel, into the upstream Agulhas region. Further south, these eddies have been found to control the timing and frequenc yof Agulhas ring shedding. Within the Mozambique Channel, anomalous SSH amplitudes rise to 30 cm ; in agreement with in situ measured velocities. Comparison of an observed velocit ysection with GCM model results shows that the Mozambique Channel eddies in these models are too surface intensified. Also, the number of eddies formed in the models is in disagreement with our observational analysis. Moored current meter measurements observing the passage of three eddies in 2000 are extended to a 5-year time series b yreferencing the anomalous surface currents estimated from altimeter data to a s ynoptic LADCP velocit y measurement. The results show intermittent edd ypassage at the mooring location. A statistical analysis of SSH observations in different parts of the Mozambique Channel shows a southward decrease of the dominant frequency of the variability, going from 7 per year in the extension of the South Equatorial Current north of Madagascar to 4 per year south of Madagascar. The observations suggest that frequency reduction is related to the Rossb ywaves coming in from the east
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A mandioca, apesar de ser nativa do Brasil, ainda é sub-utilizada principalmente quando a questão é o aproveitamento da sua parte aérea. Com o objetivo de estudar o potencial da mandioca para alimentação animal, o presente trabalho avaliou as características da parte aérea da planta quando submetida os processos de ensilagem e fenação. Os tratamentos consistiram de: parte aérea ensilada sem emurchecimento (PAS); parte aérea ensilada após 24 horas de emurchecimento (PAE) e parte aérea fenada (PAF). As análises químicas foram realizadas a fim de avaliar os parâmetros que determinam o valor nutritivo da silagem e do feno. O emurchecimento elevou o teor de matéria seca de 25% no material in natura para 27.7%, sem alterar o teor de carboidratos solúveis (33.3 e 35.5% de MS na PAS e PAE respectivamente), bem como o poder tampão (204 mmol kg-1 MS na PAS e 195 mmol kg-1 MS na PAE). Nem o pH (3.57 na silagem in natura e 3.60 na PAE) nem os teores de NIDA (11.32% do nitrogênio total na MS na PAS e 9.99% do nitrogênio total na MS na PAE) diferiram entre as silagens, mas o NIDA foi maior na forragem fenada (15.39%). Contudo, o emurchecimento provocou aumento no nitrogênio amoniacal (de 6.5% do nitrogênio total na MS da PAS para 13.0 do nitrogênio total na MS da PAE). Os teores de ácidos graxos voláteis não sofreram alterações com o emurchecimento. O processo de ensilagem reduziu os teores de ácido cianídrico livre (HCN), sem, contudo, alterar a cianidrina.
O presente trabalho utilizou ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informação geográfica, aliadas às informações espectrais do solo e quantitativas e qualitativas do relevo, para a caracterização e discriminação das classes de solos desenvolvidos do Grupo Barreiras na região do município de Porto Grande, Amapá. Após o mapeamento semidetalhado de solos, realizou-se a caracterização pontual das amostras dos perfis por meio de espectroscopia de visível e infravermelho (400-2500 nm), e a análise espacial das redes de drenagem e relevo a partir de fotos aéreas e imagens de radar. As informações quantitativas do relevo foram mais eficientes na caracterização e discriminação dos solos estudados do que as qualitativas, enquanto as informações espectrais permitiram caracterizar os solos em nível pontual. Métodos espaciais utilizando redes de drenagem e relevo e métodos espectrais utilizando amostras pontuais complementam-se na caracterização e discriminação de solos na paisagem.
Photointerpretative and multivariate statistical techniques were applied to variants of soil use measured in 4 hydrological basins of third order ramification, belonging to Tiete basin municipal district of Botucatu, Sao Paulo State. The aim was the grouping of basins of second degree of similarity, as well as to infer spatial distribution representativeness. The hydrological basins were located in 3 physiographic regions, with peripheric depression, cuesta front and cuesta backslope, embracing the following soil units: Regosol intergrade to Red Yellow Podzolic and intergrade to Red Yellow Latosol, Red Yellow Latosol-sandy phase, Litosol basaltic substract phase and Purple Latosol. The results obtained allow the conclusion that soil use not always reflects its fertility. -after English summary
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a methodology for semi-automatic road extraction from aerial digital image pairs by using dynamic programming and epipolar geometry. The method uses both images from where each road feature pair is extracted. The operator identifies the corresponding road featuresand s/he selects sparse seed points along them. After all road pairs have been extracted, epipolar geometry is applied to determine the automatic point-to-point correspondence between each correspondent feature. Finally, each correspondent road pair is georeferenced by photogrammetric intersection. Experiments were made with rural aerial images. The results led to the conclusion that the methodology is robust and efficient, even in the presence of shadows of trees and buildings or other irregularities.
The city of Cubatão is a densely populated area with high industrial activity. In the area there are also important linear works as roads, railways, pipelines, aqueducts and lines of transmission of energy. The geological and geomorphological features of the municipality, combined with the human activities, make the site an area heavily prone to the landslides, so a region at high risk. In this work, landslide scars were extracted in aerial photos from 1985 and 1994, years that recorded a high incidence of landslides. Quantitative analysis of the relationship between the occurrence of scars and the forms of tracks were conducted, based on an intensive survey of scars in the region, represented by 2595 extracted scars, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the slipping processes in the Serra do Mar paulista and thus to the reduction of risks in the region. Achievements have concluded that the greatest percentage of slides in the region is linked to the strands straitght, followed by convex, which confirms previous studies conducted in the region, in a qualitative way or with a much lower number of scars.