967 resultados para Aemilia Lepida (0003 av. J.-C.-0053) -- Portraits


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Se presenta una etnohistoria ambiental de la producción forestal en el bosque atlántico altoparanaense de Misiones (Argentina), entre 1874 y 2010. Para ello se utiliza el enfoque de la historia ambiental que se propone conocer las prácticas e ideas con las que una sociedad interviene la naturaleza (Arnold, 1992). Es etnohistoria, porque se orienta a caracterizar la diversidad de grupos sociales ágrafos y subalternos. En base a diferencias tecnológicas, de recurso y de territorio en uso, el período estudiado se subdividió en tres etapas: a) 1874 a 1920: la representación hegemónica es la selva como enemigo a vencer para integrar a Misiones a la Nación. b) 1930 a 1960: la selva es fuente de materia prima a costo cero. c) 1970 a 2010: la selva es resguardada en áreas de reserva, se define a la plantación monocultivo de árboles como bosque. La hipótesis central del artículo es que este abordaje histórico y etnográfico a la vez, posibilita entender la relación naturaleza-cultura como un proceso de configuración simultánea de dominios excluyentes, donde la clase y la diversidad étnica determinan experiencias sociales particulares del ambiente.


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This article-based thesis focuses on the formation of vocational knowing within adult and upper secondary floristry education in Sweden. Three articles explore classroom interaction and assessment actions; a fourth considers changes in vocational subject matter during the period 1990–2015. While the first three articles draw on empirical data in the form of video and audio recordings in combination with participant observation, the fourth is based primarily on material-based interview data. All four articles share a sociocultural perspective on educational practice (Wertsch, 1998; Säljö, 2011, 2013) and a relational view of knowing (e.g., Carlgren, 2015; Molander, 1996), in combination with the use of conversation analysis (Goodwin & Heritage, 1990; Sahlström & Melander, 2010) as a tool to illuminate the formation of vocational knowing. The interaction between teacher, student, and floral arrangement is foregrounded to facilitate analysis of the formation of vocational knowing. The results contribute to our understanding of the schooling of the gaze (Goodwin, 1994; Grasseni, 2009, 2011) as appropriated by participants in the interaction. Floristry vocational knowing is shown to evolve in the temporal dimension, encompassing (a) financial and aesthetic values, (b) verbal and non–verbal communication, (c) botanical material and tools, and (d) making. The respective roles and interrelations of these four components of vocational knowing in floristry are discussed. The contribution of the thesis is twofold. First, these articles contribute to the understanding of vocational education through close appraisal of the formation of vocational knowing. Second, in exploring the previously under-researched field of Swedish floristry vocational education, the thesis bridges a gap in existing knowledge of the evolution of Swedish vocational education. As floristry education is little researched internationally, the thesis also contributes to the wider body of international research. 


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Introduktion: HCV är en globalt utbredd virusinfektion som angriper levern och kan orsaka stort lidande för individen. Infektionen kan orsaka akuta eller kroniska tillstånd och de som infekterats löper en ökad risk att drabbas av följdsjukdomar som bland annat levercirros och levercancer. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med HCV i ett välfärdssamhälle. Metod: Studien är utformad som en litteraturstudie efter Polit och Beck (2012) niostegsmodell. Artikelsökningarna är gjorda i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och PsykINFO. Resultatet i studien bygger på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som granskats utifrån Polit och Becks (2012) granskningsmallar för kvalitativ respektive kvantitativ metod. Resultat: Resultatet utgörs av fem teman: Fysiska och psykiska symtoms inverkan på livskvalitet, Skiftande bemötande  inom sjukvården, Stigmatisering och rädsla för stigmatisering Stöd i mellanmänskliga relationer samt HCV innebär livsomställningar. Resultatet visar att HCV-diagnosticerade patienter upplever olika fysiska och psykiska besvär. Det framgår även att de upplever stigmatisering och diskriminering av samhället vilket har en negativ inverkan på dessa personers upplevelse av livskvalitet. Slutsats: HCV-diagnostiserade personer upplever ofta stigmatisering och diskriminering i sitt möte med sjukvården och i övriga relationer. Detta resulterar i att de undviker att söka vård och att berätta om sin diagnos, vilket leder till isolering och försämrad hälsa, både fysiskt och psykiskt.


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Shows existing and projected lots in the area bounded by 14th, 16th, Nicholson streets, and Missouri Av. N.W.


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La implementación de un nuevo modelo económico a partir del año 2002-2003 requirió la redefinición de la matriz productiva y, por tanto, la adecuación de la producción energética a las nuevas demandas. En este escenario se implementaron planificaciones acordes a las nuevas metas fijadas. En este trabajo analizamos la planificación y producción de represas hidroeléctricas a partir de la caída del régimen de convertibilidad en Argentina. No nos centraremos en el impacto que las mismas producen sobre poblaciones locales ni haremos eje en los efectos regionales, sino que abordaremos el estudio desde una perspectiva macro. La construcción de obras de infraestructura que permiten aprovechar los recursos hídricos, disminuyendo la dependencia energética de los combustibles fósiles, ha sido marcadamente controversial. Sin la pretensión de ofrecer respuestas terminantes, nos proponemos reflexionar sobre esta forma de producción de energía considerando el marco del desarrollo económico argentino actual y del involucramiento creciente del Estado en sus aspectos centrales.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma realidade comum nos grandes centros urbanos no mundo, e que acontece hoje de forma intensa e acelerada na cidade de Salvador, Bahia – Brasil: ocupações regularizadas das áreas de Florestas Tropicais (Mata Atlântica), neste caso, na Avenida Paralela, um dos lugares que vem passando por transformações na sua paisagem natural, com construções de condomínios residenciais para as classes média e alta, shoppings centers, lojas, abertura de ruas e avenidas e, principalmente, a expulsão dos moradores de áreas de “invasão” (favelas) que existem há décadas, como o Bairro da Paz, com a intensificação da especulação imobiliária e, como mecanismo de redução da violência urbana nesta localidade. Para o poder público, o desmatamento e a ocupação informal dessa mesma área há anos atrás era inaceitável, hoje, com a implementação de políticas “publicas”, como o gestado no Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano – PDDU, acontece não somente a devastação da Mata Atlântica, bem como o incentivo à ocupação formal e à segregação social dos grupos menos favorecidos.


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A broad range of motorcycle safety programs and systems exist in Australia and New Zealand. These vary from statewide licensing and training systems run by government licensing and transport agencies to safety programs run in small communities and by individual rider groups. While the effectiveness of licensing and training has been reviewed and recommendations for improvement have been developed (e.g. Haworth & Mulvihill, 2005), little is known about many smaller or innovative programs, and their potential to improve motorcycle safety in the ACT.


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Technology platforms originally developed for tissue engineering applications produce valuable models that mimic three-dimensional (3D) tissue organization and function to enhance the understanding of cell/tissue function under normal and pathological situations. These models show that when replicating physiological and pathological conditions as closely as possible investigators are allowed to probe the basic mechanisms of morphogenesis, differentiation and cancer. Significant efforts investigating angiogenetic processes and factors in tumorigenesis are currently undertaken to establish ways of targeting angiogenesis in tumours. Anti-angiogenic agents have been accepted for clinical application as attractive targeted therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. Combining the areas of tumour angiogenesis, combination therapies and drug delivery systems is therefore closely related to the understanding of the basic principles that are applied in tissue engineering models. Studies with 3D model systems have repeatedly identified complex interacting roles of matrix stiffness and composition, integrins, growth factor receptors and signalling in development and cancer. These insights suggest that plasticity, regulation and suppression of these processes can provide strategies and therapeutic targets for future cancer therapies. The historical perspective of the fields of tissue engineering and controlled release of therapeutics, including inhibitors of angiogenesis in tumours is becoming clearly evident as a major future advance in merging these fields. New delivery systems are expected to greatly enhance the ability to deliver drugs locally and in therapeutic concentrations to relevant sites in living organisms. Investigating the phenomena of angiogenesis and anti-angiogenesis in 3D in vivo models such as the Arterio-Venous (AV) loop mode in a separated and isolated chamber within a living organism adds another significant horizon to this perspective and opens new modalities for translational research in this field.