987 resultados para Acute toxicity


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A previously healthy 19 year-old male presented to the hospital with anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Laboratory studies were significant for hypercalcemia (peak calcium value of 14.8 mg/dL) and acute kidney injury (peak serum creatinine of 2.88 mg/dL). He admitted to using a parenteral formulation of vitamins A, D and E restricted for veterinary use containing 20,000,000 IU of vitamin A; 5,000,000 IU of vitamin D3; and 6,800 IU of vitamin E per 100 mL vial. The patient stated to have used close to 300 mL of the product over the preceding year. Interestingly, the young man was not interested in the massive amounts of vitamins that the product contained; he was only after the local effects of the oily vehicle. The swelling produced by the injection resulted in a silicone-like effect, which gave the impression of bigger muscles. Nevertheless, the product was absorbed and caused hypervitaminosis. The serum level of 25(OH) vitamin D was clearly elevated at 150 ng/mL (reference range from 30 to 60 ng/mL), but in most published cases of vitamin D toxicity, serum levels have been well above 200 ng/mL. His PTH level was undetectable and other potential causes of hypercalcemia were excluded. Therefore, we posit that the severity of the hypercalcemia observed in this case was the result of a synergistic effect of vitamins A and D. The patient was treated with normal saline, furosemide and zolendronic acid, with rapid normalization of calcium levels and renal function.


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La leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique (LAL) est le cancer pédiatrique le plus fréquent. Elle est la cause principale de mortalité liée au cancer chez les enfants due à un groupe de patient ne répondant pas au traitement. Les patients peuvent aussi souffrir de plusieurs toxicités associées à un traitement intensif de chimiothérapie. Les études en pharmacogénétique de notre groupe ont montré une corrélation tant individuelle que combinée entre les variants génétiques particuliers d’enzymes dépendantes du folate, particulièrement la dihydrofolate réductase (DHFR) ainsi que la thymidylate synthase (TS), principales cibles du méthotrexate (MTX) et le risque élevé de rechute chez les patients atteints de la LAL. En outre, des variations dans le gène ATF5 impliqué dans la régulation de l’asparagine synthetase (ASNS) sont associées à un risque plus élevé de rechute ou à une toxicité ASNase dépendante chez les patients ayant reçu de l’asparaginase d’E.coli (ASNase). Le but principal de mon projet de thèse est de comprendre davantage d’un point de vue fonctionnel, le rôle de variations génétiques dans la réponse thérapeutique chez les patients atteints de la LAL, en se concentrant sur deux composants majeurs du traitement de la LAL soit le MTX ainsi que l’ASNase. Mon objectif spécifique était d’analyser une association trouvée dans des paramètres cliniques par le biais d’essais de prolifération cellulaire de lignées cellulaires lymphoblastoïdes (LCLs, n=93) et d’un modèle murin de xénogreffe de la LAL. Une variation génétique dans le polymorphisme TS (homozygosité de l’allèle de la répétition triple 3R) ainsi que l’haplotype *1b de DHFR (défini par une combinaison particulière d’allèle dérivé de six sites polymorphiques dans le promoteur majeur et mineur de DHFR) et de leurs effets sur la sensibilité au MTX ont été évalués par le biais d’essais de prolifération cellulaire. Des essais in vitro similaires sur la réponse à l’ASNase de E. Coli ont permis d’évaluer l’effet de la variation T1562C de la région 5’UTR de ATF5 ainsi que des haplotypes particuliers du gène ASNS (définis par deux variations génétiques et arbitrairement appelés haplotype *1). Le modèle murin de xénogreffe ont été utilisé pour évaluer l’effet du génotype 3R3R du gène TS. L’analyse de polymorphismes additionnels dans le gène ASNS a révélé une diversification de l’haplotype *1 en 5 sous-types définis par deux polymorphismes (rs10486009 et rs6971012,) et corrélé avec la sensibilité in vitro à l’ASNase et l’un d’eux (rs10486009) semble particulièrement important dans la réduction de la sensibilité in vitro à l’ASNase, pouvant expliquer une sensibilité réduite de l’haplotype *1 dans des paramètres cliniques. Aucune association entre ATF5 T1562C et des essais de prolifération cellulaire en réponse à ASNase de E.Coli n’a été détectée. Nous n’avons pas détecté une association liée au génotype lors d’analyse in vitro de sensibilité au MTX. Par contre, des résultats in vivo issus de modèle murin de xénogreffe ont montré une relation entre le génotype TS 3R/3R et la résistance de manière dose-dépendante au traitement par MTX. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de fournir une explication concernant un haut risque significatif de rechute rencontré chez les patients au génotype TS 3R/3R et suggèrent que ces patients pourraient recevoir une augmentation de leur dose de MTX. À travers ces expériences, nous avons aussi démontré que les modèles murins de xénogreffe peuvent servir comme outil préclinique afin d’explorer l’option d’un traitement individualisé. En conclusion, la connaissance acquise à travers mon projet de thèse a permis de confirmer et/ou d’identifier quelques variants dans la voix d’action du MTX et de l’ASNase qui pourraient faciliter la mise en place de stratégies d’individualisation de la dose, permettant la sélection d’un traitement optimum ou moduler la thérapie basé sur la génétique individuelle.


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Internationally agreed standard protocols for assessing chemical toxicity of contaminants in soil to worms assume that the test soil does not need to equilibrate with the chemical to be tested prior to the addition of the test organisms and that the chemical will exert any toxic effect upon the test organism within 28 days. Three experiments were carried out to investigate these assumptions. The first experiment was a standard toxicity test where lead nitrate was added to a soil in solution to give a range of concentrations. The mortality of the worms and the concentration of lead in the survivors were determined. The LC(50)s for 14 and 28 days were 5311 and 5395 mug(Pb) g(soil)(-1) respectively. The second experiment was a timed lead accumulation study with worms cultivated in soil containing either 3000 or 5000 mug(Pb) g(soil)(-1). The concentration of lead in the worms was determined at various sampling times. Uptake at so' Sol both concentrations was linear with time. Worms in the 5000 mug g(-1) soil accumulated lead at a faster rate (3.16 mug Pb g(tissue)(-1) day(-1)) tiss than those in the 3000 mug g(-1) soil (2.21 mug Pb-tissue g(-1) day(-1)). The third experiment was a timed experiment with worms cultivated in tiss soil containing 7000 mugPb g(soil)(-1). Soil and lead nitrate solution were mixed and stored at 20 degreesC. Worms were added at various times over a 35-day period. The time to death increased from 23 h, when worms were added directly after the lead was added to the soil, to 67 It when worms were added after the soil had equilibrated with the lead for 35 days. In artificially Pb-amended soils the worms accumulate Pb over the duration of their exposure to the Pb. Thus time limited toxicity tests may be terminated before worm body load has reached a toxic level. This could result in under-estimates of the toxicity of Pb to worms. As the equilibration time of artificially amended Pb-bearing soils increases the bioavailability of Pb decreases. Thus addition of worms shortly after addition of Pb to soils may result in the over-estimate of Pb toxicity to worms. The current OECD acute worm toxicity test fails to take these two phenomena into account thereby reducing the environmental relevance of the contaminant toxicities it is used to calculate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 requires environmental regulators to assess the risk of contaminants leaching from soils into groundwater (DETR, 1999). This newly introduced legislation assumes a link between soil and groundwater chemistry, in which rainwater leaches contaminants from soil into the saturated zone. As the toxicity of both groundwater and overlying soils is dependent upon the chemicals present, their partitioning and their bioavailability, similar patterns of soil, leachates and groundwater toxicity should be observed at contaminated sites. Soil and groundwater samples were collected from different contaminated land sites in an urban area, and used to determine relationships between soil chemistry and toxicity, mobility of contaminants, and groundwater chemistry and toxicity. Soils were leached using water to mimic rainfall, and both the soils and leachates tested using bioassays. Soil bioassays were carried out using Eisenia fetida, whilst groundwater and leachates were tested using the Microtox(TM) test system and Daphnia magna 48 h acute tests. Analysis of the bioassay responses demonstrated that a number of the samples were toxic to test organisms, however, there were no significant statistical relationships between soil, groundwater and leachate toxicity. Nor were there significant correlations between soil, leachates and groundwater chemistry.


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Daphnia magna is a key invertebrate in the freshwater environment and is used widely as a model in ecotoxicological measurements and risk assessment. Understanding the genomic responses of D. magna to chemical challenges will be of value to regulatory authorities worldwide. Here we exposed D. magna to the insecticide methomyl and the herbicide propanil to compare phenotypic effects with changes in mRNA expression levels. Both pesticides are found in drainage ditches and surface water bodies standing adjacent to crops. Methomyl, a carbamate insecticide widely used in agriculture, inhibits acetylcholinesterase, a key enzyme in nerve transmission. Propanil, an acetanilide herbicide, is used to control grass and broad-leaf weeds. The phenotypic effects of single doses of each chemical were evaluated using a standard immobilisation assay. Immobilisation was linked to global mRNA expression levels using the previously estimated 48h-EC(1)s, followed by hybridization to a cDNA microarray with more than 13,000 redundant cDNA clones representing >5000 unique genes. Following exposure to methomyl and propanil, differential expression was found for 624 and 551 cDNAs, respectively (one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction, Ptoxicity.


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Fluoride has been widely used in dentistry as a caries prophylactic agent. However, there has been some speculation that excess fluoride could cause an impact on genome integrity. In the current study, the potential DNA damage associated with exposure to fluoride was assessed in cells of blood, liver, kidney, thyroid gland and urinary bladder by the single cell gel (comet) assay. Male Wistar rats aging 75 days were distributed into seven groups: Groups 1 (control), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 received 0 (deionized water), 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mgF/Kg body weight from sodium fluoride (NaF), respectively, by gastrogavage. These groups were killed at 2 h after the administration of the fluoride doses. The level of DNA strand breaks did not increase in all organs evaluated and at all doses of NaF tested, as depicted by the mean tail moment. Taken together, our results suggest that oral exposure to NaF did not result in systemic genotoxic effect in multiple organs related to fluoride toxicity. Since DNA damage is an important step in events leading to carcinogenesis, this study represents a relevant contribution to the correct evaluation of the potential health risk associated with chemical exposure.


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Aim. To establish a protocol for the early introduction of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) therapy in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and to assess its acute and sustained effects on oxygenation and ventilator settings.Patients and Methods. Ten children with ARDS, aged 1 to 132 months (median, 11 months), with arterial saturation of oxygen <88% while receiving a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) 0.6 and a positive end-expiratory pressure of greater than or equal to 10 cm H2O were included in the study. The acute response to iNO was assessed in a 4-hour dose-response test, and positive response was defined as an increase in the PaO2/FiO(2) ratio of 10 mmHg above baseline values. Conventional therapy was not changed during the test. In the following days, patients who had shown positive response continued to receive the lowest iNO dose. Hemodynamics, PaO2/FiO(2), oxygenation index, gas exchange, and methemoglobin levels were obtained when needed. Inhaled nitric oxide withdrawal followed predetermined rules.Results. At the end of the 4-hour test, all the children showed significant improvement in the PaO2/FiO(2) ratio (63.6%) and the oxygenation index (44.9%) compared with the baseline values. Prolonged treatment was associated with improvement in oxygenation, so that FiO(2) and peak inspiratory pressure could be quickly and significantly reduced., No toxicity from methemoglobin or nitrogen dioxide was observed.Conclusion. Administration of iNO to children is safe. iNO causes rapid and sustained improvement in oxygenation without adverse effects. Ventilator settings can safely be reduced during iNO treatment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The isobutyl amides pellitorine (compound 1) and 4,5-dihydropiperlonguminine (compound 2) were extracted from the seeds of Piper tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) in yields of 6.10 and 4.45% respectively. The acute toxicities to the velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), of extracts of seeds, leaves and stems of P. tuberculatum, and of compounds 1 and 2, were evaluated by means of contact bioassays. The extracts caused 80% mortality when doses higher than 800.00 mu g insect(-1) of extract of seeds, leaves and stems were administered to the velvetbean caterpillars. Compounds I and 2 showed 100% mortality at doses of 200 and 700 mu g insect(-1) respectively. The LD50 and LD90 values were respectively 31.3 and 104.5 mu g insect(-1) for compound 1, and 122.3 and 381.0 mu g insect(-1) for compound 2. The potential value of extracts and amides derived from P. tuberculatum as efficient insecticides against velvetbean caterpillars is discussed. (c) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The extract prepared from dried seeds of Cucurbita maxima was administered to rats and pigs. Following a single dose or 4 weeks of daily oral administration, the extract produced no changes in serum glucose, urea, creatinine, total protein, uric acid, GOT, GPT, LDH or blood counts. Urine analysis (urea, uric acid, creatinine, total protein, Na and K), as well as histopathological investigation, showed no abnormalities. These results taken as a whole indicate that the seeds of C. maxima as used in Brazilian folk medicine are not toxic for rats and swine.


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The acute, subchronic and chronic toxicities of 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were studied in rats. Animals were exposed acutely (600 mg/kg), subchronically (200 ppm for 30 d) and chronically (200 ppm for 180 d) to 2,4-D by the oral route. Clinical, laboratory and histopathological methods were used as indicators of toxicity. After acute exposure, the herbicide decreased locomotor activity and induced ataxia, sedation, muscular weakness (mainly of the hind quarters) and gasping for breath; increased aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (AP), amylase activities and creatinine levels; decreased total protein (TP) and glucose levels; and increased hematocrit values. Subchronic and chronic 2,4-D exposures did not induce overt clinical signs or symptoms of intoxication. However, subchronic herbicide exposure increased AST activity and albumin and hematocrit values, and chronic exposure increased AST, AP and LDH activities, decreased amylase and glucose levels, but did not change hematocrit values. Chromatographic analysis of the serum of chronically exposed rats showed the presence of the herbicide; the amount found (3.76 ± 1.16 mg/ml) suggested the absence of 2,4-D accumulation within the body. Although macroscopic or histopathological lesions were not observed in acutely, subchronically or chronically 2,4-D exposed rats, the laboratory data obtained suggest tissue injuries after dosing, since the results are considered early indicators of primarily hepatic and muscle tissue damage.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The hybrid created from the crossbreeding of European and African bees, known as the Africanised bee, has provided numerous advantages for current beekeeping. However, this new species exhibits undesirable behaviours, such as colony defence instinct and a propensity to attack en masse, which can result in serious accidents. To date, there is no effective treatment for cases of Africanised bee envenomation. One promising technique for developing an efficient antivenom is the use of phage display technology, which enables the production of human antibodies, thus avoiding the complications of serum therapy, such as anaphylaxis and serum sickness. The aim of this study was to produce human monoclonal single-chain Fv (scFv) antibody fragments capable of inhibiting the toxic effects of Africanised bee venom. We conducted four rounds of selection of antibodies against the venom and three rounds of selection of antibodies against purified melittin. Three clones were selected and tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to verify their specificity for melittin and phospholipase A2. Two clones (C5 and C12) were specific for melittin, and one (A7) was specific for phospholipase A2. In a kinetic haemolytic assay, these clones were evaluated individually and in pairs. The A7-C12 combination had the best synergistic effect and was chosen to be used in the assays of myotoxicity inhibition and lethality. The A7-C12 combination inhibited the in vivo myotoxic effect of the venom and increased the survival of treated animals.