945 resultados para Acquired immune deficiency syndrome


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Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive disorder due to an inborn error of cholesterol metabolism, characterized by congenital malformations, dysmorphism of multiple organs, mental retardation and delayed neuropsychomotor development resulting from cholesterol biosynthesis deficiency. A defect in 3ß-hydroxysteroid-delta7-reductase (delta7-sterol-reductase), responsible for the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) to cholesterol, causes an increase in 7-DHC and frequently reduces plasma cholesterol levels. The clinical diagnosis of SLOS cannot always be conclusive because of the remarkable variability of clinical expression of the disorder. Thus, confirmation by the measurement of plasma 7-DHC levels is needed. In the present study, we used a simple, fast, and selective method based on ultraviolet spectrophotometry to measure 7-DHC in order to diagnose SLOS. 7-DHC was extracted serially from 200 µl plasma with ethanol and n-hexane and the absorbance at 234 and 282 nm was determined. The method was applied to negative control plasma samples from 23 normal individuals and from 6 cases of suspected SLOS. The method was adequate and reliable and 2 SLOS cases were diagnosed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A carnitina, uma amina quaternária (3-hidroxi-4-N-trimetilamino-butirato), é sintetizada no organismo (fígado, rins e cérebro) a partir de dois aminoácidos essenciais: lisina e metionina, exigindo para sua síntese a presença de ferro, ácido ascórbico, niacina e vitamina B6. Tem função fundamental na geração de energia pela célula, pois age nas reações transferidoras de ácidos graxos livres do citosol para mitocôndrias, facilitando sua oxidação e geração de adenosina Trifosfato. A concentração orgânica de carnitina é resultado de processos metabólicos - como ingestão, biossíntese, transporte dentro e fora dos tecidos e excreção - que, quando alterados em função de diversas doenças, levam a um estado carencial de carnitina com prejuízos relacionados ao metabolismo de lipídeos. A suplementação de L-carnitina pode aumentar o fluxo sangüíneo aos músculos devido também ao seu efeito vasodilatador e antioxidante, reduzindo algumas complicações de doenças isquêmicas, como a doença arterial coronariana, e as conseqüências da neuropatia diabética. Por esse motivo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever possíveis benefícios da suplementação de carnitina nos indivíduos com necessidades especiais e susceptíveis a carências de carnitina, como os portadores de doenças renais, neuropatia diabética, síndrome da imunodefeciência adquirida e doenças cardiovasculares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Prune belly syndrome is a rare condition produced by an early mesodermal defect that causes abdominal abnormalities. However, the literature indicates that disturbances related to ectodermal development may also be present. This is the first case report in the literature to suggest that dental abnormalities are part of the broad spectrum of clinical features of prune belly syndrome. Because the syndrome causes many serious medical problems, early diagnosis of abnormalities involving the primary and permanent dentitions are encouraged.Case presentation: The authors report the clinical case of a 4-year-old Caucasian boy with prune belly syndrome. In addition to the triad of abdominal muscle deficiency, abnormalities of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, and cryptorchidism, a geminated mandibular right central incisor, agenesis of a mandibular permanent left incisor, and congenitally missing primary teeth (namely, the mandibular right and left lateral incisors) were noted.Conclusion: This original case report about prune belly syndrome highlights the possibility that dental abnormalities are a part of the broad spectrum of clinical features of the syndrome. Therefore, an accurate intra-oral clinical examination and radiographic evaluation are required for patients with this syndrome in order to provide an early diagnosis of abnormalities involving the primary and permanent dentitions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Investigamos a resposta imunológica celular e humoral frente a extrato salino de tecido cerebral em 9 pacientes com síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut, 15 pacientes com síndrome de West e 20 crianças normais. A técnica de imunodifusão dupla em gel de agar (Ouchterlony) evidenciou em todos os pacientes, altos níveis de um anticorpo precipitante contra o extrato salino de tecido cerebral. O teste de inibição de migração de leucócitos com o mesmo antígeno mostrou-se positivo na maioria dos pacientes. O possível papel destas respostas autoimmunes na patogenia das sindromes de West e Lennox-Gastaut é discutido.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil da deficiência imune em um grupo bem definido de epilepsia: crianças com síndrome de West (SW) e seus padrões EEG de evolução, idade-dependentes, como os complexos onda-aguda- onda lenta generalizadas da síndrome de Lenox-Gastaut (SLG) e as pontas multifocais independentes (PMI). MÉTODO: Um grupo de 50 crianças, 33 com SW, 10 com SLG, 7 com PMI e 20 crianças sadias (controle) foram avaliadas em relação aos seguintes parâmetros:determinação de subpopulações de linfócitos T (CD1, CD3, CD4 e CD8), relação CD4/CD8 e resposta proliferativa de linfócitos frente a fitohemaglutinina (PHA), na presença de plasma autólogo ou de plasma AB (homólogo). A prova cutânea de sensibilização ao Dinitroclorobenzeno (DNCB) foi realizada apenas nos pacientes. Os níveis séricos de IgG, IgA e IgM foram comparados aos valores normais em crianças Brasileiras, em diferentes faixas etárias. RESULTADOS: A resposta ao DNCB foi ausente ou fracamente reativa em 76% dos pacientes. Níveis séricos elevados de IgG (45,7%) e de IgM (61,4%) e baixos de IgA (23,9%) foram detectados nos pacientes. A determinação das subpopulações de linfócitos T em sangue periférico mostrou: deficiência nas proporções de células CD3+ (p<0,05) e de CD4+ (p<0,05), aumento de CD8+ (p<0,01) e diminuição da relação CD4 / CD8 (p<0,001). A proporção de células CD1+ no grupo controle manteve-se menor que 3%, enquanto que em 18% dos pacientes esses níveis variaram entre 3 e 11%. A resposta proliferativa de linfócitos frente a PHA revelou índices blastogênicos significativamente mais baixos apenas quando células dos pacientes foram cultivadas na presença do próprio plasma (plasma autólogo). Quando estas células foram cultivadas na presença de plasma AB, não se evidenciou diferença significativa em relação ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: A imunodeficiência na SW caracterizou-se por: anergia, alteração de imunidade mediada por células e dos níveis de imunoglobulinas, presença de timócitos imaturos na circulação periférica e deficiência funcional de linfócitos T induzida por fatores plasmáticos inibidores. Discutem-se as principais evidências de disfunção imune como imunodeficiência e autoimunidade.


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1. The interaction between experimental protein deprivation and natural intestinal infection by Giardia lamblia was studied in terms of its effects on the intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) population and morphology of the jejunal mucosa of rats of different ages.2. Young, adult and old male Wistar rats received a protein-deficient diet (2% casein) or a control diet (20% casein) for 42 days. Mucosal height and the number of lymphocytes located among 500 consecutive epithelial cells (EC) along the villi or crossing the basement membrane were determined in PAS-stained jejunal fragments.3. The number of IEL increased progressively with animal age, from 14 to 25 per 100 epithelial cells, with significant differences between age ranges. However, the number of IEL did not differ between control and protein-deficient rats in any of the age groups. The proportion of lymphocytes crossing the basement membrane was approximately two-fold greater in young (2.8/100 EC) and adult (5.8/100 EC) protein-deficient animals than in their respective controls (1.6 and 2.8/100 EC). The intensity of parasite colonization was moderate, from 3 to 5/100 EC and did not differ between groups. The pattern of morphologic changes of jejunal mucosa in protozoal infection did not differ between control and protein-deficient animals in any of the three age groups.4. We conclude that intestinal infection with Giardia lamblia probably stimulated the local immune response, masking the reduction of the IEL population induced by protein deficiency. The increase in lymphocyte numbers with age may be related to prolonged antigenic stimulation promoted by infection.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the effect of different concentrations of selenium (Se) supplementation on cattle anti-rabies humoral immune response, serum Se concentrations and cortisol levels. Sixty uncastrated male Nelore calves from 10 to 12 months grazing on Brachiaria decumbens forage were studied. The animals were assigned to one of four groups (n = 15 each), which received non-supplemented diets (Gc) or supplemented with daily and individual Selenium ( Se) concentrations of 3.6 mg (G(3.6)), 5.4 mg (G(5.4)) or 6.4 mg (G(6.4)). The calves were immunized on day 0 with one dose of commercial liquid inactivated rabies vaccination. on days 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120, the cattle underwent the same stressing procedures used for vaccination in the corral. Cattle blood samples were collected after vaccination and stressing procedures to determine serum Se levels, rabies antibody titers and serum cortisol. Se levels were also determined in forage samples collected from the paddocks in which the cattle were held. Se concentration in B. decumbens was 0.04 mg of Se/kg dry matter. Baseline Se levels obtained on day 0 were higher in Gc than in G(5.4) and G(6.4) (P = 0.005). Serum Se levels decreased in Gc throughout the experiment (P < 0.004), increased in G(3.6) (P < 0.000) and G(5.4) (P < 0.000) and were kept high from day 60 on in group G(6.4) (P < 0.002). Rabies antibody titers did not differ among control and supplemented groups. However, 120 days after vaccination rabies antibody titers were kept above protective levels (>= 0.5 UI/mL) only in group G(3.6) (P < 0.00002), whereas they dropped in the other groups (P < 0.05). Serum cortisol levels did not differ among the experimental groups (P = 0.79), reached peak levels on day 90 and returned close to baseline levels on day 120. Se and cortisol levels were not markedly correlated. Serum cortisol and rabies antibody titers were correlated only in group G(6.4), on day 60 (R = 0.513; P = 0.05) and 120 (R = 0.644; P = 0.009). Serum Se and rabies antibody titers were correlated only in group G(6.4), on day 60 (R = -0.580; P = 0.023). In conclusion: a) the profile of Se variation is different among groups receiving different concentrations of this element; b) the supplementation dosage of 3.6 mg Se/animal/day is efficient to treat/prevent marginal Se deficiency; c) individual supplementation with daily concentrations of 3.6 mg Se enhances the maintenance of rabies antibody titers in cattle; d) individual supplementation with daily concentrations of 3.6; 5.4 and 6.4 mg Se are ineffective in reducing serum cortisol; e) repeated cattle handling in corrals stress animals that adapt to these procedures, although serum cortisol does not return to baseline levels by 120 days; and f) the stress generated by repeated management in cattle in the corral does not diminish antibody titers after vaccination against rabies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present investigation was to study the distribution of T-cell subsets in peripheral blood defined by monoclonal antibodies and by the lymphocyte proliferative response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in 30 children with febrile seizures and in 14 age-matched control subjects. Frequent respiratory, urinary and dermatologic infections were observed in 22 patients. The immunologic parameters showed that 64% of the patients presented an increased number of CD8+ cells and a low helper/suppressor ratio was observed in 60% of the patients. In addition, the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA was impaired in the patients It was observed the presence of inhibitory activity on lymphocyte function in the plasma of 33% of children with febrile seizures. These results suggest that patients with febrile seizures have an impairment of cellular immunity that may be connected with this epileptic syndrome and explain the infections observed.