1000 resultados para Ab


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This thesis work has introduced process orientation at the printing company Color Print Sweden AB. The outcome ofthis work is a survey of the work flow at the prepress department. To visualise the production process at the companya comprehensive mapping of the main process, order-to-delivery, has been made. The work has detected a couple ofcritical elements in the existing process. These elements are the following: initial check of material delivered to the prepressdepartment as well as the control made of the plotter print-out, digital test print and plate. To guarantee the qualityof the prints it is very important that the work made in the prepress department is optimized. This survey can thereforebe used as a basis for continuous improvement in the processes at Color Print Sweden AB. This work has alsoresulted in a template that Color Print Sweden AB can use to design routine descriptions to ensure that specific worktasks are performed the right way by everyone and all the time.


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The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat Brännvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether it´s possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat Brännvin is considered to be a product of firstclass it´s of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat Brännvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices. We madea lot of different sketches to start with after which we consult with Ingrid Florén – our supervisor from»Vin & Sprit AB« – agreed on one. That one we developed and we made more accurate sketches in 3DStudioMAX.At last we looked at the opportunities to produce the bottle by questioning different manufacturers. Wewanted to know the limitations to consider when making a bottle.


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Bobergs printing house in Falun has during some time had problems regarding deposits on blankets intheirs Müller Martini UV-printing presses. Deposits appear in both image areas and non-image areas.These areas have been analyzed and the deposits on non-image areas contain chalk, clay and talc. Thequestion remains how these material bond to the blanket surface. The chalk and clay comes from thepaper. The talc comes from the ink. Deposits from image areas contain pigment and talc from the printingink. The dampening water has also been analyzed. The result shows some sort of problem with thehardness regulator for the clean water. The pH-level should be increased a few steps.


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Detta arbete har för avsikt att kartlägga den konflikt som uppstod vid Fagersta Bruk underlockouten 1923. Arbetets material kommer huvudsakligen från Fagersta Kommuns arkiv därmaterialet om Fagersta Bruks AB finns. Annat material som undersöks är från Svenska Metallindustriarbetareförbundavdelning 132.Arbetet visar hur Fagersta Bruks ekonomi var skuldsatt och i behov av likvida medel i en tidav lågkonjunktur. Den lockout som utlystes medförde dock inte några insparningar utan konjunkturenvände och företaget försökte få igång produktionen men fackförbundet kämpadeemot. Förbundet hade för avsikt att få igenom sina krav. Dessa krav kretsade framförallt kringatt behålla 8-timmarsdagen och att få högre löner. Något de även fick.Den ökade konjunkturuppgången medförde ökad orderingång och fler anställda, slutfacit avkonflikten medförde högre löner, lite bättre villkor av arbetstiderna och 4 dagars semester förarbetarna.


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I detta examensarbete har en webbplats skapats för Falu Tank AB med hjälp av Jennifer Flemings utvecklingsmodell, även framtagning av en logotyp och grafisk profil med tillhörande manual har ingått i examensarbetet. Falu Tank AB utför nytillverkning, rekonditionering samt kontroll av petroleumtankar. De erbjuder också oljeavskiljare, pumpöar och dubbelmantlade tankar. Arbetet har bestått av en bakgrundsundersökning på Falu Tank AB, samt litteraturstudier i webbdesign och grafisk profilering, med en teoretisk fördjupning inom webbdesign. Bra webbdesign innebär i första hand att sidan är välstrukturerad, enhetlig, lättnavigerad, användarvänlig och att den har en bra harmoni. Målet med webbplatsen var att den skulle vara funktionell, proffsig, och modern, med en passande design för att attrahera fler besökare. Jennifer Flemings utvecklingsmodell lämpade sig mycket väl vid utformningen av webbplatsen. Falu Tanks logotyp kändes gammal och intetsägande dessutom saknades en grafisk profil. Den framtagna profilen innefattar logotyp, färg och typografi, men även formgivning av visitkort, brevpapper och fakturor. Målet med den grafiska profilen var ett ge Falu Tank ett enhetligt, modernt och stilrent intryck inför kommande marknadsföring. Resultatet blev en stilren och tydlig grafisk profil med stark koppling till Falu Tank. (PDF1 - Rapport) (PDF2 - Bilagor) (PDF3 - Grafisk Manual)


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Ab initio calculations were conducted to investigate the electronic structures and magnetic properties of fluorinated boron nitride nanotube (F-BNNT). It was found that the chemisorption of F atoms on the B atoms of BNNT can induce spontaneous magnetization, whereas no magnetism can be produced when the B and N atoms are equally fluorinated. This provides a different approach to tune the magnetic properties of BNNTs as well as a synthetic route toward metal-free magnetic materials.


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The variant selection phenomenon during the austenite to bainite phase transformation in hot-rolled TRIP-aided steels was quantitatively characterized at the level of individual austenite grains. The reconstruction of the electron backscatter diffraction maps provided evidence that bainite grows by packets of laths sharing a common {1 1 1}y plane in the austenite. The affect of hot deformation is to reduce the number of packets that form. It is suggested that slip activity is important in understanding this effect.


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We demonstrated for the first time by ab initio density functional calculation and molecular dynamics simulation that C0.5(BN)0.5 armchair single-walled nanotubes (NT) are gapless semiconductors and can be spontaneously formed via the hybrid connection of graphene/BN Nanoribbons (GNR/BNNR) at room temperature. The direct synthesis of armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 via the hybrid connection of GNR/BNNR is predicted to be both thermodynamically and dynamically stable. Such novel armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 NTs possess enhanced conductance as that observed in GNRs. Additionally, the zigzag C0.5(BN)0.5 SWNTs are narrow band gap semiconductors, which may have potential application for light emission. In light of recent experimental progress and the enhanced degree of control in the synthesis of GNRs and BNNR, our results highlight an interesting avenue for synthesizing a novel specific type of C0.5(BN)0.5 nanotube (gapless or narrow direct gap semiconductor), with potentially important applications in BNC-based nanodevices.


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Ab initio density functional calculations were performed to study finite-length zigzag (7, 0) @ (16, 0) double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) with H-termination at the open ends. We find that such a DWCNT nanodot displays a very large magnetic moment at the zigzag edges and the ground state displays symmetric anti-ferromagnetic coupling. When an external electric field is applied along the direction of tube axis, a gap is opened for one spin channel, whereas another spin channel remains metallic, i.e. half metallicity occurs. Our results suggest an important new avenue for the development of CNT-based spintronic materials with enhanced properties. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Above 110 °C the symmetric di-methyl-pyrrolidinium iodide salt forms a plastic crystal phase of interest in the area of new electrolyte materials. In this study ab initio calculations of this material has been conducted in order to assign the vibrational spectra. Raman spectroscopy measurements on the solid salt as well as on the salt dissolved in different solvents has been performed and these have been compared to the theoretical spectra. Furthermore, Raman spectra as a function of temperature have been recorded to investigate possible changes in inter-ionic interaction and/or structure through the phase transition. 1H NMR linewidth measurements as a function of temperature showed a large decrease in linewidth above 100 °C, attributed here to an increase in mobility in agreement with a previously reported phase transition at ~110 °C.


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Disulfide torsional energy, a good predictor of disulfide redox potential in proteins, may be estimated by interpolation on a potential energy surface (PES) describing the twisting of diethyl disulfide through its three central dihedral angles. Here we update PES calculations at the M05-2X level of theory with the 6-31G(d) basis set. Although the surface shows no qualitative differences from an earlier MP2(full) PES, energy differences greater than 1 kJ mol–1 were seen for conformations with χ2 between –60° and 30°, or with χ3 below 60° or above 130°. This is particularly significant for highly strained disulfides that are likely to be spontaneously reduced by mechanical means. In benchmarking against the high-level G3X method, M05-2X showed significantly reduced root mean squared deviation compared with MP2(full) (1.0 versus 2.0 kJ mol–1 respectively). Results are incorporated into a web application that calculates relative torsional energies from disulfide dihedral angles (http://www.sbinf.org/applications/pes.html).


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We report for the first time multiple vesicular morphologies in block copolymer complexes formed in aqueous media via hydrogen bonding interactions. A model AB/AC diblock copolymer system consisting of polystyrene-block- poly(acrylic acid) (PS-b-PAA) and polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) was examined using transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering, and dynamic light scattering. The complexation and morphological transitions were driven by the hydrogen bonding between the complementary binding sites on PAA and PEO blocks of the two diblock copolymers. Upon the addition of PS-b-PEO, a variety of bilayer aggregates were formed in PS-b-PAA/PS-b-PEO complexes including vesicles, multilamellar vesicles (MLVs), thick-walled vesicles (TWVs), interconnected compound vesicles (ICCVs), and irregular aggregates. Among these aggregates, ICCVs were observed as a new morphology. The morphology of aggregates was correlated with respect to the molar ratio of PEO to PAA. At [EO]/[AA] = 0.5, vesicles were observed, while MLVs were obtained at [EO]/[AA] = 1. TWVs and ICCVs were formed at [EO]/[AA] = 2 and 6, respectively. When [EO]/[AA] reached 8 and above, only irregular aggregates appeared. These findings suggest that complexation between two amphiphilic diblock copolymers is a viable approach to prepare polymer vesicles in aqueous media.


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The high-pressure behavior of scandium oxide (Sc2O3) has been investigated by angle-dispersive synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy techniques in a diamond anvil cell up to 46.2 and 42 GPa, respectively. An irreversible structural transformation of Sc2O3 from the cubic phase to a monoclinic high-pressure phase was observed at 36 GPa. Subsequent ab initio calculations for Sc2O3 predicted the phase transition from the cubic to monoclinic phase but at a much lower pressure. The same calculations predicted a second phase transition at 77 GPa from the monoclinic to hexagonal phase.


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This paper summarizes some of our recent results on crystal structure, microstructure, orientation relationship between martensitic variants and crystallographic features of martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga FSMAs. It was shown that Ni53Mn25Ga22 has a tetragonal I4/mmm martensitic structure at room temperature. The neighboring martensitic variants in Ni53Mn25Ga22 have a compound twinning relationship with the twinning elements K1={112}, K2={11-2}, η1=<11-1>, η2=<111>, P={1-10} and s=0.379. The ratio of the relative amounts of twins within the same initial austenite grain is ~1.70. The main orientation relationship between austenite and martensite is Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) relationship. Based on the crystallographic phenomenological theory, the calculated habit plane is {0.690 -0.102 0.716}A (5.95° from {101}A), and the magnitude, direction and shear angle of the macroscopic transformation shear are 0.121, <-0.709 0.105 0.698>A (6.04° from <-101>A) and 6.88°, respectively.