Diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease in hemodialysis patients evaluated for transplant
We present a review of current strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease who are on the waiting list for transplants, based on data from the literature and originated from a single-center cohort of 1,250 patients with maximum follow-up of 12 years. We discuss the best way to select patients to be tested for CAD, how to choose the more adequate screening test for CAD and cardiovascular disease, how to select patients for invasive treatment studies and how to treat patients with significant CAD. We also suggest new research avenues to be explored to resolve some problems in this area.
Adenine overload promotes intratubular crystal precipitation and interstitial nephritis. We showed recently that these abnormalities are strongly attenuated in mice knockout for Toll-like receptors-2, -4, MyD88, ASC, or caspase-1. We now investigated whether NF-κB activation also plays a pathogenic role in this model. Adult male Munich-Wistar rats were distributed among three groups: C (n = 17), receiving standard chow; ADE (n = 17), given adenine in the chow at 0.7% for 1 wk and 0.5% for 2 wk; and ADE + pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC; n = 14), receiving adenine as above and the NF-κB inhibitor PDTC (120 mg•kg-1•day-1 in the drinking water). After 3 wk, widespread crystal deposition was seen in tubular lumina and in the renal interstitium, along with granuloma formation, collagen accumulation, intense tubulointerstitial proliferation, and increased interstitial expression of inflammatory mediators. Part of the crystals were segregated from tubular lumina by a newly formed cell layer and, at more advanced stages, appeared to be extruded to the interstitium. p65 nuclear translocation and IKK-α increased abundance indicated activation of the NF-κB system. PDTC treatment prevented p65 migration and normalized IKK-α, limited crystal shift to the interstitium, and strongly attenuated interstitial fibrosis/inflammation. These findings indicate that the complex inflammatory phenomena associated with this model depend, at least in part, on NF-κB activation, and suggest that the NF-κB system may become a therapeutic target in the treatment of chronic kidney disease.
Der Wilms-Tumor ist eine embryonale Tumorerkrankung der Niere, als deren Ursprung Nierenvorläuferzellen des metanephrischen Mesenchyms gelten, deren Differenzierung während der frühen Nephrogenese ausbleibt und aus denen nachfolgend durch eine maligne Transformation Wilms-Tumore entstehen. Zwei Gene, die an der Wilms-Tumorgenese beteiligt zu sein scheinen, sind WT1 (Wilms-Tumorgen 1) und CTNNB1 (Catenin, cadherin-associated protein, beta 1). Während WT1 u.a. die Differenzierung des metanephrischen Mesenchyms steuert, begünstigen aktivierende Mutationen von CTNNB1 und eine dadurch bedingte Akkumulation seines Proteins β-Catenin die Tumorgenese vieler Organe. So verwundert es nicht, dass eine alleinige heterozygote Keimbahnmutation von WT1, die einen dominant-negativen Effekt auf funktionsfähiges WT1 ausübt, häufig zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren in Patienten mit Denys-Drash-Syndrom (DDS) führt, sowie in etwa 15 % aller sporadischen Wilms-Tumore WT1 und CTNNB1 mutiert sind.rnDer Mechanismus der Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren ist weitgehend unbekannt, was u.a. daran liegt, dass homozygote Wt1-Mutationen in der Maus embryonal (~ Tag 13,5 d.p.c.) letal sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten daher mit Hilfe einer Wt1 k.o.-Effektormaus (WE2) vier murine konditional reversible Wilms-Tumor-Modelle auf Basis des Tet off-Systems hergestellt werden. Dadurch lag in den zu generierenden Tieren Wt1 durch die Integration des WE2-Transgens zwar nur heterozygot mutiert vor, doch durch den endogenen Wt1-Promotor des Transgens sollte es zur zeitlichen und räumlichen Wt1-analogen Expression eines tetrazyklinabhängigen Transaktivators (tTA) kommen, der ohne die Gabe von Doxycyclin Tet-regulierbare Transgene in Wt1-exprimierenden Zellen aktivieren kann, die einen positiven Einfluss auf die Wilms-Tumorgenese haben könnten. So sollte durch das WE2 DDS-Modell ein DDS simuliert werden und es in Tieren der Modelle WE2 TC bCat∆Ex3, WE2 LC bCat∆Ex3 und WE2 Wnt1 zur Akkumulation von β-Catenin in Wt1-exprimierenden Nierenvorläuferzellen kommen, so dass deren Differenzierung ausbleibt und es durch eine maligne Transformation zur Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors kommt.rnrnMit Hilfe von histologischen Analysen an entsprechenden Responder-Linien konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die embryonale und adulte Expressionsdomäne des WE2-Effektors mit der von endogenen Wt1 übereinstimmt. Gleichzeitig wurden aber auch neue Expressionsorte von Wt1 nachgewiesen. So konnte die Expression des WE2-Effektors z.B. im Endothel der dorsalen Aorta detektiert werden, der als Entstehungsort von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen gilt. Anschließende hier vorgestellte Experimente zeigten, dass Wt1 direkt an diesem Prozess beteiligt ist und belegten eine noch nicht beschriebene Funktion von Wt1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rnEs war jedoch mit keinem System möglich, eine Wilms-Tumorerkrankung zu simulieren. Während Tiere des WE2 DDS-Modells trotz nachweisbarer Induktion keinen Phänotyp aufwiesen, war wohl in den anderen Modellen eine konstitutive β-Catenin-Aktivierung in der Frühschwangerschaft nicht mit dem embryonalen Überleben vereinbar. Dabei schienen alle tripeltransgenen bzw. doppeltransgenen Embryonen, in denen durch einen frühen Doxycyclinentzug die Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren möglich gewesen wäre, intrauterin zu sterben. Wurde dagegen Doxycyclin erst in der dritten Lebenswoche entzogen, so entwickelten die Tiere durch eine Wt1-vermittelte β-Catenin-Aktivierung Granulosazelltumore, polyzystische Nieren und Veränderungen der Hoden. Da alle diese organischen Veränderungen während der prä- bis frühen postnatalen Phase induziert wurden, schien die Doxycyclinmenge nicht auszureichen, um eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung zu verhindern. Es hätte also auch zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren kommen können, so dass diese Ergebnisse darauf hinweisen, dass eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung wahrscheinlich nicht der physiologisch entscheidende Schritt bei der Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors ist.rnrnDie Charakterisierung der WE2-Effektormaus und die Herstellung und Analysen der Systeme geben damit Einblick in die WT1- bzw. WT1/CTNNB1-assoziierte Wilms-Tumorgenese und ermöglichen die weitere Erforschung von Granulosazelltumoren, polyzystsischen Nieren, Veränderungen von Hoden und der Rolle von WT1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rn
Aberrant origin of a pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta is an uncommon congenital vascular malformation with poor survival without surgery. In this case report, we describe the unusual late diagnosis of this congenital malformation in an otherwise asymptomatic young man presenting with mild hemoptysis. We review the natural and modified history of this defect and the relevant aspects of follow-up in adult life.
Smoking remains a major public health problem. It is associated with a considerable number of deaths in the world's population. Smoking is just like high blood pressure, an independent predictor of progression to any primary renal disease and renal transplant patients. It seems that smoking cessation slows the progression of kidney disease in smokers. The literature data are sometimes contradictory about it because of some methodological weaknesses. However, experimental models highlight the harmful effects of tobacco by hemodynamic and non-hemodynamic factors. The conclusion is that a major effort should be further produced by the nephrology community to motivate our patients to stop smoking.
A variety of chronic kidney diseases tend to progress towards end-stage kidney disease. Progression is largely due to factors unrelated to the initial disease, including systemic hypertension and proteinuria. Drugs that block the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system, either ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists, reduce both BP and proteinuria and appear superior to a more conventional antihypertensive treatment regimen in preventing progression to end-stage kidney disease. The most recent recommendations state that the BP goal in children with chronic kidney disease is the corresponding 90th centile for body height, age, and gender.Since satisfactory BP control is often not achieved, the mnemonic acronym DELTAREPROSI was generated to recall the following tips for the practical management of hypertension and proteinuria in childhood chronic renal parenchymal disease: DEfinition of hypertension and Low blood pressure TArget in REnal disease (90th centile calculated by means of simple formulas), potential of drugs inhibiting the REnin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system in hypertension and PROteinuria, advantages of SImplified treatment regimens and escalating the doses every SIx weeks.
BACKGROUND: Restrictive lung defects are associated with higher mortality in patients with acquired chronic heart failure. We investigated the prevalence of abnormal lung function, its relation to severity of underlying cardiac defect, its surgical history, and its impact on outcome across the spectrum of adult congenital heart disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 1188 patients with adult congenital heart disease (age, 33.1+/-13.1 years) undergoing lung function testing between 2000 and 2009 were included. Patients were classified according to the severity of lung dysfunction based on predicted values of forced vital capacity. Lung function was normal in 53% of patients with adult congenital heart disease, mildly impaired in 17%, and moderately to severely impaired in the remainder (30%). Moderate to severe impairment of lung function related to complexity of underlying cardiac defect, enlarged cardiothoracic ratio, previous thoracotomy/ies, body mass index, scoliosis, and diaphragm palsy. Over a median follow-up period of 6.7 years, 106 patients died. Moderate to severe impairment of lung function was an independent predictor of survival in this cohort. Patients with reduced force vital capacity of at least moderate severity had a 1.6-fold increased risk of death compared with patients with normal lung function (P=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: A reduced forced vital capacity is prevalent in patients with adult congenital heart disease; its severity relates to the complexity of the underlying heart defect, surgical history, and scoliosis. Moderate to severe impairment of lung function is an independent predictor of mortality in contemporary patients with adult congenital heart disease.
The aim of the present study was to examine the molecular and organism reaction of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to the combined impact of two environmental stressors. The two stressors were the myxozoan parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, which is the etiological agent of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) and a natural stressor to salmonid populations, and 17β-estradiol (E2) as prototype of estrogen-active chemical stressors in the aquatic environment. Both stressors, the parasite and estrogenic contaminants, co-exist in Swiss rivers and are discussed as factors contributing to the decline of Swiss brown trout populations over the last decades. Using a microarray approach contrasting parasite-infected and non-infected rainbow trout at low or high estrogen levels, it was observed that molecular response patterns under joint exposure differed from those to the single stressors. More specifically, three major response patterns were present: (i) expression responses of gene transcripts to one stressor are weakened by the presence of the second stressor; (ii) expression responses of gene transcripts to one stressor are enhanced by the presence of the second stressor; (iii) expression responses of gene transcripts at joint treatment are dominated by one of the two stressors. Organism-level responses to concurrent E2 and parasite treatment - assessed through measuring parasite loads in the fish host and cumulative mortalities of trout - were dominated by the pathogen, with no modulating influence of E2. The findings reveal function- and level-specific responses of rainbow trout to stressor combinations, which are only partly predictable from the response to the single stressors.
Hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are complex traits representing major global health problems1,2. Multiple genome-wide association studies have identified common variants in the promoter of the UMOD gene3–9, which encodes uromodulin, the major protein secreted in normal urine, that cause independent susceptibility to CKD and hypertension. Despite compelling genetic evidence for the association between UMOD risk variants and disease susceptibility in the general population, the underlying biological mechanism is not understood. Here, we demonstrate that UMOD risk variants increased UMOD expression in vitro and in vivo. Uromodulin overexpression in transgenic mice led to salt-sensitive hypertension and to the presence of age-dependent renal lesions similar to those observed in elderly individuals homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants. The link between uromodulin and hypertension is due to activation of the renal sodium cotransporter NKCC2. We demonstrated the relevance of this mechanism in humans by showing that pharmacological inhibition of NKCC2 was more effective in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients who are homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants than in other hypertensive patients. Our findings link genetic susceptibility to hypertension and CKD to the level of uromodulin expression and uromodulin’s effect on salt reabsorption in the kidney. These findings point to uromodulin as a therapeutic target for lowering blood pressure and preserving renal function.
In the general population, HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) is associated with reduced cardiovascular events. However, recent experimental data suggest that the vascular effects of HDL can be heterogeneous. We examined the association of HDL-C with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health study comprising 3307 patients undergoing coronary angiography. Patients were followed for a median of 9.9 years. Estimated GFR (eGFR) was calculated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration eGFR creatinine-cystatin C (eGFRcreat-cys) equation. The effect of increasing HDL-C serum levels was assessed using Cox proportional hazard models. In participants with normal kidney function (eGFR>90 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)), higher HDL-C was associated with reduced risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and coronary artery disease severity (hazard ratio [HR], 0.51, 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.26-0.92 [P=0.03]; HR, 0.30, 95% CI, 0.13-0.73 [P=0.01]). Conversely, in patients with mild (eGFR=60-89 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)) and more advanced reduced kidney function (eGFR<60 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)), higher HDL-C did not associate with lower risk for mortality (eGFR=60-89 ml/min per 1.73 m(2): HR, 0.68, 95% CI, 0.45-1.04 [P=0.07]; HR, 0.84, 95% CI, 0.50-1.40 [P=0.50]; eGFR<60 ml/min per 1.73 m(2): HR, 1.18, 95% CI, 0.60-1.81 [P=0.88]; HR, 0.82, 95% CI, 0.40-1.69 [P=0.60]). Moreover, Cox regression analyses revealed interaction between HDL-C and eGFR in predicting all-cause and cardiovascular mortality (P=0.04 and P=0.02, respectively). We confirmed a lack of association between higher HDL-C and lower mortality in an independent cohort of patients with definite CKD (P=0.63). In summary, higher HDL-C levels did not associate with reduced mortality risk and coronary artery disease severity in patients with reduced kidney function. Indeed, abnormal HDL function might confound the outcome of HDL-targeted therapies in these patients.
The number of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) has increased markedly over the past few decades as a result of astounding successes in pediatric cardiac care. Nevertheless, it is now well understood that CHD is not cured but palliated, such that life-long expert care is required to optimize outcomes. All countries in the world that experience improved survival in CHD must face new challenges inherent to the emergence of a growing and aging CHD population with changing needs and medical and psychosocial issues. Founded in 1992, the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD) is the leading global organization of professionals dedicated to pursuing excellence in the care of adults with CHD worldwide. Recognizing the unique and varied issues involved in caring for adults with CHD, ISACHD established a task force to assess the current status of care for adults with CHD across the globe, highlight major challenges and priorities, and provide future direction. The writing committee consisted of experts from North America, South America, Europe, South Asia, East Asia, and Oceania. The committee was divided into subgroups to review key aspects of adult CHD (ACHD) care. Regional representatives were tasked with investigating and reporting on relevant local issues as accurately as possible, within the constraints of available data. The resulting ISACHD position statement addresses changing patterns of worldwide epidemiology, models of care and organization of care, education and training, and the global research landscape in ACHD.
BACKGROUND Racial disparities in kidney transplantation in children have been found in the United States, but have not been studied before in Europe. STUDY DESIGN Cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS Data were derived from the ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry, an international pediatric renal registry collecting data from 36 European countries. This analysis included 1,134 young patients (aged ≤19 years) from 8 medium- to high-income countries who initiated renal replacement therapy (RRT) in 2006 to 2012. FACTOR Racial background. OUTCOMES & MEASUREMENTS Differences between racial groups in access to kidney transplantation, transplant survival, and overall survival on RRT were examined using Cox regression analysis while adjusting for age at RRT initiation, sex, and country of residence. RESULTS 868 (76.5%) patients were white; 59 (5.2%), black; 116 (10.2%), Asian; and 91 (8.0%), from other racial groups. After a median follow-up of 2.8 (range, 0.1-3.0) years, we found that black (HR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.34-0.72) and Asian (HR, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.41-0.71) patients were less likely to receive a kidney transplant than white patients. These disparities persisted after adjustment for primary renal disease. Transplant survival rates were similar across racial groups. Asian patients had higher overall mortality risk on RRT compared with white patients (HR, 2.50; 95% CI, 1.14-5.49). Adjustment for primary kidney disease reduced the effect of Asian background, suggesting that part of the association may be explained by differences in the underlying kidney disease between racial groups. LIMITATIONS No data for socioeconomic status, blood group, and HLA profile. CONCLUSIONS We believe this is the first study examining racial differences in access to and outcomes of kidney transplantation in a large European population. We found important differences with less favorable outcomes for black and Asian patients. Further research is required to address the barriers to optimal treatment among racial minority groups.
The 1999-2004 prevalence of chronic kidney disease in adults 20 year or older (15.5 million) is an estimated 7.69%. The risk of developing CKD is exacerbated by diabetes, hypertension and/or a family history of kidney disease. African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, and the elderly are more susceptible to higher incidence of CKD. The challenges of aging coupled with co-morbidities such as kidney disease raises the potential for malnutrition among elderly (for the purpose of this study 55 years or older) populations. Lack of adherence to prescribed nutrition guidelines specific to renal failure jeopardizes body homeostasis and increases the likelihood of future morbidity and resultant mortality. The relationship and synergy that exists between diet and disease is evident. Clinical experience with renal patients has indicated the importance of adherence to diet therapy specific to kidney disease. Extension investigation of diet adherence among endstage renal disease patients revealed a sizeable dearth in the current literature. This thesis study was undertaken to help reduce that void. The study design is qualitative and descriptive. Support, cooperation, and collaboration were provided by the University of Texas Nephrology Department, University of Texas Physicians, and DaVita Dialysis Centers. Approximately 105 male and female chronic to end-stage kidney disease patients were approached to participate in elicitation interviews in dialysis treatment facilities regarding their present diet beliefs and practices. Eighty-five were recruited and agreed to participate. Inclusion criteria required individuals to be between 35-90 years of age; capable of completing a 5-10 minute interview; and English speaking. Each kidney patient was asked seven (7) non-leading questions developed from the constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior. The study presents a descriptive comparison of behavioral, normative, and control beliefs that influence adherence to renal diets by age, race, and gender. The study successfully concluded that behavioral, normative, and control beliefs of chronic to end-stage renal patients promoted execution and adherence to prescribed nutrition. This study provides valuable information for dietitians, technicians, nurses, and physicians to assess patient compliance toward prescribed nutrition and the means to support or improve that performance. ^
Part 1: 1907-1908 The Royal Medical Society of Edinburg, 1907 On the Library of a Medical School, 1907 On Telangiectasis Circumscripta Universalis, 1907 A Clinical Lecture on Abdominal Tumours Associated with Disease of the Testicle, 1907 A Clinical Lecture on Erythraemia, 1908 Vienna after Thirty-Four Years, 1908 Endocardites Infectieuses Chroniques, 1908 Part 2: 1909 Chronic Infectious Endocarditis, 1909 What the Public Can Do in the Fight Against Tuberculosis, 1909 Annual Oration on the Occasion of the Opening of the New Building of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, May 13, 1909 The Medical Library in Post-Graduate Work, 1909 The Treatment of Disease, 1909 Part 3: 1910-1911 The Pupil Symptoms in Thoracic Aneurysm, 1910 The Lumleian Lectures on Angina Pectoris, 1910 Certain Vasomotor, Sensory, and Muscular Phenomena Associated with Cervical Rib, 1910 An Address on the Hospital Unit in University Work, 1911 Sulle Telangiectasie Emorragiche Ereditarie, 1911 Transient Attacks of Aphasia and Paralyses in States of High Blood Pressure and Arterio-Sclerosis, 1911 The Pathological Institute of a General Hospital, 1911 Part 4: 1912-1914 An Address on High Blood Pressure: its Associations, Advantages, and Disadvantages, 1912 Specialism in the General Hospital, 1913 Syphilis of the Liver with the Picture of Banti’s Disease, 1913 An Introductory Address on Examinations, Examiners, and Examinees, 1913 The Medical Clinic: a retrospect and a Forecast, 1914 Part 5: 1915-1919 Remarks on the Diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney, 1915 The War and Typhoid Fever, 1914/15 The Cerebro-Spinal Fever in Camps and Barracks, 1915 Remarks on Arterio-Venous Aneurysm, 1915 Nerve & “Nerves”, 1915 Intensive Work in Science at the Public Schools in Relation to the Curriculum, 1916 Creators, Transmuters, and Transmitters, 1916 Annual Oration on the Campaign Against Syphilis, 1917 The First Printed Documents relating to Modern Surgical Anaesthesia, 1918 Observations on the Severe Anaemias of Pregnancy and the Post-Partum State, 1919 Typhoid Spine, 1919
BACKGROUND Apoptosis is a key mechanism involved in ischemic acute kidney injury (AKI), but its role in septic AKI is controversial. Biomarkers indicative of apoptosis could potentially detect developing AKI prior to its clinical diagnosis. METHODS As a part of the multicenter, observational FINNAKI study, we performed a pilot study among critically ill patients who developed AKI (n = 30) matched to critically ill patients without AKI (n = 30). We explored the urine and plasma levels of cytokeratin-18 neoepitope M30 (CK-18 M30), cell-free DNA, and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) at intensive care unit (ICU) admission and 24h thereafter, before the clinical diagnosis of AKI defined by the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes -creatinine and urine output criteria. Furthermore, we performed a validation study in 197 consecutive patients in the FINNAKI cohort and analyzed the urine sample at ICU admission for CK-18 M30 levels. RESULTS In the pilot study, the urine or plasma levels of measured biomarkers at ICU admission, at 24h, or their maximum value did not differ significantly between AKI and non-AKI patients. Among 20 AKI patients without severe sepsis, the urine CK-18 M30 levels were significantly higher at 24h (median 116.0, IQR [32.3-233.0] U/L) than among those 20 patients who did not develop AKI (46.0 [0.0-54.0] U/L), P = 0.020. Neither urine cell-free DNA nor HSP70 levels significantly differed between AKI and non-AKI patients regardless of the presence of severe sepsis. In the validation study, urine CK-18 M30 level at ICU admission was not significantly higher among patients developing AKI compared to non-AKI patients regardless of the presence of severe sepsis or CKD. CONCLUSIONS Our findings do not support that apoptosis detected with CK-18 M30 level would be useful in assessing the development of AKI in the critically ill. Urine HSP or cell-free DNA levels did not differ between AKI and non-AKI patients.