974 resultados para ACID-RAIN STRESS


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Lindane, or γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, is a chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide that was banned from U.S. production in 1976, but until recently continued to be imported and applied for occupational and domestic purposes. Lindane is known to cause central nervous system (CNS), immune, cardiovascular, reproductive, liver, and kidney toxicity. The mechanism for which lindane interacts with the CNS has been elucidated, and involves antagonism of the γ-aminobutyric acid/benzodiazepine (GABAA/BZD) receptor. Antagonism of this receptor results in the inhibition of Cl- channel flux, with subsequent convulsions, seizures, and paralysis. This response makes lindane a desirable defense against arthropod pests in agriculture and the home. However, formulation and application of this compound can contribute to human toxicity. In conjunction with this exposure scenario, workers may be subject to both heat and physical stress that may increase their susceptibility to pesticide toxicity by altering their cellular stress response. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining osmotic homeostasis, and are exposed to agents that undergo urinary excretion. The mechanistic action of lindane on the kidneys is not well understood. Lindane, in other organ systems, has been shown to cause cellular damage by generation of free radicals and oxidative stress. Previous research in our laboratory has shown that lindane causes apoptosis in distal tubule cells, and delays renal stress response under hypertonic stress. Characterizing the mechanism of action of lindane under conditions of physiologic stress is necessary to understand the potential hazard cyclodiene pesticides and other organochlorine compounds pose to exposed individuals under baseline conditions, as well as under conditions of physiologic stress. We demonstrated that exposure to lindane results in oxidative damage and dysregulation of glutathione response in renal distal tubule (MDCK) cells. We showed that under conditions of hypertonic stress, lindane-induced oxidative stress resulted in early onset apoptosis and corresponding down-regulated expression of the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-xL. Thus, the interaction of lindane with renal peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBR) is associated with attenuation of cellular protective proteins, making the cell more susceptible to injury or death. ^


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Vitamin C (ascorbic acid--AA) can have a substantial impact on human health by reducing the incidence and/or severity of coryza. Studies also suggest it has immunomodulatory functions in humans. Immune function is controlled by cytokines, such as type-1 cytokines (IFNγ) that promote antiviral immunity and type-2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-10) that promote humoral immunity. Knowing the mechanisms responsible for both antiviral immunity and type-1/type-2 cytokine balance, we sought to identify AA-induced alterations of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in vivo and in vitro . We hypothesized that AA modulates the immune system, altering both number and function of PBMC. We first described the effect of 14 days of oral (1 gram) AA in healthy subjects. AA increased circulating natural killer (NK) cells, CD25+ and HLA-DR+ T cells, and PMA/ionomycin-stimulated intracellular IFNγ. We subsequently developed models for in vitro use. We determined that AA was toxic in vitro to T cells when used at doses found intracellularly but doses found in plasma from individuals taking 1gm/day AA were nontoxic. The model that most fully reproduced our in vivo intracellular cytokine findings used dehydroascorbic acid and buffers to deliver AA intracellularly. This model generated the largest increase in IFNγ at physiologic plasma concentrations. Previous studies demonstrate that chronic psychological stress is associated with a type-2 cytokine response. We hypothesized that vitamin C could prevent the type-2 cytokine shift associated with stress. In a study of medical students taking 1 g AA or placebo, a significant increase in IFNγ was seen intracellularly in CD4+ and CD8+ cells and in tetanus-stimulated cultures in the AA group only. We also observed increases in IFNγ/IL-4 and IFNγ/IL-10 ratios with AA supplementation, indicating a type-1 shift. Furthermore, we noted increased numbers of NK cells and activated T cells in the peripheral blood in the AA treated group only. Lastly, we investigated the role of the CD40L/CD40 and CD28/B7 costimulatory pathway in these cytokine alterations. AA did not have any effect on either pathway studied. Thus costimulatory pathways are not contributing to AA induced modulation of the type-1/type-2 immune balance. ^


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Anthropogenic climate change confronts marine organisms with rapid trends of concomitant warming and CO2 induced ocean acidification. The survival and distribution of species partly depend on their ability to exploit their physiological plasticity during acclimatization. Therefore, in laboratory studies the effects of simulated future ocean acidification on thermal tolerance, energy metabolism and acid-base regulation capacity of the North Sea population of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis were examined. Following one month of pre-acclimation to 10 °C and control CO2 levels, mussels were exposed for two weeks to control and projected oceanic CO2 levels (390, 750 and 1120 µatm) before being subjected to a stepwise warming protocol between 10 °C and 31 °C (+ 3 °C each night). Oxygen consumption and heart rates, anaerobic metabolite levels and haemolymph acid-base status were determined at each temperature. CO2 exposure left oxygen consumption rate unchanged at acclimation temperature but caused a somewhat stronger increase during acute warming and thus mildly higher Q10-values than seen in controls. Interestingly, the thermally induced limitation of oxygen consumption rate set in earlier in normocapnic than in hypercapnic (1120 µatm CO2) mussels (25.2 °C vs. 28.8 °C), likely due to an onset of metabolic depression in the control group following warming. However, the temperature induced increase in heart rate became limited above 25 °C in both groups indicating an unchanged pejus temperature regardless of CO2 treatment. An upper critical temperature was reached above 28 °C in both treatments indicated by the accumulation of anaerobic metabolites in the mantle tissue, paralleled by a strong increase in haemolymph PCO2 at 31 °C. Ocean acidification caused a decrease in haemolymph pH. The extracellular acidosis remained largely uncompensated despite some bicarbonate accumulation. In all treatments animals developed a progressive warming-induced extracellular acidosis. A stronger pH drop at around 25 °C was followed by stagnating heart rates. However, normocapnic mussels enhanced bicarbonate accumulation at the critical limit, a strategy no longer available to hypercapnic mussels. In conclusion, CO2 has small effects on the response patterns of mussels to warming, leaving thermal thresholds largely unaffected. High resilience of adult North Sea mussels to future ocean acidification indicates that sensitivity to thermal stress is more relevant in shaping the response to future climate change.


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Chromatographic fractionation of the cytotoxic n-hexane extract of Hopea odorata Roxb. leaves led to the isolation of eight lupane triterpenes, which constitutes the first report of lupane-type triterpenes from this plant source. Furthermore, 3,30-dioxolup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid (6) was isolated for the first time from a natural source. Their structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic methods, including 2D NMR analysis, and by comparison of their spectral data with literature values. Complete NMR assignments of the 1H and 13C NMR data were achieved for all compounds. Finally, the cytotoxic activities of the isolated compounds against four human cell lines (PC3, MDA-MB-231, HT-29 and HCT116) was also reported.


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Homeostatic regulation allows organisms to secure basic physiological processes in a varying environment. To counteract fluctuations in ambient carbonate system speciation due to elevated seawater pCO2 (hypercapnia), many aquatic crustaceans excrete/accumulate acid-base equivalents through their gills; however, not much is known about the role of ammonia in this response. The present study investigated the effects of hypercapnia on acid-base and ammonia regulation in the Dungeness crab, Metacarcinus magister on the whole animal and isolated gill levels. Hemolymph pCO2 and [HCO3]- increased in M. magister acclimated to elevated pCO2 (330 Pa), while pH remained stable. Additionally, hemolymph [Na+], [Ca2+], and [SO4]2- were significantly increased. When challenged with varying pH during gill perfusion, the pH of the artificial hemolymph remained relatively unchanged. Overall, ammonia production and excretion, as well as oxygen consumption, were reduced in crabs acclimated to elevated pCO2, demonstrating that either (amino acid) oxidation is reduced in response to this particular stress, or nitrogenous wastes are excreted in an alternative form.


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In watermelon crops in Southeastern Spain, important thermal differences appear during the first stages of plant development that can affect them. This work shows the effect of applying jasmonic acid and benzoic acid (JA+BA), inductors of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR), respectively, on fruit quality parameters from a crop in a greenhouse in Southeastern Spain, where crops face a remarkable abiotic stress. We assessed two treatments of JA+BA, T1 (500+500 ppm), T2 (2000+2000 ppm) and a control test using an experimental design of randomized blocks with four replications. The results obtained for the parameters assessed (ºBrix, flesh firmness, rind thickness, polar and equatorial diameter) did not show statistically significant differences. The results showed that there was no metabolic cost in the plants when applying the assessed treatments of JA+BA.


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El tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) es considerado uno de los cultivos hortícolas de mayor importancia económica en el territorio Español. Sin embargo, su producción está seriamente afectada por condiciones ambientales adversas como, salinidad, sequía y temperaturas extremas. Para resolver los problemas que se presentan en condiciones de estrés, se han empleado una serie de técnicas culturales que disminuyen sus efectos negativos, siendo de gran interés el desarrollo de variedades tolerantes. En este sentido la obtención y análisis de plantas transgénicas, ha supuesto un avance tecnológico, que ha facilitado el estudio y la evaluación de genes seleccionados en relación con la tolerancia al estrés. Estudios recientes han mostrado que el uso de genes reguladores como factores de transcripción (FTs) es una gran herramienta para obtener nuevas variedades de tomate con mayor tolerancia a estreses abióticos. Las proteínas DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) son una familia de FTs específica de plantas (Yangisawa, 2002), que están involucrados en procesos fisiológicos exclusivos de plantas como: asimilación del nitrógeno y fijación del carbono fotosintético, germinación de semilla, metabolismo secundario y respuesta al fotoperiodo pero su preciso rol en la tolerancia a estrés abiótico se desconoce en gran parte. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis tiene como objetivo estudiar genes reguladores tipo DOF para incrementar la tolerancia a estrés abiotico tanto en especies modelo como en tomate. En el primer capítulo de esta tesis se muestra la caracterización funcional del gen CDF3 de Arabidopsis, así como su papel en la respuesta a estrés abiótico y otros procesos del desarrollo. La expresión del gen AtCDF3 es altamente inducido por sequía, temperaturas extremas, salinidad y tratamientos con ácido abscísico (ABA). La línea de inserción T-DNA cdf3-1 es más sensible al estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas, mientras que líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis 35S::AtCDF3 aumentan la tolerancia al estrés por sequía, osmótico y bajas temperaturas en comparación con plantas wild-type (WT). Además, estas plantas presentan un incremento en la tasa fotosintética y apertura estomática. El gen AtCDF3 se localiza en el núcleo y que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional en ensayos de protoplastos de Arabidopsis. El dominio C-terminal de AtCDF3 es esencial para esta localización y su capacidad activación, la delección de este dominio reduce la tolerancia a sequía en plantas transgénicas 35S::AtCDF3. Análisis por microarray revelan que el AtCDF3 regula un set de genes involucrados en el metabolismo del carbono y nitrógeno. Nuestros resultados demuestran que el gen AtCDF3 juega un doble papel en la regulación de la respuesta a estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas y en el control del tiempo de floración. En el segundo capítulo de este trabajo se lleva a cabo la identificación de 34 genes Dof en tomate que se pueden clasificar en base a homología de secuencia en cuatro grupos A-D, similares a los descritos en Arabidopsis. Dentro del grupo D se han identificado cinco genes DOF que presentan características similares a los Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) de Arabidopsis. Estos genes son considerados ortólogos de Arabidopsis CDF1-5, y han sido nombrados como Solanum lycopersicum CDFs o SlCDFs. Los SlCDF1-5 son proteínas nucleares que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional in vivo. Análisis de expresión de los genes SlCDF1-5 muestran diferentes patrones de expresión durante el día y son inducidos de forma diferente en respuesta a estrés osmótico, salino, y de altas y bajas temperaturas. Plantas de Arabidopsis que sobre-expresan SlCDF1 y SlCDF3 muestran un incremento de la tolerancia a la sequía y salinidad. Además, de la expresión de varios genes de respuesta estrés como AtCOR15, AtRD29A y AtERD10, son expresados de forma diferente en estas líneas. La sobre-expresión de SlCDF3 en Arabidopsis promueve un retardo en el tiempo de floración a través de la modulación de la expresión de genes que controlan la floración como CONSTANS (CO) y FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). En general, nuestros datos demuestran que los SlCDFs están asociados a funciones aun no descritas, relacionadas con la tolerancia a estrés abiótico y el control del tiempo de floración a través de la regulación de genes específicos y a un aumento de metabolitos particulares. ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the horticultural crops of major economic importance in the Spanish territory. However, its production is being affected by adverse environmental conditions such as salinity, drought and extreme temperatures. To resolve the problems triggered by stress conditions, a number of agricultural techniques that reduce the negative effects of stress are being frequently applied. However, the development of stress tolerant varieties is of a great interest. In this direction, the technological progress in obtaining and analysis of transgenic plants facilitated the study and evaluation of selected genes in relation to stress tolerance. Recent studies have shown that a use of regulatory genes such as transcription factors (TFs) is a great tool to obtain new tomato varieties with greater tolerance to abiotic stresses. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) proteins form a family of plant-specific TFs (Yangisawa, 2002) that are involved in the regulation of particular plant processes such as nitrogen assimilation, photosynthetic carbon fixation, seed germination, secondary metabolism and flowering time bur their precise roles in abiotic stress tolerance are largely unknown. The work described in this thesis aims at the study of the DOF type regulatory genes to increase tolerance to abiotic stress in both model species and the tomato. In the first chapter of this thesis, we present molecular characterization of the Arabidopsis CDF3 gene as well as its role in the response to abiotic stress and in other developmental processes. AtCDF3 is highly induced by drought, extreme temperatures, salt and abscisic acid (ABA) treatments. The cdf3-1 T-DNA insertion mutant was more sensitive to drought and low temperature stresses, whereas the AtCDF3 overexpression enhanced the tolerance of transgenic plants to drought, cold and osmotic stress comparing to the wild-type (WT) plants. In addition, these plants exhibit increased photosynthesis rates and stomatal aperture. AtCDF3 is localized in the nuclear region, displays specific binding to the canonical DNA target sequences and has a transcriptional activation activity in Arabidopsis protoplast assays. In addition, the C-terminal domain of AtCDF3 is essential for its localization and activation capabilities and the deletion of this domain significantly reduces the tolerance to drought in transgenic 35S::AtCDF3 overexpressing plants. Microarray analysis revealed that AtCDF3 regulated a set of genes involved in nitrogen and carbon metabolism. Our results demonstrate that AtCDF3 plays dual roles in regulating plant responses to drought and low temperature stress and in control of flowering time in vegetative tissues. In the second chapter this work, we carried out to identification of 34 tomato DOF genes that were classified by sequence similarity into four groups A-D, similar to the situation in Arabidopsis. In the D group we have identified five DOF genes that show similar characteristics to the Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) of Arabidopsis. These genes were considered orthologous to the Arabidopsis CDF1 - 5 and were named Solanum lycopersicum CDFs or SlCDFs. SlCDF1-5 are nuclear proteins that display specific binding to canonical DNA target sequences and have transcriptional activation capacities in vivo. Expression analysis of SlCDF1-5 genes showed distinct diurnal expression patterns and were differentially induced in response to osmotic, salt and low and high temperature stresses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing SlCDF1 and SlCDF3 showed increased drought and salt tolerance. In addition, various stress-responsive genes, such as AtCOR15, AtRD29A and AtERD10, were expressed differently in these lines. The overexpression of SlCDF3 in Arabidopsis also results in the late flowering phenotype through the modulation of the expression of flowering control genes such CONSTANS (CO) and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). Overall, our data connet SlCDFs to undescribed functions related to abiotic stress tolerance and flowering time through the regulation of specific target genes and an increase in particular metabolites.


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En los suelos, el exceso de acidez lleva asociado deficiencias en ciertos nutrientes y una alta disponibilidad de aluminio, tóxico para los cultivos propios del ambiente mediterráneo. Su laboreo, provoca la pérdida de materia orgánica (MO), deteriora su estructura y reduce la actividad biológica, provocando en última instancia una menor calidad del suelo. Es de esperar pues que cuando se labran suelos ácidos, sus problemáticas particulares tiendan a agravarse. En nuestra zona de estudio, la “raña” de Cañamero (Extremadura, España), predominan los suelos muy ácidos y degradados por un laboreo inadecuado. Las rañas constituyen amplias plataformas casi horizontales, con unos suelos muy viejos (Palexerults), que se caracterizan por tener el complejo de cambio dominado por el aluminio, y un pH ácido que decrece en profundidad. Poseen un potente horizonte Bt rico en arcillas caoliníticas, que propicia que en periodos con exceso de lluvia, se generen capas colgadas de agua cercanas a la superficie. En torno a los años 1940’s estos suelos, que previamente sostenían un alcornocal, o su matorral de sustitución, se pusieron en cultivo. El laboreo aceleró la mineralización de la materia orgánica, agravó los problemas derivados del exceso de acidez y condujo al abandono de los campos cultivados por falta de productividad. Para recuperar la calidad de estos suelos degradados y obtener unos rendimientos compatibles con su uso agrícola es necesario, por un lado, aplicar enmiendas que eleven el pH y reduzcan la toxicidad del aluminio y, por otro, favorecer el incremento en el contenido en MO. En 2005 se implantó en esta raña un ensayo de campo para estudiar la influencia del no laboreo y de la utilización de una enmienda cálcica en parámetros relacionados con la calidad del suelo en un cultivo forrajero. El diseño experimental fue en parcelas divididas con cuatro repeticiones donde el factor principal fue el tipo de laboreo, no laboreo (NL) frente a laboreo convencional (LC), y el factor secundario el uso o no de una enmienda cálcica. La enmienda consistió básicamente en una mezcla de espuma de azucarería y yeso rojo y se incorporó al comienzo del ensayo hasta los 7 cm de profundidad. Desde el comienzo del ensayo el NL influyó positivamente en el contenido de carbono orgánico total (COT) y particulado (COP), mientras que la enmienda tuvo una ligera influencia al principio del ensayo en ambos pero su efecto positivo se desvaneció con el paso del tiempo. Los mayores contenidos en COT y POC se observaron cuando se combinó el NL con la enmienda. La enmienda incrementó con rapidez el pH, y el Ca, y disminuyó el contenido en aluminio hasta una profundidad de 50 cm, incluso en NL, y mejoró ligeramente la agregación del suelo. El NL por sí solo, gracias al aumento en POC, TOC y las proteínas del suelo relacionadas con la glomalina (PSRG), que son capaces de formar compuestos estables no tóxicos con el aluminio, también contribuyó a la reducción de la toxicidad de aluminio en la capa más superficial. Cuando en las campañas con exceso de precipitaciones se generaron capas colgadas de agua próximas a la superficie, el NL generó unas condiciones más favorables para la germinación y desarrollo del cultivo, resultando en una producción más alta que el LC. A ello contribuyó la mayor capacidad de almacenamiento de agua y la mayor transmisividad de esta hacia abajo, en la capa más superficial (0-5 cm) que propició una menor saturación por agua que el LC. Respecto a los parámetros relacionados con la agregación, el NL aumentó los macroagregados hasta los 10 cm de profundidad y favoreció la acumulación de CO y N en todas las fracciones de tamaño de agregados. Sin embargo, la recuperación del grado de macroagregación tras el cese del laboreo resulta lenta en comparación con otros suelos, posiblemente debido al bajo contenido en arcilla en el horizonte Ap. En comparación con el NL, la enmienda mostró también un efecto positivo, aunque muy ligero, en la agregación del suelo. En contradicción con otros estudios en suelos ácidos, nuestros resultados indican la existencia de una jerarquía de agregados, y destacan el papel importante de la MO en la mejora de la agregación. Tanto el NL como la enmienda favorecieron por separado varias propiedades químicas, físicas y biológicas del suelo, pero, en general, encontramos los mayores beneficios con su uso combinado. Además, a largo plazo el efecto positivo de NL en las propiedades del suelo fue en aumento, mientras que el efecto beneficioso de la enmienda se limitó básicamente a las propiedades químicas y se desvaneció en pocos años. Destacamos que las condiciones meteorológicas a lo largo del ensayo beneficiaron la producción de biomasa en NL, y en consecuencia las propiedades relacionadas con la materia orgánica, por lo que son un factor a tener en cuenta a la hora de evaluar los efectos de la enmienda y el laboreo sobre las propiedades del suelo, especialmente en zonas donde esas condiciones son muy variables entre una campaña y otra. Los resultados de este estudio han puesto de manifiesto que el NL no ha mermado la eficacia de la enmienda caliza, posiblemente gracias a la alta solubilidad de la enmienda aplicada, es más, el manejo con NL y enmienda es el que ha favorecido en mayor medida ciertos parámetros de calidad del suelo. Por el contrario el LC sí parece anular los beneficios de la enmienda en relación con las propiedades relacionadas con la MO. Por tanto, cabe concluir que la combinación de NL y la enmienda es una práctica adecuada para mejorar las propiedades químicas y físicas de suelos ácidos degradados por el laboreo. ABSTRACT Excessive acidity in soils is associated with deficiencies in certain nutrients and high concentrations of available aluminum, which is toxic for most Mediterranean crops. Tilling these soils results in the loss of soil organic matter (SOM), damages soil structure and reduces biological activity, ultimately degrading soil quality. It is expected, therefore, that when acid soils are tilled, their particular problems will tend to get worse. In our study area, the "Cañamero’s Raña” (Extremadura, Spain), acid soils degraded by an inappropriate tillage prevail. Rañas are large and flat platforms with very old soils (Palexerults), which are characterized by an exchange complex dominated by aluminum and an acid pH which decreases with depth. These soils have a strong Bt horizon rich in kaolinite clays, which encourages the formation of perched water-tables near the soil surface during periods of excessive rain. During the first third of the 20th century, these soils, that previously supported cork oak or its scrub replacement, were cultivated. Tillage accelerated the mineralization of the SOM, aggravating the problems of excessive acidity, which finally led to the abandonment of the land due to low productivity. To recover the quality of these degraded soils and to obtain consistent yields it is necessary, first, to apply amendments to raise the pH and reduce aluminum toxicity, and second to encourage the accumulation of SOM. In 2005 a field trial was established in the Raña to study the influence of no-tillage and the use of a Ca-amendment on soil quality related parameters in a forage crop agrosystem. The experimental design was a split-plot with four replicates where the main factor was tillage type, no-tillage (NT) versus traditional tillage (TT) and the secondary factor was the use or not of a Ca-amendment. The Ca-amendment was a mixture of sugar foam and red gypsum that was incorporated into the top 7 cm of the soil. Since the beginning of the experiment, NT had a positive influence on total and particulate organic carbon (TOC and POC, respectively), while the Ca-amendment had a small positive influence at the beginning of the study but its effect diminished with time. The highest TOC and POC contents were observed when NT and the Ca-amendment were combined. The Ca-amendment, even under NT, rapidly increased pH and Ca, and decreased the aluminum content to a depth of 50 cm, as well as improving soil aggregation slightly. NT, due to the increased POC, TOC and Glomalin-related soil proteins (GRSP), which can form stable non-toxic compounds with aluminum, also contributed to the reduction of aluminum toxicity in the upper layer. When perched water-tables near the soil surface were formed in campaigns with excessive rainfall, NT provided more favorable conditions for germination and crop development, resulting in higher yields compared with TT. This was directly related to the higher water storage capacity and the greater transmissivity of the water downwards from the upper layers, which led to lower water saturation under NT compared with TT. With regards to the aggregation-related parameters, NT increased macroaggregation to a depth of 10 cm and favored the accumulation of OC and N in all aggregate size fractions. However, the degree of recovery of macroaggregation after tillage ceased was slow compared with other soils, possibly due to the low clay content in the Ap horizon. Compared with NT, the Ca-amendment had a slight positive effect on soil aggregation. In contrast to other studies in acid soils, our results indicate the existence of an aggregate hierarchy, and highlight the important role of SOM in improving aggregation. Both NT and the Ca-amendment separately favored various chemical, physical and biological soil properties, but in general we found the greatest benefits when the two treatments were combined. In addition, the positive effect of NT on soil properties increased with time, while the beneficial effect of the Ca-amendment, which was limited to the chemical properties, vanished after a few years. It is important to note that the meteorological conditions throughout the experiment benefited biomass production under NT and, as a consequence, organic matter related properties. This suggests that meteorological conditions are a factor to consider when evaluating the effects of Ca-amendments and tillage on soil properties, especially in areas where such conditions vary significantly from one campaign to another. The results of this study show that NT did not diminish the effectiveness of the Ca-amendment, possibly due to the high solubility of the selected amendment. Moreover, the combination of NT and the Ca-amendment was actually the management that favored certain soil quality parameters the most. By contrast, TT seemed to nullify the benefits of the Ca-amendment with regards to the OM related properties. In conclusion, the combination of NT and the application of a Ca-amendment is an advisable practice for improving the chemical and physical properties of acid soils degraded by tillage.


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In higher plants changes and oscillations in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) are central to hormonal physiology, including that of abscisic acid (ABA), which signals conditions of water stress and alters ion channel activities in guard cells of higher-plant leaves. Such changes in [Ca2+]i are thought to encode for cellular responses to different stimuli, but their origins and functions are poorly understood. Because transients and oscillations in membrane voltage also occur in guard cells and are elicited by hormones, including ABA, we suspected a coupling of [Ca2+]i to voltage and its interaction with ABA. We recorded [Ca2+]i by Fura2 fluorescence ratio imaging and photometry while bringing membrane voltage under experimental control with a two-electrode voltage clamp in intact Vicia guard cells. Free-running oscillations between voltages near −50 mV and −200 mV were associated with oscillations in [Ca2+]i, and, under voltage clamp, equivalent membrane hyperpolarizations caused [Ca2+]i to increase, often in excess of 1 μM, from resting values near 100 nM. Image analysis showed that the voltage stimulus evoked a wave of high [Ca2+]i that spread centripetally from the peripheral cytoplasm within 5–10 s and relaxed over 40–60 s thereafter. The [Ca2+]i increases showed a voltage threshold near −120 mV and were sensitive to external Ca2+ concentration. Substituting Mn2+ for Ca2+ to quench Fura2 fluorescence showed that membrane hyperpolarization triggered a divalent influx. ABA affected the voltage threshold for the [Ca2+]i rise, its amplitude, and its duration. In turn, membrane voltage determined the ability of ABA to raise [Ca2+]i. These results demonstrate a capacity for voltage to evoke [Ca2+]i increases, they point to a dual interaction with ABA in triggering and propagating [Ca2+]i increases, and they implicate a role for voltage in “conditioning” [Ca2+]i signals that regulate ion channels for stomatal function.


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In acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), the typical t(15;17) and the rare t(11;17) translocations express, respectively, the PML/RARα and PLZF/RARα fusion proteins (where RARα is retinoic acid receptor α). Herein, we demonstrate that the PLZF and PML proteins interact with each other and colocalize onto nuclear bodies (NBs). Furthermore, induction of PML expression by interferons leads to a recruitment of PLZF onto NBs without increase in the levels of the PLZF protein. PML/RARα and PLZF/RARα localize to the same microspeckled nuclear domains that appear to be common targets for the two fusion proteins in APL. Although PLZF/RARα does not affect the localization of PML, PML/RARα delocalizes the endogenous PLZF protein in t(15;17)-positive NB4 cells, pointing to a hierarchy in the nuclear targeting of these proteins. Thus, our results unify the molecular pathogenesis of APL with at least two different RARα gene translocations and stress the importance of alterations of PLZF and RARα nuclear localizations in this disease.


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Bordetella dermonecrotizing toxin causes assembly of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions in some cultured cells and induces mobility shifts of the small GTP-binding protein Rho on electrophoresis. We attempted to clarify the molecular basis of the toxin action on Rho. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of toxin-treated RhoA revealed the deamidation of Gln-63 to Glu. The substitution of Glu for Gln-63 of RhoA by site-directed mutagenesis caused a mobility shift on electrophoresis, which was indistinguishable from that of the toxin-treated RhoA. Neither mutant RhoA-bearing Glu-63 nor toxin-treated RhoA significantly differed from untreated wild type RhoA in guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate binding activity but both showed a 10-fold reduction in GTP hydrolysis activity relative to untreated RhoA. C3H10T1/2 cells transfected with cDNA of the mutant RhoA bearing Glu-63 showed extensive formation of actin stress fibers similar to the toxin-treated cells. These results indicate that the toxin catalyzes deamidation of Gln-63 of Rho and renders it constitutively active, leading to formation of actin stress fibers.


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Abscisic acid (ABA), an apocarotenoid synthesized from cleavage of carotenoids, regulates seed maturation and stress responses in plants. The viviparous seed mutants of maize identify genes involved in synthesis and perception of ABA. Two alleles of a new mutant, viviparous14 (vp14), were identified by transposon mutagenesis. Mutant embryos had normal sensitivity to ABA, and detached leaves of mutant seedlings showed markedly higher rates of water loss than those of wild type. The ABA content of developing mutant embryos was 70% lower than that of wild type, indicating a defect in ABA biosynthesis. vp14 embryos were not deficient in epoxy-carotenoids, and extracts of vp14 embryos efficiently converted the carotenoid cleavage product, xanthoxin, to ABA, suggesting a lesion in the cleavage reaction. vp14 was cloned by transposon tagging. The VP14 protein sequence is similar to bacterial lignostilbene dioxygenases (LSD). LSD catalyzes a double-bond cleavage reaction that is closely analogous to the carotenoid cleavage reaction of ABA biosynthesis. Southern blots indicated a family of four to six related genes in maize. The Vp14 mRNA is expressed in embryos and roots and is strongly induced in leaves by water stress. A family of Vp14-related genes evidently controls the first committed step of ABA biosynthesis. These genes are likely to play a key role in the developmental and environmental control of ABA synthesis in plants.


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The transcription factor VP1 regulates maturation and dormancy in plant seeds by activating genes responsive to the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Although activation involves ABA-responsive elements (ABREs), VP1 itself does not specifically bind ABREs. Instead, we have identified and cloned a basic region leucine zipper (bZIP) factor, TRAB1, that interacts with both VP1 and ABREs. Transcription from a chimeric promoter with GAL4-binding sites was ABA-inducible if cells expressed a GAL4 DNA-binding domain∷TRAB1 fusion protein. Results indicate that TRAB1 is a true trans-acting factor involved in ABA-regulated transcription and reveal a molecular mechanism for the VP1-dependent, ABA-inducible transcription that controls maturation and dormancy in plant embryos.


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Abscisic acid (ABA), a cleavage product of carotenoids, is involved in stress responses in plants. A well known response of plants to water stress is accumulation of ABA, which is caused by de novo synthesis. The limiting step of ABA biosynthesis in plants is presumably the cleavage of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoids, the first committed step of ABA biosynthesis. This step generates the C15 intermediate xanthoxin and C25-apocarotenoids. A cDNA, PvNCED1, was cloned from wilted bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves. The 2,398-bp full-length PvNCED1 has an ORF of 615 aa and encodes a 68-kDa protein. The PvNCED1 protein is imported into chloroplasts, where it is associated with the thylakoids. The recombinant protein PvNCED1 catalyzes the cleavage of 9-cis-violaxanthin and 9′-cis-neoxanthin, so that the enzyme is referred to as 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase. When detached bean leaves were water stressed, ABA accumulation was preceded by large increases in PvNCED1 mRNA and protein levels. Conversely, rehydration of stressed leaves caused a rapid decrease in PvNCED1 mRNA, protein, and ABA levels. In bean roots, a similar correlation among PvNCED1 mRNA, protein, and ABA levels was observed. However, the ABA content was much less than in leaves, presumably because of the much smaller carotenoid precursor pool in roots than in leaves. At 7°C, PvNCED1 mRNA and ABA were slowly induced by water stress, but, at 2°C, neither accumulated. The results provide evidence that drought-induced ABA biosynthesis is regulated by the 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid cleavage reaction and that this reaction takes place in the thylakoids, where the carotenoid substrate is located.


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Orphanin FQ (OFQ, Nociceptin) is a recently discovered 17-amino acid neuropeptide that is structurally related to the opioid peptides but does not bind opioid receptors. OFQ has been proposed to act as an anti-opioid peptide, but its widespread sites of action in the brain suggest that it may have more general functions. Here we show that OFQ plays an important role in higher brain functions because it can act as an anxiolytic to attenuate the behavioral inhibition of animals acutely exposed to stressful/anxiogenic environmental conditions. OFQ anxiolytic-like effects were consistent across several behavioral paradigms generating different types of anxiety states in animals (light-dark preference, elevated plus-maze, exploratory behavior of an unfamiliar environment, pharmacological anxiogenesis, operant conflict) and were observed at low nonsedating doses (0.1–3 nmol, intracerebroventricular). Like conventional anxiolytics, OFQ interfered with regular sensorimotor function at high doses (>3 nmol). Our results show that an important role of OFQ is to act as an endogenous regulator of acute anxiety responses. OFQ, probably in concert with other major neuropeptides, exerts a modulatory role on the central integration of stressful stimuli and, thereby, may modulate anxiety states generated by acute stress.