1000 resultados para 75-532A


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Samples taken at 10 cm intervals from DSDP Core 532B-17 contain variations in carbonate, opal, organic carbon, and terrigenous components that correlate with light-dark cycles in sediment color. The core site, at 1300 m water depth, is well above the CCD, yet the color variations appear to result largely from cyclical fluctuations in carbonate dissolution, which was greater during glacial periods. Higher concentrations of organic carbon and of terrigenous sediment components correlate with enhanced carbonate dissolution, but opal concentrations inversely correlate and suggest that biological productivity at this site diminished during glacial periods. A complicated glacial-interglacial picture emerges from the data. In interglacial times, upwelling associated with the Benguela Current produced abundant opaline material, organic matter was fairly well preserved, and carbonate was only moderately dissolved. In glacial times, the upwelling core shifted as sea level fell and winds intensified. Productivity in the waters over Site 532 decreased, but lateral supply of oxidizable organic matter enhanced carbonate dissolution, giving rise to light-dark cycles in these sediments.


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Black shales possessing high concentrations of organic carbon (Foresman, 1978, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.40.111.1978) were deposited in many parts of the proto South Atlantic Ocean during the Cretaceous period (Bolli et al., 1978, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.40.104.1978). The way such sediments accumulated is not fully understood, but is likely to have occurred through a combination of low oxygen availability and abundant supply of organic matter. Thin, centimetre-thick layers of black shales are commonly interbedded with thicker layers of organic carbon-deficient, green claystones, as found in strata of Aptian to Coniacian age, at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 530, in the southern Angola Basin (Hay et al., 1982, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1982)93<1038:SAAOOC>2.0.CO;2) and elsewhere. These differences in carbon content and colour reflect the conditions of deposition, and possibly variations in the supply of organic matter (Summerhayes and Masran, 1983, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.76.116.1983; Dean and Gardner, 1982). We have compared, using organic geochemical methods the compositions of organic matter in three pairs of closely-bedded black and green Cenomanian claystones obtained from Site 530. Kerogen analyses and distributions of biological markers show that the organic matter of the black shales is more marine and better preserved than that of the green claystones.