1000 resultados para 3D Druck


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Karrera amaierako proiektu honetan telefono mugikor aurreratuentzako aplikazio grafiko bat garatu da. Aplikazioak mendizaleei lainoa dagoenean orientatzen lagundu nahi die, ikuspen ezagatik galdu ez daitezen. Hori lortzeko, erabiltzailearen inguruan dagoen paisaia hiru dimentsiotan pantailaratuko da. Non kokatuta dagoen jakiteko GPS sistema atzitzen da. Erabiltzaileak aurrera egiten duen heinean marraztutako ingurunea eguneratzen da. Orientatzen laguntzeko, begiratzen ari den norantzan dagoen lurrazala bakarrik marraztuko zaio mendizaleari.


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A general three-dimensional model is developed for simulation of the growth process of silicon single crystals by Czochralski technique. The numerical scheme is based on the curvilinear non-orthogonal finite volume discretization. Numerical solutions show that the flow and temperature fields in the melt are asymmetric and unsteady for 8’’ silicon growth. The effects of rotation of crystal on the flow structure are studied. The rotation of crystal forms the Ekman layer in which the temperature gradient along solid/melt surface is small.


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Czochralski (Cz) technique, which is used for growing single crystals, has dominated the production of single crystals for electronic applications. The Cz growth process involves multiple phases, moving interface and three-dimensional behavior. Much has been done to study these phenomena by means of numerical methods as well as experimental observations. A three-dimensional curvilinear finite volume based algorithm has been developed to model the Cz process. A body-fitted transformation based approach is adopted in conjunction with a multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) technique to accurately handle the three-dimensional problems of phase-change in irregular geometries with free and moving surfaces. The multizone adaptive model is used to perform a three-dimensional simulation of the Cz growth of silicon single crystals.Since the phase change interface are irregular in shape and they move in response to the solution, accurate treatment of these interfaces is important from numerical accuracy point of view. The multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) is the appropriate scheme for this purpose. Another challenge encountered is the moving and periodic boundary conditions, which is essential to the numerical solution of the governing equations. Special treatments are implemented to impose the periodic boundary condition in a particular direction and to determine the internal boundary position and shape varying with the combination of ambient physicochemical transport process and interfacial dynamics. As indicated above that the applications and processes characterized by multi-phase, moving interfaces and irregular shape render the associated physical phenomena three-dimensional and unsteady. Therefore a generalized 3D model rather than a 2D simulation, in which the governing equations are solved in a general non-orthogonal coordinate system, is constructed to describe and capture the features of the growth process. All this has been implemented and validated by using it to model the low pressure Cz growth of silicon. Accuracy of this scheme is demonstrated by agreement of simulation data with available experimental data. Using the quasi-steady state approximation, it is shown that the flow and temperature fields in the melt under certain operating conditions become asymmetric and unsteady even in the absence of extrinsic sources of asymmetry. Asymmetry in the flow and temperature fields, caused by high shear initiated phenomena, affects the interface shape in the azimuthal direction thus results in the thermal stress distribution in the vicinity, which has serious implications from crystal quality point of view.


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[ES] Los repositorios institucionales albergan gran cantidad de información científica generada por las universidades y centros de investigación que está disponible para su descarga y uso de forma libre. Uno de los factores que puede limitar el uso proviene de la dificultad de navegación dentro de las interfaces que proporcionan estos programas de cara a los usuarios; por este motivo, es interesante desarrollar métodos alternativos de búsqueda y navegación por los contenidos que complementen a los existentes, permitiendo así una mayor difusión.


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A dynamic 3D pore-scale network model is formulated for investigating the effect of interfacial tension and oil-water viscosity during chemical flooding. The model takes into account both viscous and capillary forces in analyzing the impact of chemical properties on flow behavior or displacement configuration, while the static model with conventional invasion percolation algorithm incorporates the capillary pressure only. From comparisons of simulation results from these models. it indicates that the static pore scale network model can be used successfully when the capillary number is low. With the capillary increases due to the enhancement of water viscosity or decrease of interfacial tension, only the quasi-static and dynamic model can give insight into the displacement mechanisms.


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