996 resultados para 307-U1317A
The presence of even very minute quantities of pollutants may become harmful either due to their direct effect on zooplankton or indirectly due to the transfer of the pollutants to other trophic levels through zooplankton. The recent trend in marine pollution studies is therefore to find out the effects of very minute quantities of these pollutants on marine zooplankton and the methods of their accumulation and transfer to the organisms of higher trophic level including man. A review of laboratory and field studies concerning the effects of pollutants such as hydrocarbons, crude oil, heavy metals, pesticides and heated waste water on the survival, breeding, movement, faecal pellet production, growth and development on marine zooplankton is presented.
A method for the detection of knock using the sparking plug, and a system which allows the basic nature of the signal from the spark plug to be compared directly with that from an accelerometer are described. Results are presented for a range of engine speeds which highlight the problems and benefits of each sensing technique.
本发明涉及无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽、基因和变异体及其在制药中的应用,属生物医学技术领域。无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽是一种环状多肽,分子量1791.12道尔顿,等电点 9.84,无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽的全序列为:Thr Ser Arg Cys Tyr Ile Gly Tyr Arg Arg Lys Val Val Cys Ser(TSRCYIGYRRKVVCS),其第4位的半胱氨酸和第14位的半胱氨酸形成分子内二硫键。编码的基因由307个核苷酸组成,其中编码成熟部分的为第 141-186位核苷酸。无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽原始序列中第4个氨基酸发生替代所产生的变异体,人工合成的无指盘臭蛙免疫调节肽及其变异体具有强烈的免疫调节活性和肿瘤抑制活性,作为制备免疫调节、肿瘤治疗和化疗药物的应用。本发明还具有序列简单、合成方便等优点。
云南高原位于北纬21°9′~29°15′和东经97°39′~106°12′之间,总面积394000 km2 ,地质和气候、植被非常复杂。大 陆漂移和冰期的进退是影响昆虫起源和演替的一个重要原因。昆虫的祖先是起源于一个统一大陆,在这个大陆上共 同起源,共同进化,随着原始大陆的分离和漂移,把这些类群运载到各地,形成现今昆虫分布格局。昆虫的扩散是以中 心分布方式成环状向周围扩散的。云南胡蜂的祖先是来自冈瓦那古陆。有两支昆虫进入云南,其中一支来自喜马拉 雅山,另一支来自缅甸。冰期是导致南北生物互相混合和渗入的重要因素。胡蜂的特有类群是在冈瓦那古陆分裂之 后才发展起来的。其祖先最早是分布在原始古陆较狭窄的区域内。
2005年3~4月,对云南省临沧地区澜沧江自然保护区的鸟类资源进行了调查.通过观察和网捕调查,共计采集记录105种鸟类.结合中国科学院昆明动物研究所鸟类标本室收藏的临沧地区的207种鸟类标本,以及该地区的有关文献资料记录的84种,保护区内共有396种鸟类,隶属55 科(另4亚科)19 目,占云南省所录鸟类种数848种的47%,全国鸟类种数1331种的30%.其中国家一级保护物种2种,二级保护物种39种.保护区内记录的鸟类有留鸟307种,占所录鸟类的78%.区系成分以东洋界物种为主,有292种,占繁殖鸟类总种数的83%.亚区级区系分析表明保护区内的鸟类以滇南山地亚区和西南山地亚区的种类为主,前者成分稍多于后者,说明该地区处于由滇南山地亚区向西南山地亚区过渡的地带.结合该区鸟类垂直分布的特点,提出应加强对原生及次生阔叶林的保护,尤其是对成熟次生林的保护,因为它们对保存该保护区的大多数物种具有重要的价值.
Conservation status, identification, distribution, abundance, habitat and ecology, threats, conservation actions and recommendations of an endemic catfish, King's bullhead, Silurus mento were introduced.
目的 克隆和分析荧光素再生酶基因(LRE).方法 通过GeneBank中已知的荧光素再生酶基因保守区段设计引物,利用5'RACE(rapid-amplification of cDNA ends)和3'RACE技术克隆了来自云南省两双版纳州的卵黄萤(Luciola ovalis)荧光素再生酶基因cDNA和全基因序列.通过GeneBank、National Center for Bioteclmology Information和ProDom at the ExPASy Server软件和数据库进行序列分析.结果 卵黄萤荧光素再牛酶的cDNA序列和基因序列存在2个不同碱基位点,但是它们编码的荧光素再生酶是相同的.卵黄萤荧光素再生酶基因全长(从起始密码子到终止密码子)为1131 bp,包含5个外显子4个内含子,其cDNA 序列为1008 bp,包含924bp的荧光素酶基因开放阅读框和84 bp的3'UTR序列.卵黄萤荧光素酶基因的开放阅读框编码1个307个氨基酸的蛋白质.它与北美萤火虫(Photinus pyralis)荧光素再生酶在碱基序列和氨基酸序列上分别有61.8%和53.3%的相似性.结论 成功地克隆了荧光素再生酶的cDNA和基因序列,为其在基因工程中的应用奠定了基础.
Accurate predictions of ground-borne vibration levels in the vicinity of an underground railway are greatly sought in modern urban centers. Yet the complexity involved in simulating the underground environment means that it is necessary to make simplifying assumptions about this environment. One such commonly-made assumption is to model the railway as a single tunnel, despite many underground railway lines consisting of twin-bored tunnels. A unique model for two tunnels embedded in a homogeneous, elastic full space is developed. The vibration response of this two-tunnel system is calculated using the superposition of two displacement fields: one resulting from the forces acting on the invert of a single tunnel, and the other resulting from the interaction between the tunnels. By partitioning of the stresses into symmetric and anti-symmetric mode number components using Fourier decomposition, these two displacement fields can by calculated with minimal computational requirements. The significance of the interactions between twin-tunnels is quantified by calculating the insertion gains that result from the existence of a second tunnel. The insertion-gain results are shown to be localized and highly dependent on frequency, tunnel orientation and tunnel thickness. At some locations, the magnitude of these insertion gains is greater than 20dB. This demonstrates that a high degree of inaccuracy exists in any surface vibration-prediction model that includes only one of the two tunnels. © 2012 Springer.