942 resultados para 2Q36 DELETION
We have investigated the possible role of trans-acting factors interacting with the untranslated regions (UTRs) of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA. We show here that polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) binds specifically to both 5' and 3' UTRs, but with different affinity. We have demonstrated that PTB is a bona fide internal ribosome entry site (IRES) trans-acting factor (ITAF) for CVB3 RNA by characterizing the effect of partial silencing of FIB ex vivo in He La cells. Furthermore, IRES activity in BSC-1 cells, which are reported to have a very low level of endogenous FIB, was found to be significantly lower than that in He La cells. Additionally, we have mapped the putative contact points of PTB on the 5' and 3' UTRs by an RNA toe-printing assay. We have shown that the 3' UTR is able to stimulate CVB3 IRES-mediated translation. Interestingly, a deletion of 15 nt at the 5' end or 14 rut at the 3' end of the CVB3 3' UTR reduced the 3' UTR-mediated enhancement of IRES activity ex vivo significantly, and a reduced interaction was shown with PTB. It appears that the FIB protein might help in circularization of the CVB3 RNA by bridging the ends necessary for efficient translation of the viral RNA.
Adherent cells undergo remarkable changes in shape during cell division. However, the functional interplay between cell adhesion turnover and the mitotic machinery is poorly understood. The endo/exocytic trafficking of integrins is regulated by the small GTPase Rab21, which associates with several integrin alpha subunits. Here, we show that targeted trafficking of integrins to and from the cleavage furrow is required for successful cytokinesis, and that this is regulated by Rab21. Rab21 activity, integrin-Rab21 association, and integrin endocytosis are all necessary for normal cytokinesis, which becomes impaired when integrin-mediated adhesion at the cleavage furrow fails. We also describe a chromosomal deletion and loss of Rab21 gene expression in human cancer, which leads to the accumulation of multinucleate cells. Importantly, reintroduction of Rab21 rescued this phenotype. In conclusion, Rab21-regulated integrin trafficking is essential for normal cell division, and its defects may contribute to multinucleation and genomic instability, which are hallmarks of cancer.
The complex web of interactions between the host immune system and the pathogen determines the outcome of any infection. A computational model of this interaction network, which encodes complex interplay among host and bacterial components, forms a useful basis for improving the understanding of pathogenesis, in filling knowledge gaps and consequently to identify strategies to counter the disease. We have built an extensive model of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis host-pathogen interactome, consisting of 75 nodes corresponding to host and pathogen molecules, cells, cellular states or processes. Vaccination effects, clearance efficiencies due to drugs and growth rates have also been encoded in the model. The system is modelled as a Boolean network. Virtual deletion experiments, multiple parameter scans and analysis of the system's response to perturbations, indicate that disabling processes such as phagocytosis and phagolysosome fusion or cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, greatly impaired bacterial clearance, while removing cytokines such as IL-10 alongside bacterial defence proteins such as SapM greatly favour clearance. Simulations indicate a high propensity of the pathogen to persist under different conditions.
The 3A region of foot-and-mouth disease virus has been implicated in host range and virulence. For example, amino acid deletions in the porcinophilic strain (O/TAW/97) at 93-102 aa of the 153 codons long 3A protein have been recognized as the determinant of species specificity. In the present study, 18 type 0 FMDV isolates from India were adapted in different cell culture systems and the 3A sequence was analyzed. These isolates had complete 3A coding sequence (153 aa) and did not exhibit growth restriction in cells based on species of origin. The 3A region was found to be highly conserved at N-terminal half (1-75 aa) but exhibited variability or substitutions towards C-terminal region (80-153). Moreover the amino acid substitutions were more frequent in recent Indian buffalo isolates but none of the Indian isolates showed deletion in 3A protein, which may be the reason for the absence of host specificity in vitro. Further inclusive analysis of 3A region will reveal interesting facts about the variability of FMD virus 3A region in an endemic environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The complex web of interactions between the host immune system and the pathogen determines the outcome of any infection. A computational model of this interaction network, which encodes complex interplay among host and bacterial components, forms a useful basis for improving the understanding of pathogenesis, in filling knowledge gaps and consequently to identify strategies to counter the disease. We have built an extensive model of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis host-pathogen interactome, consisting of 75 nodes corresponding to host and pathogen molecules, cells, cellular states or processes. Vaccination effects, clearance efficiencies due to drugs and growth rates have also been encoded in the model. The system is modelled as a Boolean network. Virtual deletion experiments, multiple parameter scans and analysis of the system's response to perturbations, indicate that disabling processes such as phagocytosis and phagolysosome fusion or cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, greatly impaired bacterial clearance, while removing cytokines such as IL-10 alongside bacterial defence proteins such as SapM greatly favour clearance. Simulations indicate a high propensity of the pathogen to persist under different conditions.
During the course of genome studies in a rural community in the South Indian state of Karnataka, DNA-based investigations and counselling for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) were requested via the community physician. The proposita died in 1940 and FAP had been clinically diagnosed in 2 of her 5 children, both deceased. DNA samples from 2 affected individuals in the third generation were screened for mutations in the APC gene, and a frame-shift mutation was identified in exon 15 with a common deletion at codon 1061. Predictive testing for the mutation was then organized on a voluntary basis. There were 11 positive tests, including confirmatory positives on 2 persons diagnosed by colonoscopy, and to date surgery has been successfully undertaken on 3 previously undiagnosed adults. The ongoing success of the study indicates that, with appropriate access to the facilities offered by collaborating centres, predictive testing is feasible for diseases such as FAP and could be of significant benefit to communities in economically less developed countries.
The pattern of expression of the genes involved in the utilization of aryl beta-glucosides such as arbutin and salicin is different in the genus Shigella compared to Escherichia coli. The results presented here indicate that the homologue of the cryptic bgl operon of E. coli is conserved in Shigella sonnei and is the primary system involved in beta-glucoside utilization in the organism. The organization of the bgl genes in 5. sonnei is similar to that of E. coli; however there are three major differences in terms of their pattern of expression. (i) The bglB gene, encoding phospho-beta-glucosidase B, is insertionally inactivated in 5. sonnei. As a result, mutational activation of the silent bgl promoter confers an Arbutin-positive (Arb(+)) phenotype to the cells in a single step; however, acquiring a Salicin-positive (Sal(+)) phenotype requires the reversion or suppression of the bglB mutation in addition. (ii) Unlike in E. coli, a majority of the activating mutations (conferring the Arb(+) phenotype) map within the unlinked hns locus, whereas activation of the E. coli bgl operon under the same conditions is predominantly due to insertions within the bglR locus. (iii) Although the bgl promoter is silent in the wild-type strain of 5. sonnei (as in the case of E. coli), transcriptional and functional analyses indicated a higher basal level of transcription of the downstream genes. This was correlated with a 1 bp deletion within the putative Rho-independent terminator present in the leader sequence preceding the homologue of the bglG gene. The possible evolutionary implications of these differences for the maintenance of the genes in the cryptic state are discussed.
All protein-encoding genes in eukaryotes are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) by RNA Polymerase II (RNAP II), whose activity therefore needs to be tightly controlled. An important and only partially understood level of regulation is the multiple phosphorylations of RNAP II large subunit C-terminal domain (CTD). Sequential phosphorylations regulate transcription initiation and elongation, and recruit factors involved in co-transcriptional processing of mRNA. Based largely on studies in yeast models and in vitro, the kinase activity responsible for the phosphorylation of the serine-5 (Ser5) residues of RNAP II CTD has been attributed to the Mat1/Cdk7/CycH trimer as part of Transcription Factor IIH. However, due to the lack of good mammalian genetic models, the roles of both RNAP II Ser5 phosphorylation as well as TFIIH kinase in transcription have provided ambiguous results and the in vivo kinase of Ser5 has remained elusive. The primary objective of this study was to elucidate the role of mammalian TFIIH, and specifically the Mat1 subunit in CTD phosphorylation and general RNAP II-mediated transcription. The approach utilized the Cre-LoxP system to conditionally delete murine Mat1 in cardiomyocytes and hepatocytes in vivo and and in cell culture models. The results identify the TFIIH kinase as the major mammalian Ser5 kinase and demonstrate its requirement for general transcription, noted by the use of nascent mRNA labeling. Also a role for Mat1 in regulating general mRNA turnover was identified, providing a possible rationale for earlier negative findings. A secondary objective was to identify potential gene- and tissue-specific roles of Mat1 and the TFIIH kinase through the use of tissue-specific Mat1 deletion. Mat1 was found to be required for the transcriptional function of PGC-1 in cardiomyocytes. Transriptional activation of lipogenic SREBP1 target genes following Mat1 deletion in hepatocytes revealed a repressive role for Mat1apparently mediated via co-repressor DMAP1 and the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1. Finally, Mat1 and Cdk7 were also identified as a negative regulators of adipocyte differentiation through the inhibitory phosphorylation of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ. Together, these results demonstrate gene- and tissue-specific roles for the Mat1 subunit of TFIIH and open up new therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of diseases such as type II diabetes, hepatosteatosis and obesity.
Työssä tutkitaan yhtäältä saksankielisen elokuvan Muiden elämä ( Das Leben der Anderen ) kolmen suomenkielisen tekstitysversion tekstityksen muotoseikkoja, kuten välimerkkien käyttöä, repliikki- ja rivijakoa, ja toisaalta tekstityksen sisältöseikkoja, joita tarkastellaan tekstityksessä käytettävien käännösstrategioiden avulla. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, ovatko tekstityksissä käytetyt muotoseikat konventioiden mukaisia ja minkälaisia käännösstrategioita tekstityksissä on käytetty sekä johtaako tietyn käännösstrategian käyttö merkityksen muutoksiin ja kaventumisiin tekstityksessä. Tutkielman aineistona on elokuva Muiden elämä ja sen kolme suomenkielistä tekstitystä: elokuvateattereissa esitetty versio, DVD-tekstitys ja televisiossa esitetty versio. Hypoteesina oli, että kaikkien versioiden muotoseikat ovat konventioiden mukaisia ja että versioilla on eroavuuksia ruututekstien määrässä ja repliikkijaossa. Lisäksi oletettiin, että tietyn käännösstrategian käytön ja merkityksen muutoksien välillä on yhteys, niin että merkityksen muutoksia esiintyy eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää. Tutkielman teoriataustassa esitellään aluksi lyhyesti av-kääntämisen muita lajeja, kuten ns. dubbausta eli jälkiäänitystä, selostusta ja voice-overia, jonka jälkeen syvennytään tekstityksen teoriaan, tekstityksen muotoseikkoihin ja konventioihin sekä tekstityksen käännösstrategioihin. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen analyysin viitekehyksenä ovat Henrik Gottliebin (1994, 1997) kymmenen käännösstrategiaa: lisäys (engl. expansion), para-fraasi (paraphrase), suora käännös (transfer), imitaatio (imitation), transkriptio (transcription), siirtäminen (dislocation), tiivistäminen (condensation), lyhentäminen (decimation), poisjättäminen (deletion) ja resignaatio (resignation). Tutkielmassa analysoitiin kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat. Tekstityksen sisältöseikkojen tutkimuksessa jokainen dialogin lause tai sivulause analysoitiin omana verbaalisena segmenttinään. Yhteensä analysoitiin 1311 verbaalista segmenttiä ja tutkittiin, mitä käännösstrategiaa missäkin tekstitysversiossa oli missäkin osakäännöksessä käytetty, sekä tarkasteltiin, muuttuuko repliikissä merkitys alkutekstiin verrattuna. Strategiat kuvataan ja niiden käyttöä valaistaan esimerkkien avulla. Tulokset ovat hypoteesia tukevia: Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että kaikkien tekstitysversioiden muotoseikat ovat suurimmalta osin konventioiden mukaisia. Eroja oli havaittavissa tavuviivan, pilkun ja kursiivin käytössä. Versiot eroavat myös ruututekstien määrässä: elokuvaversiossa on eniten ruututekstejä (1091), vaikka siinä on vähiten sanoja (3968); DVD-tekstityksessä on 876 ruututekstiä ja 4278 sanaa ja TV-tekstityksessä on 983 ruututekstiä ja 5293 sanaa. Eroavaisuudet selittyvät sillä, että elokuvatekstityksen ruututekstit ovat lyhyempiä ja nopeammin ilmestyviä kuin DVD- tai TV-tekstitysten. Tutkittu DVD-tekstitys on elokuvatekstityksen muokkaus, mistä johtuu sen vähäinen sana- ja ruututekstimäärä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin myös, että kaikissa versioissa yleisimmin käytetty käännösstrategia oli suora käännös, mutta TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty yli 50 %:ssa kaikista osakäännöksistä ja DVD- ja elokuvaversiossa yli 35 %:ssa, eli TV-tekstityksessä sitä oli käytetty huomattavasti enemmän kuin muissa versioissa. Lyhentämistä ja poisjättämistä oli DVD- ja elokuvatekstityksessä käytetty enemmän kuin TV-tekstityksessä. Nämäkin erot selit-tynevät elokuvatekstityksen pienemmällä tilalla ja tämän tekstityksen muokkaamisesta DVD-tekstitykseksi. Merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi eniten strategioiden poisjättäminen ja lyhentäminen yhteydessä, muiden strategioiden yhteydessä merkityksen muutoksia ja kaventumisia esiintyi vain marginaalisesti. Tulokset tukevat hypoteesia siitä, että merkitys muuttuu ja kaventuu eniten silloin, kun kaikkea sanottua ei voida kääntää.
Previous work from our laboratory had demonstrated that deletion of TGL3 encoding the major yeast triacylglycerol (TAG) lipase resulted in decreased mobilization of TAG, a sporulation defect and a changed pattern of fatty acids, especially increased amounts of C22:0 and C26:0 very long chain fatty acids in the TAG fraction K. Athenstaedt and G. Daum, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 23317-23323]. To study a possible link between TAG lipolysis and membrane lipid biosynthesis, we carried out metabolic labeling experiments with wild type and deletion strains bearing defects in the three major yeast TAG lipases, Tgl3p, Tgl4p and Tgl5p. Using H-3]inositol. P-32]orthophosphate, 3H]palmitate and C-14]acetate as precursors for complex lipids we demonstrated that tgl mutants had a lower level of sphingolipids and glycerophospholipids than wild type. ESI-MS/MS analyses confirmed that TAG accumulation in these mutant cells resulted in reduced amounts of phospholipids and sphingolipids. In vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that TAG lipolysis markedly affected the metabolic flux of long chain fatty acids and very long chain fatty acids required for sphingolipid and glycerophospholipid synthesis. Activity and expression level of fatty acid elongases, Elo1p and Elo2p were enhanced as a consequence of reduced TAG lipolysis. Finally, the pattern of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine molecular species was altered in tgl deletion strain underlining the important role of TAG turnover in maintaining the pool size of these compounds and the remodeling of complex membrane lipids. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA plant virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. The movement protein (MP) encoded by SeMV ORF1 showed no significant sequence similarity with MPs of other genera, but showed 32% identity with the MP of Southern bean mosaic virus within the Sobemovirus genus. With a view to understanding the mechanism of cell-to-cell movement in sobemoviruses, the SeMV MP gene was cloned, over-expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Interaction of the recombinant MP with the native virus (NV) was investigated by ELISA and pull-down assays. It was observed that SeMV MP interacted with NV in a concentration- and pH-dependent manner. Analysis of N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of the MP showed that SeMV MP interacts with the NV through the N- terminal 49 amino acid segment. Yeast two-hybrid assays confirmed the in vitro observations, and suggested that SeMV might belong to the class of viruses that require MP and NV/coat protein for cell-to-cell movement.
Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a single strand positive-sense RNA plant virus that belongs to the genus Sobemovirus. The mechanism of cell-to-cell movement in sobemoviruses has not been well studied. With a view to identify the viral encoded ancillary proteins of SeMV that may assist in cell-to-cell movement of the virus, all the proteins encoded by SeMV genome were cloned into yeast Matchmaker system 3 and interaction studies were performed. Two proteins namely, viral protein genome linked (VPg) and a 10-kDa protein (P10) c v gft encoded by OFR 2a, were identified as possible interacting partners in addition to the viral coat protein (CP). Further characterization of these interactions revealed that the movement protein (MP) recognizes cognate RNA through interaction with VPg, which is covalently linked to the 59 end of the RNA. Analysis of the deletion mutants delineated the domains of MP involved in the interaction with VPg and P10. This study implicates for the first time that VPg might play an important role in specific recognition of viral genome by MP in SeMV and shed light on the possible role of P10 in the viral movement.
ABSTRACT Idiopathic developmental disorders (DDs) affect ~1% of the population worldwide. This being a considerable amount, efforts are being made to elucidate the disease mechanisms. One or several genetic factors cause 30-40% of DDs, and only 10% are caused by environmental factors. The remaining 50% of DD patients go undiagnosed, mostly due to a lack of diagnostic techniques. The cause in most undiagnosed cases is though to be a genetic factor or a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Despite the surge of new technologies entering the market, their implementation into diagnostic laboratories is hampered by costs, lack of information about the expected diagnostic yield, and the wide range of selection. This study evaluates new microarray methods in diagnosing idiopathic DDs, providing information about their added diagnostic value. Study I analysed 150 patients by array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH, 44K and 244K), with a subsequent 18% diagnostic yield. These results are supported by other studies, indicating an enourmous added diagnostic value of array CGH, compared with conventional cytogenetic analysis. Nevertheless, 80% of the patients remained undiagnosed in Study I. In an effort to diagnose more patients, in Study IV the resolution was increased from 8.9 Kb of the 244K CGH array to 0.7 Kb, by using a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. However, no additional pathogenic changes were detected in the 35 patients assessed, and thus, for diagnostic purposes, an array platform with ca 9 Kb resolution appears adequate. The recent vast increase in reports of detected aberrations and associated phenotypes has enabled characterization of several new syndromes first based on a common aberration and thereafter by delineation of common clinical characteristics. In Study II, a familial deletion at 9q22.2q22.32 with variable penetrance was described. Despite several reports of aberrations in the adjacent area at 9q associated with Gorlin syndrome, the patients in this family had a unique phenotype and did not present with the syndrome. In Study III, a familial duplication of chromosome 6p22.2 was described. The duplication caused increased expression of an important enzyme of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) degradation pathway, causing oxidative stress of the brain, and thus, very likely, the mild mental retardation of these patients. These two case studies attempted to pinpoint candidate genes and to resolve the pathogenic mechanism causing the clinical characteristics of the patients. Presenting rare genetic and clinical findings to the international science and medical community enables interpretation of similar findings in other patients. The added value of molecular karyotyping in patients with idiopathic DD is evident. As a first line of testing, arrays with a median resolution of at least 9 Kb should be considered and further characterization of detected aberrations undertaken when possible. Diagnostic whole-exome sequencing may be the best option for patients who remain undiagnosed after high-resolution array analysis.
Salmonella enterica is an important enteric pathogen and its various serovars are involved in causing both systemic and intestinal diseases in humans and domestic animals. The emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of Salmonella leading to increased morbidity and mortality has further complicated its management. Live attenuated vaccines have been proven superior over killed or subunit vaccines due to their ability to induce protective immunity. Of the various strategies used for the generation of live attenuated vaccine strains, focus has gradually shifted towards manipulation of virulence regulator genes. Hfq is a RNA chaperon which mediates the binding of small RNAs to the mRNA and assists in post-transcriptional gene regulation in bacteria. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of the Salmonella Typhimurium Dhfq strain as a candidate for live oral vaccine in murine model of typhoid fever. Salmonella hfq deletion mutant is highly attenuated in cell culture and animal model implying a significant role of Hfq in bacterial virulence. Oral immunization with the Salmonella hfq deletion mutant efficiently protects mice against subsequent oral challenge with virulent strain of Salmonella Typhimurium. Moreover, protection was induced upon both multiple as well as single dose of immunizations. The vaccine strain appears to be safe for use in pregnant mice and the protection is mediated by the increase in the number of CD4(+) T lymphocytes upon vaccination. The levels of serum IgG and secretory-IgA in intestinal washes specific to lipopolysaccharide and outer membrane protein were significantly increased upon vaccination. Furthermore, hfq deletion mutant showed enhanced antigen presentation by dendritic cells compared to the wild type strain. Taken together, the studies in murine immunization model suggest that the Salmonella hfq deletion mutant can be a novel live oral vaccine candidate.
Pseudomonas cepacia CSV90 is able to utilize 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4-D) and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetate as sole sources of carbon and energy. Mutants of the strain CSV90 which had lost this ability appeared spontaneously on a nonselective medium. The wild-type strain harbored a 90-kb plasmid, pMAB1, whereas 2,4-D-negative mutants either lost the plasmid or had a 70-kb plasmid, pMAB2. The plasmid pMAB2 was found to have undergone a deletion Of a 20-kb fragment of pMAB1. The plasmid-free mutants regained the ability to degrade 2,4-D after introduction of purified pMAB1 by electroporation. Cloning in Escherichia coli of a 10-kb BamHI fragment from pMAB1, the region absent in pMAB2, resulted in the expression of the gene tfdC encoding 3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase. After subcloning, the tfdC gene was located in a 1.6-kb HindIII fragment. The nucleotide sequence of the tfdC gene and the restriction map of its contiguous region are identical to those of the well-characterized 2,4-D-degradative plasmid pJP4 of Alcaligenes eutrophus, whereas the overall restriction maps of the two plasmids are different. The N-terminal 44-amino-acid sequence of the enzyme purified from the strain CSV90 confirmed the reading frame in the DNA sequence for tfdC and indicated that the initiation codon GUG is read as methionine instead of valine.