1000 resultados para 1995_07301530 CTD-58 4901703
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 3.1
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
The Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century mandated environmental streamlining in order to improve transportation project delivery without compromising environmental protection. In accordance with TEA-21, the environmental review process for this project has been documented as a Streamlined Environmental Assessment. This document addresses only those resources or features that apply to the project. This allowed study and discussion of resources present in the study area, rather than expend effort on resources that were either not present or not impacted. Although not all resources are discussed in the EA, they were considered during the planning process and are documented in the Streamlined Resource Summary.
Korkeimman oikeuden ratkaisu KKO 2002:58
A snapshot of water resource trends prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the U.S. Geological Survey, and The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.
The Proposed Action consists of the improvement of Iowa Highway 58 (IA 58) from U.S. Highway 20 (U.S. 20) north to Greenhill Road in Cedar Falls (Black Hawk County, Iowa). The improvement would include limiting at-grade access to IA 58 by adding one or more interchanges to the corridor which would be located at Viking Road, Greenhill Road, and reconfiguring the U.S. 20 interchange (Figure 1). In order to construct these interchanges and associated ramps, the pavement of IA 58 would be reconstructed. In a couple of locations, the alignment of IA 58 would be shifted.
Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has re-initiated planning and preliminary design studies to improve U.S. 61 from Memorial Park Road in Burlington north to 1-mile north of IA 78 in Louisa County. The proposed project consists of improving approximately 18 miles of roadway from 2-lanes to 4-lanes and evaluating a potential bypass around Mediapolis.
Projecte de plantació de 23,58 ha de fruiters de llavor i la seva explotació, construcció d’una bassa de reg per a l’autoabastiment, instal•lació de reg localitzat i construcció d’una nau magatzem per a maquinària, oficina, serveis per als treballadors, magatzem de productes i capçal de reg.