994 resultados para 1969.


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Nesta obra pretende-se estudar as duas formas rituais da liturgia romana, comparando-as e procurando entender os motivos do cisma, ao mesmo tempo em que se pretende abarcar as ações do atual pontífice e as reações no mundo católico e fora dele. Para tanto, usar-se-á como fonte o Missal tridentino de 1570 e o novo Ordo Missæ de Paulo VI de 1969, bem como os catecismos formulados após os Concílios de Trento (1545-1563) e o Vaticano II (1962-1965), tendo por objetivo comparar suas notificações sobre o culto católico e seu significado. Durante o processo de análise tem-se a intenção de vislumbrar o impacto das mudanças no seio da Igreja, pois constata-se uma espécie de endurecimento no final do pontificado de João Paulo II, com a promulgação de documentos litúrgicos que tendem a criar empecilhos para possíveis abusos durante a missa (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 2003) - há a retomada e destaque do sentido sacrificial do culto católico e uma série de recomendações impostas pela Congregação do Culto Divino para celebração da missa (Redemptionis Sacramentum, 2004). Fato é que, quarenta anos após o mencionado Concílio Vaticano II e quase quatro décadas de utilização do novo rito da missa, é rara qualquer menção específica na historiografia recente da Igreja sobre o andamento de tal tema. A maioria dos livros de história da Igreja que traça um levantamento de fatos até o Vaticano II, apresentam-no como uma espécie de revolução interna da estrutura eclesiástica sem, contudo, aprofundar o tema ou mostrar as crises na Igreja decorrentes deste.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In 1966, when the annual damage survey was initiated, Dr. C. R. Weaver, Statistician at the Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio, drew up a sampling plan, balancing costs against desired precision. The plan included three combinations of fields to be sampled and stations per field for high damage areas, three combinations for moderate damage areas, and two combinations for light damage areas. Alternatives for the high damage area included (1) 497 fields with two stations per field (± .48), (2) 775 fields with two stations per field (± .26), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (— .68). For the moderate damage areas, the alternatives were (1) 441 fields with three stations per field (± .26), (2) 155 fields with three stations per field (± .50), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (± .32). The light dam¬age area alternatives were (1) 297 fields with three stations per field (- .26), and (2) 81 fields with three stations per field (± .50). The original survey in 1966 sampled eight counties in three regions. In 1967, 14 counties in the same three regions were sampled. Two new counties were added to one region and two new regions with two counties each (treated as one region for sampling purposes) were added to the 1968 survey. The 1968 survey was of sufficient size to be representative of the corn damage picture in Ohio and Southeast Michigan. The 1969 survey was identical to the 1968 survey.


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[ES] En el presente artículo se estudia la gestión del patrimonio arqueológico en la provincia de Las Palmas durante la etapa del Comisariado de Excavaciones Arqueológicas (1939- 1955) y del Servicio Nacional de Excavaciones Arqueológicas (1955-1969), en la que destacó la figura de Sebastián Jiménez Sánchez como responsable de estas tareas en las Canarias orientales. Se presta especial atención a las relaciones existentes entre Jiménez Sánchez y El Museo Canario, institución que hasta el inicio de la dictadura franquista había monopolizado el estudio de los restos arqueológicos prehispánicos de Canarias.


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[ES] El trabajo se centra en el estudio de la producción científica de la Comisaría de Excavaciones de Las Palmas (1940-1969), con el fin de analizar su contribución en el desarrollo científico de la Arqueología en Canarias. La mayoría de los arqueólogos y prehistoriadores canarios suelen achacar a esta larga etapa numerosos males, la mayoría de los cuales son innegables. Sin embargo, no es menos cierto que, en la España franquista, la labor de los Comisarios de Excavaciones, que en su mayoría careCÍan de formación arqueológica alguna y de los medios económicos y técnicos necesarios, constituye una base importante, de la investigación científica posterior.


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L’obiettivo primario di questo lavoro è quello di esplorare un insieme di documentari corti italiani di tipo etnografico e sociologico. Questi film hanno ricevuto pochissima attenzione critica, mentre sono essenziali alla comprensione del periodo di storia italiana compreso fra gli ultimi anni del Regime fascista e la fine del “Miracolo economico”. La prima parte della tesi è dedicata alla descrizione del contesto economico, sociologico, politico in cui questi lavori sono stati prodotti. La seconda parte si concentra su circa un centinaio di documentari corti analizzati sulla base di tre diversi criteri. Innanzitutto li abbiamo considerati a partire da un punto di vista autoriale, secondariamente a partire dalle loro caratteristiche produttive e distributive e infine sulla base di un criterio regionale. A partire dalla discussione antropologica coeva riguardante la scomparsa dei mondi contadini e su una precisa ricerca d’archivio focalizzata sullo stesso tema, abbiamo poi comparato il risultato dell’analisi del corpus con altre forme filmiche di rappresentazione dello stesso soggetto. Oltre a far riemergere un gruppo di autori e film quasi dimenticati, questo lavoro intende lanciare uno sguardo sul veloce, conflittuale e sbilanciato cambiamento compreso fra i mondi rurali tradizionali e la modernità, che ha caratterizzato la società italiana degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta.


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A rising concern exists that with the widespread use of mobile communication technologies, the incidence of brain tumours may increase. On the basis of data from the Swiss national mortality registry from 1969 to 2002, annual age-standardized brain tumour mortality rates per 100,000 person-years were calculated using the European standard population. Time trend analyses were performed by the Poisson regression for six different age groups in men and women separately. The study period was divided into two intervals: before and after 1987, when the analogue mobile technology was introduced in Switzerland. Age-standardized brain tumour mortality rates ranged between 3.7 and 6.7 for men and 2.5 and 4.4 for women per 100,000 person-years. For the whole study period, a significant increase in brain tumour mortality was observed for men and women in the older age groups (60-74 and 75+ years) but not in the younger ones in whom mobile phone use was more prevalent. Time trend analyses restricted to data from 1987 onwards revealed relatively stable brain tumour mortality rates in all age groups. For instance, the annual change in brain tumour mortality rate for the 45-59-year age group was -0.3% (95% confidence interval: -1.7; 1.1) for men and -0.4% (95% confidence interval:-2.2; 1.3) for women. We conclude that after the introduction of mobile phone technology in Switzerland, brain tumour mortality rates remained stable in all age groups. Our results suggest that mobile phone use is not a strong risk factor in the short term for mortality from brain tumours. Ecological analyses like this, however, are limited in their ability to reveal potentially small increases in risk for diseases with a long latency period.


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In May of 1968, workers at the Kingston mine, a branch of the Calumet Division of Universal Oil Products walked off the site in protest of a safety issue involving a man-car. Knowing their contracts were due for negotiation in just a few months, the workers quickly returned, only to find themselves striking yet again just three months later, when negotiations failed. Requesting pay equal to that of the workers at the nearby White Pine mine was unacceptable to the heads of Universal Oil, the corporation which bought the long running Calumet & Hecla just a year earlier in 1968. The strike would last for nine months, ending in a total shutdown of all mining operations on the Keweenaw Peninsula, and bring an economic hardship to the area that would take decades to recover from. The Copper Strike of 1968-1969 is often forgotten, though extremely important to the story of the copper industry in Michigan, as well as to the United States. This paper has not yet been submitted.


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This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.