999 resultados para 1760-1810
La Pharmacopea de la Armada, obra de Leandro de Vega, publicada en 1760 para uso de médicos y cirujanos de los buques y hospitales de la marina española a lo largo del siglo XVIII, está considerada como la primera farmacopea naval española. Su autor la define con un «catálogo de medicamentos pertenecientes a las enfermedades médicas», en definitiva un nomenclátor de fórmulas para la preparación de los medicamentos de mayor utilidad para los navegantes de la época, tanto de uso interno como externo. En el presente artículo se analiza en profundidad esta obra, reconocida su relevancia de fuente primaria, situándola en su contexto histórico, detallando el contenido de sus tratados, así como dando noticia biográfica de su autor e informando de la posición profesional y misión de sus destinatarios.
One-page letter from William Croswell's cousin with information about the ailments of Benjamin Croswell's wife.
This folder contains five bills and receipts.
This folder contains a broadside with an 1807 printed proposal for a Mercator celestial map that is appended with a handwritten list of subscribers, dated December 1810, as well as two copies of printed recommendations for the map.
One-page document containing notes presumably for an acknowledgment page of Croswell's Mercator map.
A printed request for Croswell to appear for military duty.
This paper notebook contains a handwritten, alphabetical listing of graduates of the Harvard Classes of 1642 to 1809 presumably compiled from the published Triennial Catalogues.
Two-page handwritten composition in English signed "Jer'h Belknap Febry 22, 1760." The theme begins, "There is nothing in the world that can give a Man more secret pleasure and satisfaction than to be Conscious to himself of doing right. This is what is called Contentm't" and ends with two lines from Horace in Latin: "Hic murus aheneus esto," and "Nil Conscire sibi." A Latin version of the composition is available in Box 1, Folder 3.
Two-page handwritten composition in Latin signed "Jeremiah Belknap, February die 26mo Anne Domini 1760 mo." The document is a draft with edits and struck-through words. The text ends with two lines from Horace in Latin: "Hic murus aheneus esto," and "Nil Conscire sibi." An English version of the composition is available in Box 1, Folder 2.
Parchment hardcover bound volume containing quarter bill tallies for the Classes of 1720-1760 arranged by seniority, and covering the bill period ending on June 10, 1720 through the period ending December 10, 1756. After each quarter's tallies, an additional section provides the totals for all students in each of the categories, and deductions for building repairs.
Notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1734 College laws and additional laws approved by the Corporation between 1756 and 1760 in English prepared by Harvard undergraduate Benjamin Dolbeare and signed by President Edward Holyoke, Tutors Belcher Hancock and Thomas Marsh, and William Kneeland and Josephus Jackson on January 12, 1760.
List of the matriculating members of the Harvard Class of 1764.
A handwritten list of the English oration subjects delivered on Commencement and Exhibition Days between 1810 and 1820.