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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to verify the impact of inhalable particulate matter (PM10) on cancer incidence and mortality in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Statistical techniques were used to investigate the relationship between PM10 on cancer incidence and mortality in selected districts. For some types of cancer (skin, lung, thyroid, larynx, and bladder) and some periods, the correlation coefficients ranged from 0.60 to 0.80 for incidence. Lung cancer mortality showed more correlations during the overall period. Spatial analysis showed that districts distant from the city center showed higher than expected relative risk, depending on the type of cancer According to the study, urban PM10 can contribute to increased incidence of some cancers and may also contribute to increased cancer mortality. The results highlight the need to adopt measures to reduce atmospheric PM10 levels and the importance of their continuous monitoring.


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Background: In normal aging, the decrease in the syntactic complexity of written production is usually associated with cognitive deficits. This study was aimed to analyze the quality of older adults' textual production indicated by verbal fluency (number of words) and grammatical complexity (number of ideas) in relation to gender, age, schooling, and cognitive status. Methods: From a probabilistic sample of community-dwelling people aged 65 years and above (n = 900), 577 were selected on basis of their responses to the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) sentence writing, which were submitted to content analysis; 323 were excluded as they left the item blank or performed illegible or not meaningful responses. Education adjusted cut-off scores for the MMSE were used to classify the participants as cognitively impaired or unimpaired. Total and subdomain MMSE scores were computed. Results: 40.56% of participants whose answers to the MMSE sentence were excluded from the analyses had cognitive impairment compared to 13.86% among those whose answers were included. The excluded participants were older and less educated. Women and those older than 80 years had the lowest scores in the MMSE. There was no statistically significant relationship between gender, age, schooling, and textual performance. There was a modest but significant correlation between number of words written and the scores in the Language subdomain. Conclusions: Results suggest the strong influence of schooling and age over MMSE sentence performance. Failing to write a sentence may suggest cognitive impairment, yet, instructions for the MMSE sentence, i.e. to produce a simple sentence, may limit its clinical interpretation.


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This study aimed to verify the impact of inhalable particulate matter (PM10) on cancer incidence and mortality in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Statistical techniques were used to investigate the relationship between PM10 on cancer incidence and mortality in selected districts. For some types of cancer (skin, lung, thyroid, larynx, and bladder) and some periods, the correlation coefficients ranged from 0.60 to 0.80 for incidence. Lung cancer mortality showed more correlations during the overall period. Spatial analysis showed that districts distant from the city center showed higher than expected relative risk, depending on the type of cancer. According to the study, urban PM10 can contribute to increased incidence of some cancers and may also contribute to increased cancer mortality. The results highlight the need to adopt measures to reduce atmospheric PM10 levels and the importance of their continuous monitoring.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate, in Nellore heifers, intake and digestibility of hydrolyzed sugarcane stored for different periods. The experimental design used was a 4 × 4 Latin square, four diets, four Nellore heifers with ruminal cannulas (initial body weight 285.4±23.08 kg and average initial age 14 months) and four periods of 21 days. The diets were composed by fresh sugarcane (time zero) or hydrolyzed sugarcane with addition of 0.5% of hydrated lime, stored for 24, 48 or 72 hours, as the unique forage. Intake and digestibility of feed fractions, nitrogen balance, microbial synthesis efficiency, total number of ruminal protozoans and ammoniacal nitrogen did not significantly change by storing sugarcane with addition of 0.5% of hydrated lime. Sugarcane pH varied quadratically for storage time, with maximum pH of 7.02 after 24 hours from lime addition. Ruminal liquid pH values were higher for heifers fed fresh sugarcane, in comparison with those fed hydrolyzed sugarcane. Sugarcane treated with 0.5% of hydrated lime stored for up to 72 hours does not change ruminal digestion to alter the amount of feed consumed by pubescent Nellore heifers. Thus, lime is a viable technology, once it allows long-duration storage and bee control on treated forage, which contributes to animal feeding logistics.


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O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a concepção enciclopédica de revolução científica posta em prática pelo químico francês L.-B. Guyton de Morveau (1737-1816). Deslocando a análise do conhecimento químico das Luzes do programa traçado por Lavoisier (1743-1794), sugerimos uma concepção revolucionária republicana, proclamada como resultado do esforço de uma coletividade. Daremos destaque a três abordagens revolucionárias de Guyton de Morveau no âmbito da química. A primeira foi sua atuação no ensino dessa ciência, cuja pedagogia e métodos de ensino foram fundamentais para sua imersão social. Além disso, entre 1770 e 1790, Guyton de Morveau teve desempenhos decisivos no seio da empresa enciclopédica e no seio da escola química francesa.


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Il lavoro della tesi riguarda lo studio del comportamento di solai compositi, realizzati con tre strati di materiale. Questa metodologia costruttiva li fa ricadere nella tipologia strutturale del PANNELLO SANDWICH. Sono state condotte delle prove su campioni di materiali estratti da un provino di solaio, per determinare le caratteristiche meccaniche dei materiali stessi, poi sono state condotte le prove di carico su provini di solai integri, dai quali si sono ottenuti i diagrammi carico-spostamento. Successivamente sono state applicate due teorie sui pannelli sandwich, la teoria di Pantema e la teoria di Allen, allo scopo di vedere come riescano ad interpretare il comportamento sperimentale. Infine sono stati studiati i comportamenti agli SLE in termini di tensioni e frecce, e agli SLU in termini di capacità portante (taglio e momento flettente) secondo quanto dettato dal D.M. 14/01/2008.


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Ein metallfreies Reaktionssystem mit Bis(triphenylphosphoranyliden)ammonium-Kationen als Gegenionen sowie das Additiv Lithium-2-methoxyethoxid wurden auf ihre Eignung zur anionischen Synthese von Blockcopolymeren mit (Meth)acrylatsegmenten bei moderaten Temperaturen im Strömungsrohr-Reaktor untersucht. Das metallfreie System ist zur lebenden Polymerisation von Methacrylaten in THF mit engen Molekulargewichtsverteilungen bei Reaktionszeiten < 1 s bis zu Temperaturen von 0 °C geeignet. In Gegenwart von Metallionen (Li+) findet eine Verlangsamung der Polymerisation unter Verlust der Reaktionskontrolle statt, Lithiumenolate verursachen nun breite, multimodale Molekulargewichtsverteilungen. Eine lebende Polymerisation von Acrylaten ist nicht möglich, massenspektroskopische Untersuchungen der Produkte weisen auf einen komplexen Reaktionsmechanismus mit Abbruch- und Übertragungsreaktionen hin. Die Synthese von Poly(styrol)-block-Poly(1,4-butadien)-block-Poly(methylmethacrylat)-Copolymeren in Toluol ist mit Lithium-2-methoxyethoxid als Additiv für die MMA-Polymerisation bei moderaten Mischtemperaturen (T < 0 °C) im Strömungsrohr-Reaktor möglich, die Effektivität des Wechselschritts von Polybutadien zu PMMA beträgt im Durchschnitt ca. 50 %. Untersuchungen verschiedener Reaktionsparameter, wie z.B. der Endfunktionalisierung des Polybutadiens mit 1,1-Diphenylethylen und der Temperatur während der Verkappung und der MMA-Polymerisation, geben keine eindeutigen Hinweise auf die Ursache dieses Phänomens. MALDI-TOF-Massenspektren des unreagierten Polybutadien Precursors zeigen die Anlagerung von 1-3 Molekülen Methylmethacrylat und keinen Abbruch durch Backbiting, was auf die Ausbildung stabiler Aggregate hindeutet.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical compatibility of model soil-bentonite backfills containing multiswellable bentonite (MSB) relative to that of similar backfills containing untreated sodium (Na) bentonite or a commercially available, contaminant resistant bentonite (SW101). Flexible-wall tests were conducted on consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress =34.5 kPa) containing clean sand and 4.5–5.7% bentonite (by dry weight) using tap water and calcium chloride (CaCl2) solutions (10–1,000 mM) as the permeant liquids. Final values of hydraulic conductivity (k) and intrinsic permeability (K) to the CaCl2 solutions were determined after achieving both short-term termination criteria as defined by ASTM D5084 and long-term termination criteria for chemical equilibrium between the influent and effluent. Specimens containing MSB exhibited the smallest increases in k and K upon permeation with a given CaCl2 solution relative to specimens containing untreated Na bentonite or SW101. However, none of the specimens exhibited more than a five-fold increase in k or K, regardless of CaCl2 concentration or bentonite type. Final k values for specimens permeated with a given CaCl2 solution after permeation with tap water were similar to those for specimens of the same backfill permeated with only the CaCl2 solution, indicating that the order of permeation had no significant effect on k. Also, final k values for all specimens were within a factor of two of the k measured after achieving the ASTM D5084 termination criteria. Thus, use of only the ASTM D5084 criteria would have been sufficient to obtain reasonable estimates of long-term hydraulic conductivity for the specimens in this study.