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Am vertikalen Windkanal der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurden physikalische und chemische Bereifungsexperimente durchgeführt. Dabei lagen die Umgebungstemperaturen bei allen Experimenten zwischen etwa -15 und -5°C und der Flüssigwassergehalt erstreckte sich von 0,9 bis etwa 1,6g/m³, typische Bedingungen für Mischphasenwolken in denen Bereifung stattfindet. Oberflächentemperaturmessungen an wachsenden hängenden Graupelpartikeln zeigten, dass während der Experimente trockene Wachstumsbedingungen herrschten.rnZunächst wurde das Graupelwachstum an in einer laminaren Strömung frei schwebenden Eispartikeln mit Anfangsradien zwischen 290 und 380µm, die mit flüssigen unterkühlten Wolkentröpfchen bereift wurden, studiert. Ziel war es, den Kollektionskern aus der Massenzunahme des bereiften Eispartikels und dem mittleren Flüssigwassergehalt während des Wachstumsexperimentes zu bestimmen. Die ermittelten Werte für die Kollektionskerne der bereiften Eispartikel erstreckten sich von 0,9 bis 2,3cm³/s in Abhängigkeit ihres Kollektorimpulses (Masse * Fallgeschwindigkeit des bereifenden Graupels), der zwischen 0,04 und 0,10gcm/s lag. Bei den Experimenten zeigte sich, dass die hier gemessenen Kollektionskerne höher waren im Vergleich mit Kollektionskernen flüssiger Tropfen untereinander. Aus den aktuellen Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit und der vorhandenen Literaturwerte wurde ein empirischer Faktor entwickelt, der von dem Wolkentröpfchenradius abhängig ist und diesen Unterschied beschreibt. Für die untersuchten Größenbereiche von Kollektorpartikel und flüssigen Tröpfchen können die korrigierten Kollektionskernwerte in Wolkenmodelle für die entsprechenden Größen eingebunden werden.rnBei den chemischen Experimenten zu dieser Arbeit wurde die Spurenstoffaufnahme verschiedener atmosphärischer Spurengase (HNO3, HCl, H2O2, NH3 und SO2) während der Bereifung untersucht. Diese Experimente mussten aus technischen Gründen mit hängenden Eispartikeln, dendritischen Eiskristallen und Schneeflocken, bereift mit flüssigen Wolkenlösungströpfchen, durchgeführt werden.rnDie Konzentrationen der Lösung, aus der die Wolkentröpfchen mit Hilfe von Zweistoffdüsen erzeugt wurden, lagen zwischen 1 und 120mg/l. Für die Experimente mit Ammoniak und Schwefeldioxid wurden Konzentrationen zwischen 1 und 22mg/l verwendet. Das Schmelzwasser der bereiften hängenden Graupel und Schneeflocken wurden ionenchromatographisch analysiert und zusammen mit der bekannten Konzentration der bereifenden Wolkentröpfchen konnte der Retentionskoeffizient für jeden Spurenstoff bestimmt werden. Er gibt die Menge an Spurenstoff an, die bei der Phasenumwandlung von flüssig zu fest in die Eisphase übergeht. Salpetersäure und Salzsäure waren nahezu vollständig retiniert (Mittelwerte der gesamten Experimente entsprechend 99±8% und 100±9%). Für Wasserstoffperoxid wurde ein mittlerer Retentionskoeffizient von 65±17% bestimmt. rnDer mittlere Retentionskoeffizient von Ammoniak ergab sich unabhängig vom Flüssigwassergehalt zu 92±21%, während sich für Schwefeldioxid 53±10% für niedrige und 29±7% für hohe Flüssigphasenkonzentrationen ergaben. Bei einigen der untersuchten Spurenstoffe wurde eine Temperaturabhängigkeit beobachtet und wenn möglich durch Parametrisierungen beschrieben.rn
Background: Medication-related problems are common in the growing population of older adults and inappropriate prescribing is a preventable risk factor. Explicit criteria such as the Beers criteria provide a valid instrument for describing the rate of inappropriate medication (IM) prescriptions among older adults. Objective: To reduce IM prescriptions based on explicit Beers criteria using a nurse-led intervention in a nursing-home (NH) setting. Study Design: The pre/post-design included IM assessment at study start (pre-intervention), a 4-month intervention period, IM assessment after the intervention period (post-intervention) and a further IM assessment at 1-year follow-up. Setting: 204-bed inpatient NH in Bern, Switzerland. Participants: NH residents aged ≥60 years. Intervention: The intervention included four key intervention elements: (i) adaptation of Beers criteria to the Swiss setting; (ii) IM identification; (iii) IM discontinuation; and (iv) staff training. Main Outcome Measure: IM prescription at study start, after the 4-month intervention period and at 1-year follow-up. Results: The mean±SD resident age was 80.3±8.8 years. Residents were prescribed a mean±SD 7.8±4.0 medications. The prescription rate of IMs decreased from 14.5% pre-intervention to 2.8% post-intervention (relative risk [RR] = 0.2; 95% CI 0.06, 0.5). The risk of IM prescription increased nonstatistically significantly in the 1-year follow-up period compared with post-intervention (RR = 1.6; 95% CI 0.5, 6.1). Conclusions: This intervention to reduce IM prescriptions based on explicit Beers criteria was feasible, easy to implement in an NH setting, and resulted in a substantial decrease in IMs. These results underscore the importance of involving nursing staff in the medication prescription process in a long-term care setting.
Recurrent prostate cancer presents a challenge to conventional treatment, particularly so to address micrometastatic and small-volume disease. Use of α-radionuclide therapy is considered as a highly effective treatment in such applications due to the shorter range and exquisite cytotoxicity of α-particles as compared with β-particles. (213)Bi is considered an α-emitter with high clinical potential, due to its short half-life (45.6 minutes) being well matched for use in peptide-receptor radionuclide α-therapy; however, there is limited knowledge available within this context of use. In this study, two novel (213)Bi-labeled peptides, DOTA-PEG(4)-bombesin (DOTA-PESIN) and DO3A-CH(2)CO-8-aminooctanoyl-Q-W-A-V-G-H-L-M-NH(2) (AMBA), were compared with (177)Lu (β-emitter)-labeled DOTA-PESIN in a human androgen-independent prostate carcinoma xenograft model (PC-3 tumor). Animals were injected with (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN, or (213)Bi-AMBA to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), biodistribution, and dosimetry of each agent; controls were left untreated or were given nonradioactive (175)Lu-DOTA-PESIN. The MTD of (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN and (213)Bi-AMBA was 25 MBq (0.68 mCi) whereas (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN showed an MTD of 112 MBq (3 mCi). At these dose levels, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN and (213)Bi-AMBA were significantly more effective than (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN. At the same time, (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN showed minimal, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN slight, and (213)Bi-AMBA marked kidney damage 20 to 30 weeks posttreatment. These preclinical data indicate that α-therapy with (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN or (213)Bi-AMBA is more efficacious than β-therapy. Furthermore, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN has a better safety profile than (213)Bi-AMBA, and represents a possible new approach for use in peptide-receptor radionuclide α-therapy treating recurrent prostate cancer.
Wheatstone’s stereoscope placed two mirrors on either side that were mounted at a right angle in order to view the two dissimilar drawings presented (Hankins 148). There are two identical monocular tubes that allow each eye to view the images (Hankins 148). Each eye views the image it was intended to see. The two eyes see slightly different images through this binocular vision (Hankins 148). The combination of the two images creates this illusion of depth and solidarity through their superimposition (Hankins 154). In order to view these images, the eyes were covered from all external light (Clay 152). The stereoscope was first seen as a philosophical toy along with other inventions such as the zoetrope, providing entertainment as well as scientific insight (Hankins 148). The stereoscope above is more similar to the “Holmes Stereoscope”, which transformed Wheatstone’s stereoscope into a handheld version that could be put on a stand (Hawkins 155). He replaced the retina of the eye with a sensitive plate; therefore, the lenses acted as the eyes (Silverman 738). In the video, an embellishment adorns the bottom of the stand that holds up the binocular lens and the images. The lenses are in a wooden frame that has an attached stand that holds the slides of images. There also is a knob on the side of the device that can adjust the lens on the two monocular tubes (Bokander 485).
Bone scintigraphy is the standard procedure for the detection of bone metastases in breast cancer patients. FDG-PET/CT has been reported to be a sensitive tool for tumor staging in different malignant diseases. However, its accuracy for the detection of bone metastases has not been compared to bone scintigraphy.
To every partially ordered set (poset), one can associate a generating function, known as the P-partition generating function. We find necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for two posets to have the same P-partition generating function. We define the notion of a jump sequence for a labeled poset and show that having equal jumpsequences is a necessary condition for generating function equality. We also develop multiple ways of modifying posets that preserve generating function equality. Finally, we are able to give a complete classification of equalities among partially ordered setswith exactly two linear extensions.
A precise synchronization of different climate records is indispensable for a correct dynamical interpretation of paleoclimatic data. A chronology for the TALDICE ice core from the Ross Sea sector of East Antarctica has recently been presented based on methane synchronization with Greenland and the EDC ice cores and δ18Oice synchronization with EDC in the bottom part (TALDICE-1). Using new high-resolution methane data obtained with a continuous flow analysis technique, we present a refined age scale for the age interval from 55–112 thousand years (ka) before present, where TALDICE is synchronized with EDC. New and more precise tie points reduce the uncertainties of the age scale from up to 1900 yr in TALDICE-1 to below 1100 yr over most of the refined interval and shift the Talos Dome dating to significantly younger ages during the onset of Marine Isotope Stage 3. Thus, discussions of climate dynamics at sub-millennial time scales are now possible back to 110 ka, in particular during the inception of the last ice age. Calcium data of EDC and TALDICE are compared to show the impact of the refinement to the synchronization of the two ice cores not only for the gas but also for the ice age scale.
Reactive transport modelling was used to simulate solute transport, thermodynamic reactions, ion exchange and biodegradation in the Porewater Chemistry (PC) experiment at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. Simulations show that the most important chemical processes controlling the fluid composition within the borehole and the surrounding formation during the experiment are ion exchange, biodegradation and dissolution/precipitation reactions involving pyrite and carbonate minerals. In contrast, thermodynamic mineral dissolution/precipitation reactions involving alumo-silicate minerals have little impact on the fluid composition on the time-scale of the experiment. With the accurate description of the initial chemical condition in the formation in combination with kinetic formulations describing the different stages of bacterial activities, it has been possible to reproduce the evolution of important system parameters, such as the pH, redox potential, total organic C. dissolved inorganic C and SO(4) concentration. Leaching of glycerol from the pH-electrode may be the primary source of organic material that initiated bacterial growth, which caused the chemical perturbation in the borehole. Results from these simulations are consistent with data from the over-coring and demonstrate that the Opalinus Clay has a high buffering capacity in terms of chemical perturbations caused by bacterial activity. This buffering capacity can be attributed to the carbonate system as well as to the reactivity of clay surfaces.