972 resultados para 100-PERCENT
Kädessäsi on Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun kaikkia eri tutkintotasojen opiskelijoita koskeva opinto-oppaan yleinen osa. Yleisessä osassa esitetään opiskelijoille välttämätöntä perustietoutta Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulusta, opiskelusta ja tutkinnoista. Muille lukijoille opas on hyvä tietolähde. Opinto-oppaan neljäs luku on opiskelujen kannalta tärkein, koska siinä määritetään sotatieteelliset oppiaineet ja niiden tavoitteet tutkintotasoittain. Opas on laadittu koskemaan jokaista Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulun opiskelijaa, siviiliopiskelijat mukaan luettuna. Oppaasta löytyy tarpeellista tietoa muun muassa opintohallinnosta, opiskeluoikeuksista ja opintoneuvonnasta sekä toimimisesta Santahaminan sotilasalueella. Yleisen osan lisäksi sinun on tunnettava opinto-oppaan eriytyvät osat ja niihin sisältyvät oman tutkintotasosi opintojaksokuvaukset. Lue opinto-oppaat huolella. Näin saat kokonaisvaltaisen kuvan tulevien vuosiesi työskentelystä ja opintojesi tavoitteista. Yksityiskohtaisempia tietoja saat kurssinjohtajalta, oman tutkintotasosi koulutussuunnittelijalta ja ainelaitoksilta. Oppaaseen on koottu opiskeluun liittyviä tärkeitä yhteystietoja helpottamaan opiskelijan arkea. Oppaasta löydät myös Santahaminan kampusalueen kartan. Jos et saa oppaasta tarvitsemaasi tietoa, tai jos jokin asia jää sinulle epäselväksi, otathan yhteyttä Opintoasiainosaston henkilökuntaan. On myös toivottavaa, että annat palautetta opinto-oppaasta Opintoasiainosaston henkilöstölle. Näin voimme kehittää opasta edelleen. Parhaimman opetuksen saanut asevelvollinen ansaitsee parhaimman opetuksen saaneen kouluttajan ja upseerin, sinut.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do exercício físico de intensidade submáxima sobre as concentrações séricas de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), creatinoquinase (CK) e lactato-desidrogenase (LDH) em muares durante prova de enduro de 100 km realizada no estado do Espírito Santo. Para tal foram obtidas amostras de soro de 20 muares em três momentos assim definidos: no repouso (T0); após 54 km de percurso (T1); após 80 km de percurso (T2); e após 100 km de percurso (T3). As referidas amostras foram encaminhadas ao Laboratório Clínico Veterinário (CEMEVES) para processamento. Na avaliação da atividade sérica de AST, os valores médios registrados nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3 foram, respectivamente, de 341,7±73,9 UI/L, 403,1±78,4 UI/L, 410,5±70,5 UI/L e 426,5±66,7 UI/L. Na avaliação da atividade sérica da LDH, os valores médios registrados foram de 423,1±101,8 UI/L, 534,4±131,8 UI/L, 628,5±100,6 UI/L e 823,4±273,2 UI/L, respectivamente, nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3. Por fim, na avaliação da atividade sérica da CK os valores de mediana foram de 231,3 UI/L, 310,6 UI/L, 253,2 UI/L e 476,0 UI/L, respectivamente nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que o exercício físico imposto levou ao aumento significativo das atividades séricas de AST e LDH e não alterou as concentrações séricas de CK.
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Emil Kaupin arkiston sisällöstä
A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the allelopathic effect of aqueous extracts of plant parts of Alternanthera philoxeroides and A. sessilis and soil incorporated residues on germination and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa). Aqueous extracts prepared from different plant parts of Alternanthera species delayed rice germination. Alternanthera philoxeroides and A. sessilis inhibited rice germination by 9-100% and 4-49%, respectively. Germination of rice seeds was reduced with increasing concentration of aqueous leaf extracts of both weed species. Early seedling growth (root and shoot lengths) and seedling vigor index were significantly reduced by 5% aqueous leaf extract compared with distilled water treated control. Germination, root and shoot lengths, root and shoot dry weights and seedling vigor index of rice were drastically reduced by 3 and 4% in residue infested soil compared with residue free soil. The inhibitory effect of A. philoxeroides in terms of germination and seedling growth of rice was greater than that of A. sessilis. Five percent aqueous leaf extract and 4% residue infested soil of A. philoxeroides caused complete failure of rice seed germination. Alternanthera philoxeroides contained water soluble phenolics, namely 4 hydroxy-3-methoxy benzoic acid (16.19 mg L-1) and m-coumaric acid (1.48 mg L-1), whereas Alternanthera sessilis was rich in chlorogenic acid (17.85 mg L-1), gallic acid (11.03 mg L-1) and vanillic acid (9.88 mg L-1). The study indicates that the allelopathic potential of Alternanthera species may play an important role in enhancing the invasiveness of these species and may suppress rice plants in the vicinity.
Red blood cells (RBC) are viable if kept in an adequate preservative solution, although gradual changes in morphology and metabolism may occur. There is a gradual decrease in adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) concentration, pH, glucose consumption, and enzyme activity during preservation. The normal discocyte shapes are initially replaced by echinocytes and stomatocytes and, at final stages, by spherocytes, the last step before splenic sequestration. Post-transfusional survival has been correlated with the ATP concentration. RBC preserved in ADSOL, a solution containing adenine, dextrose, sodium chloride, and mannitol, are viable for transfusion for up to 6 weeks. Erythrocytes from 10 blood units taken from healthy adult donors were preserved for 12 weeks in ADSOL at 4oC. We now report a significant correlation (r2 = 0.98) between the percentage of discocytes (89 to 7%) and ATP (100 to 10%) concentration in ADSOL-preserved RBC. The results suggest that the percent of discocyte shapes used as an indicator of ATP concentration may be a useful indicator for quality control of RBC viability in centers which have limited assay facilities.
We investigated the effects of hippocampal lesions with ibotenic acid (IBO) on the memory of the sound-context-shock association during reexposure to the conditioning context. Twenty-nine adult pigeons were assigned to a non-lesioned control group (CG, N = 7), a sham-lesioned group (SG, N = 7), a hippocampus-lesioned experimental group (EG, N = 7), and to an unpaired nonlesioned group (tone-alone exposure) (NG, N = 8). All pigeons were submitted to a 20-min session in the conditioning chamber with three associations of sound (1000 Hz, 85 dB, 1 s) and shock (10 mA, 1 s). Experimental and sham lesions were performed 24 h later (EG and SG) when EG birds received three bilateral injections (anteroposterior (A), 4.5, 5.25 and 7.0) of IBO (1 µl and 1 µg/µl) and SG received one bilateral injection (A, 5.25) of PBS. The animals were reexposed to the training context 5 days after the lesion. Behavior was videotaped for 20 min and analyzed at 30-s intervals. A significantly higher percent rating of immobility was observed for CG (median, 95.1; range, 79.2 to 100.0) and SG (median, 90.0; range, 69.6 to 95.0) compared to EG (median, 11.62; range, 3.83 to 50.1) and NG (median, 7.33; range, 6.2 to 28.1) (P<0.001) in the training context. These results suggest impairment of contextual fear in birds who received lesions one day after conditioning and a role for the hippocampus in the modulation of emotional aversive memories in pigeons.
The dorsal periaqueductal gray (DPAG) has been implicated in the behavioral and autonomic expression of defensive reactions. Several results suggest that, along with GABA, glutamate and serotonin, nitric oxide (NO) may play a role in defense reactions mediated by this region. To further investigate this possibility we microinjected methylene blue (MB; 10, 30 or 100 nmol/0.5 µl) into the DPAG of rats submitted to the elevated plus-maze test, an animal model of anxiety. MB has been used as an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) to demonstrate cGMP-mediated processes, and there is evidence that NO may exert its biological effects by binding to the heme part of guanylate cyclase, causing an increase in cGMP levels. The results showed that MB (30 nmol) significantly increased the percent of time spent in the open arms (saline = 11.57 ± 1.54, MB = 18.5 ± 2.45, P<0.05) and tended to do the same with the percentage of open arm entries (saline = 25.8 ± 1.97, MB = 33.77 ± 3.07, P<0.10), but did not change the number of enclosed arm entries. The dose-response curve, however, had an inverted U shape. These results indicate that MB, within a limited dose range, has anxiolytic properties when microinjected into the DPAG.
Työn tavoitteena ovat valtakunnalliset liikenneturvallisuustavoitteet vuoteen 2020 mennessä ja niiden saavuttaminen tienpitäjän toimenpitein.Tässä työssä tarkasteltiin maanteitä, joilla on kesäaikana voimassa 100 km/h nopeusrajoitus. Työssä vertailtiin nykyisten 100 km/h väylien tierekisteritietoja uusiin nopeus-rajoitusohjeisiin (LVM:n yleisohje 2009) sekä vertailtiin ko. tiejaksojen onnettomuustiheyksiä ja -asteita valtakunnallisiin lukuihin (Liikennevirasto, 2012). Lisäksi 100 km/h tieosuuksien ympäristön asukastiheyttä tarkasteltiin Rakennus- ja huoneistorekisteritietojen perusteella. Näiden tietojen perusteella muodostuivat mahdolliset nopeusrajoituksen alentamista vaativat tiejaksot. Nopeusrajoituksen alentamista liikenneturvallisuustilanteen parantamiseksi tarkasteltiin seuraavien priorisointiperiaatteiden mukaisesti: 1. 0-vision ja ihmisen kestokyvyn mukainen priorisointi: • Millä 100 km/h tiejaksoilla ei ole keskikaidetta? 2. Vastaavatko 100 km/h tiejaksot nykyisiä nopeusrajoitusohjeita? 3. Esiintyykö 100 km/h tiejaksoilla korkeita onnettomuustiheyksiä ja -asteita? Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen liikennevastuualueen johtotiimin päätöksen mukaisesti nopeusrajoitusta alennetaan 80 km/h:iin yhteensä 23 kilometrin matkalla. Lisäksi talvinopeusrajoitusta alennetaan yhteensä 9 kilometrin pituisella tiejaksolla. Nopeusrajoitustoimenpiteiden lisäksi yhden liittymän kohdalle päätettiin asettaa ohituskiellot ja yhdelle tiejaksolle esitettiin tehtäväksi puuston raivausta. Toimenpiteillä saavutetaan noin 0,78 vuosittainen vähenemä henkilövahinkoon johtaneissa onnettomuuksissa. Toimenpiteiden yhteiskuntataloudelliset kustannukset ovat yhteensä 600 000 euroa/vuosi.
Metabolic studies using the in vitro non-recirculating blood-perfused isolated heart model require large volumes of blood. The present study was designed to determine whether heterologous pig blood collected from a slaughterhouse can be used as perfusate for isolated pig hearts perfused under aerobic and constant reduced flow conditions. Eight isolated working pig hearts perfused for 90 min at a constant flow of 1.5 ml g-1 min-1 with non-recirculated blood diluted with Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer at a hematocrit of 23% were compared to eight hearts subjected to the same protocol but perfused only with Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer solution. Hearts were paced at 100 bpm and subjected to aerobic perfusion at 38ºC. Hearts were weighed before perfusion and at the end of the experiment and the results are reported as percent weight gain (mean ± SD). Comparisons between groups were performed by the Student t-test (P<0.05). After 90 min of perfusion with modified Krebs-Henseleit, perfused hearts presented a larger weight gain than blood-perfused hearts (39.34 ± 9.27 vs 23.13 ± 5.42%, P = 0.003). Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was higher in the modified Krebs-Henseleit-perfused group than in the blood group (2.8 ± 0.4 vs 2.3 ± 0.3 mmHg, respectively, P = 0.01). We conclude that heterologous blood perfusion, by preserving a more physiological myocardial water content, is a better perfusion fluid than modified Krebs-Henseleit solution for quantitative studies of myocardial metabolism and heart function under ischemic conditions.
Blood pressure (BP) profiles were monitored in nine free-ranging sloths (Bradypus variegatus) by coupling one common carotid artery to a BP telemetry transmitter. Animals moved freely in an isolated and temperature-controlled room (24ºC) with 12/12-h artificial light-dark cycles and behaviors were observed during resting, eating and moving. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures were sampled for 1 min every 15 min for 24 h. BP rhythm over 24 h was analyzed by the cosinor method and the mesor, amplitude, acrophase and percent rhythm were calculated. A total of 764 measurements were made in the light cycle and 721 in the dark cycle. Twenty-four-hour values (mean ± SD) were obtained for SBP (121 ± 22 mmHg), DBP (86 ± 17 mmHg), mean BP (MBP, 98 ± 18 mmHg) and heart rate (73 ± 16 bpm). The SBP, DBP and MBP were significantly higher (unpaired Student t-test) during the light period (125 ± 21, 88 ± 15 and 100 ± 17 mmHg, respectively) than during the dark period (120 ± 21, 85 ± 17 and 97 ± 17 mmHg, respectively) and the acrophase occurred between 16:00 and 17:45 h. This circadian variation is similar to that observed in cats, dogs and marmosets. The BP decreased during "behavioral sleep" (MBP down from 110 ± 19 to 90 ± 19 mmHg at 21:00 to 8:00 h). Both feeding and moving induced an increase in MBP (96 ± 17 to 119 ± 17 mmHg at 17:00 h and 97 ± 19 to 105 ± 12 mmHg at 15:00 h, respectively). The results show that conscious sloths present biphasic circadian fluctuations in BP levels, which are higher during the light period and are mainly synchronized with feeding.
Malaria is a devastating disease caused by a unicellular protozoan, Plasmodium, which affects 3.7 million people every year. Resistance of the parasite to classical treatments such as chloroquine requires the development of new drugs. To gain insight into the mechanisms that control Plasmodium cell cycle, we have examined the effects of kinase inhibitors on the blood-stage cycle of the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi. In vitro incubation of red blood cells for 17 h at 37ºC with the inhibitors led to a decrease in the percent of infected cells, compared to control treatment, as follows: genistein (200 µM - 75%), staurosporine (1 µM - 58%), R03 (1 µM - 75%), and tyrphostins B44 (100 µM - 66%) and B46 (100 µM - 68%). All these treatments were shown to retard or prevent maturation of the intraerythrocytic parasites. The diverse concentration ranges at which these inhibitors exert their effects give a clue as to the types of signals that initiate the transitions between the different developmental stages of the parasite. The present data support our hypothesis that the maturation of the intraerythrocytic cycle of malaria parasites requires phosphorylation. In this respect, we have recently reported a high Ca2+ microenvironment surrounding the parasite within red blood cells. Several kinase activities are modulated by Ca2+. The molecular identification of the targets of these kinases could provide new strategies against malaria.
Nosocomial dissemination of glycopeptide-resistant enterococci represents a major problem in hospitals worldwide. In Brazil, the dissemination among hospitals in the city of São Paulo of polyclonal DNA profiles was previously described for vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. We describe here the dissemination of VanA phenotype E. faecalis between two hospitals located in different cities in the State of São Paulo. The index outbreak occurred in a tertiary care university hospital (HCUSP) in the city of São Paulo and three years later a cluster caused by the same strain was recognized in two patients hospitalized in a private tertiary care hospital (CMC) located 100 km away in the interior of the state. From May to July 1999, 10 strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from 10 patients hospitalized in the HCUSP. The DNA genotyping using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed that all isolates were originated from the same clone, suggesting nosocomial dissemination. From May to July 2002, three strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from two patients hospitalized in CMC and both patients were colonized by the vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in skin lesions. All isolates from CMC and HCUSP were highly resistant to vancomycin and teicoplanin. The three strains from CMC had minimum inhibitory concentration >256 µg/ml for vancomycin, and 64 (CMC 1 and CMC 2) and 96 µg/ml (CMC 3) for teicoplanin, characterizing a profile of VanA resistance to glycopeptides. All strains had the presence of the transposon Tn1546 detected by PCR and were closely related when typed by PFGE. The dissemination of the E. faecalis VanA phenotype among hospitals located in different cities is of great concern because E. faecalis commonly colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of patients and healthy persons for periods varying from weeks to years, which, together with the persistence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in hospital rooms after standard cleaning procedures, increases the risk of the dissemination and reservoir of the bacteria.