996 resultados para 1-(O-hexose)-3,25,27-octacosanetriol per unit mass organic carbon
This study focused on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of the transcription factors Egr-1 and Egr-3 in the rat brain cortex and hippocampus after chronic or acute ethanol exposure. DNA-binding activity was reduced in both regions after chronic ethanol exposure and was restored to the level of the pair-fed group at 16 h of withdrawal. Cortical Egr-1 protein levels were not altered by chronic ethanol exposure but increased 16 h after withdrawal, thus mirroring DNA-binding activity. In contrast, Egr-3 protein levels did not undergo any change. There was no change in the level of either protein in the hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry revealed a region-selective change in immunopositive cells in the cortex and hippocampus. Finally, an acute bolus dose of ethanol did not affect Egr DNA-binding activity and ethanol treatment did not alter the DNA-binding activity or protein levels of the transcription factor Spl. These observations suggest that chronic exposure to ethanol has region-selective effects on the DNA-binding activity and protein expression of Egr-1 and Egr-3 transcription factors in the rat brain. These changes occur after prolonged ethanol exposure and may thus reflect neuroadaptive changes associated with physical dependency and withdrawal. These effects are also transcription factor-selective. Clearly, protein expression is not the sole mediator of the changes in DNA-binding activity and chronic ethanol exposure must have effects on modulatory agents of Egr DNA-binding activity. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
Ha-Ras and Ki-Ras have different distributions across plasma membrane microdomains. The Ras C-terminal anchors are primarily responsible for membrane microlocalization, but recent work has shown that the interaction of Ha-Ras with lipid rafts is modulated by GTP loading via a mechanism that requires the hypervariable region (HVR). We have now identified two regions in the HVR linker domain that regulate Ha-Ras raft association. Release of activated Ha-Ras from lipid rafts is blocked by deleting amino acids 173-179 or 166-172. Alanine replacement of amino acids 173-179 but not 166-172 restores wild type micro-localization, indicating that specific N-terminal sequences of the linker domain operate in concert with a more C-terminal spacer domain to regulate Ha-Ras raft association. Mutations in the linker domain that confine activated Ha-RasG12V to lipid rafts abrogate Raf-1, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and Akt activation and inhibit PC 12 cell differentiation. N-Myristoylation also prevents the release of activated Ha-Ras from lipid rafts and inhibits Raf-1 activation. These results demonstrate that the correct modulation of Ha-Ras lateral segregation is critical for downstream signaling. Mutations in the linker domain also suppress the dominant negative phenotype of Ha-RasS17N, indicating that HVR sequences are essential for efficient interaction of Ha-Ras with exchange factors in intact cells.
Apresentaram-se os resultados obtidos na pesquisa de anticorpos fixadores de complemento para o vírus respiratório sincicial e adenovírus, assim como de anticorpos inibidores da hemaglutinação para os vírus parainfluenza dos tipos 1, 2 e 3, num grupo de 972 crianças de idade compreendida entre 3 meses e 14 anos. A técnica de colheita de sangue foi a de embebição em papel de filtro. Do total de crianças examinadas, considerando o conjunto de todas as idades, 34,6% apresentavam anticorpos para o vírus respiratório sincicial; as porcentagens com anticorpos para adenovírus, parainfluenza 1, parainfluenza 2 e parainfluenza 3, foram respectivamente 47,7%, 46,8%, 54,1% e 66,6%. Foram estudadas as distribuições dos anticorpos em função da idade, do sexo e da localização do domicílio. Em relação aos dois últimos atributos obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados: dos indivíduos do sexo masculino, 32,3% apresentavam anticorpos contra o vírus respiratório sincicial, 49,2% contra adenovírus, 60,1%, 65,1% e 78,3%, respectivamente, contra os vírus parainfluenza 1, 2 e 3; nas crianças do sexo feminino as porcentagens de positividade encontradas foram, respectivamente, 37,4%, 45,9%, 31,1%, 41,2% e 52,9%; em relação à localização do domicílio, 44,8% do total de crianças da zona rural mostraram possuir anticorpos contra o vírus respiratório sincicial, 70,1% contra adenovírus, 43,8% contra vírus parainfluenza 1 e 46,8% e 65,4% contra os vírus parainfluenza dos tipos 2 e 3; as porcentagens de positividade na zona urbana foram, respectivamente, 30,5%, 38,7%, 47,9%, 57,1% e 67,1%.
Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
We report the results of the growth of Cu-Sn-S ternary chalcogenide compounds by sulfurization of dc magnetron sputtered metallic precursors. Tetragonal Cu2SnS3 forms for a maximum sulfurization temperature of 350 ºC. Cubic Cu2SnS3 is obtained at sulfurization temperatures above 400 ºC. These results are supported by XRD analysis and Raman spectroscopy measurements. The latter analysis shows peaks at 336 cm-1, 351 cm-1 for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, and 303 cm-1, 355 cm-1 for cubic Cu2SnS3. Optical analysis shows that this phase change lowers the band gap from 1.35 eV to 0.98 eV. At higher sulfurization temperatures increased loss of Sn is expected in the sulphide form. As a consequence, higher Cu content ternary compounds like Cu3SnS4 grow. In these conditions, XRD and Raman analysis only detected orthorhombic (Pmn21) phase (petrukite). This compound has Raman peaks at 318 cm-1, 348 cm-1 and 295 cm-1. For a sulfurization temperature of 450 ºC the samples present a multi-phase structure mainly composed by cubic Cu2SnS3 and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. For higher temperatures, the samples are single phase and constituted by orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. Transmittance and reflectance measurements were used to estimate a band gap of 1.60 eV. For comparison we also include the results for Cu2ZnSnS4 obtained using similar growth conditions.
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En el context actual sovint tenen lloc operacions juridicofinanceres de gran envergadura entre empreses del mateix grup, especialment en determinats sectors de l'economia. Aquestes operacions comporten la integració dels sistemes d'informació de les societats que s'hi troben afectades. El cas que ens ocupa fa referència a una operació de fusió per absorció de dues societats que pertanyen al mateix grup. Totes dues gestionen la seva activitat fent servir el sistema d'informació SAP/R3.
Among the flaviviruses, dengue, with its four serotypes, has spread throughout the tropics. The most advanced vaccines developed so far include live attenuated viruses, which have been tested in humans but none has been licensed. Preclinical testing of dengue vaccine candidates is performed initially in mice and in nonhuman primates. In the latter the main criteria used to assay protection are neutralizing antibodies elicited by the vaccine candidate and the magnitude and duration of peripheral viremia upon challenge of previously immunized animals. Towards the identification of wild-type viruses that could be used in challenge experiments a total of 31 rhesus monkeys were inoculated subcutaneously of wild dengue types 1, 2, and 3 viruses. The viremia caused by the different viruses was variable but it was possible to identify dengue viruses useful as challenge strains.
Purpose: In this study, we investigated the expression of the gene encoding beta-galactosidase (Glb)-1-like protein 3 (Glb1l3), a member of the glycosyl hydrolase 35 family, during retinal degeneration in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-specific 65-kDa protein knockout (Rpe65(-/-)) mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). Additionally, we assessed the expression of the other members of this protein family, including beta-galactosidase-1 (Glb1), beta-galactosidase-1-like (Glb1l), and beta-galactosidase-1-like protein 2 (Glb1l2).Methods: The structural features of Glb1l3 were assessed using bioinformatic tools. mRNA expression of Glb-related genes was investigated by oligonucleotide microarray, real-time PCR, and reverse transcription (RT) -PCR. The localized expression of Glb1l3 was assessed by combined in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry.Results: Glb1l3 was the only Glb-related member strongly downregulated in Rpe65(-/-) retinas before the onset and during progression of the disease. Glb1l3 mRNA was only expressed in the retinal layers and the RPE/choroid. The other Glb-related genes were ubiquitously expressed in different ocular tissues, including the cornea and lens. In the healthy retina, expression of Glb1l3 was strongly induced during postnatal retinal development; age-related increased expression persisted during adulthood and aging.Conclusions: These data highlight early-onset downregulation of Glb1l3 in Rpe65-related disease. They further indicate that impaired expression of Glb1l3 is mostly due to the absence of the chromophore 11-cis retinal, suggesting that Rpe65 deficiency may have many metabolic consequences in the underlying neuroretina.
Numérisation partielle de reliure
As soluções extratoras multielementares possibilitam avaliar a disponibilidade de vários nutrientes de plantas no mesmo extrato; dentre estes o P merece especial atenção. As soluções Mehlich-1 (M1) e Mehlich-3 (M3) enquadram-se nesta categoria. Neste estudo, foram comparados os teores de P extraídos por estas soluções em 360 amostras de solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os coeficientes de correlação entre os teores de P extraído pelas mesmas indicaram alto grau de associação e de significância. Os teores de P extraído pela solução Mehlich-3 foram, em média, 50 % maiores que os extraídos pela solução Mehlich-1. O teor de argila, entretanto, influenciou a capacidade extrativa de P pela solução Mehlich-3, sendo necessária uma tabela de ajuste para a interpretação dos valores do P extraído por esta solução.
This bimonthly electronic newsletter will provide information and resources on nutrition and health promotion and disease prevention. The Healthy Aging Update is produced for informal and educational purposes only. The newsletter will be distributed electronically and posted on the Department’s website at www.state.ia.us/elderaffairs.