946 resultados para Åberg, Teijo
Diplomityössä tehtiin Balas- simulointimalli Stora Enso Publication Papers Oy Ltd Varkauden tehtaiden kuumahierrelaitoksesta, johon sovitettiin tehtaan lämpö-, kuitu- ja kiertovesivirtaukset sekä kiertovesissä olevien liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden virtaukset. Kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin simulaattorimallin luontiin ja käyttötarkoituksiin. Siinä käsitellään Balas- simulaattorin ominaisuuksia ja laiteparametrointia. Tarkastellaan kuumahierreprosessin eri vaiheita, olosuhteita ja laitteiden toimintaa. Perehdytään prosessin energian kulutukseen ja talteenottoon sekä kiertovesien liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden mittaussuureisiin ja vaikutuksiin prosessissa. Simulaattorimallin tekemiseen kuului tehtaan virtauskaavion ja simulaattorimallin tekeminen, mittauskoesuunnittelu, tehdasmittaukset, simulaattorin parametrointi, mittaus- ja simulaattoritulosten yhteensovittaminen sekä mallin kelpoistaminen. Tehtaan virtauskaavion piirtämisessä käytettiin apuna tehtaan prosessi- ja instrumentointikaavioita, joiden pohjalta mittauskoesuunnitelma ja simulaattorimalli tehtiin. Koesuunnitelman mittaussuureiksi valittiin virtaukset, sakeudet, lämpötilat sekä kiertovesien kiintoaineen-, kokonaisorgaanisen hiilen- ja liuenneen orgaanisen aineen pitoisuuksien määritykset. Mittauksilla saatiin tietoja prosessivirtausten taseista, joita käytettiin simulaattorimallin keskeisempien laiteparametriarvojen määrityksessä. Exceliä hyödynnettiin mittaus- ja simulaattoritulosten taulukoinnissa, laiteparametrien laskemisessa sekä arvojen syötössä ja vastaanotossa Excelin ja simulaattorin välillä. Sitä käytettiin myös graafisessa mittaus- ja simulaattoritulosten yhteensovittamisessa, jolla pystyttiin havainnollisesti näkemään eri syöttöparametrien muutoksien vaikutukset simulaattorin laskemissa virtaustuloksissa. Mallin antamien arvojen ja todellisten prosessimittausarvojen yhteensovittamisen ja mallista varmistumisen tuloksista voidaan todeta mallin korreloivan todellista prosessia melko hyvin.
1. The implementation of the Water Framework Directive requires EU member states to establish and harmonize ecological status class boundaries for biological quality elements. In this paper, we describe an approach for defining ecological class boundaries that delineates shifts in lake ecosystem functioning and, therefore, provides ecologically meaningful targets for water policy in Europe. 2. We collected an extensive data set of 810 lake-years from nine Central European countries, and we used phytoplankton chlorophyll a, a metric widely used to measure the impact of eutrophication in lakes. Our approach establishes chlorophyll a target values in relation to three significant ecological effects of eutrophication: the decline of aquatic macrophytes, the dominance of potentially harmful cyanobacteria and the major functional switch from a clear water to a turbid state. 3. Ranges of threshold chlorophyll a concentrations are given for the two most common lake types in lowland Central Europe: for moderately deep lakes (mean depth 3–15 m), the greatest ecological shifts occur in the range 10–12 lg L 1 chlorophyll a, and for shallow lakes (<3 m mean depth), in the range 21–23 lg L 1 chlorophyll a. 4. Synthesis and applications. Our study provides class boundaries for determining the ecological status of lakes, which have robust ecological consequences for lake functioning and which, therefore, provide strong and objective targets for sustainable water management in Europe. The results have been endorsed by all participant member states and adopted in the European Commission legislation, marking the first attempt in international water policy to move from physico-chemical quality standards to harmonized ecologically based quality targets.
UNLABELLED: Patients carrying very rare loss-of-function mutations in interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4), a critical signaling mediator in Toll-like receptor signaling, are severely immunodeficient, highlighting the paramount role of IRAK kinases in innate immunity. We discovered a comparatively frequent coding variant of the enigmatic human IRAK2, L392V (rs3844283), which is found homozygously in ∼15% of Caucasians, to be associated with a reduced ability to induce interferon-alpha in primary human plasmacytoid dendritic cells in response to hepatitis C virus (HCV). Cytokine production in response to purified Toll-like receptor agonists was also impaired. Additionally, rs3844283 was epidemiologically associated with a chronic course of HCV infection in two independent HCV cohorts and emerged as an independent predictor of chronic HCV disease. Mechanistically, IRAK2 L392V showed intact binding to, but impaired ubiquitination of, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6, a vital step in signal transduction. CONCLUSION: Our study highlights IRAK2 and its genetic variants as critical factors and potentially novel biomarkers for human antiviral innate immunity. (Hepatology 2015;62:1375-1387).
Calcium hydroxyapatite crystal deposition is a common disorder, which sometimes causes acute pain as calcifications dissolve and migrate into adjacent soft tissue. Intraosseous calcium penetration has also been described. We illustrate the appearance of these lesions using a series of 35 cases compiled by members of the French Society of Musculoskeletal Imaging (Société d'Imagerie Musculo-Squelettique, SIMS). The first group in our series (7 cases) involved calcification-related cortical erosions of the humeral and femoral diaphyses, in particular at the pectoralis major and gluteus maximus insertions. A second group (28 cases) involved the presence of calcium material in subcortical areas. The most common site was the greater tubercle of the humerus, accompanying a calcifying tendinopathy of the supraspinatus. In addition, an extensive intramedullary diffusion of calcium deposits was observed in four of these cases, associated with cortical erosion in one case and subcortical lesions in three cases. Cortical erosions and intraosseous migration of calcifications associated with calcific tendinitis may be confused with neoplasm or infection. It is important to recognize atypical presentations of hydroxyapatite deposition to avoid unnecessary investigation or surgery.
A good appearance of a package enhances the sale of the product. The packing gives information about the content and instructions for the usage. In this master’s thesis, the optical properties of multilayer packaging board is studied. Especially means of increasing brightness of the multilayer board are evaluated. In the literature part, the effect of different factors on optical properties of a multilayer board are evaluated with the help of light scattering and absorption coefficients. The Kubelka-Munk theory can be used also in modelling brightness of the multilayer board. A large variety of different process factors, chemical aids and machine variables affect optical properties of board. In the experimental part, different methods to increase brightness of a 3-layer board were evaluated. It was discovered that brightness variation of broke (30 % share of the center layer pulp) have only minor influence on brightness of the board. The brightness variation must be high, roughly 9 % in order to alter brightness of the board by 1 %. Higher brightness can be achieved by bleaching the pulp, which holds the largest share of the center layer pulp. Here, 2,6 % increase in brightness of the pulp (60 % share of the center layer pulp) increased brightness of the board by 1 %. In a trial run at a board machine, there was no indication of decreased bulk of the board due to extended bleaching of the pulp. With pulp dyeing appearance and optical properties of a multilayer board can be influenced. By using bluish dyes the natural yellowness of pulps can be decreased and impression of whiteness is then increased. Brightness may deteriorate though, because of increasing light absorption of the dyed pulps. When the yellowness comes from the center layer pulp, the dye should be introduced there. Then the brightness decreasing effect of the dye decreases brightness of the board less. It was noticed that it is more important to maintain brightness of the top layer than brightness of the center layer, because the top layer pulp affects on brightness of the board the most. By introducing fillers into the top layer of a multilayer board it is possible to increase brightness of the board. Fillers with the highest light scattering increased the brightness of the board the most. Increasing light scattering increases brightness and also opacity. Higher opacity in the top layer decreases also the darkening effect of the center layer. Calcinated kaolin and PCC was found to increase the light scattering of the top layer the most at the filler comparison. Introducing fillers into the top layer of multilayer board may decrease bulk and modulus of elasticity of the top layer. This could lead to deteriorated bending stiffness.
OSA (Occupational Self Assessment) on Inhimillisen toiminnan malliin perustuva asiakkaan toimintamahdollisuuksien itsearviointi. OSA:n teoreettinen perusta muodostuu Inhimillisen toiminnan mallin käsitteistä: tahto, tottumus, suorituskyky ja ympäristö. OSA antaa tietoa toiminnallisesta pätevyydestä ja arvoista, mitkä ovat osa toiminnallista identiteettiä. Lomakkeen avulla selviää, kuinka tyytyväinen asiakas on toiminnalliseen pätevyyteensä ja miten asiakas pätevyytensä hahmottaa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää neljän tukiasunnossa asuvan A-klinikan asiakkaan avulla, miten OSA-itsearviointiväline sopii käytettäväksi kotikäynnin tukena. Toteutus muodostui asiakkaiden alkutapaamisesta, jossa he täyttivät OSA-itsearviointilomakkeen sekä kotikäynnistä. Kotikäynnillä havainnoitiin kotia ja asiakasta OSA:n tarjoaman tuen avulla sekä keskusteltiin itsearviointilomakkeen aiheista. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisena viitekehyksenä ovat OSA-itsearviointivälineen taustateoriana olevat Inhimillisen toiminnan malli sekä asiakaslähtöinen lähestymistapa. Teoriaosuudessa on avattu käsitteet koti ja kotikäynti sekä päihteet ja päihderiippuvuus. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä on havainnointi. Havainnot kirjattiin tutkimuspäiväkirjoihin, joiden sisällöt analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. OSA toimi hyvänä keskustelun pohjana, jonka avulla pystyttiin keskittymään asiakkaan haasteellisiksi kokemiin asioihin arkielämässään sekä tarkentamaan asiakkaan vastauksia. Täytetty lomake jäsentää havainnointia kotikäynnillä asiakkaan kannalta oleellisiin asioihin. OSA ja kotikäynti antavat kokonaisvaltaisemman kuvan asiakkaan arkielämästä ja kotiympäristöstä. OSA:n soveltaminen kotikäynnillä vaatii paljon keskustelua, koska kaikkia OSA:n väittämissä esiintyviä asioita ei voida havainnoida kotikäynnin aikana. OSA:n ja kotikäynnin tulisi olla osa terapiaprosessia. Toteutuksemme tulosten perusteella voimme todeta OSA- toimintamahdollisuuksien itsearvioinnin käytön kotikäynnin yhteydessä soveltuvan A-klinikan asiakkaille.
Les persones amb la Malaltia de Parkinson (MP) a través del tractament amb Marxa Nòrdica i amb contraccions excèntriques milloraran la seva qualitat de vida i reduiran la bradicinèsia? I quin dels dos tractaments serà més efectiu? L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és verificar l’augment de la qualitat de vida dels pacients, a través de l’exercici físic mitjançant dues capacitats fisicomotrius; la resistència aeròbica i la força amb contraccions excèntriques. També es pretén investigar quin dels dos programes és més eficaç per l’equilibri i la mobilitat dels pacient amb MP. Metodologia: estudi experimental, aleatoritzat i controlat. Els criteris d’inclusió seran persones diagnosticades amb MP amb un estadi I-III segons l’escala Hoehn & Yahr, entre els 40 i 85 anys i estar disposats a complir el programa d’entrenament. Seran exclosos aquelles pacients amb fluctuacions motores no controlades, història clínica de desordre neurològic, cardiovascular i/o respiratori, alteració cognitiva que impedeixi la comunicació i comprensió; condició ortopèdica que dificulti el moviment; dolor al realitzar el tractament i canvis en la medicació que afectin al tractament.La intervenció tindrà una durada de 8 setmanes, 3 dies per setmana a través de dos grups; un amb Marxa Nòrdica i l’altra amb una bicicleta ergomètrica per les extremitats superiors i inferiors. Cada grup de tractament contarà amb el mateix nombre de pacients. Les variables estudiades seran la qualitat de vida, la bradicinèsia i la marxa dels pacients. Els instruments de mesurà seran l’escala UPDRS, 6 Min Walk, Timed Up & Go, Tinetti, Escala de Berg i PDQ-39.
Evidence of an association between early pregnancy exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and congenital heart defects (CHD) has contributed to recommendations to weigh benefits and risks carefully. The objective of this study was to determine the specificity of association between first trimester exposure to SSRIs and specific CHD and other congenital anomalies (CA) associated with SSRI exposure in the literature (signals). A population-based case-malformed control study was conducted in 12 EUROCAT CA registries covering 2.1 million births 1995-2009 including livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestation and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. Babies/fetuses with specific CHD (n = 12,876) and non-CHD signal CA (n = 13,024), were compared with malformed controls whose diagnosed CA have not been associated with SSRI in the literature (n = 17,083). SSRI exposure in first trimester pregnancy was associated with CHD overall (OR adjusted for registry 1.41, 95 % CI 1.07-1.86, fluoxetine adjOR 1.43 95 % CI 0.85-2.40, paroxetine adjOR 1.53, 95 % CI 0.91-2.58) and with severe CHD (adjOR 1.56, 95 % CI 1.02-2.39), particularly Tetralogy of Fallot (adjOR 3.16, 95 % CI 1.52-6.58) and Ebstein's anomaly (adjOR 8.23, 95 % CI 2.92-23.16). Significant associations with SSRI exposure were also found for ano-rectal atresia/stenosis (adjOR 2.46, 95 % CI 1.06-5.68), gastroschisis (adjOR 2.42, 95 % CI 1.10-5.29), renal dysplasia (adjOR 3.01, 95 % CI 1.61-5.61), and clubfoot (adjOR 2.41, 95 % CI 1.59-3.65). These data support a teratogenic effect of SSRIs specific to certain anomalies, but cannot exclude confounding by indication or associated factors.
BACKGROUND: In the context of the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) surveillance response to the 2009 influenza pandemic, we sought to establish whether there was a detectable increase of congenital anomaly prevalence among pregnancies exposed to influenza seasons in general, and whether any increase was greater during the 2009 pandemic than during other seasons. METHODS: We performed an ecologic time series analysis based on 26,967 pregnancies with nonchromosomal congenital anomaly conceived from January 2007 to March 2011, reported by 15 EUROCAT registries. Analysis was performed for EUROCAT-defined anomaly subgroups, divided by whether there was a prior hypothesis of association with influenza. Influenza season exposure was based on World Health Organization data. Prevalence rate ratios were calculated comparing pregnancies exposed to influenza season during the congenital anomaly-specific critical period for embryo-fetal development to nonexposed pregnancies. RESULTS: There was no evidence for an increased overall prevalence of congenital anomalies among pregnancies exposed to influenza season. We detected an increased prevalence of ventricular septal defect and tricuspid atresia and stenosis during pandemic influenza season 2009, but not during 2007-2011 influenza seasons. For congenital anomalies, where there was no prior hypothesis, the prevalence of tetralogy of Fallot was strongly reduced during influenza seasons. CONCLUSIONS: Our data do not suggest an overall association of pandemic or seasonal influenza with congenital anomaly prevalence. One interpretation is that apparent influenza effects found in previous individual-based studies were confounded by or interacting with other risk factors. The associations of heart anomalies with pandemic influenza could be strain specific.
Alcohol misuse is the leading cause of cirrhosis and the second most common indication for liver transplantation in the Western world. We performed a genome-wide association study for alcohol-related cirrhosis in individuals of European descent (712 cases and 1,426 controls) with subsequent validation in two independent European cohorts (1,148 cases and 922 controls). We identified variants in the MBOAT7 (P = 1.03 × 10(-9)) and TM6SF2 (P = 7.89 × 10(-10)) genes as new risk loci and confirmed rs738409 in PNPLA3 as an important risk locus for alcohol-related cirrhosis (P = 1.54 × 10(-48)) at a genome-wide level of significance. These three loci have a role in lipid processing, suggesting that lipid turnover is important in the pathogenesis of alcohol-related cirrhosis.
Whole-body coverage using MRI was developed almost 2 decades ago. The first applications focused on the investigation of the skeleton to detect neoplastic disease, mainly metastases from solid cancers, and involvement by multiple myeloma and lymphoma. But the extensive coverage of the whole musculoskeletal system, combined with the exquisite sensitivity of MRI to tissue alteration in relation to different pathologic conditions, mainly inflammation, has led to the identification of a growing number of indications outside oncology. Seronegative rheumatisms, systemic sclerosis, inflammatory diseases involving muscles or fascias, and multifocal osseous, vascular, or neurologic diseases represent currently validated or emerging indications of whole-body MRI (WB-MRI). We first illustrate the most valuable indications of WB-MRI in seronegative rheumatisms that include providing significant diagnostic information in patients with negative or ambiguous MRI of the sacroiliac joints and the lumbar spine, assessing disease activity in advanced (ankylosed) central disease, and evaluating the peripherally dominant forms of spondyloarthropathy. Then we review the increasing indications of WB-MRI in other rheumatologic and nonneoplastic disorders, underline the clinical needs, and illustrate the role of WB-MRI in the positive diagnosis and evaluation of disease burden, therapeutic decisions, and treatment monitoring.
Demonstration of survival and outcome of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in a 56-year-old patient with common variable immunodeficiency, consisting of severe hypogammaglobulinemia and CD4+ T lymphocytopenia, during continuous treatment with mirtazapine (30 mg/day) and mefloquine (250 mg/week) over 23 months. Regular clinical examinations including Rankin scale and Barthel index, nine-hole peg and box and block tests, Berg balance, 10-m walking tests, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were done. Laboratory diagnostics included complete blood count and JC virus (JCV) concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The noncoding control region (NCCR) of JCV, important for neurotropism and neurovirulence, was sequenced. Repetitive MRI investigated the course of brain lesions. JCV was detected in increasing concentrations (peak 2568 copies/ml CSF), and its NCCR was genetically rearranged. Under treatment, the rearrangement changed toward the archetype sequence, and later JCV DNA became undetectable. Total brain lesion volume decreased (8.54 to 3.97 cm(3)) and atrophy increased. Barthel (60 to 100 to 80 points) and Rankin (4 to 2 to 3) scores, gait stability, and box and block (7, 35, 25 pieces) and nine-hole peg (300, 50, 300 s) test performances first improved but subsequently worsened. Cognition and walking speed remained stable. Despite initial rapid deterioration, the patient survived under continuous treatment with mirtazapine and mefloquine even though he belongs to a PML subgroup that is usually fatal within a few months. This course was paralleled by JCV clones with presumably lower replication capability before JCV became undetectable. Neurological deficits were due to PML lesions and progressive brain atrophy.