930 resultados para warehouse management system
With recent technological developments within the field of power conditioning and the progressive decrease of incentives for PV electricity in grid-connected markets, new operation modes for PV systems should be explored beyond the traditional maximization of PV electri city feed-in. An example can be found in the domestic sector, where the use of modern PV hybrid systems combin ed with efficient electrical appliances and demand side management strategies can significantly enhance the PV value for the user. This paper presents an active demand side management system able to displace the consumer’s load curve in response to local (PV hybrid system, user) and external conditions (external grid). In this way, th e consumer becomes an “active consumer” that can also cooperate with others and the grid, increasing even more the PV value for the electrical system.
online donde el contenido es creado por los propios usuarios mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la web 2.0, que facilitan la edición, la publicación y el intercambio de información, de tal manera que los social media están democratizando las comunicaciones. Según datos publicados por eMarketer, casi el 25% del total de la inversión publicitaria mundial para el 2014 estará dirigida a medios digitales. Los medios de comunicación tradicionales están sumidos desde algún tiempo en una profunda crisis. En los comienzos de Internet, los protagonistas de este sector han creído en la red como un medio de publicación de contenidos en una única dirección, esto es la web 1.0, personas conectándose a páginas web. El típico lector de revista y seminario se ha convertido en un nuevo consumidor con necesidades muy distintas. El lector de un medio tradicional se encuentra con contenido cerrado, sin posibilidad de ser filtrado, que busca dirigir su opinión. Con el método tradicional no es posible ni personalizar el contenido ni la experiencia de uso. De ahí el nacimiento de la web 2.0, personas conectándose a personas (redes sociales). En un futuro cercano, van a triunfar las empresas, sectores y marcas que sepan adaptarse a la llegada de los social media, y que además de desarrollar su línea de negocio habitual, se conviertan en plataformas para la conversación y la construcción de contenidos en colaboración. En este proyecto voy a desarrollar el caso particular de una empresa de telecomunicaciones con una estrategia que use los social media como plataforma de atención al cliente, y para interaccionar también con su almacén en DHL. Los servicios añadidos que dicha empresa de telecomunicaciones ofrece a sus seguidores, clientes externos e internos se pueden agrupar en las siguientes funcionalidades: Hacer un volcado del sistema de gestión de incidencias de una empresa de telecomunicaciones en las redes sociales, a través de mensajes privados. Dichos mensajes privados se enviarán a las páginas de Facebook y Twitter de los clientes. Seguimiento por parte del cliente de puestas en marcha de los nuevos servicios a través de mensajes privados en Facebook y Twitter. Mediante este servicio el cliente podrá comprobar a través de las redes sociales el estado de su pedido e intercambiar información de utilidad con la empresa. Desarrollar a través de las redes sociales una herramienta de marketing para interaccionar con los clientes y posibles seguidores. A través de los canales de los social media se proporciona a los seguidores información de valor sobre novedades del mercado de las telecomunicaciones, soporte técnico, dudas, consejos sobre implementaciones técnicas, equipos de telecomunicaciones,.etc.Es decir, crear una plataforma de conversación entre usuarios, que aporte a los seguidores conocimientos y soluciones útiles para la problemática de sus negocios. Usar Facebook como base de datos y medio de comunicación entre nuestra empresa de telecomunicaciones y el almacén externalizado en DHL. Supongo que la primera pregunta que debo responder sería, ¿por qué un cliente de una empresa de telecomunicaciones estaría interesado en seguir a su proveedor a través de redes sociales? Facebook tiene en 2014 1,28 billones de usuarios activos. Twitter, la cuarta plataforma social por número de usuarios tras Facebook, alcanzó los 255 millones de usuarios en los primeros meses de 2014. La segunda red social en número de seguidores es Youtube, con un billón de usuarios. El 61,5% de los usuarios de Facebook visita la red todos los días. Los twitteros envían 110 millones tweets por día, tienen fama de muy activos, especialmente por la mañana. En 60 días, se sube más contenido de vídeo a YouTube que el producido por las tres principales cadenas de televisión estadounidense durante 60 años. Como conclusión, las redes sociales están ganando cada día más terreno, es un entorno de comunicación bidireccional en auge cada vez más extendido, por lo cual los usuarios no tienen que dedicar tiempo extra a conocer la herramienta de atención al cliente de su empresa, al usar ésta un canal fácil, conocido, rápido, versátil y gratuito como son las redes sociales. ABSTRACT. Social media are platforms of online communication where content is created by users themselves using technologies of web 2.0, which facilitate the editing, publication and the exchange of information, so that the social media are democratizing communications. According to data published by eMarketer, nearly 25% of the total global ad spend for 2014 will target digital media. The traditional media are trapped for some time in deep crisis. In the early days of the internet, the players of the sector have believed in the network as a means of publishing content in a single direction, this is the web 1.0, connecting people to websites. The typical magazine reader has become a new consumer with very different needs. Traditional medium readers encounter a closed content, unable to be filtered, which seeks handle their opinion. The traditional method doesn’t allow to customize the content and user experience. Hence the birth of Web 2.0, connecting people to people. In the near future, will succeed companies, sectors and brands who can adapt to the advent of social media, and further to develop their line of business as usual, become platforms for conversation and building collaborative content. In this project I will develop the particular case of a telecommunications company with a strategy to use social media as a platform for Customer Service, and also to interact with DHL warehouse. The additional services that the company offers telecommunications followers, external and internal customers can be grouped into the following functionality: Make a dump of the incident management system of a telecommunications company in social networks through private messages. These private messages are sent Facebook and Twitter clients. Monitoring by the client launched new services through private messages on Facebook and Twitter. Through this service, customers can check through the social networks of your order status and share useful information with the company. Develop through social media as a marketing tool to interact with customers and potential followers.Our telco will provide to followers through social media channels valuable information on market developments in telecommunications, technical support, questions, advice on technical implementations, telecommunications equipment,etc. Then we create a platform for discussion between users, to provide followers useful knowledge and solutions to their business problems. Use Facebook as a database and means of communication between our telco and outsourced telecommunications in DHL warehouse. I guess the first question that must be answered is why a customer of a telecommunications company would be interested in following your provider via social networks. Facebook has 1.28 billion active users in 2014. Twitter, the fourth social platform for many users after Facebook reached 255 million users in the first months of 2014. The second social network on number of followers is YouTube, with a billion users. 61.5% of Facebook users visit the network every day. The twitter users send 110 million tweets per day, have a reputation for very active, especially in the morning. In 60 days, it is produced more video content to YouTube by the three major US television for 60 years. In conclusion, social networks are gaining more ground every day. It is an environment of two-way communication on the rise, so users do not have to spend extra time to learn the tool of Customer Care telco, by using this easy, known, fast, versatile and free channels as are social networks.
Society, as we know it today, is completely dependent on computer networks, Internet and distributed systems, which place at our disposal the necessary services to perform our daily tasks. Moreover, and unconsciously, all services and distributed systems require network management systems. These systems allow us to, in general, maintain, manage, configure, scale, adapt, modify, edit, protect or improve the main distributed systems. Their role is secondary and is unknown and transparent to the users. They provide the necessary support to maintain the distributed systems whose services we use every day. If we don’t consider network management systems during the development stage of main distributed systems, then there could be serious consequences or even total failures in the development of the distributed systems. It is necessary, therefore, to consider the management of the systems within the design of distributed systems and systematize their conception to minimize the impact of the management of networks within the project of distributed systems. In this paper, we present a formalization method of the conceptual modelling for design of a network management system through the use of formal modelling tools, thus allowing from the definition of processes to identify those responsible for these. Finally we will propose a use case to design a conceptual model intrusion detection system in network.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the benefits of integrated management systems by comparing them with the benefits obtained through the individual implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. The methodology used is a literature review based on an electronic search in the Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Emerald databases. Findings show that although some benefits are common regardless the system management type, the benefits obtained with integration are greater than considering management systems separately because of the wider scope considered in integration. This is one of the first papers, to the best of our knowledge, to compare benefits from the two management systems standards when implemented separately and when integrated. In addition, some ideas are proposed for consideration in future research on the internalization of management systems and selection effect.
Texas Department of Transportation, Austin
Uses research in a major UK company on the introduction of an electronic document management system to explore perceptions of, and attitudes to, risk. Phenomenological methods were used; with subsequent dialogue transcripts evaluated with Winmax dialogue software, using an adapted theoretical framework based upon an analysis of the literature. The paper identifies a number of factors, and builds a framework, that should support a greater understanding of risk assessment and project management by the academic community and practitioners.
Notwithstanding the increasingly fragmented organizational relationships within Colombo's urban governance system, the cooperative nature of stakeholder relationships lends a high level of coherence to the overall system. Since 1995, Colombo's solid waste management system has been characterized by the increased role of the private sector, community-based organizations and NGOs. Whilst the increasingly fragmented nature of this system exhibits some deeply ingrained problems, there are also a number of positives associated with the increased role of civil society actors and, in particular, the informal sector. Reforming regulatory frameworks so as to integrate some of the social norms that are integral to the lives of the majority of urban residents will contribute to regulatory frameworks being considerably more enforceable than is currently the case. Such reform requires that institutional and regulatory frameworks need to be flexible enough to adapt to the changing social, political and economic context. In the Colombo case, effective cooperation between public sector and civil society stakeholders illustrates that adaptive institutional arrangements grounded in pragmatism are feasible. The challenge that arises is to translate these institutional arrangements into adaptive regulatory frameworks - something that would require a significant mind shift on the part of planners and urban managers.
Location information is commonly used in context-aware applications and pervasive systems. These applications and systems may require knowledge, of the location of users, devices and services. This paper presents a location management system able to gather, process and manage location information from a variety of physical and virtual location sensors. The system scales to the complexity of context-aware applications, to a variety of types and large number of location sensors and clients, and to geographical size of the system. The proposed location management system provides conflict resolution of location information and mechanisms to ensure privacy.
Risk and knowledge are two concepts and components of business management which have so far been studied almost independently. This is especially true where risk management (RM) is conceived mainly in financial terms, as for example, in the financial institutions sector. Financial institutions are affected by internal and external changes with the consequent accommodation to new business models, new regulations and new global competition that includes new big players. These changes induce financial institutions to develop different methodologies for managing risk, such as the enterprise risk management (ERM) approach, in order to adopt a holistic view of risk management and, consequently, to deal with different types of risk, levels of risk appetite, and policies in risk management. However, the methodologies for analysing risk do not explicitly include knowledge management (KM). This research examines the potential relationships between KM and two RM concepts: perceived quality of risk control and perceived value of ERM. To fulfill the objective of identifying how KM concepts can have a positive influence on some RM concepts, a literature review of KM and its processes and RM and its processes was performed. From this literature review eight hypotheses were analysed using a classification into people, process and technology variables. The data for this research was gathered from a survey applied to risk management employees in financial institutions and 121 answers were analysed. The analysis of the data was based on multivariate techniques, more specifically stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that the perceived quality of risk control is significantly associated with the variables: perceived quality of risk knowledge sharing, perceived quality of communication among people, web channel functionality, and risk management information system functionality. However, the relationships of the KM variables to the perceived value of ERM are not identified because of the low performance of the models describing these relationships. The analysis reveals important insights into the potential KM support to RM such as: the better adoption of KM people and technology actions, the better the perceived quality of risk control. Equally, the results suggest that the quality of risk control and the benefits of ERM follow different patterns given that there is no correlation between both concepts and the distinct influence of the KM variables in each concept. The ERM scenario is different from that of risk control because ERM, as an answer to RM failures and adaptation to new regulation in financial institutions, has led organizations to adopt new processes, technologies, and governance models. Thus, the search for factors influencing the perceived value of ERM implementation needs additional analysis because what is improved in RM processes individually is not having the same effect on the perceived value of ERM. Based on these model results and the literature review the basis of the ERKMAS (Enterprise Risk Knowledge Management System) is presented.
The International Cooperation Agency (identified in this article as IDEA) working in Colombia is one of the most important in Colombian society with programs that support gender rights, human rights, justice and peace, scholarships, aboriginal population, youth, afro descendants population, economic development in communities, and environmental development. The identified problem is based on the diversified offer of services, collaboration and social intervention which requires diverse groups of people with multiple agendas, ways to support their mandates, disciplines, and professional competences. Knowledge creation and the growth and sustainability of the organization can be in danger because of a silo culture and the resulting reduced leverage of the separate group capabilities. Organizational memory is generally formed by the tacit knowledge of the organization members, given the value of accumulated experience that this kind of social work implies. Its loss is therefore a strategic and operational risk when most problem interventions rely on direct work in the socio-economic field and living real experiences with communities. The knowledge management solution presented in this article starts first, with the identification of the people and groups concerned and the creation of a knowledge map as a means to strengthen the ties between organizational members; second, by introducing a content management system designed to support the documentation process and knowledge sharing process; and third, introducing a methodology for the adaptation of a Balanced Scorecard based on the knowledge management processes. These three main steps lead to a knowledge management “solution” that has been implemented in the organization, comprising three components: a knowledge management system, training support and promotion of cultural change.
The design and implementation of data bases involve, firstly, the formulation of a conceptual data model by systematic analysis of the structure and information requirements of the organisation for which the system is being designed; secondly, the logical mapping of this conceptual model onto the data structure of the target data base management system (DBMS); and thirdly, the physical mapping of this structured model into storage structures of the target DBMS. The accuracy of both the logical and physical mapping determine the performance of the resulting systems. This thesis describes research which develops software tools to facilitate the implementation of data bases. A conceptual model describing the information structure of a hospital is derived using the Entity-Relationship (E-R) approach and this model forms the basis for mapping onto the logical model. Rules are derived for automatically mapping the conceptual model onto relational and CODASYL types of data structures. Further algorithms are developed for partly automating the implementation of these models onto INGRES, MIMER and VAX-11 DBMS.
This thesis describes a study of the content and applicability of BS8800:1996 Guide to occupational health and safety management systems. The research is presented chronologically, with literature review and content analysis of SMS related guides and standards interwoven with two elements of qualitative empirical work. The first of these was carried out shortly after publication of BS8800 in 1996, a 'before-the-event' investigation of how organisations were intending to approach SMS implementation. The challenges faced by these organisations are reviewed against standard management theory, suggesting that the initial motivation for SMS implementation governs the approach organisations will adopt to guidance such as BS8800. The second phase of empirical work was undertaken in the context of OHSAS 18001, an auditable protocol based on BS8800, which allows organisations to certify their safety management systems. A discussion of the evolution of certifiable safety management system is presented, highlighting the similarities and differences between this, BS8800, SMS and wider management system standards. A case study then reviews the experiences of a catering company that implemented 18001, motivated by the opportunity for certification as a business benefit. The empirical work is used to comment on the guidance provided by BS8800, within its evolved role as guidance organisations may use for implementation of a SMS to be certified according to the specifications of OHSAS 18001. It is suggested that optimal implementation is facilitated by initial status review, continual improvement and the use of annexes, where there are used to make changes to the existing safety management system. This thesis concludes with a discussion of these elements, highlighting pertinent areas within BS8800 where revision or amendment may be appropriate.
A comparison of U.S. and Japanese management systems and their transferability to Singapore industry
This research compares U.S. and Japanese management systems and evaluates their transferability to the Singaporean manufacturing industry. The objectives were:- a) To determine the effectiveness of U.S. and Japanese management systems when applied to Singapore. b) Determine the extent of transferability of U.S. and Japanese management systems to Singapore. c) Survey general problems ecountered in the application of U.S. and Japanese management systems to the Singapore industry. The study using questionnaire survey and interviews covered a total of eighty companies from four groups of firms in four industrial sectors comprising of U.S. and Japanese subsidiaries based in Singapore and their respective parent companies. Data from the questionnaires and interviews were used to investigate environmental conditions, management philosophy, management functions/practices, management effectiveness, and firm productivity. Two-way analysis of variance was used to analyse the questionnaire data. The analysis of the perceptual data from the questionnaire survey and interviews suggested that both U.S. and Japanese parent companies performed better in almost all the management variables studied when compared to their subsidiaries in Singapore. U.S. subsidiaries have less difficulty in adjusting to the Singapore environmental conditions and obtained better results than the Japanese subsidiaries in management functions/practices and management philosophy than the U.S. subsidiaries. In addition, the firm productivity (in terms of labour and capital productivity) of U.S. subsidiaries in Singapore was found to be higher than those of the Japanese subsidiaries. It was found that the Japanese parent companies returned the highest score among the four groups of firms in all the four industrial sectors for all the four management variables (i.e. environmental conditions, management philosophy, management functions/practices, and management effectiveness) surveyed using questionnaires. In contrast, the average score for Japanese subsidiaries in Singapore was generally the lowest among the four groups of firms. Thus the results of this study suggest that the transfer of U.S. management system into the Singapore industry is more successful than the Japanese management system. The problems encountered in the application of U.S. and Japanese management in Singapore were identified and discussed by the study. General recommendations for the Singaporean manufacturing industry were then made based on the findings of the questionnaire survey and interview analysis.
In any organization, risk plays a huge role in the success or failure of any business endeavour. Measuring and managing risk is a difficult and often complicated task and the global financial crisis of the late noughties can be traced to a worldwide deficiency in risk management regimes. One of the problems in understanding how best to manage risk is a lack of detailed examples of real world practice. In this accessible textbook the author sets the world of risk management in the context of the broader corporate governance agenda, as well as explaining the core elements of a risk management system. Material on the differences between risk management and internal auditing is supplemented by a section on the professionalization of risk – a relatively contemporary evolution. Enterprise risk management is also fully covered. With a detailed array of risk management cases – including Tesco, RBS and the UK government – lecturers will find this a uniquely well researched resource, supplemented by materials that enable the cases to be easily integrated into the classroom. Risk managers will be delighted with the case materials made available for the first time with the publication of this book.
The Indian Petroleum Industry is passing through a very dynamic business environment due to liberalization. Effective project management for developing new infrastructures and maintaining the existing facilities has been considered as one of the means for remaining competitive but these practices suffer from many shortcomings, as time, cost and quality non-achievements are part and parcel of almost every project. This study focuses on identifying the specific causes of project failure by demonstrating first the characteristics of projects in Indian Petroleum industry and suggests some remedial measures for resolving these issues. The suggested project management model is integrated through information management system and demonstrated through a case study.