985 resultados para trust sustainability


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In this chapter, the authors define community resilience and identify the components that predict it will occur. Three dimensions are highlighted: recovery, sustainability, and growth. Their discussion focuses on communities like those of Sudanese refugees who have experienced forced migration, emphasizing the importance that community plays to future adaptation. They show through their report on their research that community collaboration, shared identity, and empowerment increase bonding and bridging capital that promote the well-being of people under stress. They argue that an emphasis on community resilience places value on the social connections, policies, programs, and community context necessary for resilience in different cultures and contexts.


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From an economic perspective, the sustainability crisis is ultimately characterized by a worsening relationship between the resources required to support the global population and the ability of the earth to supply them. Despite the ever-increasing threat of a calamity, modern society appears unable to alter its course. The very systems which underpin global human endeavor seem to actively prevent meaningful change and the one irrepressible goal to which all societies seem to strive is the very thing that makes such endeavor ultimately life threatening: that of global growth. Using the Australian experience as an exemplar, this paper explores how the concept of growth infiltrates societal reactions to the crisis at various scales – global, national and regional. Analysis includes historic studies, a critique of current misconceptions around population demographics, comparative evaluation of various interventions in the Australian context and considerations around potential ways to address the crisis.


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Natural resource managers and scientists focus on the behaviour of individual recreational fishers to understand environmental problems associated with this leisure activity. They do this in an effort to identify ways to change attitudes in order to facilitate environmentally friendly choices. This applied use of ABC psychology (attitude, behaviour, choice) has not delivered the expected results. This article offers a different approach by investigating an emergent practice in diverse fishing communities, rather than looking to the responsibility of the individual recreational fisher. Using practice theory, I trace the change from take-all to catch-and-release fishing in Australia by analysing the texts of celebrity fisher Rex Hunt, who is an advocate for releasing fish. I combine this with oral history testimony from a sample of recreational fishers from the broader Australian community to show how change happened. The practice of catch-and-release fishing emerged through the combination of sociotechnical and historically specific elements present in popular culture, including the media. Paying attention to the way different elements catalyse provides a rich account of the changing modes of sustainability in recreational fishing communities.


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Sustainability practices in government regulations and within the society influence the delivery of sustainable housing. The actual delivery rate of Australian sustain-able housing is not as high as other countries. There is an absence of engagement by stakeholders in adopting sustainable housing practices. This may be due, in the current Australian property market, to confusion as to what sustainability features should be considered, given the large range of environmental, economic and social sustainability options possible. One of the main problems appears to be that information demanders, especially real estate agents, valuers, insurance agents and mortgage lenders do not include sustainability perspectives in their advice or in their decision processes. Information distribution in the Australian property market is flawed, resulting in a lack of return-on-investment value of ‘green’ features implemented by some stakeholders. This paper reviewed the global sustainable development concept and Australian sustainable assessment methods. This review identified the possibility of a research project which aimed at identifying and integrating different perceptions and priority needs of the information demanders, for developing a model for the potential implementation of sustainability features distribution in the property industry. This research will reduce confusion on the sustainability-related information which can influence the decision making of stakeholders in the supply and demand of sustainable housing.


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Recent calls in Australia have addressed the need for better integration of planning processes. The consequent effort made by government has been, and still is, reshaping the way urban and regional planning and sustainability are managed. Focusing on planning practices at the local and regional levels, we investigate how environmental sustainability is pursued from an institutional perspective. Specifically, we analyse the way that planning in Australian cities aims to achieve sustainable strategies and reflect on the relationship with ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment’. This paper has four goals. First, sustainable planning practices at the local and regional levels are analysed considering the legislative and organizational frameworks of each state. The goal is to identify through an analysis of planning documents how much discretion is given to local councils to address sustainable strategies. Second, we focus on two regional and four cities in Queensland, to outline strengths and weaknesses of current legislative and practical frameworks. We use analytical criteria from the SEA literature to investigate these plans in more detail. Third, we examine the relationship between strategic and statutory plans, to see how sustainability is actually implemented. Finally we compare emerging issues about sustainable planning in Australia with countries overseas with different planning and SEA traditions. Considering that SEA is evolving and there are considerable international experiences, we offer recommendations on how Australia might achieve a more integrated and sustainable approach to planning.


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Sustainable urban development, a major issue at global scale, will become more relevant according to population growth predictions in developed and developing countries. Societal and international recognition of sustainability concerns led to the development of specific tools and procedures, known as sustainability assessments/appraisals (SA). Their effectiveness however, considering that global quality life indicators have worsened since their introduction, has promoted a re-thinking of SA instruments. More precisely, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), – a tool introduced in the European context to evaluate policies, plans, and programmes (PPPs), – is being reconsidered because of several features that seem to limit its effectiveness. Over time, SEA has evolved in response to external and internal factors dealing with technical, procedural, planning and governance systems thus involving a shift of paradigm from EIA-based SEAs (first generation protocols) towards more integrated approaches (second generation ones). Changes affecting SEA are formalised through legislation in each Member State, to guide institutions at regional and local level. Defining SEA effectiveness is quite difficult. Its’ capacity-building process appears quite far from its conclusion, even if any definitive version can be conceptualized. In this paper, we consider some European nations with different planning systems and SA traditions. After the identification of some analytical criteria, a multi-dimensional cluster analysis is developed on some case studies, to outline current weaknesses.


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Sustainable urban development, a major issue at global scale, will become more relevant according to population growth predictions in developed and developing countries. Societal and international recognition of sustainability concerns led to the development of specific tools and procedures, known as sustainability assessments/appraisals (SA). Their effectiveness however, considering that global quality life indicators have worsened since their introduction, has promoted a re-thinking of SA instruments. More precisely, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), – a tool introduced in the European context to evaluate policies, plans, and programmes (PPPs), – is being reconsidered because of several features that seem to limit its effectiveness. Over time, SEA has evolved in response to external and internal factors dealing with technical, procedural, planning and governance systems thus involving a shift of paradigm from EIA-based SEAs (first generation protocols) towards more integrated approaches (second generation ones). Changes affecting SEA are formalised through legislation in each Member State, to guide institutions at regional and local level. Defining SEA effectiveness is quite difficult. Its’ capacity-building process appears quite far from its conclusion, even if any definitive version can be conceptualized. In this paper, we consider some European nations with different planning systems and SA traditions. After the identification of some analytical criteria, a multi-dimensional cluster analysis is developed on some case studies, to outline current weaknesses.


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Introduction: Emergency department nurse practitioner services are one of the most frequently implemented service delivery models in Australian hospitals. This research examined factors influencing sustainability of this innovative service delivery model and offers some recommendations for future service integration. Background Many health service innovations have been implemented in an attempt to meet the growing demand for efficient, cost effective health care however, sustainability of many of these innovations has not been evaluated and is poorly understood. Aim The aim of the research was to identify factors that influence sustainability of emergency department nurse practitioner services and to operationalise a theoretical framework for evaluating innovation sustainability. Methodology The research used case study methodology. The case was emergency nurse practitioner services, and units of analysis were emergency department staff, emergency nurse practitioners and documents relating to nurse practitioner services. The data collection methods included, survey, one-on-one interviews, document analysis and telephone survey. Results This research shows that emergency nurse practitioner services partially comply with the factors of sustainability as described in the Sustainability of Innovation theoretical framework: Political, Organisational, Workforce, Financial and Innovation specific factors. Where services do not entirely meet the factors the existing benefits of the service may outweigh the barriers and other means of working around shortfalls are also implemented by staff to ensure patient safety. Conclusion The rapidly expanding emergency nurse practitioner service has been examined using case study methodology to find that certain factors may be threatening the sustainability of this health service innovation. Potentially an innovation may be sustained when only some factors are met in the short term, however, long term sustainability may be challenged if factors are not addressed and supported.


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Models that implement the bio-physical components of agro-ecosystems are ideally suited for exploring sustainability issues in cropping systems. Sustainability may be represented as a number of objectives to be maximised or minimised. However, the full decision space of these objectives is usually very large and simplifications are necessary to safeguard computational feasibility. Different optimisation approaches have been proposed in the literature, usually based on mathematical programming techniques. Here, we present a search approach based on a multiobjective evaluation technique within an evolutionary algorithm (EA), linked to the APSIM cropping systems model. A simple case study addressing crop choice and sowing rules in North-East Australian cropping systems is used to illustrate the methodology. Sustainability of these systems is evaluated in terms of economic performance and resource use. Due to the limited size of this sample problem, the quality of the EA optimisation can be assessed by comparison to the full problem domain. Results demonstrate that the EA procedure, parameterised with generic parameters from the literature, converges to a useable solution set within a reasonable amount of time. Frontier ‘‘peels’’ or Pareto-optimal solutions as described by the multiobjective evaluation procedure provide useful information for discussion on trade-offs between conflicting objectives.


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Tutkielmassa on tarkasteltu Britannian sotilasviranomaisten ja maan sotatarviketeollisuuden välisiä suhteita vuosina 1884-1905. Kiihtyvän kilpavarustelun myötä Britannian sotilasbudjetit kasvoivat nopeasti, mikä johti maan sotatarviketeollisuuden saamien tilausten määrän nopeaan kasvuun samalla kun tuotteiden teknologinen kehitys oli nopeaa. Sotilasmenojen nopea kasvu antoi sotamateriaalihankinnoista vastaaville viranomaisille mahdollisuuden vaikuttaa yksityisen teollisuuden kehitykseen. Keskittämällä tilaukset vain luotettavina pitämilleen yrityksille viranomaiset loivat näiden kanssa puolivirallisia yhteistyösuhteita ja edistivät samalla voimakkaasti alan keskittymistä. Toisaalta muutamien suuryritysten hallitsemasta sotatarviketuotannosta muodostui yksi niistä harvoista teollisuuden aloista, joilla Britannian nopeasti kasvavat kilpailijat eivät pystyneet ohittamaan sitä enempää tuotteiden teknologisessa tasossa kuin markkinaosuuksien suuruudessakaan. Tiettyjen yritysten suosimisen taustalla ei ollut vain maanpuolustuksen kannalta rationaalinen pyrkimys hankkia riittävän laadukasta ja kehittynyttä sotamateriaalia, vaan asiaan vaikutti myös upseerien ja sotilasministeriöiden siviilivirkamiesten perinteiset aristokraattiset ajattelu- ja toimintamallit. Taloudellisen liberalismin hengessä tapahtuneet pyrkimykset uudistaa hankintamenettelyä vastaamaan enemmän vapaan kilpailun ja taloudellisuuden ihanteita jäivät yleensä tuloksettomiksi. Sotamateriaalihankintoihin liittyvä päätöksenteko vaati suurta asiantuntemusta, mikä johti sotaministeriön ja amiraliteetin virkamiesten vaikutusvallan kasvamiseen. Sotateollisuuden laajeneminen kytkeytyy läheisesti 1900-luvun alussa Britannian yhteiskunnallisessa elämässä tapahtuneeseen muutokseen, jota yleensä on luonnehdittu laissez fairen lopuksi. Jo 1880-luvulla alkaneella puuttumisellaan yksityisten sotateollisuusyritysten kehitykseen viranomaiset olivat alkaneet harjoittaa suunniteltua teollisuuspolitiikkaa, jonka tuloksena syntynyt puolivirallinen sotilasteollinen sektori oli aatteellisesti liberaaliin yhteiskuntaan soveltumaton ilmiö. Aseteollisuudessa Britannian valtio oli siten joutunut ensimmäisen kerran läheiseen vuorovaikutussuhteeseen modernien suuryritysten kanssa. Kytkentä, joka 1900-luvun kuluessa levisi yhä uusille aloille samalla kun valtion roolia talouselämässä alettiin vahvistaa. Tutkimuksen varsinaisen lähdemateriaalin muodostavat Britannian parlamentin pöytäkirjat ja sen komiteoiden raportit Niiden ohella on käytetty päätöksien tekemiseen osallistuneiden tai niihin vaikuttamiseen pyrkineiden poliitikkojen ja sotilaiden painettuja puheita, kirjekokoelmia, päiväkirjoja ja muistelmia sekä eräitä aikakauden historiaa koskevia dokumenttikokoelmia ja tilastojulkaisuja. Oleellista valaistusta asiaan tuovat osaltaan aikalaisten kirjoittamat teokset sekä lehdistö, joista kuvastuu ajalle ominainen ajattelutapa. Aihetta suoranaisesti koskevaa, tieteellisen tutkimusten kriteerit täyttävää aikaisempaa tutkimusta on vähän, mutta aihetta sivuavien tutkimusten määrä on erittäin suuri. Sotamateriaalihankintoja ja niiden taustalla olevia syitä voidaan tarkastella niin talous-, sota- aate-, kuin poliittisen historiankin näkökulmista, mutta yksinään mikään niistä ei ole riittävä tämän tutkimuksen kysymyksenasettelun kannalta. Siten tutkielmaa varten on perehdytty laajasti aikakautta koskevaan tutkimuskirjallisuuteen.


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The relationship between governance arrangements and sustainability planning outcomes in complex governance systems remains poorly understood, despite significant discussions of governance in the environmental management literature emerging in the last decade. In order to analyse and examine the relationship between the health of sustainability planning governance and decision-making outcomes, this paper applies the Governance Systems Analysis framework (GSA) in the Cairns region. This paper analyses the sustainability planning governance arrangements in the Cairns region by exploring the capacity, connectivity and knowledge use of institutions in the region to deliver desired sustainability planning outcomes. The paper finds that the planning for sustainability in the Cairns region is on a knife’s edge, and could fail or succeed to deliver its intended decision-making outcomes. The paper concludes with recommendations for governance reform for sustainability in the Cairns region.


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Nutrient mass balances have been used to assess a variety of land resource scenarios, at various scales. They are widely used as a simple basis for policy, planning, and regulatory decisions but it is not clear how accurately they reflect reality. This study provides a critique of broad-scale nutrient mass balances, with particular application to the fertiliser use of beef lot-feeding manure in Queensland. Mass balances completed at the district and farm scale were found to misrepresent actual manure management behaviour and potentially the risk of nutrient contamination of water resources. The difficulties of handling stockpile manure and concerns about soil compaction mean that manure is spread thickly over a few paddocks at a time and not evenly across a whole farm. Consequently, higher nutrient loads were applied to a single paddock less frequently than annually. This resulted in years with excess nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium remaining in the soil profile. This conclusion was supported by evidence of significant nutrient movement in several of the soil profiles studied. Spreading manure is profitable, but maximum returns can be associated with increased risk of nutrient leaching relative to conventional inorganic fertiliser practices. Bio-economic simulations found this increased risk where manure was applied to supply crop nitrogen requirements (the practice of the case study farms, 200-5000 head lot-feeders). Thus, the use of broad-scale mass balances can be misleading because paddock management is spatially heterogeneous and this leads to increased local potential for nutrient loss. In response to the effect of spatial heterogeneity policy makers who intend to use mass balance techniques to estimate potential for nutrient contamination should apply these techniques conservatively.


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Background The problem of developing and sustaining mutual trust is one of the main barriers to knowledge sharing on social media platforms such as blogs, wikis, micro-blogs and social networking websites. While many studies argue that mutual trust is necessary for online communication and knowledge sharing, few have actually explored and demonstrated how physicians can establish and sustain trusted relationships on social media. Objectives To identify approaches through which physicians establish interpersonal trust on social media. Methods Twenty-four physicians, who were active users of social media, were interviewed using a semi-structured approach between 2013 and 2014. Snowball sampling was employed for participant recruitment. The data were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Results Physicians trust their peers on social media in a slightly different way than in face-to-face communication. The study found that the majority of participants established trust on social media mainly through previous personal interaction, authenticity and relevancy of voice, professional standing, consistency of communication, peer recommendation, and non-anonymous and moderated sites. Conclusions Healthcare professionals need to approach social media carefully when using it for knowledge sharing, networking and developing trusted relations with like-minded peers.