902 resultados para train traffic
Enhancing the handover process in broadband wireless communication deployment has traditionally motivated many research initiatives. In a high-speed railway domain, the challenge is even greater. Owing to the long distances covered, the mobile node gets involved in a compulsory sequence of handover processes. Consequently, poor performance during the execution of these handover processes significantly degrades the global end-to-end performance. This article proposes a new handover strategy for the railway domain: the RMPA handover, a Reliable Mobility Pattern Aware IEEE 802.16 handover strategy "customized" for a high-speed mobility scenario. The stringent high mobility feature is balanced with three other positive features in a high-speed context: mobility pattern awareness, different sources for location discovery techniques, and a previously known traffic data profile. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no IEEE 802.16 handover scheme that simultaneously covers the optimization of the handover process itself and the efficient timing of the handover process. Our strategy covers both areas of research while providing a cost-effective and standards-based solution. To schedule the handover process efficiently, the RMPA strategy makes use of a context aware handover policy; that is, a handover policy based on the mobile node mobility pattern, the time required to perform the handover, the neighboring network conditions, the data traffic profile, the received power signal, and current location and speed information of the train. Our proposal merges all these variables in a cross layer interaction in the handover policy engine. It also enhances the handover process itself by establishing the values for the set of handover configuration parameters and mechanisms of the handover process. RMPA is a cost-effective strategy because compatibility with standards-based equipment is guaranteed. The major contributions of the RMPA handover are in areas that have been left open to the handover designer's discretion. Our simulation analysis validates the RMPA handover decision rules and design choices. Our results supporting a high-demand video application in the uplink stream show a significant improvement in the end-to-end quality of service parameters, including end-to-end delay (22%) and jitter (80%), when compared with a policy based on signal-to-noise-ratio information.
We investigate the spectra of a femtosecond pulse train propagating in a resonant two-level atom (TLA) medium. it is found that higher spectral components can be produced even for a 2 pi femtosecond pulse train. Furthermore, the spectral effects depend crucially on both the relative shift phi and the delay time tau between the successive pulses of the femtosecond pulse train.
Coherent population accumulations of multiphoton transitions induced by an ultrashort pulse train in a two-level polar molecule are investigated theoretically by solving the density-matrix equations without invoking any of the standard approximations. It is shown due to the effects of permanent dipole moments, that the population accumulation of multiphoton transitions can be obtained in the polar molecule. Moreover, the population accumulations depend crucially on the relative phase between two sequential pulses, and the period in which the maximum population accumulation occurs is 2 pi/N in N-photon transitions.
The lateral migration of neutrally buoyant rigid spheres in two-dimensional unidirectional flows was studied theoretically. The cases of both inertia-induced migration in a Newtonian fluid and normal stress-induced migration in a second-order fluid were considered. Analytical results for the lateral velocities were obtained, and the equilibrium positions and trajectories of the spheres compared favorably with the experimental data available in the literature. The effective viscosity was obtained for a dilute suspension of spheres which were simultaneously undergoing inertia-induced migration and translational Brownian motion in a plane Poiseuille flow. The migration of spheres suspended in a second-order fluid inside a screw extruder was also considered.
The creeping motion of neutrally buoyant concentrically located Newtonian drops through a circular tube was studied experimentally for drops which have an undeformed radius comparable to that of the tube. Both a Newtonian and a viscoelastic suspending fluid were used in order to determine the influence of viscoelasticity. The extra pressure drop due to the presence of the suspended drops, the shape and velocity of the drops, and the streamlines of the flow were obtained for various viscosity ratios, total flow rates, and drop sizes. The results were compared with existing theoretical and experimental data.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar um método para estimar a velocidade de veículos ferroviários usando processamento de vídeo. O sistema proposto consiste na utilização de câmeras ao longo das vias férreas que permitam não só o monitoramento do tráfego ferroviário, mas cujo vídeo captado possa ser utilizado para a obtenção de estimativas para a velocidade instantânea dos trens que por ela trafegam. Tal sistema seria utilizado independentemente dos sistemas de controle já utilizados pela operadora do sistema ferroviário, permitindo que os controladores possam ter uma segunda análise no caso de falha da primeira, assim como um modelo que permita avaliar a velocidade instantânea do veículo ferroviário ao longo do percurso. Os algoritmos de rastreamento empregados para esse fim abordaram diferentes métodos. Confrontaram-se os resultados obtidos com os algoritmos propostos com os dados empíricos de forma a determinar aquele com melhor resposta dada as características do sistema. O algoritmo que apresentou os melhores resultados emprega um único bloco de referência para todos os quadros comparados. A métrica de similaridade responsável por determinar quais blocos são mais ou menos similares dentro do universo de busca estipulado é a soma de diferenças absolutas (SAD, Sum of Absolute Differences). O tempo de processamento requerido por cada um dos métodos de rastreamento estudados também foi considerado nas avaliações de resultados apresentadas. Uma comparação realizada entre as velocidades coletadas e aquelas informadas pelo sistema de controle mostraram que os resultados obtidos com o sistema atual, utilizando a sinalização apenas por circuito de via apresenta resultados pouco confiáveis com erros bastante significativos. Os resultados obtidos com o sistema proposto apresentaram erros menores quando comparados àqueles obtidos pelo sistema vigente, apresentando-se assim como uma solução viável e de baixo custo quando comparada às técnicas atualmente empregadas para a medida de velocidade de trens.
One of the most challenging problems in mobile broadband networks is how to assign the available radio resources among the different mobile users. Traditionally, research proposals are either speci c to some type of traffic or deal with computationally intensive algorithms aimed at optimizing the delivery of general purpose traffic. Consequently, commercial networks do not incorporate these mechanisms due to the limited hardware resources at the mobile edge. Emerging 5G architectures introduce cloud computing principles to add flexible computational resources to Radio Access Networks. This paper makes use of the Mobile Edge Computing concepts to introduce a new element, denoted as Mobile Edge Scheduler, aimed at minimizing the mean delay of general traffic flows in the LTE downlink. This element runs close to the eNodeB element and implements a novel flow-aware and channel-aware scheduling policy in order to accommodate the transmissions to the available channel quality of end users.
[ES]La interoperabilidad entre distintas redes ferroviarias europeas es muy escasa. Para dar solución a este problema, la Unión Europea creó el sistema europeo de gestión del tráfico ferroviario (ERTMS), encargado de crear un estándar único para toda la red europea. El objetivo de este proyecto es la implementación del sistema ETCS ( European Train Control System ) en un entorno cliente-servidor. La implementación incluye el sistema del tren y el del centro de control (RBC). Se ha implementado de forma que se pueda operar sobre dos protocolos de red transporte, de forma que será compatible tanto para redes orientadas a la conexión (TCP) como no orientadas a conexión (UDP).