907 resultados para tendon rupture
Foram estudadas as propriedades térmicas e mecânicas de compósitos de polipropileno, virgem e reciclado, reforçados com 30% em massa de fibras residuais de sisal, assim como o perfil de processamento e a morfologia da matriz polimérica. Para tanto, foram determinadas a resistência à tração, o módulo de Young, alongamento na ruptura, e energia de impacto. As amostras também foram caracterizadas por MEV, DMTA e TG. Para ambos os compósitos de polipropileno, virgem e reciclado, com a adição das fibras, o alongamento na ruptura mostrou uma queda significativa, enquanto que a resistência à tração não sofreu grandes variações. Houve um aumento significativo nos valores de tração na ruptura e de energia de impacto com a adição das fibras de sisal na matriz de polipropileno. As análises térmicas mostraram ligações secundárias, como as ligações polares, entre as fibras e a matriz, concordando com o comportamento mecânico dos compósitos. Constatou-se que a temperatura de transição vítrea não variou após a adição da fibra.
OBJETIVO: avaliar os efeitos da administração da associação zidovudina-lamivudina-ritonavir nos fígados e rins de ratas prenhes e seus conceptos do ponto de vista morfológico e fisiológico. MÉTODOS: 40 ratas albinas prenhes foram aleatoriamente divididas em 4 grupos: 1 controle (Ctrl: controle de veículo) e 3 experimentais (Exp1x, Exp3x e Exp9x). Estes últimos foram tratados por solução oral de zidovudina/lamivudina/ritonavir (Exp1x: 10/5/20 mg/kg; Exp3x: 30/15/60 mg/kg; Exp9x: 90/45/180 mg/kg). As drogas e o veículo foram administrados por gavagem, desde o 1º até o 20º dia de prenhez. No último dia do experimento, todos os animais foram anestesiados e sangue foi retirado da cavidade cardíaca para avaliação sérica das enzimas aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e alanina aminotransferase (ALT), por método calorimétrico, bem como da ureia, determinada por método cinético-enzimático, e creatinina, por método cinético-colorimétrico. Em seguida, fragmentos dos fígados e rins maternos e fetais foram coletados, fixados em formol a 10% e processados segundo os métodos histológicos para inclusão em parafina. Cortes com 5 µm de espessura foram corados pela hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e analisados por microscopia de luz. Na leitura das lâminas, considerou-se o padrão de normalidade para fígado e rins, tais como: hepatócitos, espaço porta íntegros e veias hepáticas bem definidas. Nos rins, a presença de corpúsculos renais, túbulos contorcidos e alças de Henle típicos. Nos fígados fetais considerou-se, ainda, a morfologia das células da linhagem eritrocitária nas diferentes fases do desenvolvimento, bem como os megacariócitos. Quando houve alteração da coloração padrão estabelecida para as estruturas hepáticas e renais, alteração na morfologia de núcleos, rompimento de limites de alguma organela citoplasmática, presença de congestão vascular, tudo isso foi entendido como provavelmente provocado pelas drogas em sua(s) dose(s) de aplicação. A avaliação estatística foi realizada por análise de variância (ANOVA), completada pelo teste de Tukey-Kramer (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: os fígados maternos dos grupos Ctrl, Exp1x e Exp3x mostraram hepatócitos típicos, espaço porta íntegros e veias hepáticas com aspecto normal. No fígado materno do grupo Exp9x, foram encontrados hepatócitos com sinais de atrofia e apoptose (eosinofilia citoplasmática e núcleos picnóticos). Além disso, identificou-se vasodilatação dos capilares sinusoides (congestão). Os rins maternos dos grupos Ctrl e Exp1x apresentaram-se normais, com corpúsculos renais, túbulos contorcidos e alças de Henle típicos. Já nos grupos Exp3x e Exp9x, foram encontrados congestão vascular, glomérulos pequenos ricos em células contendo núcleos hipercromáticos, sendo mais intensos no Exp9x. Com relação aos fígados e rins fetais, não foram observadas alterações morfológicas ou fisiológicas nos grupos estudados. Encontrou-se aumento significante nos níveis da AST (305,70±55,80; p<0,05) e da creatinina (0,50±0,09; p<0,05) no grupo Exp9x. CONCLUSÕES: nossos resultados evidenciam que a administração da associação zidovudina/lamivudina/ritonavir a ratas prenhes em altas doses causa alterações morfológicas e funcionais nos fígados e rins maternos. Não houve alterações nem morfológicas nem fisiológicas nos fígados e rins fetais.
A irreverência e a criticidade de alguns rappers e o gingar alegre do corpo erótico proposto pelo funk sugerem um novo cenário para as metrópoles do país, em que a pluralidade da arte juvenil surge como forma de enfrentamento das marcas deixadas por fraturas sociais profundas. Os conceitos de "visão dionisíaca de mundo", "estética extrema" e "transvaloração dos valores", de Nietzsche, e o "erotismo", segundo Bataille, nortearam o método de ruptura de campo, concebido por Herrmann. Este, essencial para se repensar as noções de autoridade e tradição na sociedade contemporânea a partir das ideias veiculadas pelo rap e pelo funk. Consideramos que somente uma etnografia do olhar que apanhe a dimensão erótica e irreverente - a "eróptica", segundo Canevacci - destas manifestações poderia nelas identificar uma estética afirmativa e crítica, como diria Nietzsche, capaz de produzir uma verdadeira reversão dos valores em nossa sociedade e, no caso, no interior da própria escola.
This article describes the synthesis of the new (2Z)-2-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-6-nitro-4H -benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-one, (2Z)-2-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-4-methyl-6-nitro-4H-benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-one, (2Z)-6-amino-2-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-4H -benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-one, (2Z)-6-butylamino-2-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-4-methyl-4H-benzo[1,4]-thiazin-3-one and (2E)-N-alkyl-N-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)-3-phenylacrylamides and the spectroscopic data. The arylidenebenzothiazine compounds were prepared using the Knoevenagel condensation with substituted benzaldehydes in the presence of sodium methoxide in DMF. The presence of a nitro substituent in the 4-position, water and a slightly acid reaction medium in this condensation caused the rupture of the benzothiazine ring and subsequent formation of the phenylacrylamide compounds. A crystallographic data was presented for (2E)-3-(4-bromophenyl)-N-dodecyl-N -(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl) acrylamide.
O artigo inclui na discussão sobre os resultados da promoção da saúde um argumento de natureza epistemológica, levando em consideração o contexto contemporâneo de mudanças econômicas, políticas e culturais do qual ela é parte e expressão. Destacam-se, por um lado, as suspeitas que recaem sobre o projeto da Modernidade, sejam elas decorrentes do crescimento das incertezas ou da irrealização de promessas e, por outro lado, as tentativas de equacionamento do binômio determinação/autonomia, como questões sensíveis a uma ruptura dos modos de conhecer na contemporaneidade. Propõe-se considerar a dinâmica social e abordá-la como a união e a tensão da história feita e da história se fazendo, para melhor compreender o alcance e os resultados da promoção da saúde. A conclusão é que a promoção da saúde deve continuar buscando o desenvolvimento de ações cada vez mais efetivas, mas deve fazê-lo sem abdicar da possibilidade de manter-se próxima da energia social livre e em ebulição, que caracteriza o elemento instituinte de uma produção histórica.
Background: High-frequency trains of electrical stimulation applied over the lower limb muscles can generate forces higher than would be expected from a peripheral mechanism (i.e. by direct activation of motor axons). This phenomenon is presumably originated within the central nervous system by synaptic input from Ia afferents to motoneurons and is consistent with the development of plateau potentials. The first objective of this work was to investigate if vibration (sinusoidal or random) applied to the Achilles tendon is also able to generate large magnitude extra torques in the triceps surae muscle group. The second objective was to verify if the extra torques that were found were accompanied by increases in motoneuron excitability. Methods: Subjects (n = 6) were seated on a chair and the right foot was strapped to a pedal attached to a torque meter. The isometric ankle torque was measured in response to different patterns of coupled electrical (20-Hz, rectangular 1-ms pulses) and mechanical stimuli (either 100-Hz sinusoid or gaussian white noise) applied to the triceps surae muscle group. In an additional investigation, M(max) and F-waves were elicited at different times before or after the vibratory stimulation. Results: The vibratory bursts could generate substantial self-sustained extra torques, either with or without the background 20-Hz electrical stimulation applied simultaneously with the vibration. The extra torque generation was accompanied by increased motoneuron excitability, since an increase in the peak-to-peak amplitude of soleus F waves was observed. The delivery of electrical stimulation following the vibration was essential to keep the maintained extra torques and increased F-waves. Conclusions: These results show that vibratory stimuli applied with a background electrical stimulation generate considerable force levels (up to about 50% MVC) due to the spinal recruitment of motoneurons. The association of vibration and electrical stimulation could be beneficial for many therapeutic interventions and vibration-based exercise programs. The command for the vibration-induced extra torques presumably activates spinal motoneurons following the size principle, which is a desirable feature for stimulation paradigms.
MDF panels of Eucalyptus grandis wood fibers were made in either experimentally in a laboratory or on an industrial production line. In order to analyze the influence of the production condition, the anatomical, physical and mechanical properties of the panels were determined. The wood refining induced the transversal rupture of the transversal fiber wall. The MDF panels obtained from the industrial production line presented less swelling in thickness and absorption values and improved mechanical properties in the requirements of bending strength, module of elasticity and surface resistance. For laboratory MDF panels, it was possible to verify a statistically significant correlation between bending strength and module of elasticity, medium density and internal bond and swelling in thickness and absorption. This tendency was also true for the MDF panels obtained in real conditions of production, however without statistical significance. By comparing the quality properties of MDF panels produced in the laboratory with those obtained in real conditions of production, it was sought to standardize the established variables for obtaining panels on a small scale, as well to make possible the safe transfer and divulgation of information obtained in the laboratory.
Context: Mesotherapy consists of cutaneous injections of a mixture of compounds and has recently been used for cosmetic purposes to reduce local fat and cellulite. To date, several reports have described only local adverse events related to this therapy. We describe the first report of a female patient who developed thyrotoxicosis due to cosmetic mesotherapy with triiodothyroacetic acid in its formulation. Apart from mechanical rupture of the epidermal barrier, a disturbance of type III deiodinase activity or skin fibroblast paracrine function and vascular alterations related to simultaneously injected vasoactive compounds were observed. These findings could be related to thyroid hormone metabolite absorption and systemic consequences in the reported case. Conclusion: We describe factitious thyrotoxicosis induced by mesotherapy, to raise awareness of a systemic adverse effect resulting from this widespread cosmetic practice.
Background: The supraceliac aortic cross-clamping can be an option to save patients with hipovolemic shock due to abdominal trauma. However, this maneuver is associated with ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury strongly related to oxidative stress and reduction of nitric oxide bioavailability. Moreover, several studies demonstrated impairment in relaxation after I/R, but the time course of I/R necessary to induce vascular dysfunction is still controversial. We investigated whether 60 minutes of ischemia followed by 30 minutes of reperfusion do not change the relaxation of visceral arteries nor the plasma and renal levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitrite plus nitrate (NOx). Methods: Male mongrel dogs (n = 27) were randomly allocated in one of the three groups: sham (no clamping, n = 9), ischemia (supraceliac aortic cross-clamping for 60 minutes, n = 9), and I/R (60 minutes of ischemia followed by reperfusion for 30 minutes, n = 9). Relaxation of visceral arteries (celiac trunk, renal and superior mesenteric arteries) was studied in organ chambers. MDA and NOx concentrations were determined using a commercially available kit and an ozone-based chemiluminescence assay, respectively. Results: Both acetylcholine and calcium ionophore caused relaxation in endothelium-intact rings and no statistical differences were observed among the three groups. Sodium nitroprusside promoted relaxation in endothelium-denuded rings, and there were no inter-group statistical differences. Both plasma and renal concentrations of MDA and NOx showed no significant difference among the groups. Conclusion: Supraceliac aortic cross-clamping for 60 minutes alone and followed by 30 minutes of reperfusion did not impair relaxation of canine visceral arteries nor evoke biochemical alterations in plasma or renal tissue.
Background: Recent reviews have indicated that low level level laser therapy (LLLT) is ineffective in lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET) without assessing validity of treatment procedures and doses or the influence of prior steroid injections. Methods: Systematic review with meta-analysis, with primary outcome measures of pain relief and/or global improvement and subgroup analyses of methodological quality, wavelengths and treatment procedures. Results: 18 randomised placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) were identified with 13 RCTs (730 patients) meeting the criteria for meta-analysis. 12 RCTs satisfied half or more of the methodological criteria. Publication bias was detected by Egger's graphical test, which showed a negative direction of bias. Ten of the trials included patients with poor prognosis caused by failed steroid injections or other treatment failures, or long symptom duration or severe baseline pain. The weighted mean difference (WMD) for pain relief was 10.2 mm [95% CI: 3.0 to 17.5] and the RR for global improvement was 1.36 [1.16 to 1.60]. Trials which targeted acupuncture points reported negative results, as did trials with wavelengths 820, 830 and 1064 nm. In a subgroup of five trials with 904 nm lasers and one trial with 632 nm wavelength where the lateral elbow tendon insertions were directly irradiated, WMD for pain relief was 17.2 mm [95% CI: 8.5 to 25.9] and 14.0 mm [95% CI: 7.4 to 20.6] respectively, while RR for global pain improvement was only reported for 904 nm at 1.53 [95% CI: 1.28 to 1.83]. LLLT doses in this subgroup ranged between 0.5 and 7.2 Joules. Secondary outcome measures of painfree grip strength, pain pressure threshold, sick leave and follow-up data from 3 to 8 weeks after the end of treatment, showed consistently significant results in favour of the same LLLT subgroup (p < 0.02). No serious side-effects were reported. Conclusion: LLLT administered with optimal doses of 904 nm and possibly 632 nm wavelengths directly to the lateral elbow tendon insertions, seem to offer short-term pain relief and less disability in LET, both alone and in conjunction with an exercise regimen. This finding contradicts the conclusions of previous reviews which failed to assess treatment procedures, wavelengths and optimal doses.
The formation of one-dimensional carbon chains from graphene nanoribbons is investigated using ab initio molecular dynamics. We show under what conditions it is possible to obtain a linear atomic chain via pulling of the graphene nanoribbons. The presence of dimers composed of two-coordinated carbon atoms at the edge of the ribbons is necessary for the formation of the linear chains, otherwise there is simply the full rupture of the structure. The presence of Stone-Wales defects close to these dimers may lead to the formation of longer chains. The local atomic configuration of the suspended atoms indicates the formation of single and triple bonds, which is a characteristic of polyynes.
This study compared four different intensities of a bench press exercise for muscle soreness, creatine kinase activity, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentrations in the blood. Thirty-five male Brazilian Army soldiers were randomly assigned to one of five groups: 50% one-repetition maximum (1-RM), 75% 1-RM, 90% 1-RM, 110% 1-RM, and a control group that did not perform the exercise. The total volume (setsrepetitionsload) of the exercise was matched among the exercise groups. Muscle soreness and plasma creatine kinase activity increased markedly (P0.05) after exercise, with no significant differences among the groups. Serum PGE2 concentration also increased markedly (P0.05) after exercise, with a significantly (P0.05) greater increase in the 110% 1-RM group compared with the other groups. A weak but significant (P0.05) correlation was found between peak muscle soreness and peak PGE2 concentration, but no significant correlation was evident between peak muscle soreness and peak creatine kinase activity, or peak creatine kinase activity and peak PGE2 concentration. All groups showed no changes in IL-1, IL-6 or TNF-. Our results suggest that the intensity of bench press exercise does not affect the magnitude of muscle soreness and blood markers of muscle damage and inflammation.
Natural rubber (NR) is a raw material largely used by the modern industry; however, it is common that chemical modifications must be made to NR in order to improve properties such as hydrophobicity or mechanical resistance. This work deals with the correlation of properties of NR modified with dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate or methylmethacrylate as grafting agents. Dynamic-mechanical behavior and stress/strain relations are very important properties because they furnish essential characteristics of the material such as glass transition temperature and rupture point. These properties are concerned with different physical principles; for this reason, normally they are not related to each other. This work showed that they can be correlated by artificial neural networks (ANN). So, from one type of assay, the properties that as a rule only could be obtained from the other can be extracted by ANN correlation. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 49:499-505, 2009. (c) 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers
This work discusses the resultant microstructure of laser surface treated galvanised steel and the mechanical properties of adhesively bonded surfaces therein. The surface microstructure obtained at laser intensities between 170 and 1700 MW cm 22 exhibit zinc melting and cavity formation. The wavy surface morphology of the treated surface exhibits an average roughness Ra between 1.0 and 1.5 mu m, and a mean roughness depth R(z) of 8.6 mu m. Atomic force microscopic analyses revealed that the R(z) inside the laser shot cavities increased from 68 to 243 nm when the incident laser intensity was increased from 170 to 1700 MW cm(-2). X-ray fluorescence analyses were used to measure Zn coating thicknesses as a function of process parameters. Both X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction analyses demonstrated that the protective coating remains at the material surface, and the steel structure beneath was not affected by the laser treatment. Tensile tests under peel strength conditions demonstrated that the laser treated adhesively joined samples had resistance strength up to 88 MPa, compared to a maximum of only 23 MPa for the untreated surfaces. The maximum deformation for rupture was also greatly increased from 0.07%, for the original surface, to 0.90% for the laser treated surfaces.
On-line leak detection is a main concern for the safe operation of pipelines. Acoustic and mass balance are the most important and extensively applied technologies in field problems. The objective of this work is to compare these leak detection methods with respect to a given reference situation, i.e., the same pipeline and monitoring signals acquired at the inlet and outlet ends. Experimental tests were conducted in a 749 m long laboratory pipeline transporting water as the working fluid. The instrumentation included pressure transducers and electromagnetic flowmeters. Leaks were simulated by opening solenoid valves placed at known positions and previously calibrated to produce known average leak flow rates. Results have clearly shown the limitations and advantages of each method. It is also quite clear that acoustics and mass balance technologies are, in fact, complementary. In general, an acoustic leak detection system sends out an alarm more rapidly and locates the leak more precisely, provided that the rupture of the pipeline occurs abruptly enough. On the other hand, a mass balance leak detection method is capable of quantifying the leak flow rate very accurately and of detecting progressive leaks.