977 resultados para temperature-dependent sex determination


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The first experimentally determined temperature dependent oxygen-18 fractionation factor between dolomite and water at low temperatures [Vasconcelos et al. 1995 doi:10.1130/G20992.1] allows now the precise calculation of temperatures during early diagenetic dolomite precipitation. We use d18O values of early diagenetic dolomite beds sampled during ODP Legs 112 and 201 on the Peru continental margin (Sites 1227, 1228 and 1229) [Meister et al. 2007, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00870.x] to calculate paleo-porewater temperatures at the time of dolomite precipitation. We assumed unaltered seawater d18O values in the porewater, which is supported by d18O values of the modern porewater presented in this study. The dolomite layers in the Pleistocene part of the sedimentary columns showed oxygen isotope temperatures up to 5 °C lower than today. Since Sites 1228 and 1229 are located at 150 and 250 m below sealevel, respectively, their paleo-porewater temperatures would be influenced by considerably colder surface water during glacial sealevel lowstands. Thus, Pleistocene dolomite layers in the Peru Continental margin probably formed during glacial times. This finding is consistent with a model for dolomite precipitation in the Peru Margin recently discussed by Meister et al. [Meister et al. 2007, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00870.x], where dolomite forms episodically at the sulphate methane interface. It was shown that the sulphate methane interface migrates upwards and downwards within the sedimentary column, but dolomite layers may only form when the sulphate-methane interface stays at a fixed depth for a sufficient amount of time. We hypothesize that the sulphate-methane interface persists within TOC-rich interglacial sediments, while this zone is buried by TOC-poor sedimentation during glacial times. Thus, the presented oxygen isotope data provide additional information on the timing of early diagenetic dolomite formation and a possible link between episodicity in dolomite formation and sealevel variations. A similar link between early diagenesis and oceanography may also explain spacing of dolomite layers in a Milankovitch type pattern observed in the geological record, such as in the Miocene Monterey Formation.


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The worldwide effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine species are a growing concern. In temperate coastal seas, seaweeds are dominant primary producers that create complex habitats and supply energy to higher trophic levels. Studies on OA and macroalgae have focused on calcifying species and adult stages but, critically, they have overlooked the microscopic stages of the reproductive life cycle, which, for other anthropogenic stress e.g. UV-B radiation, are the most susceptible life-history phase. Also, environmental cues and stressors can cause changes in the sex ratio which has implications for the mating system and recruitment success. Here, we report the effects of pH (7.59-8.50) on meiospore germination and sex determination for the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales), in the presence and absence of additional dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Lowered pH (7.59-7.60, using HCl-only) caused a significant reduction in germination, while added DIC had the opposite effect, indicating that increased CO2 at lower pH ameliorates physiological stress. This finding also highlights the importance of appropriate manipulation of seawater carbonate chemistry when testing the effects of ocean acidification on photosynthetic organisms. The proportion of male to female gametophytes did not vary significantly between treatments suggesting that pH was not a primary environmental modulator of sex. Relative to the baseline (pH 8.19), gametophytes were 32% larger under moderate OA (pH 7.86) compared to their size (10% increase) under extreme OA (pH 7.61). This study suggests that metabolically-active cells can compensate for the acidification of seawater. This homeostatic function minimises the negative effects of lower pH (high H+ ions) on cellular activity. The 6-9% reduction in germination success under extreme OA suggests that meiospores of M.pyrifera may be resistant to future ocean acidification.


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Over broad thermal gradients, the effect of temperature on aerobic respiration and photosynthesis rates explains variation in community structure and function. Yet for local communities, temperature dependent trophic interactions may dominate effects of warming. We tested the hypothesis that food chain length modifies the temperature-dependence of ecosystem fluxes and community structure. In a multi-generation aquatic food web experiment, increasing temperature strengthened a trophic cascade, altering the effect of temperature on estimated mass-corrected ecosystem fluxes. Compared to consumer-free and 3-level food chains, grazer-algae (2-level) food chains responded most strongly to the temperature gradient. Temperature altered community structure, shifting species composition and reducing zooplankton density and body size. Still, food chain length did not alter the temperature dependence of net ecosystem fluxes. We conclude that locally, food chain length interacts with temperature to modify community structure, but only temperature, not food chain length influenced net ecosystem fluxes.


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The Arctic Ocean is warming at two to three times the global rate and is perceived to be a bellwether for ocean acidification. Increased CO2 concentrations are expected to have a fertilization effect on marine autotrophs, and higher temperatures should lead to increased rates of planktonic primary production. Yet, simultaneous assessment of warming and increased CO2 on primary production in the Arctic has not been conducted. Here we test the expectation that CO2-enhanced gross primary production (GPP) may be temperature dependent, using data from several oceanographic cruises and experiments from both spring and summer in the European sector of the Arctic Ocean. Results confirm that CO2 enhances GPP (by a factor of up to ten) over a range of 145-2,099?µatm; however, the greatest effects are observed only at lower temperatures and are constrained by nutrient and light availability to the spring period. The temperature dependence of CO2-enhanced primary production has significant implications for metabolic balance in a warmer, CO2-enriched Arctic Ocean in the future. In particular, it indicates that a twofold increase in primary production during the spring is likely in the Arctic.


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A theory is presented for a method, recently proposed by Hester and Sonin, of determining the ion temperature in a plasma by measuring the transient current to a cylindrical Langmuir probe after applying a potential Vp{ — eVpy>KTe) under conditions where collection is collision free and the ratio of probe radius to Debye length is small. The ion component of the current does not approach its final steady-state value monotonicalfy, but exhibits a strong, ion-temperature-dependent overshoot in the first few ion-plasma periods following the biasing of the probe. Analytical formulas are derived for the case of a Maxwellian plasma, and convenient graphical results are presented. The possible masking of the overshoot by a transient displacement current is discussed; it is shown how to avoid such displacement effects. For the overshoot to be sensitive to the ion temperature T the probe must be near plasma (zero) potential before applying V1,(eVp~<0.lKTe, VP~ being that initial potential); this is not a drawback of the method, but, on the contrary, it can be used to accurately determine plasma potential along with T.


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Los transistores de alta movilidad electrónica basados en GaN han sido objeto de una extensa investigación ya que tanto el GaN como sus aleaciones presentan unas excelentes propiedades eléctricas (alta movilidad, elevada concentración de portadores y campo eléctrico crítico alto). Aunque recientemente se han incluido en algunas aplicaciones comerciales, su expansión en el mercado está condicionada a la mejora de varios asuntos relacionados con su rendimiento y habilidad. Durante esta tesis se han abordado algunos de estos aspectos relevantes; por ejemplo, la fabricación de enhancement mode HEMTs, su funcionamiento a alta temperatura, el auto calentamiento y el atrapamiento de carga. Los HEMTs normalmente apagado o enhancement mode han atraído la atención de la comunidad científica dedicada al desarrollo de circuitos amplificadores y conmutadores de potencia, ya que su utilización disminuiría significativamente el consumo de potencia; además de requerir solamente una tensión de alimentación negativa, y reducir la complejidad del circuito y su coste. Durante esta tesis se han evaluado varias técnicas utilizadas para la fabricación de estos dispositivos: el ataque húmedo para conseguir el gate-recess en heterostructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN; y tratamientos basados en flúor (plasma CF4 e implantación de F) de la zona debajo de la puerta. Se han llevado a cabo ataques húmedos en heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N crecidas sobre sustratos de Si, SiC y zafiro. El ataque completo de la barrera se consiguió únicamente en las muestras con sustrato de Si. Por lo tanto, se puede deducir que la velocidad de ataque depende de la densidad de dislocaciones presentes en la estructura, ya que el Si presenta un peor ajuste del parámetro de red con el GaN. En relación a los tratamientos basados en flúor, se ha comprobado que es necesario realizar un recocido térmico después de la fabricación de la puerta para recuperar la heteroestructura de los daños causados durante dichos tratamientos. Además, el estudio de la evolución de la tensión umbral con el tiempo de recocido ha demostrado que en los HEMTs tratados con plasma ésta tiende a valores más negativos al aumentar el tiempo de recocido. Por el contrario, la tensión umbral de los HEMTs implantados se desplaza hacia valores más positivos, lo cual se atribuye a la introducción de iones de flúor a niveles más profundos de la heterostructura. Los transistores fabricados con plasma presentaron mejor funcionamiento en DC a temperatura ambiente que los implantados. Su estudio a alta temperatura ha revelado una reducción del funcionamiento de todos los dispositivos con la temperatura. Los valores iniciales de corriente de drenador y de transconductancia medidos a temperatura ambiente se recuperaron después del ciclo térmico, por lo que se deduce que dichos efectos térmicos son reversibles. Se han estudiado varios aspectos relacionados con el funcionamiento de los HEMTs a diferentes temperaturas. En primer lugar, se han evaluado las prestaciones de dispositivos de AlGaN/GaN sobre sustrato de Si con diferentes caps: GaN, in situ SiN e in situ SiN/GaN, desde 25 K hasta 550 K. Los transistores con in situ SiN presentaron los valores más altos de corriente drenador, transconductancia, y los valores más bajos de resistencia-ON, así como las mejores características en corte. Además, se ha confirmado que dichos dispositivos presentan gran robustez frente al estrés térmico. En segundo lugar, se ha estudiado el funcionamiento de transistores de InAlN/GaN con diferentes diseños y geometrías. Dichos dispositivos presentaron una reducción casi lineal de los parámetros en DC en el rango de temperaturas de 25°C hasta 225°C. Esto se debe principalmente a la dependencia térmica de la movilidad electrónica, y también a la reducción de la drift velocity con la temperatura. Además, los transistores con mayores longitudes de puerta mostraron una mayor reducción de su funcionamiento, lo cual se atribuye a que la drift velocity disminuye más considerablemente con la temperatura cuando el campo eléctrico es pequeño. De manera similar, al aumentar la distancia entre la puerta y el drenador, el funcionamiento del HEMT presentó una mayor reducción con la temperatura. Por lo tanto, se puede deducir que la degradación del funcionamiento de los HEMTs causada por el aumento de la temperatura depende tanto de la longitud de la puerta como de la distancia entre la puerta y el drenador. Por otra parte, la alta densidad de potencia generada en la región activa de estos transistores conlleva el auto calentamiento de los mismos por efecto Joule, lo cual puede degradar su funcionamiento y Habilidad. Durante esta tesis se ha desarrollado un simple método para la determinación de la temperatura del canal basado en medidas eléctricas. La aplicación de dicha técnica junto con la realización de simulaciones electrotérmicas han posibilitado el estudio de varios aspectos relacionados con el autocalentamiento. Por ejemplo, se han evaluado sus efectos en dispositivos sobre Si, SiC, y zafiro. Los transistores sobre SiC han mostrado menores efectos gracias a la mayor conductividad térmica del SiC, lo cual confirma el papel clave que desempeña el sustrato en el autocalentamiento. Se ha observado que la geometría del dispositivo tiene cierta influencia en dichos efectos, destacando que la distribución del calor generado en la zona del canal depende de la distancia entre la puerta y el drenador. Además, se ha demostrado que la temperatura ambiente tiene un considerable impacto en el autocalentamiento, lo que se atribuye principalmente a la dependencia térmica de la conductividad térmica de las capas y sustrato que forman la heterostructura. Por último, se han realizado numerosas medidas en pulsado para estudiar el atrapamiento de carga en HEMTs sobre sustratos de SiC con barreras de AlGaN y de InAlN. Los resultados obtenidos en los transistores con barrera de AlGaN han presentado una disminución de la corriente de drenador y de la transconductancia sin mostrar un cambio en la tensión umbral. Por lo tanto, se puede deducir que la posible localización de las trampas es la región de acceso entre la puerta y el drenador. Por el contrario, la reducción de la corriente de drenador observada en los dispositivos con barrera de InAlN llevaba asociado un cambio significativo en la tensión umbral, lo que implica la existencia de trampas situadas en la zona debajo de la puerta. Además, el significativo aumento del valor de la resistencia-ON y la degradación de la transconductancia revelan la presencia de trampas en la zona de acceso entre la puerta y el drenador. La evaluación de los efectos del atrapamiento de carga en dispositivos con diferentes geometrías ha demostrado que dichos efectos son menos notables en aquellos transistores con mayor longitud de puerta o mayor distancia entre puerta y drenador. Esta dependencia con la geometría se puede explicar considerando que la longitud y densidad de trampas de la puerta virtual son independientes de las dimensiones del dispositivo. Finalmente se puede deducir que para conseguir el diseño óptimo durante la fase de diseño no sólo hay que tener en cuenta la aplicación final sino también la influencia que tiene la geometría en los diferentes aspectos estudiados (funcionamiento a alta temperatura, autocalentamiento, y atrapamiento de carga). ABSTRACT GaN-based high electron mobility transistors have been under extensive research due to the excellent electrical properties of GaN and its related alloys (high carrier concentration, high mobility, and high critical electric field). Although these devices have been recently included in commercial applications, some performance and reliability issues need to be addressed for their expansion in the market. Some of these relevant aspects have been studied during this thesis; for instance, the fabrication of enhancement mode HEMTs, the device performance at high temperature, the self-heating and the charge trapping. Enhancement mode HEMTs have become more attractive mainly because their use leads to a significant reduction of the power consumption during the stand-by state. Moreover, they enable the fabrication of simpler power amplifier circuits and high-power switches because they allow the elimination of negativepolarity voltage supply, reducing significantly the circuit complexity and system cost. In this thesis, different techniques for the fabrication of these devices have been assessed: wet-etching for achieving the gate-recess in InAl(Ga)N/GaN devices and two different fluorine-based treatments (CF4 plasma and F implantation). Regarding the wet-etching, experiments have been carried out in InAl(Ga)N/GaN grown on different substrates: Si, sapphire, and SiC. The total recess of the barrier was achieved after 3 min of etching in devices grown on Si substrate. This suggests that the etch rate can critically depend on the dislocations present in the structure, since the Si exhibits the highest mismatch to GaN. Concerning the fluorine-based treatments, a post-gate thermal annealing was required to recover the damages caused to the structure during the fluorine-treatments. The study of the threshold voltage as a function of this annealing time has revealed that in the case of the plasma-treated devices it become more negative with the time increase. On the contrary, the threshold voltage of implanted HEMTs showed a positive shift when the annealing time was increased, which is attributed to the deep F implantation profile. Plasma-treated HEMTs have exhibited better DC performance at room temperature than the implanted devices. Their study at high temperature has revealed that their performance decreases with temperature. The initial performance measured at room temperature was recovered after the thermal cycle regardless of the fluorine treatment; therefore, the thermal effects were reversible. Thermal issues related to the device performance at different temperature have been addressed. Firstly, AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on Si substrate with different cap layers: GaN, in situ SiN, or in situ SiN/GaN, have been assessed from 25 K to 550 K. In situ SiN cap layer has been demonstrated to improve the device performance since HEMTs with this cap layer have exhibited the highest drain current and transconductance values, the lowest on-resistance, as well as the best off-state characteristics. Moreover, the evaluation of thermal stress impact on the device performance has confirmed the robustness of devices with in situ cap. Secondly, the high temperature performance of InAlN/GaN HEMTs with different layouts and geometries have been assessed. The devices under study have exhibited an almost linear reduction of the main DC parameters operating in a temperature range from room temperature to 225°C. This was mainly due to the thermal dependence of the electron mobility, and secondly to the drift velocity decrease with temperature. Moreover, HEMTs with large gate length values have exhibited a great reduction of the device performance. This was attributed to the greater decrease of the drift velocity for low electric fields. Similarly, the increase of the gate-to-drain distance led to a greater reduction of drain current and transconductance values. Therefore, this thermal performance degradation has been found to be dependent on both the gate length and the gate-to-drain distance. It was observed that the very high power density in the active region of these transistors leads to Joule self-heating, resulting in an increase of the device temperature, which can degrade the device performance and reliability. A simple electrical method have been developed during this work to determine the channel temperature. Furthermore, the application of this technique together with the performance of electro-thermal simulations have enabled the evaluation of different aspects related to the self-heating. For instance, the influence of the substrate have been confirmed by the study of devices grown on Si, SiC, and Sapphire. HEMTs grown on SiC substrate have been confirmed to exhibit the lowest self-heating effects thanks to its highest thermal conductivity. In addition to this, the distribution of the generated heat in the channel has been demonstrated to be dependent on the gate-to-drain distance. Besides the substrate and the geometry of the device, the ambient temperature has also been found to be relevant for the self-heating effects, mainly due to the temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of the layers and the substrate. Trapping effects have been evaluated by means of pulsed measurements in AlGaN and InAIN barrier devices. AlGaN barrier HEMTs have exhibited a de crease in drain current and transconductance without measurable threshold voltage change, suggesting the location of the traps in the gate-to-drain access region. On the contrary, InAIN barrier devices have showed a drain current associated with a positive shift of threshold voltage, which indicated that the traps were possibly located under the gate region. Moreover, a significant increase of the ON-resistance as well as a transconductance reduction were observed, revealing the presence of traps on the gate-drain access region. On the other hand, the assessment of devices with different geometries have demonstrated that the trapping effects are more noticeable in devices with either short gate length or the gate-to-drain distance. This can be attributed to the fact that the length and the trap density of the virtual gate are independent on the device geometry. Finally, it can be deduced that besides the final application requirements, the influence of the device geometry on the performance at high temperature, on the self-heating, as well as on the trapping effects need to be taken into account during the device design stage to achieve the optimal layout.


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Physiological studies with excised stem segments have implicated the plant hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA or auxin) in the regulation of cell elongation. Supporting evidence from intact plants has been somewhat more difficult to obtain, however. Here, we report the identification and characterization of an auxin-mediated cell elongation growth response in Arabidopsis thaliana. When grown in the light at high temperature (29°C), Arabidopsis seedlings exhibit dramatic hypocotyl elongation compared with seedlings grown at 20°C. This temperature-dependent growth response is sharply reduced by mutations in the auxin response or transport pathways and in seedlings containing reduced levels of free IAA. In contrast, mutants deficient in gibberellin and abscisic acid biosynthesis or in ethylene response are unaffected. Furthermore, we detect a corresponding increase in the level of free IAA in seedlings grown at high temperature, suggesting that temperature regulates auxin synthesis or catabolism to mediate this growth response. Consistent with this possibility, high temperature also stimulates other auxin-mediated processes including auxin-inducible gene expression. Based on these results, we propose that growth at high temperature promotes an increase in auxin levels resulting in increased hypocotyl elongation. These results strongly support the contention that endogenous auxin promotes cell elongation in intact plants.


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Biological speciation ultimately results in prezygotic isolation—the inability of incipient species to mate with one another–but little is understood about the selection pressures and genetic changes that generate this outcome. The genus Chlamydomonas comprises numerous species of unicellular green algae, including numerous geographic isolates of the species C. reinhardtii. This diverse collection has allowed us to analyze the evolution of two sex-related genes: the mid gene of C. reinhardtii, which determines whether a gamete is mating-type plus or minus, and the fus1 gene, which dictates a cell surface glycoprotein utilized by C. reinhardtii plus gametes to recognize minus gametes. Low stringency Southern analyses failed to detect any fus1 homologs in other Chlamydomonas species and detected only one mid homolog, documenting that both genes have diverged extensively during the evolution of the lineage. The one mid homolog was found in C. incerta, the species in culture that is most closely related to C. reinhardtii. Its mid gene carries numerous nonsynonymous and synonymous codon changes compared with the C. reinhardtii mid gene. In contrast, very high sequence conservation of both the mid and fus1 sequences is found in natural isolates of C. reinhardtii, indicating that the genes are not free to drift within a species but do diverge dramatically between species. Striking divergence of sex determination and mate recognition genes also has been encountered in a number of other eukaryotic phyla, suggesting that unique, and as yet unidentified, selection pressures act on these classes of genes during the speciation process.


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The protein Sex-lethal (SXL) controls pre-mRNA splicing of two genes involved in Drosophila sex determination: transformer (tra) and the Sxl gene itself. Previous in vitro results indicated that SXL antagonizes the general splicing factor U2AF65 to regulate splicing of tra. In this report, we have used transgenic flies expressing chimeric proteins between SXL and the effector domain of U2AF65 to study the mechanisms of splicing regulation by SXL in vivo. Conferring U2AF activity to SXL relieves its inhibitory activity on tra splicing but not on Sxl splicing. Therefore, antagonizing U2AF65 can explain tra splicing regulation both in vitro and in vivo, but this mechanism cannot explain splicing regulation of Sxl pre-mRNA. These results are a direct proof that Sxl, the master regulatory gene in sex determination, has multiple and separable activities in the regulation of pre-mRNA splicing.


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In ciliate protists, sex involves the temporary joining of two cells of compatible mating type, followed by meiosis and exchange of gametic nuclei between conjugants. Reproduction is by asexual binary fission following conjugation. For the many ciliates with fixed multiple mating types, frequency-dependent sex-ratio theory predicts equal frequencies of mating types, if sex is common in nature. Here, we report that in natural populations of Tetrahymena thermophila sexually immature cells, indicative of recent conjugation, are found from spring through fall. In addition, the seven mating types occur in approximately equal frequencies, and these frequencies appear to be maintained by interaction between complex, multiple mat alleles and environmental conditions during conjugation. Such genotype-environment interaction determining mating type frequency is rare among ciliates.


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From an extract of Drosophila melanogaster head homogenates, a membrane fraction can be isolated that has the same sedimentation properties as vertebrate synaptic vesicles and contains Drosophila synaptotagmin. The fraction disappears from homogenates of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant shibire(ts1) (shi(ts1)) flies paralyzed by exposure to non-permissive temperatures, and reappears on return to permissive temperatures. Since reversible, temperature-dependent depletion of synaptic vesicles is known to occur in shibire(ts1) flies, we conclude that the fraction we have identified contains synaptic vesicles. We have examined the fate of synaptic vesicle membrane proteins in shibire flies at nonpermissive temperatures and found that all of these vesicle antigens are transferred to rapidly sedimenting membranes and codistribute with a plasma membrane marker by both glycerol velocity and metrizamide density sedimentation and by confocal microscopy. Three criteria were used to establish that other neuron-specific antigens--neuronal synaptobrevin and cysteine-string proteins--are legitimate components of synaptic vesicles: cosedimentation with Drosophila synaptotagmin, immunoadsorption, and disappearance of these antigens from the vesicle fractions in paralyzed shibire flies.