669 resultados para silence


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In this article, I examine the implications of rewriting definitions of sanity and insanity through the use of noise, silence, and language,positioningElizabeth Bishop’s short story “In the Village” as a form of resistance against traditional readings of madness, logocentrism, and identity. I suggest that by writing her characters as undivided from the world of sound, Elizabeth Bishop’s story shifts understandings of insanity, which is often conceptualized through denials of agency, allowing her characters to escape in noises and hesitations in language and communication. “In the Village” avoids silencing the “insane” mother through her placement in a caesura of sound and silence. This article avoids a biographical reading of “In the Village,” which is often connected with her own mother’s “mental breakdown,” because Bishop’s writing would have been as much affected by her conscious awareness of her past as it was by the unconscious impulses and histories of writing in the West. Rather, I take into account Bishop’s own personal history as well as the repetitions that reflect a placement in a tradition appearing in the story itself. Using this particular lens, I believe a rereading of “In the Village” is in order, where the “mad mother” is not silenced by the oppressive social structures that control the insane,” but she instead finds escape in the multitudes of sounds that associate with her, erasing the power of language and opening a new world where agency exists in a scream or in a striking hammer.


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The city is not only a visual environment, but it is also sonorous and therefore the “unintentional hearing which is much more influencing” is involved in an urban space experience just as sight is. Beginning with Assunto’s consideration in Il paesaggio e l’estetica, the analysis we provide cannot avoid outlining the peculiarities of aestetic fruition of the city seen as a space we cross, in which we live and in which we, as a matter of fact, are agent actors. And it is as a consequence of this peculiarity that silence has a leading role in our urban experience. Seen as a presence of itself, it is a positive value especially if we consider that nowadays modernity is expressed through its absence. It is an absence that reaches its climax in the experience of the metropolis. Besides Assunto, there is another witness of this in Simmel’s The Metropolis and Mental Life from which our analysis cannot leave out of consideration. Given that this analysis is a sort of analytic excursus it develops around a well defined barycentre represented by the acoustic experience of the city that focuses on the presence/absence of silence as a result of modernity. Taking the first steps from Assunto and Simmel’s assumptions, this work takes into account the theme of silence in the metropolis and introduces it as a loss of interval and thus uses the analysis carried out by Dorfles in L’intervallo perduto and in Horror Pleni. The metropolitan experience is highly characterized by a sensory disorientation for which we can detect a “strong” starting, the Great War, which shows a caesura that outlines the edges of a new mental world. It shows the systematic use of modern technique, of its sonorous universe and urbanization which appears as a corollary of this picture.


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Artigo que interroga o clamoroso silêncio dos principais nomes da História da Psicanálise sobre a Música e estabelece os princípios da Intersecção Música-Psicanálise, assim como o que se pode esperar de uma orientação lacaniana nesta matéria.


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The institutions that work with the preservation and diffusion of cultural heritage - be them archive, libraries, museums, art galleries or cultural centres - present a certain discourse about reality. To understand this discourse, composed by sound and silence, by fullness and emptiness, by presence and absence, by remembrance and forgetting, an operation is implied, not only with the enunciation of speech and its gaps, but also the comprehension of that which causes to speak, of who is speaking and of the point whence one speaks. Preservation and destruction, or, in another way, conservation and loss, walk hand in hand in the arteries of life. As suggested by Nietzsche (1999, p.273), it is impossible to live without loss, it is entirely impossible to live avoiding destruction to play its game and drive the dynamics of life on. However, by means of a kind of tautological argument, one often justifies preservation by the imminence of loss and memory by the threat of forgetting. Thus, one ceases to consider that the game and the rules of the game between forgetting and memory are not fed by themselves and that preservation and destruction are not opposed in a deadly duel, but instead they complement one another and are always at the service of subjects that build themselves and are built through social practices. To indicate that memories and forgettings can be sown and cultivated corroborates the importance of working towards the denaturalisation of these concepts and towards the understanding that they result from a construction process also involving other forces, such as: power. Power is a sower, a promoter of memories and forgettings.


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O trabalho presente é uma investigação sobre a Universidade sua génese e diversidade, caminhada e desenvolvimento, prosperidade em crescimento, papel cultural e fonte de conhecimento seus momentos de glória, seu de impasse e de crise e tentativas para devolver a glória e prestigio de outrora. Nasceu na Europa Meridional com o título de “Studium Generale”. Não nasceu nem “ex abrupto” nem “ex nihilo”, a sua génese remonta às escolas religiosas dos conventos e catedrais onde se conservavam os documentos da cultura greco – latina que mais tarde imperará na Europa sob o antropocentrismo, em oposição ao Teocentrismo. O “Studium General” nasce sobre o patrocínio da Igreja que mantinha como disciplinas principais nestes centros a Teologia e Filosofia, cuja leccionação é circunscrita a poucas Escolas e professores escolhidos. Acorriam à Universidade alunos de todos os cantos da Europa, evidentemente com meios e frades alunos pobres e para os frades criaram-se colégios que os acolhiam e protegiam. A reunião de estudantes devido a disturbios gerou ambiente controverso e obrigou as autoridades governamentais a medidas quer de contenção quer de protecção a residentes e forasteiros. O estudante era um estrangeiro que se deslocava no espaço europeu consoante a fama dos professores. A língua latina foi o veiculo de ligação e comunicação. Pouco a pouco os estados foram-se dando conta do valor da universidade e dos seus ensinamentos e disputavam com a Igreja o seu patrocínio. A Universidade contribui para o desenvolvimento dos Estados a nível administrativo, do direito, da criação de leis dando aos Estados uma maior e melhor organização no seu desenvolvimento. As Universidades concediam graus académicos, sendo o maior o de doutor. Todos esperavam o apoio do saber académico e científico para vencer a luta pela existência. O sistema escolático criticado pelo humanismo deu origem a novos modelos de universidade que surgiram com a supervisão dos Estados. Os modelos a partir do século XIX, são: ingês, alemão, americano, francês e russo. A universidade passa a ser o lugar do ensino superior, com o repúdio ao tradicinal e a investigação passa a fazer parte do papel da universidade. Em Portugal criou-se estruturas de apoio à formação de professores especialmente o sector de ciência e educação. Tardiamente a União Europeia dá atenção à educação criando programas como o Sócrates cujas acções são Comenios, Erasmus, Grundvig, Língua e Minerva. A mobilidade estudantil torna-se realidade na Europa e a flexibilidade na educação. A função da universidade actual ocupa-se do sector industrial e pós industrial da sociedade de informação, economia e empresa. Universidade como serviço público e mercado. Foi pena que a União Europeia, não reconhecesse ao Homem a centralidade de que tem direito, e esquecesse que sem o homem não há desenvolvimento nem criatividade. Estruturou-se a economia e a política obliterou a educação, a cultura, a formação, isto é um castelo construído sobre areia. Relembrando Antero cabe dizer: “Abrem-se as portas de ouro com fragor Mas dentro encontro só cheiro de dor Silêncio e escuridão nada mais”. Hoje a nossa Universidade é um problema. O seu caminho terá de ser o da cultura e a da educação. Tem de ser vista como poder em época de crise e o permanente primeiro que o transitório. Donde a necessidade de uma gestão de qualidade e de uma educação permanente.


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El escritor Miguel Donoso Pareja confiesa que en su vida existieron dos modelos: el de su padre -hasta reconocer que no era capaz de emular al navegante y matemático-, y el de su tío Alfredo Pareja. Admira al escritor tanto como al ser humano: por su deseo permanente de aprender y la exigencia implacable consigo mismo, cuanto por su vitalidad. Recuerda las visitas familiares, cada semana, de su tío a la Península de Santa Elena, aprobaba en silencio las lecturas juveniles de Donoso, e impuso un quiebre de calidad con Las mil noches y una noche. Como estudiante en casa de su abuela materna en Guayaquil, el autor conoció a otro Alfredo Pareja: el de su agitada rutina diaria de escritor y hombre de negocios, visitaba su casa, fascinado por su inmensa biblioteca, a la que tenía libre acceso, poco después, su tío Alfredo iniciaría sus largos años de viajero, y se reencontrarían pocas veces, en Quito, en la década de 1980. El autor concluye la emotiva reseña con una breve síntesis valorativa de la producción de Pareja Diezcanseco.


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La autora analiza tres textos latinoamericanos que muestran construcciones del imaginario andino, extendidas a ciertos estereotipos sobre la corporalidad andina: frágil, dolorida, para la cual la esperanza de liberación radica en un azar. En «Boletín y Elegía de las Mitas», César Dávila presenta una versión del cuerpo indio «exclusivamente centrada en la vejación de lo anatómico» (de su cabeza y genitales, de órganos tan profundos como el corazón y el esqueleto), con lo que el cuerpo desnudo y forzado se convierte en ajeno. En «El sueño del Pongo», de José María Arguedas, el cuerpo del indio oprimido es diminuto, y porta una «gestualidad comprimida que se pone en juego a partir de posturas humilladas». Pese al final aparentemente optimista de ambos textos, se trata de productos culturales que cumplen un rol en el ejercicio de control social. En «Barraquera», de José de la Cuadra, el cuerpo de esta mujer es fundado a partir de violaciones, muertes y migraciones forzadas: habituado a sufrir y callar, para este cuerpo el dolor se convierte en la única vía posible de acceso al placer. Se remarca que el tiempo cronológico de los tres relatos es el de la espera, el tiempo del destino. Para estos cuerpos-lugares siempre vulnerables y violentados, burlados o invisibilizados, lo fatal fundamentaría un cierre de lo histórico.


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La autora lee la novela de Sergio Pollastri desde la perspectiva crítica de las posibilidades e imposibilidades de la reconstrucción de una historia, a partir de este relato testimonial que se mueve en el territorio de la violencia y las armas (la militancia política) y en el de la subjetividad (la poesía, la ficción). Resalta los vínculos entre vida y literatura, que cruzan toda la novela, así, apela a la metáfora para referirse a dos tipos de silencios en las ficciones sobre la violencia revolucionaria: la opción por las armas y la delación bajo tortura. Resalta el rol de la metáfora en este texto que tensa hasta sus límites el género testimonial, y que cobra su mayor fuerza hacia el final: «La revolución es frágil y superficial como una violeta, aquello que la comparación desarrolla es al mismo tiempo lo que amortigua la caída del salto brutal al vacío con el que la novela cierra su enunciación».


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A pesar de que la poesía, en tanto texto literario, es escritura, no deja de conservar vínculos profundos con la palabra oral. Gonzalo Rojas, íntimo conocedor de las leyes de la poesía, maneja con especial destreza esa relación. De hecho su escritura es especialmente sensible a las evocaciones orales que los versos, las palabras, las sílabas y hasta los sonidos suscitan en el lector de poesía. De ahí la importancia del silencio en su escritura, no solo como tema o como procedimiento retórico, ni siquiera como el silencio que significa toda expresión interiorizada, como la poesía, sino, por sobre todo, el silencio como lo otro de la palabra, como aquello que está siempre presente sin decirse y que apunta a los niveles más profundos de lo innombrable.


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Reseña dos novelas publicadas en la década de 1980, que se ambientan en los años en que la dictadura uruguaya invade Minas, una pequeña ciudad de provincias. La balada de Johnny Sosa es la historia de la pérdida de la inocencia del negro Johnny, es también una “parábola sobre la dignidad humana, dando voz a quienes no la tienen, a los desheredados. A quienes, con militares o sin ellos siempre han estado en el fondo de la bolsa”. La misma ciudad de Minas es también el escenario de Las ventanas del silencio, novela en la que hablan diferentes voces, se narra cómo los soldados realizan allanamientos, encarcelan, torturan y matan, imponen el reparto de castigos y de favores. Aquí, en esta ciudad pequeña, en la que la frase “En Uruguay todos se conocen” resulta más evidente, el efecto de la dictadura y de las delaciones que ella propiciaba fue devastador. Ambas novelas narran, en definitiva, lo que ha ocurrido en este país “cuando los militares profanaron la ciudad”.


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The time-of-detection method for aural avian point counts is a new method of estimating abundance, allowing for uncertain probability of detection. The method has been specifically designed to allow for variation in singing rates of birds. It involves dividing the time interval of the point count into several subintervals and recording the detection history of the subintervals when each bird sings. The method can be viewed as generating data equivalent to closed capture–recapture information. The method is different from the distance and multiple-observer methods in that it is not required that all the birds sing during the point count. As this method is new and there is some concern as to how well individual birds can be followed, we carried out a field test of the method using simulated known populations of singing birds, using a laptop computer to send signals to audio stations distributed around a point. The system mimics actual aural avian point counts, but also allows us to know the size and spatial distribution of the populations we are sampling. Fifty 8-min point counts (broken into four 2-min intervals) using eight species of birds were simulated. Singing rate of an individual bird of a species was simulated following a Markovian process (singing bouts followed by periods of silence), which we felt was more realistic than a truly random process. The main emphasis of our paper is to compare results from species singing at (high and low) homogenous rates per interval with those singing at (high and low) heterogeneous rates. Population size was estimated accurately for the species simulated, with a high homogeneous probability of singing. Populations of simulated species with lower but homogeneous singing probabilities were somewhat underestimated. Populations of species simulated with heterogeneous singing probabilities were substantially underestimated. Underestimation was caused by both the very low detection probabilities of all distant individuals and by individuals with low singing rates also having very low detection probabilities.


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Seventeen-month-old infants were presented with pairs of images, in silence or with the non-directive auditory stimulus 'look!'. The images had been chosen so that one image depicted an item whose name was known to the infant, and the other image depicted an image whose name was not known to the infant. Infants looked longer at images for which they had names than at images for which they did not have names, despite the absence of any referential input. The experiment controlled for the familiarity of the objects depicted: in each trial, image pairs presented to infants had previously been judged by caregivers to be of roughly equal familiarity. From a theoretical perspective, the results indicate that objects with names are of intrinsic interest to the infant. The possible causal direction for this linkage is discussed and it is concluded that the results are consistent with Whorfian linguistic determinism, although other construals are possible. From a methodological perspective, the results have implications for the use of preferential looking as an index of early word comprehension.


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The impact of novel labels on visual processing was investigated across two experiments with infants aged between 9 and 21 months. Infants viewed pairs of images across a series of preferential looking trials. On each trial, one image was novel, and the other image had previously been viewed by the infant. Some infants viewed images in silence; other infants viewed images accompanied by novel labels. The pattern of fixations both across and within trials revealed that infants in the labelling condition took longer to develop a novelty preference than infants in the silent condition. Our findings contrast with prior research by Robinson and Sloutsky (e.g., Robinson & Sloutsky, 2007a; Sloutsky & Robinson, 2008) who found that novel labels did not disrupt visual processing for infants aged over a year. Provided that overall task demands are sufficiently high, it appears that labels can disrupt visual processing for infants during the developmental period of establishing a lexicon. The results suggest that when infants are processing labels and objects, attentional resources are shared across modalities.


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The essays in this collection were originally delivered as part of the Samuel Beckett lecture series at Trinity College Dublin, Samuel Beckett's alma mater. The contributors include eminent Beckett scholars such as Linda Ben-Zvi, Enoch Brater, Ruby Cohn and Stan Gontarski, theatre scholars such as Herbert Blau and Joseph Roach, practitioners such as the Irish actor, Barry McGovern, and cultural critics such as Marina Warner and Terry Eagleton. The collection sheds new light on Beckett's enigmatic theater, offering new perspectives on Beckett's use of language and silence, on his attitudes toward the body, on those who influenced him and on those he has influenced (including Suzan-Lori Parks and Femi Osofisan), and on Beckett and the art of self-collaboration. Each contributor places the playwright into a network of genealogies and legacies and his work into important historical, cultural, and aesthetic contexts. Together, the essays demonstrate Beckett's impact on theater, performance, and visual arts during the latter half of the twentieth century and serve to open up new directions for Beckett studies.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a major lung pathogen in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, secretes an elastolytic metalloproteinase (EPa) contributing to bacterial pathogenicity. Proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2), implicated in the pulmonary innate defense, is activated by the cleavage of its extracellular N-terminal domain, unmasking a new N-terminal sequence starting with SLIGKV, which binds intramolecularly and activates PAR2. We show that EPa cleaves the N-terminal domain of PAR2 from the cell surface without triggering receptor endocytosis as trypsin does. As evaluated by measurements of cytosolic calcium as well as prostaglandin E(2) and interleukin-8 production, this cleavage does not activate PAR2, but rather disarms the receptor for subsequent activation by trypsin, but not by the synthetic receptor-activating peptide, SLIGKV-NH(2). Proteolysis by EPa of synthetic peptides representing the N-terminal cleavage/activation sequences of either human or rat PAR2 indicates that cleavages resulting from EPa activity would not produce receptor-activating tethered ligands, but would disarm PAR2 in regard to any further activating proteolysis by activating proteinases. Our data indicate that a pathogen-derived proteinase like EPa can potentially silence the function of PAR2 in the respiratory tract, thereby altering the host innate defense mechanisms and respiratory functions, and thus contributing to pathogenesis in the setting of a disease like CF.