907 resultados para root coverage


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If childcare policy has become topical in most OECD countries over the last ten years or so, actual developments display huge cross-national variations. Countries like Sweden and Denmark spend around 2 per cent of GDP on this service, and provide affordable childcare places to most children below school age. At the other extreme, in Southern Europe, only around 10 per cent of this age group has access to formal daycare. Against this background, this article aims to account for cross-national variations in childcare services. It distinguishes two dependent variables: the coverage rate and the proportion of GDP spent subsidising childcare services. Using a mix of cross-sectional and pooled times-series methods, it tests a series of hypotheses concerning the determinants of the development of this policy. Its main conclusion for the coverage rate is that key factors are public spending and wage dispersion (both positive). For spending, key factors are the proportion of women in parliaments (positive) and spending on age-related policies (negative).


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This paper presents our investigation on iterativedecoding performances of some sparse-graph codes on block-fading Rayleigh channels. The considered code ensembles are standard LDPC codes and Root-LDPC codes, first proposed in and shown to be able to attain the full transmission diversity. We study the iterative threshold performance of those codes as a function of fading gains of the transmission channel and propose a numerical approximation of the iterative threshold versus fading gains, both both LDPC and Root-LDPC codes.Also, we show analytically that, in the case of 2 fading blocks,the iterative threshold root of Root-LDPC codes is proportional to (α1 α2)1, where α1 and α2 are corresponding fading gains.From this result, the full diversity property of Root-LDPC codes immediately follows.


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Primary rib involvement accounts for 16% of paediatric Ewing sarcoma (ES). Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and surgical tumor resection may leave large thoracic wall defects requiring complex reconstruction in a growing individual. We report our experience in three children aged 3, 10, and 12 years, in whom single-stage resection and reconstruction were performed using a Gore-Tex Dualmesh patch, covered by a latissimus dorsi rotation flap harvested in continuity with the thoracolumbar fascia. The youngest patient also had a vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR) anchored to help prevent subsequent scoliosis throughout growth.


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The successful expansion of the U.S. crop insurance program has not eliminated ad hoc disaster assistance. An alternative currently being explored by members of Congress and others in preparation of the 2007 farm bill is to simply remove the “ad hoc” part of disaster assistance programs by creating a standing program that would automatically funnel aid to hard-hit regions and crops. One form such a program could take can be found in the area yield and area revenue insurance programs currently offered by the U.S. crop insurance program. The Group Risk Plan (GRP) and Group Risk Income Protection (GRIP) programs automatically trigger payments when county yields or revenues, respectively, fall below a producer-elected coverage level. The per-acre taxpayer costs of offering GRIP in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa for corn and soybeans through the crop insurance program are estimated. These results are used to determine the amount of area revenue coverage that could be offered to farmers as part of a standing farm bill disaster program. Approximately 55% of taxpayer support for GRIP flows to the crop insurance industry. A significant portion of this support comes in the form of net underwriting gains. The expected rate of return on money put at risk by private crop insurance companies under the current Standard Reinsurance Agreement is approximately 100%. Taking this industry support and adding in the taxpayer support for GRIP that flows to producers would fund a county target revenue program at the 93% coverage level.


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1 Insect pests, biological invasions and climate change are considered to representmajor threats to biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, agriculture and forestry.Deriving hypothesis of contemporary and/or future potential distributions of insectpests and invasive species is becoming an important tool for predicting the spatialstructure of potential threats.2 The western corn rootworm (WCR) Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte is apest of maize in North America that has invaded Europe in recent years, resultingin economic costs in terms of maize yields in both continents. The present studyaimed to estimate the dynamics of potential areas of invasion by the WCR under aclimate change scenario in the Northern Hemisphere. The areas at risk under thisscenario were assessed by comparing, using complementary approaches, the spatialprojections of current and future areas of climatic favourability of the WCR. Spatialhypothesis were generated with respect to the presence records in the native rangeof the WCR and physiological thresholds from previous empirical studies.3 We used a previously developed protocol specifically designed to estimatethe climatic favourability of the WCR. We selected the most biologicallyrelevant climatic predictors and then used multidimensional envelope (MDE) andMahalanobis distances (MD) approaches to derive potential distributions for currentand future climatic conditions.4 The results obtained showed a northward advancement of the upper physiologicallimit as a result of climate change, which might increase the strength of outbreaksat higher latitudes. In addition, both MDE and MD outputs predict the stability ofclimatic favourability for the WCR in the core of the already invaded area in Europe,which suggests that this zone would continue to experience damage from this pestin Europe.


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Intraspecific genetic variation for morphological traits is observed in many organisms. In Arabidopsis thaliana, alleles responsible for intraspecific morphological variation are increasingly being identified. However, the fitness consequences remain unclear in most cases. Here, the fitness effects of alleles of the BRX gene are investigated. A brx loss-of-function allele, which was found in a natural accession, results in a highly branched but poorly elongated root system. Comparison between the control accession Sav-0 and an introgression of brx into this background (brxS) indicated that, surprisingly, brx loss of function did not negatively affect fitness in pure stands. However, in mixed, well-watered stands brxS performance and reproductive output decreased significantly, as the proportion of Sav-0 neighbors increased. Additional comparisons between brxS and a brxS line that was complemented by a BRX transgene confirmed a direct effect of the loss-of-function allele on plant performance, as indicated by restored competitive ability of the transgenic genotype. Further, because plant height was very similar across genotypes and because the experimental setup largely excluded shading effects, the impaired competitiveness of the brx loss-of-function genotype likely reflects below-ground competition. In summary, these data reveal conditional fitness effects of a single gene polymorphism in response to intraspecific competition in Arabidopsis.


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Similar to aboveground herbivores, root-feeding insects must locate and identify suitable resources. In the darkness of soil, they mainly rely on root chemical exudations and, therefore, have evolved specific behaviours. Because of their impact on crop yield, most of our knowledge in belowground chemical ecology is biased towards soil-dwelling insect pests. Yet the increasing literature on volatile-mediated interactions in the ground underpins the great importance of chemical signalling in this ecosystem and its potential in pest control. Here, we explore the ecology and physiology of these chemically based interactions. An evolutionary approach reveals interesting patterns in the response of insects to particular classes of volatile or water-soluble organic compounds commonly emitted by roots. Food web analyses reasonably support that volatiles are used as long-range cues whereas water-soluble molecules serve in host acceptance/rejection by the insect; however, data are still scarce. As a case study, the chemical ecology of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera is discussed and applications of belowground signalling in pest management are examined. Soil chemical ecology is an expanding field of research and will certainly be a hub of our understanding of soil communities and subsequently of the management of belowground ecosystem services.


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Work on the interaction of aerial plant parts with pathogens has identified the signaling molecules jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) as important players in induced defense of the plant against invading organisms. Much less is known about the role of JA and SA signaling in root infection. Recent progress has been made in research on plant interactions with biotrophic mutualists and parasites that exclusively associate with roots, namely arbuscular mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses on one hand and nematode and parasitic plant interactions on the other hand. Here, we review these recent advances relating JA and SA signaling to specific stages of root colonization and discuss how both signaling molecules contribute to a balance between compatibility and defense in mutualistic as well as parasitic biotroph-root interactions.


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The root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 is a biocontrol agent of soil-borne plant diseases caused by fungal and oomycete pathogens. Remarkably, this plant-beneficial pseudomonad is also endowed with potent insecticidal activity that depends on the production of a large protein toxin termed Fit (for P. fluorescens insecticidal toxin). In our present work, the genomic locus encoding the P. fluorescens insect toxin is subjected to a detailed molecular analysis. The Fit toxin gene fitD is flanked upstream by the fitABC genes and downstream by the fitE gene that encode the ABC transporter, membrane fusion, and outer membrane efflux components of a type I protein secretion system predicted to function in toxin export. The fitF, fitG, and fitH genes located downstream of fitE code for regulatory proteins having domain structures typical of signal transduction histidine kinases, LysR-type transcriptional regulators, and response regulators, respectively. The role of these insect toxin locus-associated control elements is being investigated with mutants defective for the regulatory genes and with GFP-based reporter fusions to putative promoter regions upstream of the transporter genes fitA and fitE, the toxin gene fitD, and the regulatory genes fitF and fitH. Our preliminary findings suggest that the three regulators interact with known global regulators of biocontrol factor expression to control Fit toxin expression and secretion.


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To determine the type and the relative amount of prostaglandins (PGs) synthesized by various neural tissues, homogenates of meninges, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) capsules, decapsulated DRG, and unsheathed sciatic nerves were incubated with [1-14C]arachidonic acid. Homogenates of cultured cells (meningeal cells, fibroblasts, and nonneuronal or neuronal DRG cells) were used to specify the cells producing particular PGs. The highest synthetic capacity was found in fibroblast-rich tissues (meninges and DRG capsules) and in cultures of meningeal cells or fibroblasts. Two major cyclooxygenase products were formed: [14C]PGE2 and an unusual 14C-labeled compound, Y. The accumulation of compound Y, corresponding probably to 15-hydroperoxy PGE2, was completely impaired by addition of exogenous GSH, which conversely enhanced the synthesis of [14C]PGE2 and promoted the formation of [14C]PGD2. In contrast, decapsulated DRG or unsheathed sciatic nerves displayed a 10-20 times lower capacity to synthesize PGs than fibroblast-rich tissues and produced mainly [14C]PGE2 and [14C]PGD2. In this case, [14C]PGE2 or [14C]PGD2 synthesis was neither enhanced nor promoted by addition of exogenous GSH. Neuron-enriched DRG cell cultures allowed us to specify that [14C]PGD2 is the major prostanoid produced by primary sensory neurons as compared with nonneuronal DRG cells. Because PGD2 synthesis in DRG and more specifically in DRG neurons does not depend on exogenous GSH and differs from PGD2 synthesis in fibroblast-rich tissues, it is concluded that at least two distinct enzymatic processes contribute to PGD2 formation in the nervous system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Some root-associated pseudomonads sustain plant growth by suppressing root diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. We investigated to which extent select cereal cultivars influence expression of relevant biocontrol traits (i.e., root colonization efficacy and antifungal activity) in Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. In this representative plant-beneficial bacterium, the antifungal metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyrrolnitrin (PRN), pyoluteorin (PLT), and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) are required for biocontrol. To monitor host plant effects on the expression of biosynthetic genes for these compounds on roots, we developed fluorescent dual-color reporters suited for flow cytometric analysis using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). In the dual-label strains, the constitutively expressed red fluorescent protein mCherry served as a cell tag and marker for root colonization, whereas reporter fusions based on the green fluorescent protein allowed simultaneous recording of antifungal gene expression within the same cell. FACS analysis revealed that expression of DAPG and PRN biosynthetic genes was promoted in a cereal rhizosphere, whereas expression of PLT and HCN biosynthetic genes was markedly less sustained. When analyzing the response of the bacterial reporters on roots of a selection of wheat, spelt, and triticale cultivars, we were able to detect subtle species- and cultivar-dependent differences in colonization and DAPG and HCN gene expression levels. The expression of these biocontrol traits was particularly favored on roots of one spelt cultivar, suggesting that a careful choice of pseudomonad-cereal combinations might be beneficial to biocontrol. Our approach may be useful for selective single-cell level analysis of plant effects in other bacteria-root interactions.


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Sports and journalism ethics: the coverage of 2012 London Olympics in the British, North-American and Spanish press is a research focused on analysing the treatment that the quality press of three countries (United Kingdom, United States of America and Spain) will carry out in the London Olympic Games. Through a solid methodological approach based on the combination of the qualitative content analysis and qualitative indepth interviews, the investigation will study if the media provide a quality coverage,that is, if they adequate their pieces to the fundamental principles of journalistic deontology (truth, justice, freedom and social responsibility). Furthermore, the research will assess if the selected media comply with the prescriptions established in the ethical codes, stylebooks, newsroom statutes and national and international recommendations about journalism ethics, ranging from each media’s guidelines to key transnational codes established by the UNESCO, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) orthe Council of Europe.