898 resultados para reactive sources


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Résumé Lors d'une recherche d'information, l'apprenant est très souvent confronté à des problèmes de guidage et de personnalisation. Ceux-ci sont d'autant plus importants que la recherche se fait dans un environnement ouvert tel que le Web. En effet, dans ce cas, il n'y a actuellement pas de contrôle de pertinence sur les ressources proposées pas plus que sur l'adéquation réelle aux besoins spécifiques de l'apprenant. A travers l'étude de l'état de l'art, nous avons constaté l'absence d'un modèle de référence qui traite des problématiques liées (i) d'une part aux ressources d'apprentissage notamment à l'hétérogénéité de la structure et de la description et à la protection en terme de droits d'auteur et (ii) d'autre part à l'apprenant en tant qu'utilisateur notamment l'acquisition des éléments le caractérisant et la stratégie d'adaptation à lui offrir. Notre objectif est de proposer un système adaptatif à base de ressources d'apprentissage issues d'un environnement à ouverture contrôlée. Celui-ci permet de générer automatiquement sans l'intervention d'un expert pédagogue un parcours d'apprentissage personnalisé à partir de ressources rendues disponibles par le biais de sources de confiance. L'originalité de notre travail réside dans la proposition d'un modèle de référence dit de Lausanne qui est basé sur ce que nous considérons comme étant les meilleures pratiques des communautés : (i) du Web en terme de moyens d'ouverture, (ii) de l'hypermédia adaptatif en terme de stratégie d'adaptation et (iii) de l'apprentissage à distance en terme de manipulation des ressources d'apprentissage. Dans notre modèle, la génération des parcours personnalisés se fait sur la base (i) de ressources d'apprentissage indexées et dont le degré de granularité en favorise le partage et la réutilisation. Les sources de confiance utilisées en garantissent l'utilité et la qualité. (ii) de caractéristiques de l'utilisateur, compatibles avec les standards existants, permettant le passage de l'apprenant d'un environnement à un autre. (iii) d'une adaptation à la fois individuelle et sociale. Pour cela, le modèle de Lausanne propose : (i) d'utiliser ISO/MLR (Metadata for Learning Resources) comme formalisme de description. (ii) de décrire le modèle d'utilisateur avec XUN1 (eXtended User Model), notre proposition d'un modèle compatible avec les standards IEEE/PAPI et IMS/LIP. (iii) d'adapter l'algorithme des fourmis au contexte de l'apprentissage à distance afin de générer des parcours personnalisés. La dimension individuelle est aussi prise en compte par la mise en correspondance de MLR et de XUM. Pour valider notre modèle, nous avons développé une application et testé plusieurs scenarii mettant en action des utilisateurs différents à des moments différents. Nous avons ensuite procédé à des comparaisons entre ce que retourne le système et ce que suggère l'expert. Les résultats s'étant avérés satisfaisants dans la mesure où à chaque fois le système retourne un parcours semblable à celui qu'aurait proposé l'expert, nous sommes confortées dans notre approche.


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A forensic intelligence process was conducted over cross-border seizures of false identity documents whose sources were partly known to be the same. Visual features of 300 counterfeit Portuguese and French identity cards seized in France and Switzerland were observed and integrated in a structured database developed to detect and analyze forensic links. Based on a few batches of documents known to come from common sources, the forensic profiling method could be validated and its performance evaluated. The method also proved efficient and complementary to conventional means of detecting connections between cases. Cross-border links were detected, highlighting the need for more collaboration. Forensic intelligence could be produced, uncovering the structure of counterfeits' illegal trade, the concentration of their sources and the evolution of their quality over time. In addition, two case examples illustrated how forensic profiling may support specific investigations. The forensic intelligence process and its results will underline the need to develop such approaches to support the fight against fraudulent documents and organized crime.


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Background: APACHE-II IS a score, based on several clinical and analytical measurements within 24 hours of admission in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Lactate and recently Procalcitonin (PCT), also are biomarkers for the assessment of septic patients. The aim of this study was to find out if CRP, lactate and PCT during the first 24 hours from severe sepsis or septic shock onset, improved prediction of the APACHE II in terms of prognosis. Conclusions: CRP improves the prediction of patients with sepsis used in conjunction with the APACHE II score in severe sepsis and, lactate along with the CRP are the best precictors of survival in the cases of septic shock. The PCT did not show any predictive value.


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Photoaging and photocarcinogenesis are primarily due to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which alters DNA, cellular antioxidant balance, signal transduction pathways, immunology, and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The DNA alterations include UV radiation induced thymine-thymine dimers and loss of tumor suppressor gene p53. UV radiation reduces cellular antioxidant status by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the resultant oxidative stress alters signal transduction pathways such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), the nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-κB)/p65, the janus kinase (JAK), signal transduction and activation of transcription (STAT) and the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). UV radiation induces pro-inflammatory genes and causes immunosuppression by depleting the number and activity of the epidermal Langerhans cells. Further, UV radiation remodels the ECM by increasing matrixmetalloproteinases (MMP) and reducing structural collagen and elastin. The photoprotective strategies to prevent/treat photoaging and photocarcinogenesis include oral or topical agents that act as sunscreens or counteract the effects of UV radiation on DNA, cellular antioxidant balance, signal transduction pathways, immunology and the ECM. Many of these agents are phytochemical derivatives and include polyphenols and non-polyphenols. The flavonoids are polyphenols and include catechins, isoflavones, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins, whereas the non-flavonoids comprise mono phenolic acids and stilbenes. The natural sources of polyphenols include tea, cocoa, grape/wine, soy, pomegranate, and Polypodium leucotomos. The non-phenolic phytochemicals include carotenoids, caffeine and sulphoraphance (SFN). In addition, there are other phytochemical derivatives or whole extracts such as baicalin, flavangenol, raspberry extract, and Photomorphe umbellata with photoprotective activity against UVB radiation, and thereby carcinogenesis.


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Exposure to fine particles and noise has been linked to cardiovascular diseases and elevated cardiovascular mortality affecting the worldwide population. Residence and/or work in proximity to emission sources as for example road traffic leads to an elevated exposure and a higher risk for adverse health effects. Highway maintenance workers spend most of their work time in traffic and are exposed regularly to particles and noise. The aims of this thesis were to provide a better understanding of the workers' mixed exposure to particles and noise and to assess cardiopulmonary short term health effects in relation to this exposure. Exposure and health data were collected in collaboration with 8 maintenance centers of the Swiss Road Maintenance Services located in the cantons Bern, Fribourg and Vaud in western Switzerland. Repeated measurements with 18 subjects were conducted during 50 non-consecutive work shifts between Mai 2010 and February 2012, equally distributed over all seasons. In the first part of this thesis we tested and validated measurements of ultrafine particles with a miniature diffusion size classifier (miniDiSC) - a novel particle counting device that was used for the exposure assessment during highway maintenance work. We found that particle numbers and average particle size measured by the miniDiSC were highly correlated with data from the P-TRAK, a condensation particle counter (CPC), as well as from a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). However, the miniDiSC measured significantly more particles than the P-TRAK and significantly less than the SMPS in its full size range. Our data suggests that the instrument specific cutoffs were the main reason for the different particle counts. The first main objective of this thesis was to investigate the exposure of highway maintenance workers to air pollutants and noise, in relation to the different maintenance activities. We have seen that the workers are regularly exposed to high particle and noise levels. This was a consequence of close proximity to highway traffic and the use of motorized working equipment such as brush cutters, chain saws, generators and pneumatic hammers during which the highest exposure levels occurred. Although exposure to air pollutants were not critical if compared to occupational exposure limits, the elevated exposure to particles and noise may lead to a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases in this worker population. The second main objective was to investigate cardiopulmonary short-term health effects in relation to the particle and noise exposure during highway maintenance work. We observed a PM2.5 related increase of the acute-phase inflammation markers C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A and a decrease of TNFa. Heart rate variability increased as a consequence of particle as well as noise exposure. Increased high frequency power indicated a stronger parasympathetic influence on the heart. Elevated noise levels during recreational time, after work, were related to increased blood pressure. Our data confirmed that highway maintenance workers are exposed to elevated levels of particles and noise as compared to the average population. This exposure poses a cardiovascular health risk and it is therefore important to make efforts to better protect the workers health. The use of cleaner machines during maintenance work would be a major step to improve the workers' situation. Furthermore, regulatory policies with the aim of reducing combustion and non-combustion emissions from road traffic are important for the protection of workers in traffic environments and the entire population.


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The new ACE inhibitor trandolapril was administered to normal volunteers at daily doses of 0.5, 2, and 8 mg for 10 days. Twenty-one volunteers, aged 21-30 years, were included in the study. To randomly selected groups of seven subjects, each dose was administered in a single-blind fashion. None of the doses induced a consistent fall in blood pressure. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity (ACE) was measured in vitro using three different synthetic substrates (i.e., Hip-Gly-Gly, Z-Phe-His-Leu, or angiotensin I). Although the degree of ACE inhibition assessed with the three methods varied widely, all methods clearly indicated dose-dependent ACE inhibition. These in vitro results were confirmed by measuring ACE inhibition in vivo using the ratio of plasma angiotensin II (ANG II) to blood angiotensin I (ANG I). The dose-dependent ACE inhibition was paralleled by a dose-dependent rise in active renin and blood angiotensin I levels, most evident on day 10. In contrast, plasma ANG II levels on day 10 were not different whether the volunteers received 0.5 or 8 mg trandolapril. Thus, whereas increasing doses of this new ACE inhibitor progressively enhanced the blockade of ACE activity, this was not reflected by additional reductions of plasma ANG II levels. The progressive enhancement of ACE inhibition seemed to be offset by the accentuation of the compensatory rise in renin and ANG I, which was still partially converted to ANG II.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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To modulate alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, "suicide" gene-modified donor T cells (GMCs) have been administered with an allogeneic T-cell-depleted marrow graft. We previously demonstrated that such GMCs, generated after CD3 activation, retrovirus-mediated transduction, and G418 selection, had an impaired Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivity, likely to result in an altered control of EBV-induced lymphoproliferative disease. To further characterize the antiviral potential of GMCs, we compared the frequencies of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T (CMV-T) cells and EBV-specific CD8+ T (EBV-T) cells within GMCs from CMV- and EBV-double seropositive donors. Unlike anti-EBV responses, the anti-CMV responses were not altered by GMC preparation. During the first days of culture, CMV-T cells exhibited a lower level of CD3-induced apoptosis than did EBV-T cells. In addition, the CMV-T cells escaping initial apoptosis subsequently underwent a higher expansion rate than EBV-T cells. The differential early sensitivity to apoptosis could be in relation to the "recent activation" phenotype of EBV-T cells as evidenced by a higher level of CD69 expression. Furthermore, EBV-T cells were found to have a CD45RA-CD27+CCR7- effector memory phenotype, whereas CMV-T cells had a CD45RA+CD27-CCR7- terminal effector phenotype. Such differences could be contributive, because bulk CD8+CD27- cells had a higher expansion than did bulk CD8+CD27+ cells. Overall, ex vivo T-cell culture differentially affects apoptosis, long-term proliferation, and overall survival of CMV-T and EBV-T cells. Such functional differences need to be taken into account when designing cell and/or gene therapy protocols involving ex vivo T-cell manipulation.


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Résumé en français: L'hyperémie réactive dans la microcirculation musculature et cutanée de l'avant-bras permet d'évaluer l'atteinte vasculaire dans les maladie cardiovasculaires. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir un reflet de la progression de l'atteinte vasculaire, de traquer la progression de la maladie ainsi que le risque cardio-vasculaires. Elle est en étude également pour tester l'efficacité d'une intervention thérapeutique. L'hyperémie réactive est dépendante d'une dilatation post ischémique par diminution des résistances artériolaires. Au niveau des membres, l'ischémie peut-être débutée et interrompue très facilement par une manchette à pression gonflée au-dessus de la pression systolique suivie quelques minutes plus tard de son dégonflement. Les mesures de flux sanguin musculaire et cutané au niveau d'un membre sont facile à réaliser chez l'homme, tout particulièrement au niveau de l'avant-bras. Pour l'instant aucune étude utilisant cette approche ne spécifiait quel avant-bras était utilisé. Il est cependant concevable que la réponse varie selon que l'on teste le bras dominant ou non-dominant. Il parait donc important de clarifier ce point. Le premier but de l'étude consiste donc à investiguer une éventuelle différence entre le bras dominant et le bras non-dominant d'un sujet lors de tests de l'hyperémie réactive dans le muscle et la peau. Il est connu que l'hyperémie réactive au niveau musculaire peut-être diminuée par les médicaments antiinflammatoires non stéro~idiens (AINS), indiquant une implication partielle des métabolites de la cyclo-oxygénase. L'influence des AINS sur la réponse cutanée est moins clairement établie. Ainsi, le second but de cette étude est de comparer l'effet de l'inhibition de la cyclo-oxygénase sur l'hyperémie réactive musculaire et cutanée chez des sujets sains. Le collectif de patients consiste en 23 sujets masculins volontaires, en bonne santé, non fumeurs, de 18 à 30 ans. Aucuns antécédents médicaux ne sont connus et aucune médication n'est prise durant la période de l'étude. Tous . les sujets ont donné leur consentement par écrit. Le flux sanguin musculaire de l'avant-bras est mesuré au moyen d'une pléthysmographie par occlusion veineuse, et le flux cutané l'est par imagerie laser Doppler. Les expériences ont lieu entre 16 et 18 h dans une chambre calme à température constante (23-24°C) chez un sujet couché. Les participants n'ont pas consommé d'AINS durant la semaine précédente ni bu de café dans les 12 h précédant l'expérience. Les mesures sont effectuées en triplicat au niveau musculaire puis cutané ou inversement selon un ordre aléatoire. Suite à une occlusion artérielle l'étude du flux se fait sur 3 min et 5 min de récupération sont prises entre 2 mesures. L'expérience 1 consiste à tester un possible effet systématique de la latéralisation du bras dominant ou non sur la réponse à l'hyperémie réactive dans la peau et le muscle de l'avant-bras. 16 sujets sont étudiés à 2 reprises, espacées de 1 à 3 jours. A la première visite, l'hyperémie musculaire est étudiée dans un avant-bras, la réaction cutanée dans l'autre et inversement lors de la deuxième visite. Une précaution est observée afin de mesurer le flux sanguin cutané à la même distance du poignet dans les 2 avant-bras. L'expérience 2 est développée pour évaluer l'impact d'une inhibition des cyclo-oxygénases. Sept sujet sont considérés à 2 occasions espacées de 7 à 10 j. L'étude s'effectue uniquement au niveau de l'avant-bras dominant. Le site cutané au niveau du poignet est marqué lors de la première visite afin d'utiliser le même site de mesure lors de la seconde visite. Le sujet ingère 1,8 g d'Aspegic (équivalant à 1 g d'acide acétylsalilcylique) dissout dans 125 ml de jus d'orange ou le jus d'orange seul lors de l'autre visite selon un ordre randomisé. Les mesures sont débutées 2 h après la prise. Summary Reactive hyperemia (RH) in forearm muscle or skin microcirculation has been considered as a surrogate endpoint in clinical studies of cardiovascular disease. We evaluated two potential confounders that might limit such use of RH, namely laterality of measurement and intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Twenty-three young non-smoking healthy adults were enrolled. In Experiment 1 (n=16), the RH elicited by 3 min of ischemia was recorded in the muscle (strain gauge plethysmography, hand excluded) and skin (laser Doppler imaging) of both forearms. In Experiment 2 (n=7), RH was determined in the dominant forearm only, one hour following oral acetylsalicylic acid (1 g) or placebo. In Experiment 1, peak RH was identical in both forearms, and so were the corresponding durations of responses. RH lasted significantly less in muscle than in skin (p=0.003), a hitherto unrecognized fact. In the skin, acetylsalicylate reduced duration (43 vs 57.4 s for placebo, p=0.03), without affecting the peak response. In muscle, duration tended to decrease with acetylsalicylate (21.4 vs 26.0 s with placebo, p=0.06) and the peak increase in blood flow was blunted (27.2 vs 32.4 ml/min/100 ml tissue with placebo, p=0.003). We conclude that, when using RH as a surrogate endpoint in studies of cardiovascular disease, a confounding by laterality of measurement need not be feared, but NSAIDS may have an influence, although perhaps not on the peak response in the skin.


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The late Variscan (275-278 Ma) Pribram uranium deposit is one of the largest known accumulations of uraniferous bitumens in hydrothermal veins. The deposit extends along the northwestern boundary of the Central Bohemian pluton (345-335 Ma) with low-grade metamorphosed Late Proterozoic and unmetamorphosed Cambrian rocks. From a net uranium production of 41,742 metric tons (t), more than 6,000 t were extracted from bitumen-uraninite ores during 43 years of exploration and mining. Three morphological varieties of solid bitumen are recognized: globular, asphaltlike, and cokelike. While the globular bitumen is uranium free, the other two types are uraniferous. The amount of bitumen in ore veins gradually decreases toward the contact with the plutonic body and increases with depth. Two types of bitumen microtextures are recognized using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy: amorphous and microporous, the former being less common in uraniferous samples. A lower Raman peak area ratio (1,360/1,575 cm(-1)) in mineralized bitumens (0.9) compared with uranium-free samples (2.0) indicates a lower degree of microtextural organization in the latter The H/C and O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.9-1.1 and 0.09, respectively) are higher than those in mineralized samples (H/C = 0.3-0.8, O/C = 0.03-0.09). The chloroform extractable matter yield is Very low in uranium-free bitumens (0.30-0.35% of the total organic carbon,TOC) and decreases with uranium content increase. The extracted solid uraniferous bitumen infrared spectra show depletion in aliphatic CH2 and CH3 groups compared to uranium-free samples. The concentration of oxygen-bearing functional groups relative to aromatic bonds in the IR spectra of uranium-free and mineralized bitumen, however, do not differ significantly. C-13 NMR confirmed than the aromaticity of a uraniferous sample is higher (F-ar = 0.61) than in the uranium-free bitumen (F-ar = 0.51). Pyrolysates from uraniferous and nonuraniferous bitumens do not differ significantly, being predominantly cresol, alkylphenols, alkylbenzenes, and alkylnaphthalenes. The liquid pyrolysate yield decreases significantly with increasing uranium content. The delta(13)C Values of bulk uranium-free bitumens and low-grade uraniferous, asphaltlike bitumens range from -43.6 to 52.3 per mil. High-grade, cokelike, uraniferous bitumens are more C-13 depleted (54.5 to -58.4 parts per thousand). In contrast to the very light isotopic ratios of the high-grade uraniferous cokelike bitumen bulk carbon, the individual n-alkanes and isoprenoids (pristane and phytane) extracted from the same sample are significantly C-13 enriched. The isotopic composition of the C13-24 n-alkanes extracted from the high-grade uraniferous sample (delta(13)C = -28.0 to 32.6 parts per thousand) are heavier compared with the same compounds in a uranium-free sample (delta(13)C = 31.9 to 33.8 parts per thousand). It is proposed that the bitumen source was the isotopically light (delta(13)C = 35.8 to 30.2 parts per thousand) organic matter of the Upper Proterozoic host rocks that were pyrolyzed during intrusion of the Central Bohemian pluton. The C-13- depleted pyrolysates were mobilized from the innermost part of the contact-metamorphic aureole, accumulated in structural traps in less thermally influenced parts of the sedimentary complex and were later extracted by hydrothermal fluids. Bitumens at the Pribram deposit are younger than the main part of the uranium mineralization and were formed through water-washing and radiation-induced polymerization of both the gaseous and liquid pyrolysates. Direct evidence for pyrolysate reduction of uranium in the hydrothermal system is difficult to obtain as the chemical composition of the original organic fluid phase was modified during water-washing and radiolytic alteration. However, indirect evidence-e.g., higher O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.1) relative to the Upper Proterozoic source rocks (0.02-0.05), isotopically very light carbon in associated whewellite (delta(13)C = 31.7 to -28.4 parts per thousand), and the striking absence of bitumens in the pre-uranium, hematite stage of the mineralization-indicates that oxidation of organic fluids may have contributed to lowering of aO(2) and uraninite precipitation.


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The goal of adoptive T cell therapy in cancer is to provide effective antitumor immunity by transfer of selected populations of tumor Ag-specific T cells. Transfer of T cells with high TCR avidity is critical for in vivo efficacy. In this study, we demonstrate that fluorescent peptide/MHC class I multimeric complexes incorporating mutations in the alpha3 domain (D227K/T228A) that abrogate binding to the CD8 coreceptor can be used to selectively isolate tumor Ag-specific T cells of high functional avidity from both in vitro expanded and ex vivo T cell populations. Sorting, cloning, and expansion of alpha3 domain mutant multimer-positive CD8 T cells enabled rapid selection of high avidity tumor-reactive T cell clones. Our results are relevant for ex vivo identification and isolation of T cells with potent antitumor activity for adoptive T cell therapy.


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