976 resultados para random copolymers overall crystallization rate crystal growth rate isothermal crystallization kinetics poly (L-lactide)


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The in situ crystallization kinetics of syndiotactic poly(propylene) (sPP) has been investigated by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The structure evolutions during the isothermal crystallization of sPP with different shear rates have been observed. The results show that shear accelerates the process of crystallization kinetics. Even under low shear rate, the lamellae can be distinctly oriented. In contrast, the lamellar parameters such as the long period, lamellar thickness, and the scattering invariant 0 can change obviously only under high shear rate.


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We report the interesting finding that crystallization of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the presence of dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) vesicles by a simple gas diffusion method results in the formation of unusual microscopic CaCO3 spherules. The experimental results indicate that the as-prepared CaCO3 spherules, which have a complex macroporous structure, are predominantly vaterite. It is believed that DMPG vesicles play an important role in the process of crystallization, and the possible formation mechanism is proposed.


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The crystallization behaviors of the poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) diblock copolymer with the PEG weight fraction of 0.50 (PEG(50)-PCL50) was studied by DSC, WAXD, SAXS, and FTIR. A superposed melting point at 58.5 degrees C and a superposed crystallization temperature at 35.4 degrees C were obtained from the DSC profiles running at 10 degrees C/min, whereas the temperature-dependent FTIR measurements during cooling from the melt at 0.2 degrees C/min showed that the PCL crystals formed starting at 48 degrees C while the PEG crystals started at 45 degrees C. The PEG and PCL blocks of the copolymer crystallized separately and formed alternating lamella regions according to the WAXD and SAXS results. The crystal growth of the diblock copolymer was observed by polarized optical microscope (POM). An interesting morphology of the concentric spherulites developed through a unique crystallization behavior. The concentric spherulites were analyzed by in situ microbeam FTIR, and it was determined that the morphologies of the inner and outer portions were mainly determined by the PCL and PEG spherulites, respectively. However, the compositions of the inner and outer portions were equal in the analysis by microbeam FTIR.


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The miscibility and the isothermal crystallization kinetics for PBT/Epoxy blends have been studied by using differential scanning calorimetry, and several kinetic analyses have been used to describe the crystallization process. The Avrami exponents n were obtained for PBT/Epoxy blends. An addition of small amount of epoxy resin (3%) leads to an increase in the number of effective nuclei, thus resulting in an increase in crystallization rate and a stronger trend of instantaneous three-dimensional growth. For isothermal crystallization, crystallization parameter analysis showed that epoxy particles could act as effective nucleating agents, accelerating the crystallization of PBT component in the PBT/Epoxy blends. The Lauritzen-Hoffman equation for DSC isothermal crystallization data revealed that PBT/Epoxy 97/3 had lower nucleation constant K, than 100/0, 93/7, and 90/10 PBT/Epoxy blends. Analysis of the crystallization data of PBT/Epoxy blends showed that crystallization occurs in regime II. The fold surface free energy, sigma(e) = 101.7-58.0 x 10(-3) J/m(2), and work of chain folding, q = 5.79-3.30 kcal/mol, were determined. The equilibrium melting point depressions of PBT/Epoxy blends were observed and the Flory-Huggins interaction parameters were obtained.


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Noncrosslinking linear low-density polyethylene-grafted acrylic acid (LLDPE-g-AA) was prepared by melt-reactive extrusion in our laboratory. The thermal behavior of LLDPE-g-AA was investigated by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Compared with neat linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), melting temperature (T-m) of LLDPE-g-AA increased a little, the crystallization temperature (T-c) increased about 4degreesC, and the melting enthalpy (DeltaH(m) ) decreased with an increase in acrylic acid content. Isothermal crystallization kinetics of LLDPE and LLDPE-g-AA samples were carried out by using DSC. The overall crystallization rate of LLDPE was smaller than that of grafted samples. It showed that the grafted acrylic acid monomer onto LLDPE acted as a nucleating agent. Crystal morphologies of LLDPE-g-AA and LLDPE were examined by using SEM. Spherulite sizes of LLDPE-g-AA samples were lower than that of LLDPE.


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The lateral habits of low molecular weight short chain branched polyethylene single crystals from the melt were studied. Three crystallization temperatures (102, 104 and 106 degrees C) were selected for single crystal growth. It was found that the lateral habits of single crystals were asymmetric at all the crystallization temperatures selected. The electron diffraction patterns and tilting series experiments evidenced that there existed chain tilting in all the lamellae. It was the chain tilting that lead to the asymmetry of the growth rate and of lateral habits of the single crystals about the b-axis. The lateral habits substantially changed from the growth at 102 degrees C where the truncated lozenge single crystals formed with straight (110) faces to the growth at 104 degrees C where the lenticular single crystals appeared. This change occurred at 20 degrees C lower than that in a low molecular weight linear polyethylene with the same molecular weight. Furthermore, kinetics theory analysis evidenced that the change of lateral habits from truncated lozenge to lenticular shape resulted from the transition of growth regime. The results were the same as that of high molecular weight linear polyethylene but different to that of low molecular weight linear polyethylene. It may be attributed by the existence of short branched chains. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The thermal properties of ethylene propylene copolymer-grafted-acrylic acid (EP-g-AA) were investigated by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Compared with the ethylene propylene copolymer (EP), the peak values of the melting temperature (T-m) of the propylene sequences in the grafted EP changed a little, the crystallization temperature (T-c) increased about 8-12 degrees C, and the melting enthalpy (Delta H-m) increased about 4-6 J/g. The isothermal crystallization kinetics of grafted and ungrafted samples was carried out by DSC. Within the scope of the researched crystallization temperature, the Avrami exponent (n) of the ungrafted sample was 1.6-1.8, and that of grafted samples were all above 2, which indicated that the grafted monomer could become the crystal nuclei for the crystallization of propylene sequence. With increasing grafted monomer content, the crystallization rate of propylene sequence in grafted EP increased; it might be the result of rapid nucleation rate and crystal growth rate.


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Isothermal melt and cold crystallization kinetics of PEDEKmK linked by meta-phenyl and biphenyl were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry in two temperature regions. Avrami analysis is used to describe the primary stages of the melt and cold crystallization, with exponent n = 2 and n = 4, respectively. The activation energies are -118 kJ/mol and 510 kJ/mol for crystallization from the melt and the glassy states, respectively. The equilibrium melting point T-m(0) is estimated to be 309 degrees C by using the Hoffman-Weeks approach, which compares favorably with determination from the Thomson-Gibbs method. The lateral and end surface free energies derived from the Lauritzen-Hoffman spherulitic growth rate equation are sigma = 8.45 erg/cm(2) and sigma(e) = 45.17 erg/cm(2), respectively. The work of chain folding q is determined as 3.06 kcal/mol. These observed crystallization characteristics of PEDEKmK are compared with those of the other members of poly(aryl ether ketone) family. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Better treatment is required for older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) not considered fit for intensive chemotherapy. We report a randomized comparison of lowdose Ara-C (LDAC) vs the novel nucleoside, clofarabine, in untreated older patients with AML and high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). A total of 406 patients with de novo (62%), secondary disease (24%), or high-risk MDS (>10% marrow blasts) (15%), median age 74 years, were randomized to LDAC 20 mg twice daily for 10 days every 6 weeks or clofarabine 20 mg/m2 on days 1 to 5, both for up to 4 courses. These patients had more adverse demographics than contemporaneous intensively treated patients. The overall remission rate was 28%, and 2-year survival was 13%. Clofarabine significantly improved complete remission (22% vs 12%; hazard ratio [HR] 5 0.47 [0.28-0.79]; P 5 .005) and overall response (38% vs 19%; HR 5 0.41 [0.26-0.62]; P < .0001), but there was no difference in overall survival, explained by poorer survival in the clofarabine patients who did not gain complete remission and also following relapse. Clofarabine was more myelosuppressive and required more supportive care. Although clofarabine doubled remission rates, overall survival was not improved overall or in any subgroup. The treatment of patients of the type treated here remains a major unmet need. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #ISRCTN 11036523.


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Purpose Previously, it has been reported that molecular mobility determines the rate of molecular approach to crystal surfaces, while entropy relates to the probability of that approaching molecule having the desirable configuration for further growth of the existing crystal; and the free energy dictates the probability of that molecule not returning to the liquid phase1. If we plot the crystal growth rate and viscosity of a supercooled liquid in a log-log format, the relationship between the two is linear, indicating the influence viscosity has upon crystal growth rate. However, such approximation has been derived from pure drug compounds and it is apparent that further understanding of crystallization from drug-polymer solid dispersion is required in order to stabilise drugs embedded within amorphous polymeric solid dispersions. Methods Mixtures of felodipine and polymer (HPMCAS-HF, PVPK15 and Soluplus®) at specified compositions were prepared using a Restch MM200 ball mill. To examine crystal growth within amorphous solid dispersions, samples were prepared by melting 5-10 mg of ball milled mixture at 150°C for 3-5 minutes on a glass slip pre-cleaned with methanol and acetone. All prepared samples were confirmed to be crystal free by visual observation using a polarised light microscope (Olympus BX50). Prepared samples were stored at 0% RH (P2O5), inside desiccators, maintained in ovens at 80°C. For the dynamic viscosity measurement, approximately 100-200mg ball milled mixture was heated on the base plate of a rotational rheometer at 150°C for 5 minutes and the top plate was lowered to a defined gap to form a good contact with the material. The sandwiched amorphous material was heated to 80°C and the viscosity was measured. Results The equation was used to probe the correlation of viscosity to crystal growth rate. In comparison to the value of xi in log-log equation reported from pure drug compound, a value of 1.63 was obtained for FD-polymer solid dispersions irrespective of the polymer involved. &#8733 Conclusion The high xi value suggests stronger viscosity dependence may exist for amorphous FD once incorporated with amorphous polymer.


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Abstract : Textural division of a mineral in pyramids, with their apices located at the centre of the mineral and their bases corresponding to the mineral faces is called textural sector zoning. Textural sector zoning is observed in many metamorphic minerals like andalousite and garnet. Garnets found in the graphite rich black shales of the Mesozoic cover of the Gotthard Massif display textural sector zoning. The morphology of this sector zoning is not the same in different types of black shales observed in the Nufenen pass area. Garnets in foliated black shales display a well developed sector zoning while garnets found in cm-scale layered black shales display well developed sectors in the direction of the schistosity plane. This sector zoning is always associated with up to 30μm sized birefringent lamellae emanating radial from the sector boundaries. They alternate with isotrope lamellae. The garnet forming reaction was determined using singular value decomposition approach and results compared to thermodynamic calculations. It is of the form chl + mu + cc + cld = bt + fds + ank + gt + czo and is similar in both layered and foliated black shales. The calculated X(O) is close to 0.36 and does not significantly vary during the metamorphic history of the rock. This corresponds to X CO2, X CH4, and X H2O BSE imaging of garnets on oriented-cuts revealed that the orientation of the lamellae found within the sectors is controlled by crystallography. BSE imaging and electron microprobe analysis revealed that these lamellae are calcium rich compared to the isotropic lamellae. The addition of Ca to an almandine rich garnet causes a small distortion of the X site and potentially, ordering. Ordered and disordered garnet might have very similar free energies for this composition. Hence, two garnets with different composition can be precipitated with minor overstepping of the reaction. It is enough that continued nucleation of a new garnet layer slightly prefers the same structure to assure a fiber-like growth of both garnet compositions side by side. This hypothesis is in agreement with the thermodynamic properties of the garnet solid solution described in the literature and could explain the textures observed in garnets with these compositions. To understand the differences in sector zoning morphology, and crystal growth kinetics, crystal size distribution were determined in several samples using 2D spatial analysis of slab surfaces. The same nucleation rate law was chosen for all cases. Different growth rate law for non-layered black shales and layered black shales were used. Garnet in layered black shales grew according to a growth rate law of the form R=kt ½. The transport of nutrient is the limiting factor. Transport will occur preferentially on the schistosity planes. The shapes of the garnets in such rocks are therefore ovoid with the longest axis parallel to the schistosity planes. Sector zoning is less developed with sectors present only parallel to the schistosity planes. Garnet in non-layered blackshales grew according to a growth rate law of the form R=kt. The limiting factor is the attachment at the surface of the garnet. Garnets in these rocks will display a well developed sector zoning in all directions. The growth rate law is thus influenced by the texture of the rock. It favours or hinders the transport of nutrient to the mineral surface. Résumé : La zonation sectorielle texturale consiste en la division d'un cristal en pyramides dont les sommets sont localisés au centre du minéral. La base de ces pyramides correspond aux faces du minéral. Ce type de zonation est fréquemment observé dans les minéraux métamorphiques tels que l'andalousite ou le grenat. Les grenats présents dans les marnes riches en graphites de la couverture Mésozoïque du Massif du Gotthard présent une zonation sectorielle texturale. La morphologie de cette zonation n'est pas la même dans les marnes litées et dans les marnes foliées. Les grenats des marnes foliées montrent des secteurs bien développés dans 3 directions. Les grenats des marnes litées montrent des secteurs développés uniquement dans la direction des plans de schistosité. Cette zonation sectorielle est toujours associée à des lamelles biréfringentes de quelques microns de large qui partent de la limite des secteurs et qui sont perpendiculaires aux faces du grenat. Ces lamelles alternent avec des lamelles isotropes. La réaction de formation du grenat a été déterminée par calcul matriciel et thermodynamique. La réaction est de la forme chl + mu + cc + cld= bt + fds + ank + gt + czo. Elle est similaire dans les roches litées et dans les roches foliées. L'évaluation des conditions fluides montrent que le X(O) est proche de 0.36 et ne change pas de façon significative durant l'histoire métamorphique de la roche. Des images BSE sur des coupes orientées ont révélé que l'orientation de lamelles biréfringentes est contrôlée parla crystallographie. La comparaison des analyses à la microsonde électronique et des images BSE révèle également que les lamelles biréfringentes sont plus riches en calcium que les lamelles isotropes. L'addition de calcium va déformer légèrement le site X et ainsi créer un ordre sur ce site. L'énergie interne d'un grenat ordré et d'un grenat désordonné sont suffisamment proches pour qu'un léger dépassement de l'énergie de la réaction de formation permette la coexistence des 2 types de grenat dans le même minéral. La formation de lamelles est expliquée par le fait qu'un grenat préférera la même structure. Ces observations sont en accord avec la thermodynamique des solutions solides du grenat et permet d'expliquer les structures similaires observées dans des grenats provenant de lithologies différentes. Une étude de la distribution des tailles des grenats et une modélisation de la croissance a permis de mettre en évidence 2 mécanismes de croissance différents suivant la texture de la roche. Dans les 2 cas, la loi de nucléation est la même. Dans les roches litées, la loi de croissance est de forme R=kt½. Le transport des nutriments est le facteur limitant. Ce transport a lieu préférentiellement dans la direction des niveaux de schistosité. Les grenats ont une forme légèrement allongée car la croissance des secteurs est facilitée sur les niveaux de schistosité. La croissance des grenats dans les roches foliées suit une loi de croissance de la forme R=kt. Les seuls facteurs limitant la croissance sont les processus d'attachement à la surface du grenat. La loi de croissance de ces grenats est donc contrainte par la texture de la roche. Cela se marque par des différences dans la morphologie de la zonation sectorielle.


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Despite its relevance to a wide range of technological and fundamental areas, a quantitative understanding of protein surface clustering dynamics is often lacking. In inorganic crystal growth, surface clustering of adatoms is well described by diffusion-aggregation models. In such models, the statistical properties of the aggregate arrays often reveal the molecular scale aggregation processes. We investigate the potential of these theories to reveal hitherto hidden facets of protein clustering by carrying out concomitant observations of lysozyme adsorption onto mica surfaces, using atomic force microscopy. and Monte Carlo simulations of cluster nucleation and growth. We find that lysozyme clusters diffuse across the substrate at a rate that varies inversely with size. This result suggests which molecular scale mechanisms are responsible for the mobility of the proteins on the substrate. In addition the surface diffusion coefficient of the monomer can also be extracted from the comparison between experiments and simulations. While concentrating on a model system of lysozyme-on-mica, this 'proof of concept' study successfully demonstrates the potential of our approach to understand and influence more biomedically applicable protein-substrate couples.


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Two types of poly(epsilon-caprolactone (CLo)-co-poly(epsilon-caprolactam (CLa)) copolymers were prepared by catalyzed hydrolytic ring-opening polymerization. Both cyclic comonomers were added simultaneously in the reaction medium for the First type or materials where copolymers have a random distribution of counits, as evidenced by H-1 and C-13 NMR. For the second type of copolymers, the cyclic comonomers were added sequentially, yielding diblock poly(ester-amides). The materials were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide- and small-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS and SAXS), and transmission and scanning electron microscopies (TEM and SEM). Their biodegradation in compost was also studied. All copolymers were found to be miscible by the absence of structure in the melt. TEM revealed that all samples exhibited a crystalline lamellar morphology. DSC and WAXS showed that in a wide composition range (CLo contents from 6 to 55%) only the CLa units were capable of crystallization in the random copolymers. The block copolymer samples only experience a small reduction of crystallization and melting temperature with composition, and this was attributed to a dilution effect caused by the miscible noncrystalline CLo units. The comparison between block and random copolymers provided a unique opportunity to distinguish the dilution effect of the CLo units on the crystallization and melting of the polyamide phase from the chemical composition effect in the random copolymers case, where the CLa sequences are interrupted statistically by the CLo units, making the crystallization of the polyamide strongly composition dependent. Finally, the enzymatic degradation of the copolymers in composted soil indicate a synergistic behavior where much faster degradation was obtained for random copolymers witha CLo content larger than 30% than for neat PCL.


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Solvent influences on the crystallization of polymorph and hydrate forms of the nootropic drug piracetam (2-oxo-pyrrolidineacetamide) were investigated from water, methanol, 2-propanol, isobutanol, and nitromethane. Crystal growth profiles of piracetam polymorphs were constructed using time-resolved diffraction snapshots collected for each solvent system. Measurements were performed by in situ energy dispersive X-ray diffraction recorded in Station 16.4 at the synchrotron radiation source (SRS) at Daresbury Laboratory, CCLRC UK. Crystallizations from methanol, 2-propanol, isobutanol, and nitromethane progressed in a similar fashion with the initial formation of form I which then converted relatively quickly to form II with form III being generated upon further cooling. However, considerable differences were observed for the polymorphs lifetime and both the rate and temperature of conversion using the different solvents. The thermodynamically unstable form I was kinetically favored in isobutanol and nitromethane where traces of this polymorph were observed below 10 degrees C. In contrast, the transformation of form II and subsequent growth of form III were inhibited in 2-propanol and nitromethane solutions. Aqueous solutions produced hydrate forms of piracetam which are different from the reported monohydrate; this crystallization evolved through successive generation of transient structures which transformed upon exchange of intramolecular water between the liquid and crystalline phases. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 96:1069-1078, 2007.


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The crystallization behaviour of a series of random copolymers of varying chemical composition is reported. For polymers containing a high proportion of alternating rigid aromatic units and flexible spacers, conventional liquid crystalline and crystalline phase behaviour is observed. The introduction of a substantial fraction of a second shorter rigid unit containing side-chains leads to a broad endotherm in the d.s.c. scan covering some 150°C. Subsequent isothermal crystallization at any point within the broad endotherm leads to the generation of sharp endotherms at temperatures just above the recrystallization temperature. We attribute this behaviour to the crystallization of clusters of molecules containing similar random sequences. Such crystals are non-periodic along the chain direction.