952 resultados para rRNA


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The STAR family of proteins links signaling pathways to various aspects of post-transcriptional regulation and processing of RNAs. Sam68 belongs to this class of heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein particle K (hnRNP K) homology (KH) single domain-containing family of RNA-binding proteins that also contains some domains predicted to bind critical components in signal transduction pathways. In response to phosphorylation and other post-transcriptional modifications, Sam68 has been shown to have the ability to link signal transduction pathways to downstream effects regulating RNA metabolism, including transcription, alternative splicing or RNA transport. In addition to its function as a docking protein in some signaling pathways, this prototypic STAR protein has been identified to have a nuclear localization and to take part in the formation of both nuclear and cytosolic multi-molecular complexes such as Sam68 nuclear bodies and stress granules. Coupling with other proteins and RNA targets, Sam68 may play a role in the regulation of differential expression and mRNA processing and translation according to internal and external signals, thus mediating important physiological functions, such as cell death, proliferation or cell differentiation.


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Acinetobacter baumannii, a strictly aerobic, non-fermentative, Gram-negative coccobacillary rod-shaped bacterium, is an opportunistic pathogen in humans. We recently isolated a multidrug-resistant A. baumannii strain KBN10P02143 from the pus sample drawn from a surgical patient in South Korea. We report the complete genome of this strain, which consists of 4,139,396 bp (G + C content, 39.08%) with 3,868 protein-coding genes, 73 tRNAs and six rRNA operons. Identification of the genes related to multidrug resistance from this genome and the discovery of a novel conjugative plasmid will increase our understanding of the pathogenicity associated with this species.


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Estrella lausannensis is a new Chlamydia-related bacterium, belonging to the Criblamydiaceae family. As suggested by its species name, this bacterium harbors a peculiar star shape. E. lausannensis is able to infect a wide range of amoebal, fish and mammalian cell lines. Moreover, seroprevalence of 2.9% was reported in children and in women with tubal pathology, showing that humans are commonly exposed to this recently discovered strict intracellular bacteria considered as a potential pathogen. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined using two approaches: qPCR and cellular mortality assay. Antibiotics classically used against intracellular bacteria were tested, including β-lactams, fluoroquinolones, cyclines and macrolides. We showed that E. lausannensis is resistant to β-lactams and fluoroquinolones, and sensitive to cyclines. Interestingly, E. lausannensis is slightly resistant to azithromycin with a MIC of 2 μg/ml, which is 10 fold higher compared to Waddlia chondrophila and Parachlamydia acanthamoebae MIC's. A single A2059C mutation in 23S rRNA gene could be responsible for this unexpected resistance.


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Selective pressures related to gene function and chromosomal architecture are acting on genome sequences and can be revealed, for instance, by appropriate genometric methods. Cumulative nucleotide skew analyses, i.e., GC, TA, and ORF orientation skews, predict the location of the origin of DNA replication for 88 out of 100 completely sequenced bacterial chromosomes. These methods appear fully reliable for proteobacteria, Gram-positives, and spirochetes as well as for euryarchaeotes. Based on this genome architecture information, coorientation analyses reveal that in prokaryotes, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes encoding the small and large ribosomal subunits are all transcribed in the same direction as DNA replication; that is, they are located along the leading strand. This result offers a simple and reliable method for circumscribing the region containing the origin of the DNA replication and reveals a strong selective pressure acting on the orientation of rRNA genes similar to the weaker one acting on the orientation of ORFs. Rate of coorientation of transfer RNA (tRNA) genes with DNA replication appears to be taxon-specific. Analyzing nucleotide biases such as GC and TA skews of genes and plotting one against the other reveals a taxonomic clusterization of species. All ribosomal RNA genes are enriched in Gs and depleted in Cs, the only so far known exception being the rRNA genes of deuterostomian mitochondria. However, this exception can be explained by the fact that in the chromosome of the human mitochondrion, the model of the deuterostomian organelle genome, DNA replication, and rRNA transcription proceed in opposite directions. A general rule is deduced from prokaryotic and mitochondrial genomes: ribosomal RNA genes that are transcribed in the same direction as the DNA replication are enriched in Gs, and those transcribed in the opposite direction are depleted in Gs.


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Summary : Mining activities produce enormous amounts of waste material known as tailings which are composed of fine to medium size particles. These tailings often contain sulfides, which oxidation can lead to acid and metal contamination of water; therefore they need to be remediated. In this work a tailings bioremediation approach was investigated by an interdisciplinary study including geochemistry, mineralogy and microbiology. The aim of the work was to study the effect of the implementation of wetland above oxidizing tailings on the hydrogeology and the biogeochemical element cycles, and to assess the system evolution over time. To reach these goals, biogeochemical processes occurring in a marine shore tailings deposit were investigated. The studied tailings deposit is located at the Bahìa de Ite, Pacific Ocean, southern Peru, where between 1940 and 1996 the tailings were discharged from the two porphyry copper mines Cuajone and Toquepala. After the end of deposition, a remediation approach was initiated in 1997 with a wetland implementation above the oxidizing tailings. Around 90% of the tailings deposits (total 16 km2) were thus remediated, except the central delta area and some areas close to the shoreline. The multi-stable isotope study showed that the tailings were saturated with fresh water in spite of the marine setting, due to the high hydraulic gradient resulting from the wetland implementation. Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was the major source of SO4 2-, C1-, Na+, Fe2+, and Mn2+ input into the tailings at the original shelf-seawater interface. The geochemical study (aquatic geochemistry and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and sequential extractions from the solid fraction) showed that iron and sulfur oxidation were the main processes in the non-remediated tailings, which showed a top a low-pH oxidation zone with strong accumulation of efflorescent salts at the surface due to capillary upward transport of heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd, Co, and Ni) in the arid climate. The study showed also that the implementation of the wetland resulted in very low concentrations of heavy metals in solution (mainly under the detection limit) due to the near neutral pH and more reducing conditions (100-150 mV). The heavy metals, which were taken from solution, precipitated as hydroxides and sulfides or were bound to organic matter. The bacterial community composition analysis by Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) and cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes combined with a detailed statistical analysis revealed a high correlation between the bacterial distribution and the geochemical variables. Acidophilic autotrophic oxidizing bacteria were dominating the oxidizing tailings, whereas neutrophilic and heterotrophic reducing bacteria were driving the biogeochemical processes in the remediated tailings below the wetland. At the subsurface of the remediated tailings, an iron cycling was highlighted with oxidation and reduction processes due to micro-aerophilic niches provided by the plant rhizosphere in this overall reducing environment. The in situ bioremediation experiment showed that the main parameter to take into account for the effectiveness was the water table and chemistry which controls the system. The constructed remediation cells were more efficient and rapid in metal removal when saturation conditions were available. This study showed that the bioremediation by wetland implementation could be an effective and rapid treatment for some sulfidic mine tailings deposits. However, the water saturation of the tailings has to be managed on a long-term basis in order to guarantee stability. Résumé : L'activité minière produit d'énormes quantités de déchets géologiques connus sous le nom de « tailings » composées de particules de taille fine à moyenne. Ces déchets contiennent souvent des sulfures dont l'oxydation conduit à la formation d'effluents acides contaminés en métaux, d'où la nécessité d'effectuer une remédiation des sites de stockage concernés. Le but de ce travail est dans un premier temps d'étudier l'effet de la bio-remédiation d'un dépôt de tailings oxydés sur l'hydrogéologie du système et les cycles biogéochimiques des éléments et en second lieu, d'évaluer l'évolution du processus de remédiation dans le temps. Le site étudié dans ce travail est situé dans la Bahía de Ite, au sud du Pérou, au bord de l'Océan Pacifique. Les déchets miniers en question sont déposés dans un environnement marin. De 1940 à 1996, les déchets de deux mines de porphyre cuprifère - Cuajone et Toquepala - ont été acheminés sur le site via la rivière Locumba. En 1997, une première remédiation a été initiée avec la construction d'une zone humide sur les tailings. Depuis, environ 90% de la surface du dépôt (16 km2) a été traité, les parties restantes étant la zone centrale du delta du Locumba et certaines zones proches de la plage. Malgré la proximité de l'océan, les études isotopiques menées dans le cadre de ce travail ont montré que les tailings étaient saturés en eau douce. Cette saturation est due à la pression hydraulique résultant de la mise en place des zones humides. Un écoulement d'eau souterrain sous-marin a été à détecté à l'interface entre les résidus et l'ancien fond marin. En raison de la géologie locale, il constitue une source d'entrée de SO4 2-, Cl-, Na+, FeZ+, et Mn2+ dans le système. L'analyse de la géochimie aquatique, la Diffraction aux Rayons X (XRD) et l'extraction séquentielle ont montré que l'oxydation du fer et .des sulfures est le principal processus se produisant dans les déchets non remédiés. Ceci a entraîné le développement d'une zone d'oxydation à pH bas induisant une forte accumulation des sels efflorescents, conséquence de la migration capillaire des métaux lourds (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd, Co et Ni) de la solution vers la surface dans ce climat aride. Cette étude a montré également que la construction de la zone humide a eu comme résultats une précipitation des métaux dans des phases minérales en raison du pH neutre et des conditions réductrices (100-150mV). Les métaux lourds ont précipité sous la forme d'hydroxydes et de sulfures ou sont adsorbés à la matière organique. L'analyse de la composition de la communauté bactérienne à l'aide la technique T-RFLP (Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) et par le clonage/séquençage des gènes de l'ARNr 16S a été combinée à une statistique détaillée. Cette dernière a révélé une forte corrélation entre la distribution de bactéries spécifiques et la géochimie : Les bactéries autotrophes acidophiles dominent dans les déchets oxydés non remédiés, tandis que des bactéries hétérotrophes neutrophiles ont mené les processus microbiens dans les déchets remédiés sous la zone humide. Sous la surface de la zone humide, nos analyses ont également mis en évidence un cycle du fer par des processus d'oxydoréduction rendus possibles par la présence de niches micro-aérées par la rhizosphère dans cet environnement réducteur. L'expérience de bio-remédiation in situ a montré que les paramètres clés qui contrôlent l'efficacité du traitement sont le niveau de la nappe aquifère et la chimie de l'eau. Les cellules de remédiation se sont montrées plus efficaces et plus rapides lorsque le système a pu être saturé en eau. Finalement, cette étude a montré que la bio-remédiation de déchets miniers par la construction de zones humides est un moyen de traitement efficace, rapide et peu coûteux. Cependant, la saturation en eau du système doit être gérée sur le long terme afin de garantir la stabilité de l'ensemble du système.


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Oxalate catabolism, which can have both medical and environmental implications, is performed by phylogenetically diverse bacteria. The formyl-CoA-transferase gene was chosen as a molecular marker of the oxalotrophic function. Degenerated primers were deduced from an alignment of frc gene sequences available in databases. The specificity of primers was tested on a variety of frc-containing and frc-lacking bacteria. The frc-primers were then used to develop PCR-DGGE and real-time SybrGreen PCR assays in soils containing various amounts of oxalate. Some PCR products from pure cultures and from soil samples were cloned and sequenced. Data were used to generate a phylogenetic tree showing that environmental PCR products belonged to the target physiological group. The extent of diversity visualised on DGGE pattern was higher for soil samples containing carbonate resulting from oxalate catabolism. Moreover, the amount of frc gene copies in the investigated soils was detected in the range of 1.64x10(7) to 1.75x10(8)/g of dry soil under oxalogenic tree (representing 0.5 to 1.2% of total 16S rRNA gene copies), whereas the number of frc gene copies in the reference soil was 6.4x10(6) (or 0.2% of 16S rRNA gene copies). This indicates that oxalotrophic bacteria are numerous and widespread in soils and that a relationship exists between the presence of the oxalogenic trees Milicia excelsa and Afzelia africana and the relative abundance of oxalotrophic guilds in the total bacterial communities. This is obviously related to the accomplishment of the oxalate-carbonate pathway, which explains the alkalinization and calcium carbonate accumulation occurring below these trees in an otherwise acidic soil. The molecular tools developed in this study will allow in-depth understanding of the functional implication of these bacteria on carbonate accumulation as a way of atmospheric CO(2) sequestration.


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Originally composed of the single family Chlamydiaceae, the Chlamydiales order has extended considerably over the last several decades. Chlamydia-related bacteria were added and classified into six different families and family-level lineages: the Criblamydiaceae, Parachlamydiaceae, Piscichlamydiaceae, Rhabdochlamydiaceae, Simkaniaceae, and Waddliaceae. While several members of the Chlamydiaceae family are known pathogens, recent studies showed diverse associations of Chlamydia-related bacteria with human and animal infections. Some of these latter bacteria might be of medical importance since, given their ability to replicate in free-living amoebae, they may also replicate efficiently in other phagocytic cells, including cells of the innate immune system. Thus, a new Chlamydiales-specific real-time PCR targeting the conserved 16S rRNA gene was developed. This new molecular tool can detect at least five DNA copies and show very high specificity without cross-amplification from other bacterial clade DNA. The new PCR was validated with 128 clinical samples positive or negative for Chlamydia trachomatis or C. pneumoniae. Of 65 positive samples, 61 (93.8%) were found to be positive with the new PCR. The four discordant samples, retested with the original test, were determined to be negative or below detection limits. Then, the new PCR was applied to 422 nasopharyngeal swabs taken from children with or without pneumonia; a total of 48 (11.4%) samples were determined to be positive, and 45 of these were successfully sequenced. The majority of the sequences corresponded to Chlamydia-related bacteria and especially to members of the Parachlamydiaceae family.


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BACKGROUND: Abiotrophia and Granulicatella species, previously referred to as nutritionally variant streptococci (NVS), are significant causative agents of endocarditis and bacteraemia. In this study, we reviewed the clinical manifestations of infections due to A. defectiva and Granulicatella species that occurred at our institution between 1998 and 2004. METHODS: The analysis included all strains of NVS that were isolated from blood cultures or vascular graft specimens. All strains were identified by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Patients' medical charts were reviewed for each case of infection. RESULTS: Eleven strains of NVS were isolated during the 6-year period. Identification of the strains by 16S rRNA showed 2 genogroups: Abiotrophia defectiva (3) and Granulicatella adiacens (6) or "para-adiacens" (2). The three A. defectiva strains were isolated from immunocompetent patients with endovascular infections, whereas 7 of 8 Granulicatella spp. strains were isolated from immunosuppressed patients, mainly febrile neutropenic patients. We report the first case of "G. para-adiacens" bacteraemia in the setting of febrile neutropenia. CONCLUSION: We propose that Granulicatella spp. be considered as a possible agent of bacteraemia in neutropenic patients.


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Arthroderma benhamiae is a zoophilic dermatophyte belonging to the Trichophyton mentagrophytes species complex. Here, a population of A. benhamiae wild strains from the same geographical area (Switzerland) was studied by comparing their morphology, assessing their molecular variability using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 28S rRNA gene sequencing, and evaluating their interfertility. Sequencing of the ITS region and of part of the 28S rRNA gene revealed the existence of two infraspecific groups with markedly different colony phenotypes: white (group I) and yellow (group II), respectively. For all strains, the results of mating type identification by PCR, using HMG (high-mobility group) and α-box genes in the mating type locus as targets, were in total accordance with the results of mating type identification by strain confrontation experiments. White-phenotype strains were of mating type + (mt+) or mating type - (mt-), whilst yellow-phenotype strains were all mt-. White and yellow strains were found to produce fertile cleistothecia after mating with A. benhamiae reference tester strains, which belonged to a third group intermediate between groups I and II. However, no interfertility was observed between yellow strains and white strains of mt+. A significant result was that white strains of mt- were able to mate and produce fertile cleistothecia with the white A. benhamiae strain CBS 112371 (mt+), the genome of which has recently been sequenced and annotated. This finding should offer new tools for investigating the biology and genetics of dermatophytes using wild-type strains.


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From a collection of yeast isolates isolated from patients in Tunisian hospitals between September 2006 and July 2010, the yeast strain JEY63 (CBS 12513), isolated from a 50-year-old male that suffered from oral thrush, could not be identified to the species level using conventional methods used in clinical laboratories. These methods include matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), germ tube formation, and the use of CHROMagar Candida and metabolic galleries. Sequence analysis of the nuclear rRNA (18S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, and 26S rRNA) and internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) indicated that the ribosomal DNA sequences of this species were not yet reported. Multiple gene phylogenic analyses suggested that this isolate clustered at the base of the Dipodascaceae (Saccharomycetales, Saccharomycetes, and Ascomycota). JEY63 was named Candida tunisiensis sp. nov. according to several phenotypic criteria and its geographical origin. C. tunisiensis was able to grow at 42°C and does not form chlamydospores and hyphae but could grow as yeast and pseudohyphal forms. C. tunisiensis exhibited most probably a haploid genome with an estimated size of 10 Mb on at least three chromosomes. Using European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) and Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) Candida albicans susceptibility breakpoints as a reference, C. tunisiensis was resistant to fluconazole (MIC = 8 μg/ml), voriconazole (MIC = 0.5 μg/ml), itraconazole (MIC = 16 μg/ml), and amphotericin B (MIC = 4 μg/ml) but still susceptible to posaconazole (MIC = 0.008 μg/ml) and caspofungin (MIC = 0.5 μg/ml). In conclusion, MALDI-TOF MS permitted the early selection of an unusual isolate, which was still unreported in molecular databases but could not be unambiguously classified based on phylogenetic approaches.


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Partial DNA sequences from two mitochondrial (mt) and one nuclear gene (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and C-mos) were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among the six extant species of skinks endemic to the Cape Verde Archipelago. The species form a monophyletic unit, indicating a single colonization of the islands, probably from West Africa. Mabuya vaillanti and M. delalandii are sister taxa, as indicated by morphological characters. Mabuya fogoensis and M. stangeri are closely related, but the former is probably paraphyletic. Mabuya spinalis and M. salensis are also probably paraphyletic. Within species, samples from separate islands always form monophyletic groups. Some colonization events can be hypothesized, which are in line with the age of the islands. C-mos variation is concordant with the topology derived from mtDNA.


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Abstract This thesis investigates the pathogenicity of a Chlamydia-related bacterium: Waddlia chondrophila, which is suspected to cause abortion in bovines as well as miscarriages in humans. Macrophages represent the first line of defense of the innate immunity against invading pathogens, we thus studied the interaction between W. chondrophila and human macrophages. We observed that W. chondrophila multiplied very efficiently inside monocyte-derived macrophages. Diagnostic tools to detect obligate intracellular bacteria are lacking so we developed a Waddlia specific real-time PCR based on the 16S rRNA encoding gene. Since W. chondrophila could be involved in human miscarriage, we analyzed samples from women having miscarriage or uneventful pregnancy. Waddlia serologies results confirmed an association between the presence of W. chondrophila antibodies and miscarriage (23.2% versus 14.6% in the control group, p-value 0.044). As W. chondrophila's pathogenicity was suggested, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. W. chondrophila revealed to be susceptible to macrolides and tetracylines but resistant to beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones. This resistance to fluoroquinolones could be explained by mutations in the quinolone resistance determining region of the gyrase (GyrA) and topoisomerase IV (ParC) encoding genes. In conclusion, this thesis allowed to precise the role of W. chondrophila in human miscarriage. However, more studies will be necessary to fully understand the pathogenesis of W. chondrophila in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Résumé Le but de cette thèse a été d'étudier la pathogénicité d'une bactérie apparentée aux Chlamydia: Waddlia chondrophila. Les macrophages représentant la première ligne de défense du système immunitaire inné contre les pathogènes, nous avons d'abord étudié l'interaction entre W. chondrophila and les macrophages humains. Nous avons pu observer que W. chondrophila résistait aux effecteurs microbicides des macrophages et se multipliait efficacement au sein de ces cellules. Au vu du manque d'outils diagnostiques pour détecter cette bactérie intracellulaire obligatoire, nous avons également développé une PCR en temps réel, spécifique pour Waddlia, basée sur le gène de l'ARN ribosomal 16S. Cette PCR a été utilisée dans les différents projets afin de détecter la présence de W. chondrophila. W. chondrophila étant suspectée de pouvoir causer des fausses couches chez la femme, nous avons analysé des échantillons provenant de femmes ayant souffert de fausse couche, ainsi que, comme contrôles, des femmes ayant eu une grossesse normale. Les sérologies ont révélé une association entre la présence d'anticorps dirigés contre Waddlia et la fausse couche (23.2% versus 14.6% chez les contrôles, p-value=0.044). La présence de la bactérie a aussi été détectée par PCR et immunohistochimie dans plusieurs échantillons. L'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche se précisant, nous avons étudié sa susceptibilité aux antibiotiques. W. chondrophila s'est révélée sensible aux macrolides et aux tetracyclines mais résistante aux beta-lactames et aux quinolones. Cette résistance aux quinolones peut être expliquée par la présence de mutations dans le QRDR (région déterminant la résistance aux quinolones) des gènes gyrA et parC. En conclusion, cette thèse a permis de préciser l'implication de W. chondrophila dans la fausse couche. Des études complémentaires seront cependant nécessaires pour confirmer et préciser le rôle exact de W. chondrophila dans les problèmes obstétricaux.


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Las Floraciones Algales Nocivas (FAN) o Mareas Rojas son decoloraciones del agua visible a simple vista debido a la proliferación de uno o más microorganismos planctónicos como las microalgas, estas pueden alcanzar niveles altos y producir efectos adversos a la salud humana, como también, causar daños a otros organismos marinos cercanos a la costa. Por tal motivo, existió el interés de aislar, identificar y hacer un estudio filogenético de la especie Prorocentrum minimum encontrada en la Bahía del Callao- Perú. Se realizaron varias tomas de muestras de agua de mar para su posterior identificación morfológica, se les efectuó la técnica de purificación de la microalga, y a su vez, se adquirió un estándar de Prorocentrum minimum del Instituto Provasoli- Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (CCMP), USA. Se realizó la curva de crecimiento para la concentración de la densidad microalgal, posteriormente se efectuó la extracción de ADN y la filogenia molecular a partir de las secuencias de las subunidades del ribosoma LSU rRNA de la especie Prorocentrum minimum. Se identificó P. minimum y P gracile, que fueron especies epibentónicos cercanas por ser más recientes evolutivamente. Para la confirmación de la presencia ausencia de alguna biotoxina marina en el cultivo de Prorocentrun minimum, se estableció un análisis cuantitativo de la dosis respuesta del animal en el bioensayo en ratón. Se logró obtener la purificación de cultivo de Prorocentrum minimum y estandarizar el protocolo de trabajo, se confirmó la filogenia de la especie de microalgas. No se logró obtener la toxina DSP del cultivo de la microalga.


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Nucleotide composition analyses of bacterial genomes such as cumulative GC skew highlight the atypical, strongly asymmetric architecture of the recently published chromosome of Idiomarina loihiensis L2TR, suggesting that an inversion of a 600-kb chromosomal segment occurred. The presence of 3.4-kb inverted repeated sequences at the borders of the putative rearrangement supports this hypothesis. Reverting in silico this segment restores (1) a symmetric chromosome architecture; (2) the co-orientation of transcription of all rRNA operons with DNA replication; and (3) a better conservation of gene order between this chromosome and other gamma-proteobacterial ones. Finally, long-range PCRs encompassing the ends of the 600-kb segment reveal the existence of the reverted configuration but not of the published one. This demonstrates how cumulative nucleotide-skew analyses can validate genome assemblies.


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Thousands of chemical compounds enter the natural environment but many have unknown effects and consequences, in particular at low concentrations. This thesis work contributes to our understanding of pollution effects by using bacteria as test organisms. Bacteria are important for this question because some of them degrade and transform pollutants into less harmful compounds, but secondly because they themselves can be inhibited in their reproduction by exposure to toxic compounds. When inhibitory effects occur this may change the composition of the microbial com¬munity in the long run, leading to altered or diminished ecosystem services by those communities. As a result chemicals of anthropogenic origin may accumulate and per¬sist in the environment, and finally, affect higher organisms as well. In addition to acquiring basic understanding of pollutant effects at low concentrations on bacterial communities an applied goal of this thesis work was to develop bacteria-based tests to screen new organic chemicals for toxicity and biodégradation. In the first part of this work we developed a flow cytometry-based assay on SYT09 plus ethidium-bromide or propidium-iodide stained cells of Pseudomonas ûuorescens exposed or not to a variety of pollutants under oligotrophic growth conditions. Flow cytometry (FC) allows fast and accurate counting of bacterial cells under simul¬taneous assessment of their physiological state, in particular in combination with different fluorescent dyes. Here we employed FC and fluorescent dyes to monitor the effect that pollutants may exert on Pseudomonas ûuorescens SV3. First we designed an oligotrophic growth test, which enabled us to follow population growth at low densities (104 - 10 7 cells per ml) using 0.1 mM sodium acetate as carbon source. Cells in the oligotrophic milieu were then exposed or not to a variety of common pollutants, such as 2-chlorobiphenyl (2CBP), naphthalene (NAH), 4-chlorophenol (4CP), tetradecane (TD), mercury chloride (HgCl2) or benzene, in different dosages. Exposed culture samples were stained with SYT09 (green fluorescent dye binding nucleic acids, generally staining all cells) in combination with propidium iodide (PI) or ethidium bromide (EB), both dyes being membrane integrity indicators. We ob- served that most of the tested compounds decreased population growth in a dosage- dependent manner. SYT09/PI or SYT09/EB staining then revealed that chemical exposure led to arisal of subpopulations of live and injured or dead cells. By modeling population growth on the total cell numbers in population or only the subpopulation of live cells we inferred that even in stressed populations live cells multiply at rates no different to unexposed controls. The net decrease in population growth would thus be a consequence of more and more cells being not able to multiply at all, rather than all cells multiplying at slower rates. In addition, the proportion of injured cells correlated to the compound dosage. We concluded that the oligotrophic test may be useful to asses toxicity of unknown chemicals on a variety of model bacteria. Mul¬tiple tests can be run in parallel and effects are rapidly measured within a period of 8 hours. Interestingly, in the same exposure tests with P. fluorescens SV3 we observed that some chemicals which did not lead to a reduction of net population growth rates did cause measurable effects on live cells. This was mainly observed in cells within the live subpopulation as an increase of the EB fluorescence signal. We showed that SYT09/EB is a more useful combination of dyes than SYT09/PI because PI fluorescence tend to increase only when cells are effectively dead, but not so much in live cells (less then twofold). In contrast, EB geometric mean fluorescence in live cells increased up to eightfold after exposure to toxic compounds. All compounds even at the lowest concentration caused a measurable increase in EB geometric mean fluorescence especially after 2 h incubation time. This effect was found to be transient for cells exposed to 2CBP and 4CP, but chronic for cells incubated with TD and NAH (ultimately leading to cell death). In order to understand the mechanism underlying the observed effects we used known membrane or energy uncouplers. The pattern of EB signal increase in chemical-exposed populations resembled mostly that of EDTA, although EB fluorescence in EDTA-treated or pasteurized cells was even higher than after exposure to the four test chemicals. We conclude that the ability of cells to efflux EB under equilibrium conditions is an appropriate measure for the potential of a chemical to exert toxicity. Since most bacterial species possess efflux systems for EB that all require cellular energy, our test should be more widely relevant to infer toxicity effects of chemical exposure on the physiological status of the bacterial cell. To better understand the effect of toxicant exposure on efflux defense systems, we studied 2-hydroxybiphenyl toxicity to Pseudomonas azeiaica HBP1. We showed that 2-HBP exerts toxicity even to P. azelaica HBP1, but only at concentrations higher than 0.5 mM. Above this concentration transient loss of membrane polarization and integrity occurred, which we conclude from staining of growing cells with fluorescent dyes. Cells finally recover and resume growth on 2HBP. The high resistance of P. azelaica HBP1 to 2-HBP was found to be the result of an efficient MexABOprM- type efflux pump system counteracting passive influx of this compound into the membrane and cellular interior. Mutants with disrupted mexA, mexB and oprM genes did no longer grow on 2-HBP at concentrations above 100 μΜ, whereas below this concentration we found 2-HBP-concentration dependent decrease of growth rate. The MexAB-OprM system in P. azeiaica HBP1 is indeed an efflux pump for ethidium bromide as well. By introducing gfp reporter fusions responsive to intracellular 2- HBP concentrations into HBP1 wild-type or the mutants we demonstrated that 2HBP enters into the cells in a similar way. In contrast, the reporter system in the wild-type cells does not react to 2-HBP at an outside concentration of 2.4 μΜ, whereas in mutant cells it does. This suggests that wild-type cells pump 2-HBP to the outside very effectively preventing accumulation of 2-HBP. 2HBP metabolism, therefore, is not efficient enough to lower the intracellular concentration and prevent toxicity. We conclude that P. azelaica HBP1 resistance to 2-HBP is mainly due to an efficient efflux system and that 2HBP in high concentrations exerts narcotic effects on the bacterial membrane. In the part of this thesis, we investigated the possibilities of bacteria to degrade pollutants at low concentrations (1 mg per L and below). As test components we used 2-hydroxybiphenyl, antibiotics and a variety of fragrances, many of which are known to be difficult to biodegrade. By using accurate counting of low numbers of bacterial cells we could demonstrate that specific growth on these compounds is possible. We demonstrated the accuracy of FC counting at low cell numbers (down to 103 bacterial cells per ml). Then we tested whether bacterial population growth could be specifically monitored at the expense of low substrate concentrations, us¬ing P. azelaica HBP1. A perfect relationship was found between growth rate, yield and 2-HBP concentrations in the range of 0.1 up to 5 mg per L. Mixing P. azelaica within sludge, however, suggested that growth yields in a mixed community can be much lower than in pure culture, perhaps because of loss of metabolic intermediates. We then isolated new strains from activated sludge using 2-HBP or antibiotics (Nal, AMP, SMX) at low concentrations (0.1-1 mg per L) as sole carbon and energy sub¬strate and PAO microdishes. The purified strains were then examined for growth on their respective substrate, which interestingly, showed that all strains can not with¬stand higher than 1 or 10 mg per L concentrations of target substrate. Thus, bacteria must exist that contribute to compound degradation at low pollutant concentrations but are inhibited at higher concentrations. Finally we tested whether specific biomass growth (in number of cells) at the expense of pollutants can also be detected with communities as starting material. Hereto, we focused on a number of fragrance chemicals and measured community biomass increase by flow cytometry cell counting on two distinct starter communities: (i) diluted Lake Geneva water, and dilute activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant. We observed that most of the test compounds indeed resulted in significant biomass increase in the starter community compared to a no-carbon added control, but activated sludge and lake Geneva water strongly differed (almost mutually ex¬clusive) in their capacity to degrade the test chemicals. In two cases for activated sludge the same type of microbial community developed upon compound exposure, as concluded from transcription fragment length polymorphism analysis on community purified and PCR amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments. To properly test compound biodegradability it is thus important to use starter communities of different origin. We conclude that FC counting can be a valuable tool to screen chemicals for their biodegradability and toxicity. - Des milliers de produits chimiques sont libérés dans l'environnement mais beaucoup ont des effets inconnus, en particulier à basses concentrations. Ce travail de thèse contribue à notre comprehension des effets de la pollution en utilisant des bacteries comme des organismes-tests. Les bacteries sont importantes pour etudier cette ques¬tion car certaines d'entre elles peuvent degrader ou transformer les polluants, mais également parce qu'elles-mmes peuvent tre inhibees dans leur reproduction après avoit ete exposees à ces composes toxiques. Quand des effets inhibiteurs ont lieu, la composition de la communauté microbienne peut tre changee à long terme, ce qui mène à une reduction du service d'ecosystème offert par ces communautés. En consequence, après leur liberation dans l'environnement, les produits chimiques d'origine anthropogenique peuvent soit s'y accumuler et per¬sister, exerant ainsi des effets encore inconnus sur les organismes vivants. En plus d'acquérir des connaissances de base sur les effets des polluants à basses concentra¬tions sur les communautés microbiennes, un but applique de cette thèse était de développer des tests bases sur les bacteries afin d'identifier de nouveau composes pour leur toxicité ou leur biodégradation. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons developpe un test base sur la cytometrie de flux (FC) sur des cellules de Pseudomonas fluorescens colorees par du bromure d'ethidium ou de l'iodure de propidium et exposees ou non à une palette de polluants sous des conditions de croissance oligotrophique. La cytometrie de flux est une technique qui connaît de nombreuses applications dans la microbiologie environ¬nementale. Cela est principalement du au fait qu'elle permet un comptage rapide et precis ainsi que l'évaluation de l'état physiologique, en particulier lorsqu'elle est combinée h des colorations fluorescentes. Ici, nous avons utilise la technique FC et des colorants fluorescents afin de mesurer l'effet que peuvent exercer certains pollu¬ants sur Pseudomonas ûuorescens SV3 . D'abord nous avons conu des tests oligo- trophiques qui nous permettent de suivre la croissance complète de cellules en culture h des densites faibles (104 -10 7 cellules par ml), sur de l'acetate de sodium à 0.1 mM, en presence ou absence de produits chimiques (2-chlorobiphenyl (2CBP), naphthalène (NAH), 4-chlorophenol (4CP), tetradecane (TD), chlorure de mercure(II) (HgCl2)) à différentes concentrations. Afin de montrer le devenir des bacteries tant au niveau de la cellule individuelle que celui de la population globale, après exposition à des series de composes chimiques, nous avons compte les cellules colorees avec du SYT09 (col¬orant fluorescent vert des acides nucléiques pour la discrimination des cellules par rapport au bruit de fond) en combinaison avec l'iodure de propidium (PI) ou le bromure d'ethidium (EB), indicateurs de l'intégrité de la membrane cellulaire avec FC. Nous avons observe que de nombreux composes testes avaient un effet sur la croissance bacterienne, resultant en une baisse du taux de reproduction de la pop¬ulation. En outre, la double coloration que nous avons utilisee dans cette etude SYT09/PI ou SYT09/EB a montre que les produits chimiques testes induisaient une reponse heterogène des cellules dans la population, divisant celle-ci en sous- populations "saine", "endommagee" ou "morte". Les nombres de cellules à partir du comptage et de la proportion de celles "saines" et "endommagees/mortes" ont ensuite ete utilises pour modeliser la croissance de P. ûuorescens SV3 exposee aux produits chimiques. La reduction nette dans la croissance de population est une consequence du fait que de plus en plus de cellules sont incapables de se reproduire, plutt que du fait d'une croissance plus lente de l'ensemble de la population. De plus, la proportion de cellules endommagees est correllee au dosage du compose chimique. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de conclure que le test oligotrophique que nous avons developpe peut tre utilise pour l'évaluation de la toxicité de produits chimiques sur différents modèles bacteriens. Des tests multiples peuvent tre lances en parallèle et les effets sont mesures en l'espace de huit heures. Par ailleurs, nous en déduisons que les produits chimiques exercént un effet sur la croissance des cellules de P. ûuorescens SV3, qui est heterogène parmi les cellules dans la population et depend du produit chimique. Il est intéressant de noter que dans les mmes tests d'exposition avec P. ûuorescens SV3, nous avons observe que certains composes qui n'ont pas conduit à une reduction du taux de la croissance nette de la population, ont cause des effets mesurables sur les cellule saines. Ceci a ete essentiellement observe dans la portion "saine" des cellules en tant qu'augmentation du signal de la fluorescence de 1ΈΒ. D'abord nous avons montre que SYT09/EB était une com¬binaison de colorants plus utile que celle de SYT09/PI parce que la fluorescence du PI a tendance à augmenter uniquement lorsque les cellules sont effectivement mortes, et non pas dans les cellules saines (moins de deux fois plus). Par opposi¬tion, la fluorescence moyenne de l'EB dans les cellules saines augmente jusqu'à huit fois plus après exposition aux composes toxiques. Tous les composes, mme aux plus basses concentrations, induisent une augmentation mesurable de la fluorescence moy¬enne de 1ΈΒ, plus particulièrement après deux heures d'incubation. Cet effet s'est revele tre transitoire pour les cellules exposees aux 2CNP et 4CP, mais est chro¬nique pour les cellules incubees avec le TD et le NAH (entranant la mort cellulaire). Afin de comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les effets observes, nous avons utilise des decoupleurs d'energie ou de membrane. L'augmentation du signal EB dans les populations causee par des produits chimiques ressemblait à celle exerce par le chelateur des ions divalents EDTA. Cependant, les intensités du signal EB des cellules exposees aux produits chimiques testees n'ont jamais atteint les valeurs des cellules traitees avec l'EDTA ou pasteurises. Nous en concluons que le test oli- gotrophique utilisant la coloration (SYT09/)EB des cellules exposees ou non à un produit chimique est utile afin d'evaluer l'effet toxique exerce par les polluants sur la physiologie bacterienne. Afin de mieux comprendre la reaction d'un système de defense par pompe à efflux après exposition à une toxine, nous avons étudié la toxicité du 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP) sur Pseudomonas azeiaica HBP1. Nous avons montre que le 2-HBP exerce une toxicité mme sur HBP1, mais uniquement à des concentrations supérieures à 0.5 mM. Au-dessus de cette concentration, des pertes transitoires d'intégrité et de polarization membranaire ont lieu, comme cela nous a ete montre par coloration des cellules en croissance. Les cellules sont finalement capables de se rétablir et de reprendre leur croissance sur 2-HBP. La forte resistance de P. azeiaica HBP1 h 2-HBP physiologie bacterienne s'est revele tre le résultat d'un système de pompe h efflux de type MexABOprM qui contre-balance l'influx passif de ce compose h travers la membrane. Nous avons montre, en construisant des mutants avec des insertions dans les gènes mexA, mexB and oprM et des fusions avec le gène rapporteur gfp, que l'altération de n'importe quelle partie du système d'efflux conduisait à accroître l'accumulation de 2-HBP dans la cellule, en comparaison avec la souche sauvage HBP1, provoquant une diminution de la resistance au 2-HBP ainsi qu'une baisse du taux de reproduction des cellules. Des systèmes d'efflux similaires sont répandus chez de nombreuses espèces bactériennes. Ils seraient responsables de la resistance aux produits chimiques tels que les colorants fluorescents (bromure d'ethidium) et des antibiotiques. Nous concluons que la resistance de P. azelaica HBP1 à 2-HBP est principalement due à un système d'efflux efficace et que 2-HBP, à des concentrations elevees, exerce un effet deletère sur la membrane bacterienne. En se basant sur le comptage des cellules avec la FC, nous avons developpe ensuite une methode pour evaluer la biodegradabilite de polluants tels que le 2-HBP ainsi que les antibiotiques (acide nalidixique (Nal), ampicilline (AMP) ou sulfamethoxazole (SMX)) à de faibles concentrations lmg par L et moins), par le suivi de la croissance spécifique sur le compose de cultures microbiennes pures et mixtes. En utilisant un comptage precis de faibles quantités de cellules nous avons pu demontrer que la croissance spécifique sur ces composes est possible. Nous avons pu illustrer la precision du comptage par cytometrie de flux à faible quantité de cellules (jusqu'à 10 3 cellules par ml). Ensuite, nous avons teste s'il était possible de suivre dynamiquement la croissance de la population de cellules sur faibles concentrations de substrats, en utilisant P. azelaica HBP1. Une relation parfaite a ete trouvee entre le taux de croissance, le rendement et les concentrations de 2-HBP (entre 0.1 et 5 mg par L). En mélangeant HBP1 à de la boue active, nous avons pu montrer que le rendement en communauté mixtes pouvait tre bien inférieur qu'en culture pure. Ceci étant peut tre le résultat d'une perte d'intermédiaires métaboliques. Nous avons ensuite isole de nouvelles souches à partir de la boue active en utilisant le 2-HBP ou des antibiotiques (Nal, AMP, SMX) h basses concentrations (0.1-1 mg par L) comme seules sources de carbone et d'energie. En combinaison avec ceci, nous avons également utilise des microplaques PAO. Les souches purifiees ont ensuite ete examinees pour leurs croissances sur leurs substrats respectifs. De faon intéressante, toutes ces souches ont montre qu'elles ne pouvaient pas survivre à des concentrations de substrats supérieures à 1 ou 10 mg par L. Ainsi, il existe des bacteries qui contribuent à la degradation de composes à basses concentrations de polluant mais sont inhibes lorsque ces concentrations deviennent plus hautes. Finalement, nous avons cherche à savoir s'il est possible de detecter une croissance spécifique à une biomasse au depend d'un polluant, en partant d'une communauté microbienne. Ainsi, nous nous sommes concentre sur certains composes et avons mesure l'augmentation de la biomasse d'une communauté grce à la cytometrie de flux. Nous avons compte deux communautés de depart distinctes: (i) une dilution d'eau du Lac Léman, et une dilution de boue active d'une station d'épuration. Nous avons observe que la plupart des composes testes ont entrane une augmentation de la biomasse de depart par rapport au control sans addition de source de carbone. Néanmoins, les échantillons du lac Léman et de la station d'épuration différaient largement (s'excluant mutuellement l'un l'autre) dans leur capacité à degrader les composes chimiques. Dans deux cas provenant de la station d'épuration, le mme type de communauté microbienne s'est developpe après exposition aux composes, comme l'a démontré l'analyse TRFLP sur les fragments d'ARN 16S purifie de la communauté et amplifie par PCR. Afin de tester correctement la biodegradabilite d'un compose, il est donc important d'utiliser des communautés de depart de différentes origines Nous en concluons que le comptage par cytometrie de flux peut tre un outil de grande utilité pour mettre en valeur la biodegradabillite et la toxicité des composes chimiques.