993 resultados para quantum well electrodes
The performance of the positive P phase-space representation for exact many- body quantum dynamics is investigated. Gases of interacting bosons are considered, where the full quantum equations to simulate are of a Gross-Pitaevskii form with added Gaussian noise. This method gives tractable simulations of many-body systems because the number of variables scales linearly with the spatial lattice size. An expression for the useful simulation time is obtained, and checked in numerical simulations. The dynamics of first-, second- and third-order spatial correlations are calculated for a uniform interacting 1D Bose gas subjected to a change in scattering length. Propagation of correlations is seen. A comparison is made with other recent methods. The positive P method is particularly well suited to open systems as no conservation laws are hard-wired into the calculation. It also differs from most other recent approaches in that there is no truncation of any kind.
We investigate the quantum many-body dynamics of dissociation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of molecular dimers into pairs of constituent bosonic atoms and analyze the resulting atom-atom correlations. The quantum fields of both the molecules and atoms are simulated from first principles in three dimensions using the positive-P representation method. This allows us to provide an exact treatment of the molecular field depletion and s-wave scattering interactions between the particles, as well as to extend the analysis to nonuniform systems. In the simplest uniform case, we find that the major source of atom-atom decorrelation is atom-atom recombination which produces molecules outside the initially occupied condensate mode. The unwanted molecules are formed from dissociated atom pairs with nonopposite momenta. The net effect of this process-which becomes increasingly significant for dissociation durations corresponding to more than about 40% conversion-is to reduce the atom-atom correlations. In addition, for nonuniform systems we find that mode mixing due to inhomogeneity can result in further degradation of the correlation signal. We characterize the correlation strength via the degree of squeezing of particle number-difference fluctuations in a certain momentum-space volume and show that the correlation strength can be increased if the signals are binned into larger counting volumes.
Photo-detection plays a fundamental role in experimental quantum optics and is of particular importance in the emerging field of linear optics quantum computing. Present theoretical treatment of photo-detectors is highly idealized and fails to consider many important physical effects. We present a physically motivated model for photo-detectors which accommodates for the effects of finite resolution, bandwidth and efficiency, as well as dark counts and dead-time. We apply our model to two simple well-known applications, which illustrates the significance of these characteristics.
We investigate the use of nanocrystal quantum dots as a quantum bus element for preparing various quantum resources for use in photonic quantum technologies. Using the Stark-tuning property of nanocrystal quantum dots as well as the biexciton transition, we demonstrate a photonic controlled-NOT (CNOT) interaction between two logical photonic qubits comprising two cavity field modes each. We find the CNOT interaction to be a robust generator of photonic Bell states, even with relatively large biexciton losses. These results are discussed in light of the current state of the art of both microcavity fabrication and recent advances in nanocrystal quantum dot technology. Overall, we find that such a scheme should be feasible in the near future with appropriate refinements to both nanocrystal fabrication technology and microcavity design. Such a gate could serve as an active element in photonic-based quantum technologies.
We review the field of quantum optical information from elementary considerations to quantum computation schemes. We illustrate our discussion with descriptions of experimental demonstrations of key communication and processing tasks from the last decade and also look forward to the key results likely in the next decade. We examine both discrete (single photon) type processing as well as those which employ continuous variable manipulations. The mathematical formalism is kept to the minimum needed to understand the key theoretical and experimental results.
The following thesis describes the computer modelling of radio frequency capacitively coupled methane/hydrogen plasmas and the consequences for the reactive ion etching of (100) GaAs surfaces. In addition a range of etching experiments was undertaken over a matrix of pressure, power and methane concentration. The resulting surfaces were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the results were discussed in terms of physical and chemical models of particle/surface interactions in addition to the predictions for energies, angles and relative fluxes to the substrate of the various plasma species. The model consisted of a Monte Carlo code which followed electrons and ions through the plasma and sheath potentials whilst taking account of collisions with background neutral gas molecules. The ionisation profile output from the electron module was used as input for the ionic module. Momentum scattering interactions of ions with gas molecules were investigated via different models and compared against results given by quantum mechanical code. The interactions were treated as central potential scattering events and the resulting neutral cascades were followed. The resulting predictions for ion energies at the cathode compared well to experimental ion energy distributions and this verified the particular form of the electrical potentials used and their applicability in the particular geometry plasma cell used in the etching experiments. The final code was used to investigate the effect of external plasma parameters on the mass distribution, energy and angles of all species impingent on the electrodes. Comparisons of electron energies in the plasma also agreed favourably with measurements made using a Langmuir electric probe. The surface analysis showed the surfaces all to be depleted in arsenic due to its preferential removal and the resultant Ga:As ratio in the surface was found to be directly linked to the etch rate. The etch rate was determined by the methane flux which was predicted by the code.
The introduction situates the ‘hard problem’ in its historical context and argues that the problem has two sides: the output side (the Kant-Eccles problem of the freedom of the Will) and the input side (the problem of qualia). The output side ultimately reduces to whether quantum mechanics can affect the operation of synapses. A discussion of the detailed molecular biology of synaptic transmission as presently understood suggests that such affects are unlikely. Instead an evolutionary argument is presented which suggests that our conviction of free agency is an evolutionarily induced illusion and hence that the Kant-Eccles problem is itself illusory. This conclusion is supported by well-known neurophysiology. The input side, the problem of qualia, of subjectivity, is not so easily outflanked. After a brief review of the neurophysiological correlates of consciousness (NCC) and of the Penrose-Hameroff microtubular neuroquantology it is again concluded that the molecular neurobiology makes quantum wave-mechanics an unlikely explanation. Instead recourse is made to an evolutionarily- and neurobiologically-informed panpsychism. The notion of an ‘emergent’ property is carefully distinguished from that of the more usual ‘system’ property used by most dual-aspect theorists (and the majority of neuroscientists) and used to support Llinas’ concept of an ‘oneiric’ consciousness continuously modified by sensory input. I conclude that a panpsychist theory, such as this, coupled with the non-classical understanding of matter flowing from quantum physics (both epistemological and scientific) may be the default and only solution to the problem posed by the presence of mind in a world of things.
A broadly tunable quantum-dot based ultra-short pulse master oscillator power amplifier with different diffraction grating orders as an external-cavity resonance feedback is studied. A broader tuning range, narrower optical spectra as well as higher peak power spectal density (maximun of 1.37 W/nm) from the second-order diffraction beam are achieved compared to those from the first-order diffraction beam in spite of slightly broader pulse duration from the secondorder diffraction. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.
Quasi-phase-matching is an important and widelyused technique in nonlinear optics enabling efficient frequency up-conversion. However, since its introduction almost half a century ago, this technique is well developed for near infrared (IR) but is intrinsically limited in spectral tunability in the visible range by the strict conditions set by the spatial modulation which compensates the momentum mismatch imposed by the dispersion. Here, we provide a fundamental generalization of quasi-phase-matching based on the utilization of a significant difference in the effective refractive indices of the high- and low-order modes in multimode waveguides. This concept enables to match the period of poling in a very broad wavelength range and opens up a new avenue for an order-ofmagnitude increase in wavelength range for frequency conversion from a single crystal. Using this approach, we demonstrate an all-room-temperature continuous-wave (CW) second harmonic generation (SHG) with over 60 nm tunability from green to red in a periodically-poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) waveguide pumped by a single broadly-tunable quantumdot laser diode. © 2012 by Astro, Ltd.
A free space quantum key distribution system has been demonstrated. Consideration has been given to factors such as field of view and spectral width, to cut down the deleterious effect from background light levels. Suitable optical sources such as lasers and RCLEDs have been investigated as well as optimal wavelength choices, always with a view to building a compact and robust system. The implementation of background reduction measures resulted in a system capable of operating in daylight conditions. An autonomous system was left running and generating shared key material continuously for over 7 days. © 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V..
We present the first self-mode-locked optically pumped quantum-dot semiconductor disk laser. Our mode-locked device emits sub-picosecond pulses at a wavelength of 1040 nm and features a record peak power of 460 W at a repetition rate of 1.5 GHz. In this work, we also investigate the temperature dependence of the pulse duration as well as the time-bandwidth product for stable mode locking. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
We present an analytical model for describing complex dynamics of a hybrid system consisting of resonantly coupled classical resonator and quantum structures. Classical resonators in our model correspond to plasmonic metamaterials of various geometries, as well as other types of nano- and microstructure, the optical responses of which can be described classically. Quantum resonators are represented by atoms or molecules, or their aggregates (for example, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, dye molecules, polymer or bio-molecules etc), which can be accurately modelled only with the use of the quantum mechanical approach. Our model is based on the set of equations that combines well established density matrix formalism appropriate for quantum systems, coupled with harmonic-oscillator equations ideal for modelling sub-wavelength plasmonic and optical resonators. As a particular example of application of our model, we show that the saturation nonlinearity of carbon nanotubes increases multifold in the resonantly enhanced near field of a metamaterial. In the framework of our model, we discuss the effect of inhomogeneity of the carbon-nanotube layer (bandgap value distribution) on the nonlinearity enhancement. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Vibration treatment by oscillating platforms is more and more employed in the fields of exercise physiology and bone research. The rationale of this treatment is based on the neuromuscular system response elicited by vibration loads. surface Electromyography (EMG) is largely utilized to assess muscular response elicited by vibrations and Root Mean Square of the electromyography signals is often used as a concise quantitative index of muscle activity; in general, EMG envelope or RMS is expected to increase during vibration. However, it is well known that during surface bio-potential recording, motion artifacts may arise from relative motion between electrodes and skin and between skin layers. Also the only skin stretch, modifying the internal charge distribution, results in a variation of electrode potential. The aim of this study is to highlight the movements of muscles, and the succeeding relevance of motion artifacts on electrodes, in subjects undergoing vibration treatments. EMGs from quadriceps of fifteen subjects were recorded during vibration at different frequencies (15-40 Hz); Triaxial accelerometers were placed onto quadriceps, as close as possible to muscle belly, to monitor motion. The computed muscle belly displacements showed a peculiar behavior reflecting the mechanical properties of the structures involved. Motion artifact related to the impressed vibration have been recognized and related to movement of the soft tissues. In fact large artifacts are visible on EMGs and patellar electrodes recordings during vibration. Signals spectra also revealed sharp peaks corresponding to vibration frequency and its harmonics, in accordance with accelerometers data. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.
We present novel Terahertz (THz) emitting optically pumped Quantum Dot (QD) photoconductive (PC) materials and antenna structures on their basis both for pulsed and CW pumping regimes. Full text Quantum dot and microantenna design - Presented here are design considerations for the semiconductor materials in our novel QD-based photoconductive antenna (PCA) structures, metallic microantenna designs, and their implementation as part of a complete THz source or transceiver system. Layers of implanted QDs can be used for the photocarrier lifetime shortening mechanism[1,2]. In our research we use InAs:GaAs QD structures of varying dot layer number and distributed Bragg reflector(DBR)reflectivity range. According to the observed dependence of carrier lifetimes on QD layer periodicity [3], it is reasonable to assume that electron lifetimes can be potentially reduced down to 0.45ps in such structures. Both of these features; long excitation wavelength and short carriers lifetime predict possible feasibility of QD antennas for THz generation and detection. In general, relatively simple antenna configurations were used here, including: coplanar stripline (CPS); Hertzian-type dipoles; bow-ties for broadband and log-spiral(LS)or log-periodic(LP)‘toothed’ geometriesfor a CW operation regime. Experimental results - Several lasers are used for antenna pumping: Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser, as well as single-[4], double-[5] wavelength, and pulsed [6] QD lasers. For detection of the THz signal different schemes and devices were used, e.g. helium-cooled bolometer, Golay cell and a second PCA for coherent THz detection in a traditional time-domain measurement scheme.Fig.1shows the typical THz output power trend from a 5 um-gap LPQD PCA pumped using a tunable QD LD with optical pump spectrum shown in (b). Summary - QD-based THz systems have been demonstrated as a feasible and highly versatile solution. The implementation of QD LDs as pump sources could be a major step towards ultra-compact, electrically controllable transceiver system that would increase the scope of data analysis due to the high pulse repetition rates of such LDs [3], allowing real-time THz TDS and data acquisition. Future steps in development of such systems now lie in the further investigation of QD-based THz PCA structures and devices, particularly with regards to their compatibilitywith QD LDs as pump sources. [1]E. U. Rafailov et al., “Fast quantum-dot saturable absorber for passive mode-locking of solid-State lasers,”Photon.Tech.Lett., IEEE, vol. 16 pp. 2439-2441(2004) [2]E. Estacio, “Strong enhancement of terahertz emission from GaAs in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures. Appl.Phys.Lett., vol. 94 pp. 232104 (2009) [3]C. Kadow et al., “Self-assembled ErAs islands in GaAs: Growth and subpicosecond carrier dynamics,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 75 pp. 3548-3550 (1999) [4]T. Kruczek, R. Leyman, D. Carnegie, N. Bazieva, G. Erbert, S. Schulz, C. Reardon, and E. U. Rafailov, “Continuous wave terahertz radiation from an InAs/GaAs quantum-dot photomixer device,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101(2012) [5]R. Leyman, D. I. Nikitichev, N. Bazieva, and E. U. Rafailov, “Multimodal spectral control of a quantum-dot diode laser for THz difference frequency generation,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 99 (2011) [6]K.G. Wilcox, M. Butkus, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie, A. Tropper, E.U. Rafailov, “Subpicosecond quantum dot saturable absorber mode-locked semiconductor disk laser, ” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol 94, 2511 © 2014 IEEE.
Dissociation of molecular hydrogen is an important step in a wide variety of chemical, biological, and physical processes. Due to the light mass of hydrogen, it is recognized that quantum effects are often important to its reactivity. However, understanding how quantum effects impact the reactivity of hydrogen is still in its infancy. Here, we examine this issue using a well-defined Pd/Cu(111) alloy that allows the activation of hydrogen and deuterium molecules to be examined at individual Pd atom surface sites over a wide range of temperatures. Experiments comparing the uptake of hydrogen and deuterium as a function of temperature reveal completely different behavior of the two species. The rate of hydrogen activation increases at lower sample temperature, whereas deuterium activation slows as the temperature is lowered. Density functional theory simulations in which quantum nuclear effects are accounted for reveal that tunneling through the dissociation barrier is prevalent for H2 up to ∼190 K and for D2 up to ∼140 K. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the effective barrier to H2 dissociation is so low that hydrogen uptake on the surface is limited merely by thermodynamics, whereas the D2 dissociation process is controlled by kinetics. These data illustrate the complexity and inherent quantum nature of this ubiquitous and seemingly simple chemical process. Examining these effects in other systems with a similar range of approaches may uncover temperature regimes where quantum effects can be harnessed, yielding greater control of bond-breaking processes at surfaces and uncovering useful chemistries such as selective bond activation or isotope separation.