799 resultados para probleemgerichte coping
Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a debilitating genetic blood disorder that seriously impacts the quality of life of affected individuals and their families. With 85% of cases occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, it is essential to identify the barriers and facilitators of optimal outcomes for people with SCD in this setting. This study focuses on understanding the relationship between support systems and disease outcomes for SCD patients and their families in Cameroon and South Africa.
Methods: This mixed-methods study utilizes surveys and semi-structured interviews to assess the experiences of 29 SCD patients and 28 caregivers of people with SCD across three cities in two African countries: Cape Town, South Africa; Yaoundé, Cameroon; and Limbe, Cameroon.
Results: Patients in Cameroon had less treatment options, a higher frequency of pain crises, and a higher incidence of malaria than patients in South Africa. Social support networks in Cameroon consisted of both family and friends and provided emotional, financial, and physical assistance during pain crises and hospital admissions. In South Africa, patients relied on a strong medical support system and social support primarily from close family members; they were also diagnosed later in life than those in Cameroon.
Conclusions: The strength of medical support systems influences the reliance of SCD patients and their caregivers on social support systems. In Cameroon the health care system does not adequately address all factors of SCD treatment and social networks of family and friends are used to complement the care received. In South Africa, strong medical and social support systems positively affect SCD disease burden for patients and their caregivers. SCD awareness campaigns are necessary to reduce the incidence of SCD and create stronger social support networks through increased community understanding and decreased stigma.
The increase in biological safety regulations and/or guidelines regarding personnel and facilities in high containment laboratories demands constant vigilance by biological safety professionals responsible for safety in these environments. Safety professionals have been faced with legislative compliance issues in the past and have developed effective management methods to cope with the demands of these requirements. Examples include the impact of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recombinant DNA (rDNA) Guidelines and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. This chapter will attempt to describe seven successful strategies for management of regulatory compliance in research that are based on an overall philosophy of developing a “culture of safety”. Strategies range from interactive involvement with administration and research staff to biological safety professional development.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Since 2008, more than 6000 Bhutanese refugees have been resettled in over 21 communities across Canada, with nearly 300 individuals residing in Ottawa. This resettling process is associated with physical and psychological stress, as individuals acclimatize to a new country. A lack of understanding of the impact of this transition exists. This study assessed the relationship between coping strategies and psychological well-being of Bhutanese refugees resettled in Ottawa. A cross sectional survey of a representative sample of Bhutanese adults (n = 110) was conducted between November and December 2015. Coping strategies and psychological well-being were measured using the Brief COPE and General Well-being (GWB) scales. The total GWB mean score of 69.04 ± 12.09 suggests that respondents were in moderate distress. GWB did not significantly differ by sex, marital status, religion, employment, part time or full time job, or length of stay in Canada. Using multiple linear regression, significant independent variables from univariate analysis with GWB (age, education, positive reframing, self-blame and venting) were modeled to determine the best predictors of general well-being (GWB, F (11, 96) = 3.61, p < .001, R² = 21.2%). Higher levels of education and positive reframing were associated with greater GWB scores while self-blame and ages 41-50 were inversely associated with general well-being. It was found that above 66% of the unemployed participants were from age groups 41 and above. This finding suggests that career guidance services and vocational training to address unemployment may benefit this community. Nurses can provide support and counselling to assist refugees to minimize the use of negative coping strategies like self-blame and venting and promote positive coping strategies. Further, collaboration between nurses, other interdisciplinary professionals and community organizations is necessary to address social determinants of health and enhance refugee psychological well-being.
Purpose - Chronic consumption practice has been greatly accelerated by mobile, interactive and smartphone gaming technology devices. This study explores how chronic consumption of smartphone gaming produces positive coping practice. Design/methodology/approach - Underpinned by cognitive framing theory, empirical insights from eleven focus groups (n=62) reveal how smartphone gaming enhances positive coping amongst gamers and non-gamers. Findings - The findings reveal how the chronic consumption of games allows technology to act with privileged agency that resolves tensions between individuals and collectives. Consumption narratives of smartphone games, even when play is limited, lead to the identification of three cognitive frames through which positive coping processes operate: (a) the market generated frame, (b) the social being frame, and (c) the citizen frame. Research limitations/implications – This paper adds to previous research by providing an understanding of positive coping practice in the smartphone chronic gaming consumption. Originality/value - In smartphone chronic gaming consumption, cognitive frames enable positive coping by fostering appraisal capacities in which individuals confront, hegemony, culture and alterity-morality concerns.
The social identity approach to stress has shown how intragroup support processes shape individuals' responses to stress across health care, workplace, and community settings. However, the issue of how these 'social cure' processes can help cope with the stress of intergroup contact has yet to be explored. This is particularly important given the pivotal role of intergroup threat and anxiety in the experience of contact as well as the effect of contact on extending the boundaries of group inclusion. This study applies this perspective to a real-life instance of residential contact in a divided society. Semi-structured interviews with 14 Catholic and 13 Protestant new residents of increasingly mixed areas of Belfast city, Northern Ireland, were thematically analysed. Results highlight that transitioning to mixed communities was fraught with intergroup anxiety, especially for those coming from 'single identity' areas. Help from existing residents, especially when offered by members of other religious denominations, signalled a 'mixed community ethos' to new residents, which facilitated adopting and sharing this identity. This shared identity then enabled them to deal with unexpected intergroup threats and provided resilience to future sectarian division. New residents who did not adopt this shared identity remained isolated, fearful, and prone to negative contact.
In the face of mass human rights violations and constant threats to security, there is growing recognition of the resilience of people and communities. This paper builds on such work by investigating the effects of individual coping strategies, perceived community cohesion, and their interaction on mental health symptoms in Colombia. The study was conducted five years after the mass demobilisation of the former paramilitaries and takes an exploratory quantitative approach to identify two distinct forms of coping approaches among participants living in the Caribbean coast of Colombia. A constructive coping approach included active engagement, planning behaviours, emotional support, acceptance and positive reframing of daily stressors. A destructive coping approach in this study entailed denial of problems, substance use and behavioural disengagement from day-to-day stress. In addition, the strength of perceived community cohesion, or how close-knit and effective the individuals feel about the community in which they live, was examined. Structural equation modelling revealed that a constructive coping approach was significantly related to lower depression, while a destructive coping approach predicted more symptoms of depression. Although there was not a significant direct effect of perceived community cohesion on mental health outcomes, it did enhance the effect of constructive coping strategies at the trend level. That is, individuals who used constructive coping strategies and perceived their communities to be more cohesive, reported fewer depression symptoms than those who lived in less cohesive settings. Implications for promoting constructive coping strategies, as well as fostering cohesion in the community, are discussed.
Introdução: A consequência resultante da prestação contínua de cuidados é denominada de “sobrecarga” ou “exaustão” do cuidador informal, que resulta de problemas de ordem física, psicológica, emocional, social e financeira experimentados pelos familiares que cuidam de pessoas idosas com dependência. Metodologia: O principal objectivo deste estudo é avaliar a sobrecarga e estratégias de coping do cuidador informal de idosos dependentes, através de instrumentos de avaliação: Escala de Sobrecarga do Cuidador (ESC), (Sequeira, 2007, 2010) para avaliar a sobrecarga do cuidador informal; Índice para Avaliação das Maneiras como o prestador de cuidados enfrenta as dificuldades (CAMI), (Sequeira, 2007,2010) avalia a forma como cada prestador de cuidados resolve/atenua as dificuldades percepciona e; o Índice de Barthel que avalia as actividades básicas da vida diária do idoso. O presente estudo é não experimental, transversal, descritivo - correlacional com recurso à técnica de análise quantitativa. Trata-se de uma amostra de conveniência, constituída por um total de 46 cuidadores informais de idosos dependentes. Destes, 23 foram provenientes da UCCI, os restantes 23 cuidadores foram seleccionados na zona de residência da investigadora. A população - alvo deste estudo é constituída por cuidadores de ambos os sexos, sendo maioritariamente do sexo feminino (87%) com média de 58,41 anos (DP= 12,49) de idade. Resultados: Quanto mais idade tem o idoso menor é a percepção de sobrecarga subjectiva do cuidador; quanto melhor for o estado de saúde menor é a sobrecarga autopercebida do cuidador; a maior parte dos cuidadores tem a percepção de alguma eficácia das estratégias utilizadas; quanto mais estratégias o cuidador utiliza para superar as suas dificuldades na prestação de cuidados ao idoso menor é a sobrecarga da relação interpessoal com o idoso; quanto mais estratégias a este nível maiores são as expectativas do cuidador no referente aos cuidados prestados ao idoso. Conclusão: Será importante potenciar, nos cuidadores informais, os mecanismos de coping e desenvolver as competências para o cuidar, resultando em benefícios terapêuticos mais do que os que se baseiam em modelos patológicos, que visam a diminuição da sobrecarga.
O objectivo do presente estudo consistiu em verificar a influência do suporte social e dos estilos de coping sobre a percepção de bem-estar subjectivo e de estados emocionais negativos numa amostra de 41 indivíduos (27 homens e 14 mulheres) portadores de doença mental crónica, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 61 anos. Foram, ainda, identificados os principais estilos de coping utilizados por esses indivíduos, bem como um estudo de comparação entre doentes institucionalizados e não-institucionalizados. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social, constituída por quatro subescalas (satisfação com amizades, intimidade, satisfação com a família e actividades sociais); Questionário dos Estilos de Coping, formado igualmente por quatro subescalas (Coping Racional, Coping Emocional, Coping Evitante e Coping Distanciado/Desligado); Escala de Satisfação com a Vida e, por último, a Escala de Depressão, Ansiedade e Stress. Os resultados demonstram que o valor global de suporte social e as suas dimensões “satisfação com amizades”, “intimidade”, “satisfação com a família” e “actividades sociais” se correlacionam positivamente, a nível estatisticamente significativo com o bem-estar subjectivo. Relativamente ao estilo de coping racional, verifica-se que este se relaciona negativamente com a sintomatologia depressiva, ao contrário do coping emocional que apresenta uma correlação positiva com os estados emocionais negativos (depressão, ansiedade e stress) e uma relação inversa com o bem-estar. Os doentes institucionalizados, comparativamente aos não-institucionalizados, apresentam o uso mais frequente de coping desadaptativo (emocional) e níveis mais elevados de ansiedade. O suporte social, os estilos de coping e a percepção de bem-estar subjectivo demonstram estar associados de modo teoricamente esperado, mostrando a importância dos factores psicossociais na adaptação à doença mental crónica. / The aims of this study was to verify the influence of social support and coping styles on the perception of subjective well-being and negative emotional states in a sample of 41 subjects (27 men and 14 woman) with chronic mental illness (aged between 18 and 61 years). We also identified the main coping styles used by these subjects, as well as a comparative study of institutionalized patients and non-institutionalized. Instruments used include the Satisfaction with Social Support (with four dimensions: satisfaction with friendships, intimacy, satisfaction with family and social activities); Coping Styles Questionnaire (with four coping dimensions: rational, emotional, avoidant and distance); Scale of Satisfaction with Life and, finnaly, the Scale for Depression, Anxiety and Stress. Results shows that the global social support and its dimensions “satisfaction with friendships”, “intimacy”, “satisfaction with family” and “social activities” have a statistically significant positive correlation with subjective well-being.and It appears that the rational coping styles is negatively related to depressive symptoms, unlike the emotional coping has a positive correlation with negative emotional states (depression, anxiety and stress) and an inverse relationship with well-being. The institutionalized patients, compared to non-institutionalized, have more frequent use of maladaptative coping (emotional) and higher levels of anxiety. Social support, coping styles and perception of subjective well-being are associated according to the theoretical models, showing the role of psychosocial factors in adaptation to chronic mental illness.
O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o enriquecimento do conhecimento da ansiedade social em adultos. Neste sentido, procurou-se investigar a influência e a relação existente entre as vivências de experiências de bullying, os estilos de coping e as estratégias de regulação emocional utilizadas pelos indivíduos, assim como a aceitação das experiências vividas pelos mesmos, com a ansiedade social. Foi também nossa intenção averiguar de que forma os indivíduos com ansiedade social alta se distinguem dos indivíduos com ansiedade social baixa. O nosso trabalho permitiu, também, apurar quais as variáveis com maior valor preditivo de ansiedade social. A amostra foi constituída por 283 estudantes do ensino superior (55 homens, 228 mulheres), com uma média de idades de 22.95 anos (DP=5.72). Os resultados obtidos mostram que a ansiedade social (avaliada pela EAESDIS) se correlaciona positivamente com o estilo de coping negativo (evitamento), com as experiências de bullying e com a estratégia disfuncional de auto-regulação referente à atenção. Por sua vez, está associada de forma negativa aos estilos de coping adaptativos (emocional e racional), às estratégias adequadas de auto-regulação, como a clareza, reparação e aceitação. A comparação entre os dois grupos de ansiedade social mostra que os indivíduos classificados com ansiedade social elevada se diferenciam dos indivíduos com ansiedade social baixa em todas as variáveis estudadas. Já quanto ao conjunto de variáveis que melhor prediz a ansiedade social, foram os estilos de coping que revelaram valores mais elevados, sugerindo, assim, desempenhar um papel importante na compreensão e na predição da ansiedade social. Não obstante o carácter exploratório e as limitações deste estudo, os resultados encontrados poderão dar um contributo para o conhecimento da ansiedade social, com implicações ao nível da avaliação e intervenção clínica.
Background Dyslexia is the most common form of specific learning difficulty affecting approximately 6% of the general UK population and believed to affect approximately 2% of UK medical students. The impact of dyslexia on early practice has not been studied. Objectives To develop an understanding of the challenges faced by doctors with dyslexia in the first year of practice and their support requirements. Methods Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted with seven foundation year 1 doctors with dyslexia from Scottish hospitals between March 2013 and August 2013. Results Foundation doctors indicated that due to their dyslexia, they experience difficulty with all forms of communication, time management and anxiety. There were concerns about disclosure of their dyslexia to colleagues and supervisors. Coping strategies used frequently were safety-netting and planning; technology solutions did offer some assistance. Conclusions Although technological interventions have the potential to offer benefits to foundation doctors with dyslexia, increased openness about a diagnosis of dyslexia with discussion between doctor and supervisors about the challenges and anxieties is likely to provide the most benefit
Introdução: Na literatura internacional e nacional verifica-se a inexistência de estudos sobre os correlatos psicológicos de cuidadores formais, como a resiliência e o coping. Apesar de se reconhecer a importância de uma prestação de cuidados mais compassivos e humanizados, mais uma vez, não existem estudos nesta área. Este facto estende-se aos cuidadores formais que trabalham com pessoas em situação de dependência, na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados. Assim, foram nossos objetivos: caraterizar os cuidadores formais de algumas Unidades de Cuidados Continuados (UCC) da RNCCI em variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais; analisar os seus níveis de resiliência, coping e autocompaixão; verificar se existem associações significativas entre estas variáveis e com as variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Metodologia: 78 cuidadores formais (sexo feminino, n = 76; 97,4%), com uma média de idades de 35,45 anos (DP = 9,0) forneceram o seu consentimento informado para preencherem um questionário sociodemográfico e profissional, a Escala de Avaliação Global da Resiliência, o Brief COPE e a Self Compassion Scale (SELFCS). Resultados: Os cuidadores revelaram um nível médio de resiliência (total). A dimensão de coping com média mais elevada foi o Coping ativo e a com média mais baixa foi o Uso de substâncias. Na SELFCS a dimensão com média mais elevada foi o Calor/compreensão e a com média mais baixa foi o Isolamento. No geral, a pontuação total de resiliência correlacionou-se de forma positiva com as dimensões positivas da autocompaixão (SELFCS) e de forma negativa com as dimensões negativas desta escala. As dimensões mais positivas de coping correlacionaram-se de forma positiva com as dimensões positivas de autocompaixão e as mais negativas de coping com as dimensões negativas de autocompaixão. Quanto maior a idade dos cuidadores menor o nível de Suporte Emocional e maior o nível de Religião e Mindfulness. Mais horas de trabalho associaram-se a menor resiliência e a maior nível de Suporte Emocional Discussão: Este estudo revelou, ainda que numa amostra reduzida, que os cuidadores formais das UCC parecem revelar níveis equilibrados em correlatos psicológicos importantes quando se “cuida” de outra pessoa. Porém, as UCC devem preocupar-se em fomentar, junto dos cuidadores, níveis mais elevados de resiliência, estratégias mais positivas de coping e a compaixão auto e hétero dirigida, para assegurar um “cuidar” mais pleno quer para os profissionais, quer para aqueles que são cuidados. / Introduction: In the international and national literature, we verified the inexistence of studies about psychological correlates of formal caregivers, such as resilience and coping. Although the importance of more humanized and compassive care is recognized, again, there are no studies in this area. This is also verified regarding formal caregivers that work with people in a dependence situation, as in the National Network of Continuous Care. Our aims were to characterize the formal caregivers from some units of the National Network of Continuous Care in sociodemographic and professional variables; analyze these professionals levels of resilience, coping and self-compassion; verify if there are significant associations between these variables and with the sociodemographic and professional variables. Methodology: 78 formal caregivers (female, n = 76; 97,4%), with an mean age of 35,45 years (SD = 9,0) provided their informed consent to fill in a professional and sociodemographic questionnaire, the Global Resiliency Evaluation Scale, the Brief COPE and the Self Compassion Scale (SELFCS). Results: The caregivers showed a medium level of resilience. The coping dimension with the highest mean was Active coping and the dimension with the lowest mean was Substance Use. Regarding SELFCS the dimension with the highest mean was Warmth, contrasting with Isolation, the dimension with the lowest mean. Overall, the total score of resilience was positively correlated with self-compassion positive dimensions (SELFCS) and negatively correlated with the negative dimensions of this scale. The most positive dimensions of coping were positively correlated with the positive dimensions of self-compassion and the most negative dimensions of coping were correlated with the negative dimensions of self-compassion. Older caregivers showed lower use of Emotional support and higher level of Religion and Mindfulness use. More daily hours of work were associated with less resilience and higher Emotional Support. Discussion: This study revealed, although in a small sample, that Continuous Care Units (CCU) formal caregivers seem to have balanced levels of psychological correlates that are important while caring for others. However, the CCU should promote, in the caregivers higher levels of resilience, coping and self-compassion, to ensure a better care, simultaneously the professionals and patients.
Introdução: Os trabalhos sobre correlatos psicológicos em Técnicos Superiores de Reinserção Social (TSRS) no nosso país são inexistentes. São nossos objetivos analisar os níveis de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos, stresse, coping e resiliência numa amostra de TSRS; explorar diferenças nestas variáveis por sexo, estado civil, Delegação regional e tipo de competências das equipas de reinserção social; explorar associações entre todas as variáveis referidas nesta amostra (entre si e com a variável sociodemográfica idade e as variáveis profissionais tempo de serviço e horas de trabalho semanal). Metodologia: 89 TSRS (sexo feminino, n = 67; 75,3%), com idades entre os 27 e os 61 anos (M = 47,4; DP = 7,10) preencheram um protocolo composto por questões sociodemográficas e profissionais, a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, o Brief COPE e a Escala para avaliar as competências na área da Resiliência. Resultados: As mulheres apresentaram níveis maiores de Suporte Emocional e Instrumental comparativamente aos homens. Os profissionais da Delegação do Centro apresentaram pontuação mais elevada de Resiliência vs. da Delegação do Norte e os da Delegação do Norte maiores níveis de Stresse vs. os da Delegação do Sul e Ilhas. Os profissionais com competência mista apresentaram maiores níveis de Ansiedade vs. com competência específica. Encontrámos associações significativas (na amostra total) entre a Depressão e a Negação e o Uso de Substâncias. No sexo masculino o uso de Suporte Emocional e Instrumental associaram-se à Depressão e à Ansiedade. De uma forma geral, em todas as Delegações (consideradas separadamente), maiores níveis de Resiliência associaram-se a estratégias mais positivas de coping (e.g. Coping ativo) e maiores níveis de Depressão, Ansiedade e Stresse a níveis menores de estratégias positivas de coping (e.g. Aceitação) e a níveis maiores de estratégias negativas de coping (e.g. Uso de substâncias). Os técnicos quer de equipas com competência mista quer de equipas com competência específica, com níveis maiores de Ansiedade, apresentaram níveis maiores de estratégias de coping negativas (e.g. Negação). Discussão: Este estudo revelou existirem algumas diferenças por sexo nos TSRS e apresentou dados importantes sobre os construtos psicológicos dos TSRS de diferentes Delegações e de equipas com diferentes competências, apontando possíveis aspetos a considerar num trabalho de intervenção com estes profissionais. Tal como esperado, no geral, maiores níveis de resiliência associaram-se, como noutros profissionais, a estratégias mais positivas de coping e maiores níveis de sintomas a estratégias mais negativas de coping. / Introduction: Studies on psychological correlates on Probation Officers (TSRS) in our country are nonexistent. Our purposes are to analyze the levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms, stress, coping and resilience in a sample of TSRS; to explore differences in these variables by gender, marital status, Regional Delegation and type of responsibility of local organic units; to explore associations between all variables mentioned in this sample (among themselves and with the sociodemographic variable age and the professional variables years of service and weekly hours of work"). Methodology: 89 TSRS (females, n = 67, 75.3 %), aged between 27 and 61 years (M = 47.4, SD = 7.10) completed a protocol consisting of sociodemographic and professional questions, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, the Brief COPE Scale and the Scale to assess resilience skills. Results: Women had higher levels on Use of Instrumental and Emotional Social Support compared to men. The professionals of the Delegation of the Centre had higher scores on Resilience vs. professionals of the Delegation of the North and the North Delegation had higher levels of Stress vs. the Delegation of the South and Islands. The professionals with mixed competence had higher levels of Anxiety vs. those with specific competence. We found significant associations (in the total sample) between Depression, Denial and Substances Use. In males, the use of Emotional Social Support and Instrumental Support was associated with Depression and Anxiety. Overall, in all Delegations (considered separately), higher levels of Resilience were associated with more positive coping strategies (e.g., Active Coping) and higher levels of Depression, Anxiety and Stress with lower levels of positive coping strategies ( e.g. Acceptance) and higher levels of negative coping strategies (e.g. Substances Use). TSRS with higher levels of Anxiety, either in teams of mixed and specific competence, had higher levels of negative coping strategies (e.g. Denial). Discussion: This study revealed that there were some gender differences in TSRS and provided important data on the psychological constructs of TSRS of different Delegations and different types of organic units, pointing to possible issues to be addressed in an intervention work with these professionals. As expected, in general, higher levels of Resilience were associated, as in other professionals, with more positive coping strategies and higher levels of symptoms with more negative coping strategies.
As situações indutoras de stress são uma constante imutável no dia-a-dia do ser humano e quando esta perturbação não é gerida de forma adequada, acarreta graves prejuízos na saúde dos indivíduos refletindo-se em diversas áreas das suas vidas nomeadamente no trabalho. O presente estudo tem como finalidade identificar a relação entre o stress e as estratégias de coping e perceber se os indivíduos com vulnerabilidade ao stress diferem dos indivíduos sem stress no que concerne às estratégias de coping utilizadas. A vulnerabilidade ao stress foi medida pela escala 23QVS, enquanto as estratégias de coping foram avaliadas pelo Inventário de Resolução de Problemas (IRP), tendo sido, ainda, utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico. A amostra foi composta por 62 trabalhadores de uma empresa de venda a retalho com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 44 anos (M=32,02 DP=5,770). Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a vulnerabilidade ao stress se correlaciona de forma negativa e altamente significativa com as estratégias de coping e que indivíduos com e sem vulnerabilidade ao stress não diferem quanto ao uso destas estratégias. / The stress-induction situations are a constant unchanging in human being life, and if this disturbance is not managed adequately can be harmful to the health of individuals and reflected in many areas of their lives including their work. The present study aims to analyze the relationship between stress and coping strategies, and understand if individuals with stress vulnerability differs from individuals without stress in respect to the use of coping strategies. Stress vulnerability was measured by the 23QVS scale and coping strategies by the Inventário de Resolução de Problemas – IRP (Inventory of Problem Solving), and we also used a sociodemographic questionnaire. The sample consisted of 62 workers of a retailing company with ages between 20 and 40 years old (M = 32,02; DP = 5,770). Our research studies reveal that stress vulnerability correlates negatively and highly with coping strategies, and individuals with and without stress vulnerability not differ in the use of these strategies.