855 resultados para primary-backup model
Splicing of primary transcripts is an essential process for the control of gene expression. Specific conserved sequences in premature transcripts are important to recruit the spliceosome machinery. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalytic spliceosome is composed of about 60 proteins and 5 snRNAs (U1, U2, U4/U6 and U5). Among these proteins, there are core components and regulatory factors, which might stabilize or facilitate splicing of specific substrates. Assembly of a catalytic complex depends on the dynamics of interactions between these proteins and RNAs. Cwc24p is an essential S. cerevisiae protein, originally identified as a component of the NTC complex, and later shown to affect splicing in vivo. In this work, we show that Cwc24p also affects splicing in vitro. We show that Cwc24p is important for the U2 snRNP binding to primary transcripts, co-migrates with spliceosomes, and that it interacts with Brr2p. Additionally, we show that Cwc24p is important for the stable binding of Prp19p to the spliceosome. We propose a model in which Cwc24p is required for stabilizing the U2 association with primary transcripts, and therefore, especially important for splicing of RNAs containing non- consensus branchpoint sequences.
ABSTRACT This works aim was to test whether LTP-like features can also be measured in cell culture and by methods that allow to analyse a alrger number of cells. A suitable method for this purpose is calcium imaging. The rationale for this approach lies in the fact that LTP/LTD are dependent on changes in intracellular calcium concentrations. Calcium levels have been measured using the calcium sensitive dye fura-2, whose fluorescence spectrum changes upon formation of the [fura-2-Ca2+] complex. Our LTP-inducing protocol comprised of two glutamate stimuli of identical size and duration (50 mM, 30 s) which were separated by 35 min. We could demonstrate that such a stimulation pattern gives rise to approx. 25% larger calcium influx at the second stimulus. It has been shown than such a stimulation pattern gives rise to an average of 25% augmentation (potentiation) of the second response, with 69% of potentiated cells. This experimental paradigm shows the pharmacological properties of LTP, established by previous electrophysiological studies:- blocking of NMDARs and mGluRs eliminates LTP induction;- blocking of AMPARs and L-type VGCCs does not eliminate LTP induction. Having obtained a system for induction and following of LTP-like changes, a preliminary application example was performed. Its purpose was to investigate possible influence of nicotine and galanthamine on our potentiation effect. Nicotine (100 mM) was shown both to increase and to eliminate glutamate-induced potentiation. Galanthamine coapplication (0.5 mM) with nicotine and glutamate exerted no effect on nicotinic modulation. However, galanthamine coapplied with glutamate alone seems to augment glutamate-induced potentiation. An LTP model system presented here could be additionally refined, by variation of glutamate application times, and testing for dependence on various forms of protein kinases. Galanthamine effect would probably be better addressed by cell-to-cell measurements instead of statistical approach, with subsequent identification of the cell type. Alternatively, combined calcium imaging â electrophysiological experiments could be performed. Spatial and temporal properties of intracellular ion dynamics could be utilised as diagnostic tools of the physiological state of the cells, thereby finding its application in functional proteomics.
One of the main targets of the CMS experiment is to search for the Standard Model Higgs boson. The 4-lepton channel (from the Higgs decay h->ZZ->4l, l = e,mu) is one of the most promising. The analysis is based on the identification of two opposite-sign, same-flavor lepton pairs: leptons are required to be isolated and to come from the same primary vertex. The Higgs would be statistically revealed by the presence of a resonance peak in the 4-lepton invariant mass distribution. The 4-lepton analysis at CMS is presented, spanning on its most important aspects: lepton identification, variables of isolation, impact parameter, kinematics, event selection, background control and statistical analysis of results. The search leads to an evidence for a signal presence with a statistical significance of more than four standard deviations. The excess of data, with respect to the background-only predictions, indicates the presence of a new boson, with a mass of about 126 GeV/c2 , decaying to two Z bosons, whose characteristics are compatible with the SM Higgs ones.
Therapeutic vaccination for chronic hepatitis B in the Trimera mouse modelrnRaja Vuyyuru and Wulf O. BöcherrnHepatitis B is a liver disease caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV). It ranges in severity from a mild illness, lasting a few weeks (acute), to a serious long-term (chronic) illness that can lead either to liver disease or liver cancer. Acute infection is self limiting in most adults, resulting in clearance of virus from blood and liver and the development of lasting immunity. However 5% of acutely infected patients do not resolve primary HBV infection, leading to chronic infection with persistent viral replication in the liver. The strength of the initial antiviral immune response elicited to Hepatitis B determines the subsequent clinical outcome. A strong and broad T cell response leads to spontaneous resolution. Conversely, a weak T cell response favours viral persistence and establishment of chronic disease. While treatments using interferon-alpha or nucleos(t)ide analogues can reduce disease progression, they rarely lead to complete recovery. The lack of a suitable small animal model hampered efforts to understand the mechanisms responsible for immune failure in these chronic patients.rnIn current study we used Trimera mice to study the efficacy of potential vaccine candidates using HBV loaded dendritic cells in HBV chronic infection in vivo. The Trimera mouse model is based on Balb/c mice implanted with SCID mouse bone marrow and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HBV patients, and thus contains the immune system of the donor including their HBV associated T cell defect.rnIn our present study, strong HBV specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses were enhanced by therapeutic vaccination in chronic HBV patients. These T cell responses occurred independently of either the course of the disease or the strength of their underlying HBV specific T cell failure. These findings indicate that the Trimera mouse model represents a novel experimental tool for evaluating potential anti-HBV immunotherapeutic agents. This in vivo data indicated that both the HBV specific CD4+ cell and CD8+ responses were elicited in the periphery. These HBV specific T cells proliferated and secreted cytokines upon restimulation in Trimera mice. The observation that these HBV specific T cells are not detectable directly ex vivo indicates that they must be immune tolerant or present at a very low frequency in situ. HBV specific T cell responses were suppressed in Trimera mice under viremic conditions, suggesting that viral factors might be directly involved in tolerizing or silencing antiviral T cell responses. Thus, combination of an effective vaccine with antiviral treatment to reduce viremia might be a more effective therapeutic strategy for the future. Such approaches should be tested in Trimera mice generated in HBV or HBs expressing transgenic mice before conducting clinical trials.rn
Die Ursache der neurodegenerativen Erkrankung Spinozerebelläre Ataxie Typ 2 (SCA2) ist eine expandierte Polyglutamin-Domäne im humanen ATXN2-Gen von normalerweise 22 auf über 31 CAGs. Von der Degeneration sind vorwiegend die zerebellären Purkinje Neuronen betroffen, in denen zunehmend zytoplasmatische Aggregate sichtbar werden. Auch wenn die genaue Funktion von ATXN2 und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen noch immer ungeklärt sind, werden ein toxischer Funktionsgewinn sowie der Verlust der normalen Proteinfunktion als mögliche Ursachen diskutiert.rnUm ein wirklichkeitsgetreues Tiermodell für die SCA2 zu haben, wurde eine knock-in Maus generiert, deren einzelnes CAG im Atxn2-Gen durch 42 CAGs ersetzt wurde. Dieses Mausmodell ist durch eine stabile Vererbung der Expansion charakterisiert. Weiterhin zeigt sie ein verringertes Körpergewicht sowie eine spät beginnende motorische Inkoordination, was dem Krankheitsbild von SCA2 entspricht. rnIm Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass, obwohl die Atxn2 mRNA-Spiegel in Großhirn und Kleinhirn erhöht waren, die Menge an löslichem ATXN2 im Laufe der Zeit abnahm und dies mit einem Auftreten an unlöslichem ATXN2 korrelierte. Dieser im Kleinhirn progressive Prozess resultierte schließlich in zytoplasmatischen Aggregaten innerhalb der Purkinje Neuronen alter Mäuse. Der Verlust an löslichem ATXN2 könnte Effekte erklären, die auf einen partiellen Funktionsverlust von ATXN2 zurückzuführen sind, wobei die Aggregatbildung einen toxischen Funktionsgewinn wiederspiegeln könnte. Neben ATXN2 wurde auch sein Interaktor PABPC1 zunehmend unlöslich. Während dies im Großhirn eine Erhöhung der PABPC1 mRNA- und löslichen Proteinspiegel zur Folge hatte, konnte keine kompensatorische Veränderung seiner mRNA und zudem eine Verminderung an löslichem PABPC1 im Kleinhirn beobachtet werden. Auch PABPC1 wurde in Aggregate sequestriert. Diese Unterschiede zwischen Großhirn und Kleinhirn könnten zu der spezifischen Vulnerabilität des Kleinhirns beitragen.rnUm die Folgen auf mRNA-Prozessierung zu untersuchen, wurde ein Transkriptomprofil im mittleren sowie fortgeschrittenen Alter der Mäuse erstellt. Hierbei war eine erhöhte Expression von Fbxw8 im Kleinhirn alter Mäuse auffällig. Als Komponente eines Ubiquitin-E3-Ligase-Komplexes, hilft FBXW8 in der Degradierung von Zielproteinen und könnte somit die Toxizität des expandieren ATXN2 verringern. rnZur näheren Beschreibung der physiologischen Funktion von ATXN2, konnte in ATXN2-knock-out Mäusen gezeigt werden, dass das Fehlen von ATXN2 zu einer reduzierten globalen Proteinsyntheserate führte und somit eine Rolle als Translationsaktivator möglich erscheint. Kompensatorisch wurde eine erhöhte S6-Phosphorylierung gemessen.
The first part of this work deals with the inverse problem solution in the X-ray spectroscopy field. An original strategy to solve the inverse problem by using the maximum entropy principle is illustrated. It is built the code UMESTRAT, to apply the described strategy in a semiautomatic way. The application of UMESTRAT is shown with a computational example. The second part of this work deals with the improvement of the X-ray Boltzmann model, by studying two radiative interactions neglected in the current photon models. Firstly it is studied the characteristic line emission due to Compton ionization. It is developed a strategy that allows the evaluation of this contribution for the shells K, L and M of all elements with Z from 11 to 92. It is evaluated the single shell Compton/photoelectric ratio as a function of the primary photon energy. It is derived the energy values at which the Compton interaction becomes the prevailing process to produce ionization for the considered shells. Finally it is introduced a new kernel for the XRF from Compton ionization. In a second place it is characterized the bremsstrahlung radiative contribution due the secondary electrons. The bremsstrahlung radiation is characterized in terms of space, angle and energy, for all elements whit Z=1-92 in the energy range 1–150 keV by using the Monte Carlo code PENELOPE. It is demonstrated that bremsstrahlung radiative contribution can be well approximated with an isotropic point photon source. It is created a data library comprising the energetic distributions of bremsstrahlung. It is developed a new bremsstrahlung kernel which allows the introduction of this contribution in the modified Boltzmann equation. An example of application to the simulation of a synchrotron experiment is shown.
The mechanical action of the heart is made possible in response to electrical events that involve the cardiac cells, a property that classifies the heart tissue between the excitable tissues. At the cellular level, the electrical event is the signal that triggers the mechanical contraction, inducing a transient increase in intracellular calcium which, in turn, carries the message of contraction to the contractile proteins of the cell. The primary goal of my project was to implement in CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture, an hardware architecture for parallel processing created by NVIDIA) a tissue model of the rabbit sinoatrial node to evaluate the heterogeneity of its structure and how that variability influences the behavior of the cells. In particular, each cell has an intrinsic discharge frequency, thus different from that of every other cell of the tissue and it is interesting to study the process of synchronization of the cells and look at the value of the last discharge frequency if they synchronized.
The primary goal of this work is related to the extension of an analytic electro-optical model. It will be used to describe single-junction crystalline silicon solar cells and a silicon/perovskite tandem solar cell in the presence of light-trapping in order to calculate efficiency limits for such a device. In particular, our tandem system is composed by crystalline silicon and a perovskite structure material: metilammoniumleadtriiodide (MALI). Perovskite are among the most convenient materials for photovoltaics thanks to their reduced cost and increasing efficiencies. Solar cell efficiencies of devices using these materials increased from 3.8% in 2009 to a certified 20.1% in 2014 making this the fastest-advancing solar technology to date. Moreover, texturization increases the amount of light which can be absorbed through an active layer. Using Green’s formalism it is possible to calculate the photogeneration rate of a single-layer structure with Lambertian light trapping analytically. In this work we go further: we study the optical coupling between the two cells in our tandem system in order to calculate the photogeneration rate of the whole structure. We also model the electronic part of such a device by considering the perovskite top cell as an ideal diode and solving the drift-diffusion equation with appropriate boundary conditions for the silicon bottom cell. We have a four terminal structure, so our tandem system is totally unconstrained. Then we calculate the efficiency limits of our tandem including several recombination mechanisms such as Auger, SRH and surface recombination. We focus also on the dependence of the results on the band gap of the perovskite and we calculare an optimal band gap to optimize the tandem efficiency. The whole work has been continuously supported by a numerical validation of out analytic model against Silvaco ATLAS which solves drift-diffusion equations using a finite elements method. Our goal is to develop a simpler and cheaper, but accurate model to study such devices.
Fas/CD95 is a critical mediator of cell death in many chronic and acute liver diseases and induces apoptosis in primary hepatocytes in vitro. In contrast, the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) fails to provoke cell death in isolated hepatocytes but has been implicated in hepatocyte apoptosis during liver diseases associated with chronic inflammation. Here we report that TNFα sensitizes primary murine hepatocytes cultured on collagen to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis. This synergism is time-dependent and is specifically mediated by TNFα. Fas itself is essential for the sensitization, but neither Fas up-regulation nor endogenous FasL is responsible for this effect. Although FasL is shown to induce Bid-independent apoptosis in hepatocytes cultured on collagen, the sensitizing effect of TNFα is clearly dependent on Bid. Moreover, both c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation and Bim, another B cell lymphoma 2 homology domain 3 (BH3)-only protein, are crucial mediators of TNFα-induced apoptosis sensitization. Bim and Bid activate the mitochondrial amplification loop and induce cytochrome c release, a hallmark of type II apoptosis. The mechanism of TNFα-induced sensitization is supported by a mathematical model that correctly reproduces the biological findings. Finally, our results are physiologically relevant because TNFα also induces sensitivity to agonistic anti-Fas-induced liver damage. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that TNFα can cooperate with FasL to induce hepatocyte apoptosis by activating the BH3-only proteins Bim and Bid.
In patients with coronary artery disease, the size of myocardial infarction mainly determines the subsequent clinical outcome. Accordingly, it is the primary strategy to decrease cardiovascular mortality by minimizing infarct size. Promotion of collateral artery growth (arteriogenesis) is an appealing option of reducing infarct size. It has been demonstrated in experimental models that tangential fluid shear stress is the major trigger of arterial remodeling and, thus, of collateral growth. Lower-leg, high-pressure external counterpulsation triggered to occur during diastole induces a flow velocity signal and thus tangential endothelial shear stress in addition to the flow signal caused by cardiac stroke volume. We here present two cases of cardiac transplant recipients as human "models" of physical coronary arteriogenesis, providing an example of progressing and regressing clinical arteriogenesis, and review available evidence from clinical studies on other feasible forms of physical arteriogenesis.
Changes in marine net primary productivity (PP) and export of particulate organic carbon (EP) are projected over the 21st century with four global coupled carbon cycle-climate models. These include representations of marine ecosystems and the carbon cycle of different structure and complexity. All four models show a decrease in global mean PP and EP between 2 and 20% by 2100 relative to preindustrial conditions, for the SRES A2 emission scenario. Two different regimes for productivity changes are consistently identified in all models. The first chain of mechanisms is dominant in the low- and mid-latitude ocean and in the North Atlantic: reduced input of macro-nutrients into the euphotic zone related to enhanced stratification, reduced mixed layer depth, and slowed circulation causes a decrease in macro-nutrient concentrations and in PP and EP. The second regime is projected for parts of the Southern Ocean: an alleviation of light and/or temperature limitation leads to an increase in PP and EP as productivity is fueled by a sustained nutrient input. A region of disagreement among the models is the Arctic, where three models project an increase in PP while one model projects a decrease. Projected changes in seasonal and interannual variability are modest in most regions. Regional model skill metrics are proposed to generate multi-model mean fields that show an improved skill in representing observation-based estimates compared to a simple multi-model average. Model results are compared to recent productivity projections with three different algorithms, usually applied to infer net primary production from satellite observations.
Many dissections seem to also have a retrograde component. The aim of the study was to evaluate different sites of primary entry tears and the propagation of the dissecting membrane, antegrade and retrograde, in an experimental model of acute type B aortic dissection.
We present a mechanistic modeling methodology to predict both the percolation threshold and effective conductivity of infiltrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) electrodes. The model has been developed to mirror each step of the experimental fabrication process. The primary model output is the infiltrated electrode effective conductivity which provides results over a range of infiltrate loadings that are independent of the chosen electronically conducting material. The percolation threshold is utilized as a valuable output data point directly related to the effective conductivity to compare a wide range of input value choices. The predictive capability of the model is demonstrated by favorable comparison to two separate published experimental studies, one using strontium molybdate and one using La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ as infiltrate materials. Effective conductivities and percolation thresholds are shown for varied infiltrate particle size, pore size, and porosity with the infiltrate particle size having the largest impact on the results.
We present a mechanistic modeling methodology to predict both the percolation threshold and effective conductivity of infiltrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) electrodes. The model has been developed to mirror each step of the experimental fabrication process. The primary model output is the infiltrated electrode effective conductivity which provides results over a range of infiltrate loadings that are independent of the chosen electronically conducting material. The percolation threshold is utilized as a valuable output data point directly related to the effective conductivity to compare a wide range of input value choices. The predictive capability of the model is demonstrated by favorable comparison to two separate published experimental studies, one using strontium molybdate and one using La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-delta as infiltrate materials. Effective conductivities and percolation thresholds are shown for varied infiltrate particle size, pore size, and porosity with the infiltrate particle size having the largest impact on the results. (C) 2013 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.
The aim of the study was to evaluate bovine synoviocyte culture as an in vitro model to test new intra-articular drugs. The inflammatory reaction pattern of synoviocytes as compared to fibroblasts was studied over nine passages. Expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines was assessed after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. Immunohistochemical markers were used to identify synoviocyte populations. Primary synoviocytes expressed markedly higher amounts of interleukin-1beta mRNA and tumour necrosis factor-alpha mRNA than fibroblasts after stimulation. This difference was lost over two passages. CD68-positive macrophage-like synoviocytes diminished over three passages, which may explain the reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Primary bovine synoviocytes appear to be an appropriate and optimised model for testing novel drugs for cattle, because their response may more closely reflect in vivo tissue responses compared to cultured cell lines.