433 resultados para piso


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Sabe-se que a transmissão de infecções hospitalares, via cruzada ou ambiental, é facilitada pela sobrevivência de microrganismos em superfícies secas que pode ser favorecida pela presença de fluídos biológicos. Visando demonstrar o cuidado com substâncias corporais na rotina de limpeza, esse estudo avaliou a influência de alguns fluídos biológicos (sangue, urina e saliva artificial) na sobrevivência de Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), depositados de modo similar, sobre diferentes superfícies após secagem. O sangue foi capaz de preservar a viabilidade bacteriana por até 72 dias quando depositado sobre piso cerâmico. O tecido em fibra de algodão permitiu maior tempo de sobrevivência em comparação ao tecido sintético. Esses resultados demonstram que a composição do fluído biológico e o tipo de suporte altera o tempo da sobrevivência bacteriana em condições ambientais. Palavras–chave: Staphylococcus aureus; fluidos biológicos; sobrevivência bacteriana


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O presente invento apresenta um comedouro para rãs que possui o propósito de solucionar os inconvenientes apresentados pela técnica atual. O comedouro, consiste basicamente em uma peça única, confeccionada em um material resistente e impermeável (podendo ser este material fibra de vidro, plástico ou qualquer outro que atenda as características mencionadas), de forma que o alimento seja depositado na cavidade bacilar localizada ao centro da face superior. De base suspensa este comedouro serve como abrigo para os animais, os quais têm acesso à parte inferior do comedouro por qualquer dos lados. Entre os apoios do comedouro, colocados no piso molhado, e o plano onde é depositado o alimento, existem dois planos inclinados denominados de 'praias' com a finalidade de evitar que as rãs alcancem o alimento ainda molhadas.


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A pesquisa de infecções por Giardia e a caracterização genotípica deste protozoário foi realizada em primatas não humanos (PNH) mantidos em Zoológico a fim de avaliar o seu potencial zoonótico. As amostras dos animais consistiram de fezes colhidas do piso de 22 baias onde eram mantidos 47 primatas de 18 diferentes espécies. Exames coproparasitológicos foram realizados pelos métodos de concentração por sedimentação e centrífugo-flutuação e revelaram a presença dos seguintes parasitas e suas respectivas frequências: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); oxiurídeos (4.5%) e estrongilídeos (4.5%). O DNA extraído de todas as amostras fecais foi submetido à técnica de PCR para a amplificação dos genes gdh e tpi de Giardia, porém, só foram obtidos amplicons das quatro amostras positivas provenientes de Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. O seqüenciamento dos fragmentos amplificados foi possível apenas para as amostras oriundas de Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) e Alouatta caraya (BA3), cuja análise fenética de ambos os genes revelou pertencerem ao genótipo A. As análises das sequências de tpi revelaram que todas as amostras pertencem ao subgenótipo AII. No que se refere ao gene gdh as análises revelaram uma amostra pertencente ao subgenótipo AII (BA3) e duas ao subgenótipo A1 (BA1 e BA2). Considerando o potencial zoonótico do genótipo A e o fato de que os animais não apresentavam sintomas de infecção, os dados do presente trabalho salientam a importância de se realizar, periodicamente, exames coproparasitológicos dos animais de zoológico, para implementação de medidas preventivas para resguardar a saúde dos animais em cativeiro, a de seus tratadores e dos visitantes de parques zoológicos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Each year, there is an increase in pesticide consumption and in its importance of use in the large-scale agricultural production, being fundamental the knowledge of application technology to the activity success. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of working pressure on the drift generated by different spray nozzles, assessed in wind tunnel. The treatments were composed of two spray nozzles AXI 110015 and AXI 11002 with pressure levels of 276 and 414 kPa. The spray solution was composed by water and NaCl at 10%. The applications were conducted at wind speed of 2.0 m s-1, being the drift collected at 5.0; 10.0 and 15.0 m away from the spray boom and at heights of 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 e 1.0 m from the tunnel floor. To both spray nozzles, the greatest drift was collected at the smallest distance to the spray-boom and at the lowest height. The AXI 11002 nozzle gave a smaller drift relative to the AXI 110015 nozzle for the two tested pressures and for all the collection points. Regardless of the nozzle, a rise in the working pressure increases the spray drift percentage at all distances in the wind tunnel.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the feces+urine produced per animal (FUPA), dry matter, mineral matter, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur in feces of gilts fed diets with increasing levels of ractopamine (0, 5, 10 and 15 mg kg-1 of diet). A total of 468 finishing gilts were allotted into 36 pens. In two days of each week, feces and urine were daily sampled in four pens per treatment, quantifying the feces+urine. To determine the characterization of feces, two samples per week were taken daily, in nine pens per treatment. It was used a split plot design, considering the ractopamine level as the plot and the weeks as the subplots. There was no reduction in nitrogen amount in feces. An interaction was detected between ractopamine concentrations and weeks for FUPA and phosphorus, potassium and sulfur in feces. Ractopamine addition in diets for gilts has reduced the feces+urine production and nitrogen and phosphorus excretion. Higher values estimated for potassium content in feces of animals fed diets with 10 and 15 mg of ractopamine kg-1 were found between the second and third week. Increasing levels of ractopamine from 5 to 15 mg kg-1 promoted higher excretion of sulfur over the weeks of supply.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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With the passage of time, the variety of companies from each branch has gradually grown throughout the country. As a consequence, the logistics to attend to such demand has grown in the same proportion. One factor to highlight about this rapid growth is the increase of freight vehicles roaming the roads, often carrying loads over the limit established by law. At first it may seem that this would not bring any problem, however, note that an excessive number of overloads ends up deteriorating the asphalt, causing ondulations, potholes and other imperfections on the roads, which can cause accidents. In addition, the money spent for the maintenance of the roads is high. Thinking about it, it was established by law a regulation that restricts the weight limit for these vehicles, through axle weighing, subject to a fine. With this control the road floor is preserved for longer, requiring less maintenance expenses. The weighing stations use load cells to display the inferred weight, these cells use strain gages in its construction. The following work presents a methodology to dimension a binocular load cell, its main elements and its dimensioning. Showing how different materials can affect the dimensioning, so that can work satisfactorily. It also presents an overview of how are the parameters for weighing, and fines


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Our twenty-first century society and the rhythm of life and work we have to face in our daily routine compel us to spend most of our lifetime in closed environments, in our houses, educational institutions, hospitals, airports, amongst as many others. The study of the air quality in internal environments (IAQ) is very important for monitoring people’s health effects and their environmental comfort in these locations. One essential parameter to analyze this measure is to evaluate the concentration of dispersed particulates in the air, specially focusing on those thinner particles (below the diameter of 2,5 μm), they can pose serious risks for human being because they can remain in the lungs, penetrate through the pores of our skin, amongst other harmful effects on human’s health. In this work the air quality inside the public library Profª Josina Vasques Ferrari and at Unesp public state library was evaluated, both located in Itapeva, as well as a third one, inside the Communitarian Library of the Federal University in Carlos (UFSCar) from march to may in 2012. In those environments it was analyzed if the concentration of particulates pose any real treat to the users. The equipment used for particle sampling in real time was DataRam 4 (Model DR 4000). The results given for those concentrations of particulates in both internal and external environments revealed figures within the safe standard established by the WHO (World Health Organization), from 25 to μg/m³, the only exception occurred on the fifth floor of the UFSCar library, where the average for concentration stayed at 25,30 of μg/m³


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work aims to present the design and development of a speed reducer worm gear that will be implemented on an inclined treadmill that aims to raise the load below the top floor. The project start was made with research on issues related to mechanisms and machine elements, and these theories of fundamental importance in the development of device components, along with the help of SolidWorks software that was used to model the main parts of the project and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 was used to alight formulas to perform calculations of the project. All data for calculations were taken from the conditions of the problem to be solved in the best possible way the proposed problem (lifting load from the belt). Following the entire sequence of design gearbox assembly, beginning in pre-sizing and endless selection of electric motor, which consists of an iterative project, then scaling the worm gear and crown, shafts, splines, calculation and bearing selection