879 resultados para partner screening and selection
The vertebrate Slit gene family currently consists of three members;Slit1,Slit2 and Slit3. Each gene encodes a protein containing multiple epidermal growth factor and leucine rich repeat motifs, which are likely to have importance in cell-cell interactions. In this study, we sought to fully define and characterise the vertebrate Slit gene family. Using long distance PCR coupled with in silico mapping, we determined the genomic structure of all three Slit genes in mouse and man. Analysis of EST and genomic databases revealed no evidence of further Slit family members in either organism. All three Slit genes were encoded by 36 (Slit3) or 37 (Slit1 and Slit2) exons covering at least 143 kb or 183 kb of mouse or human genomic DNA respectively. Two additional potential leucine-rich repeat encoding exons were identified within intron 12 of Slit2. These could be inserted in frame, suggesting that alternate splicing may occur in Slit2 A search for STS sequences within human Slit3 anchored this gene to D5S2075 at the 5' end (exon 4) and SGC32449 within the 3' UTR, suggesting that Slit3 may cover greater than 693 kb. The genomic structure of all Slit genes demonstrated considerable modularity in the placement of exon-intron boundaries such that individual leucine-rich repeat motifs were encoded by individual 72 by exons. This further implies the potential generation of multiple Slit protein isoforms varying in their number of repeat units. cDNA library screening and EST database searching verified that such alternate splicing does occur.
Effect of time of harvest of budded virus on the selection of baculovirus FP mutants in cell culture
Rapid formation and selection of FP (few polyhedra) mutants occurs during serial passaging of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) in insect cell culture. The production of HaSNPV for use as biopesticides requires the passaging of the virus over a number of passages to produce enough virus inoculum for large-scale fermentation. During serial passaging in cell culture, FP mutants were rapidly selected, resulting in declined productivity and reduced potency of virus. Budded virus (BV) is usually harvested between 72 and 96 h postinfection (hpi) in order to obtain a high titer virus stock. In this study, the effect of tine of harvest (TOH) for BV on the selection rate of HaSNPV FP mutants during serial passaging was investigated. BV were harvested at different times postinfection, and each series was serially passaged for six passages. The productivity and percentage of FP mutants at each passage were determined. It was found that the selection of FP mutants can he reduced by employing an earlier TOH for BV. Serial passaging with BV harvested at 48 hpi showed a slower accumulation of FP mutants compared to that of BV harvested after 48 hpi. Higher cell specific yields were also maintained when BV were harvested at 48 hpi. When BV that were formed between 48 and 96 hpi were harvested and serially passaged, FP mutants quickly dominated the virus population. This suggests that the V formed and released between 48 and 96 hpi are most likely from FP mutant infected cells.
O Estudo de Impacte Ambiental (EIA) é uma peça fundamental no processo de Avaliação Ambiental a que têm de ser submetidos alguns projetos de engenharia. Este é o resultado de atividades e avaliações metodológicas conducentes a identificar/avaliar possíveis impactes, apresentando medidas de minimização e o plano de monitorização. Se existirem múltiplas alternativas, o EIA deve indicar a “ambientalmente mais favorável”. O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta metodológica para apoio dessas atividades/avaliações, tendo como estrutura integradora um SIG ligado a modelos externos específicos, constituindo -se assim como uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento de um SADE -MC, no domínio ambiental. Essa proposta engloba a conceção duma rotina interativa, em Visual Basic® para suportar os processos de Screening/Scoping, Avaliação da Significância e Seleção dos Indicadores Ambientais. As funcionalidades do SIG, associadas aos módulos externos, são usadas para prever/quantificar os impactes e os indicadores ambientais. Estes indicadores são então utilizados como critérios, no módulo de avaliação multicritério que utiliza, nesta aplicação, o método ELECTRE III. Isso permite apresentar uma preordenação final das alternativas, desde a “ambientalmente mais favorável” até à mais adversa. Como caso de estudo, essa proposta metodológica é aplicada a um EIA referente ao projeto de um troço de autoestrada no Centro de Portugal.
Introdução – A mamografia é o principal método de diagnóstico por imagem utilizado no rastreio e diagnóstico do cancro da mama, sendo a modalidade de imagem recomendada em vários países da Europa e Estados Unidos para utilização em programas de rastreio. A implementação da tecnologia digital causou alterações na prática da mamografia, nomeadamente a necessidade de adaptar os programas de controlo de qualidade. Objetivos – Caracterizar a tecnologia instalada para mamografia em Portugal e as práticas adotadas na sua utilização pelos profissionais de saúde envolvidos. Concluir sobre o nível de harmonização das práticas em mamografia em Portugal e a conformidade com as recomendações internacionais. Identificar oportunidades para otimização que permitam assegurar a utilização eficaz e segura da tecnologia. Metodologia – Pesquisa e recolha de dados sobre a tecnologia instalada, fornecidos por fontes governamentais, prestadores de serviços de mamografia e indústria. Construção de três questionários, orientados ao perfil do médico radiologista, técnico de radiologia com atividade em mamografia digital e técnico de radiologia coordenador. Os questionários foram aplicados em 65 prestadores de serviços de mamografia selecionados com base em critérios de localização geográfica, tipo de tecnologia instalada e perfil da instituição. Resultados – Foram identificados 441 sistemas para mamografia em Portugal. A tecnologia mais frequente (62%) e vulgarmente conhecida por radiografia computorizada (computed radiography) é constituída por um detector (image plate) de material fotoestimulável inserido numa cassete de suporte e por um sistema de processamento ótico. A maioria destes sistemas (78%) está instalada em prestadores privados. Aproximadamente 12% dos equipamentos instalados são sistemas para radiografia digital direta (Direct Digital Radiography – DDR). Os critérios para seleção dos parâmetros técnicos de exposição variam, observando-se que em 65% das instituições são adotadas as recomendações dos fabricantes do equipamento. As ferramentas de pós-processamento mais usadas pelos médicos radiologistas são o ajuste do contraste e brilho e magnificação total e/ou localizada da imagem. Quinze instituições (em 19) têm implementado um programa de controlo de qualidade. Conclusões – Portugal apresenta um parque de equipamentos heterogéneo que inclui tecnologia obsoleta e tecnologia “topo de gama”. As recomendações/guidelines (europeias ou americanas) não são adotadas formalmente na maioria das instituições como guia para fundamentação das práticas em mamografia, dominando as recomendações dos fabricantes do equipamento. Foram identificadas, pelos técnicos de radiologia e médicos radiologistas, carências de formação especializada, nomeadamente nas temáticas da intervenção mamária, otimização da dose e controlo da qualidade. A maioria dos inquiridos concorda com a necessidade de certificação da prática da mamografia em Portugal e participaria num programa voluntário. ABSTRACT - Introduction – Mammography is the gold standard for screening and imaging diagnosis of breast disease. It is the imaging modality recommended by screening programs in various countries in Europe and the United States. The implementation of the digital technology promoted changes in mammography practice and triggered the need to adjust quality control programs. Aims –Characterize the technology for mammography installed in Portugal. Assess practice in use in mammography and its harmonization and compliance to international guidelines. Identify optimization needs to promote an effective and efficient use of digital mammography to full potential. Methodology – Literature review was performed. Data was collected from official sources (governmental bodies, mammography healthcare providers and medical imaging industry) regarding the number and specifications of mammography equipment installed in Portugal. Three questionnaires targeted at radiologists, breast radiographers and the chief-radiographer were designed for data collection on the technical and clinical practices in mammography. The questionnaires were delivered in a sample of 65 mammography providers selected according to geographical criteria, type of technology and institution profile. Results – Results revealed 441 mammography systems installed in Portugal. The most frequent (62%) technology type are computerized systems (CR) mostly installed in the private sector (78%). 12% are direct radiography systems (DDR). The criteria for selection of the exposure parameters differ between the institutions with the majority (65%) following the recommendations from the manufacturers. The use of available tools for post-processing is limited being the most frequently reported tools used the contrast/ brightness and Zoom or Pan Magnification tools. Fifteen participant institutions (out of 19) have implemented a quality control programme. Conclusions – The technology for mammography in Portugal is heterogeneous and includes both obsolete and state of the art equipment. International guidelines (European or American) are not formally implemented and the manufacturer recommendations are the most frequently used guidance. Education and training needs were identified amongst the healthcare professionals (radiologists and radiographers) with focus in the areas of mammography intervention, patient dose optimization and quality control. The majority of the participants agree with the certification of mammography in Portugal.
Background: Mammography is considered the best imaging technique for breast cancer screening, and the radiographer plays an important role in its performance. Therefore, continuing education is critical to improving the performance of these professionals and thus providing better health care services. Objective: Our goal was to develop an e-learning course on breast imaging for radiographers, assessing its efficacy , effectiveness, and user satisfaction. Methods: A stratified randomized controlled trial was performed with radiographers and radiology students who already had mammography training, using pre- and post-knowledge tests, and satisfaction questionnaires. The primary outcome was the improvement in test results (percentage of correct answers), using intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis. Results: A total of 54 participants were assigned to the intervention (20 students plus 34 radiographers) with 53 controls (19+34). The intervention was completed by 40 participants (11+29), with 4 (2+2) discontinued interventions, and 10 (7+3) lost to follow-up. Differences in the primary outcome were found between intervention and control: 21 versus 4 percentage points (pp), P<.001. Stratified analysis showed effect in radiographers (23 pp vs 4 pp; P=.004) but was unclear in students (18 pp vs 5 pp; P=.098). Nonetheless, differences in students’ posttest results were found (88% vs 63%; P=.003), which were absent in pretest (63% vs 63%; P=.106). The per-protocol analysis showed a higher effect (26 pp vs 2 pp; P<.001), both in students (25 pp vs 3 pp; P=.004) and radiographers (27 pp vs 2 pp; P<.001). Overall, 85% were satisfied with the course, and 88% considered it successful. Conclusions: This e-learning course is effective, especially for radiographers, which highlights the need for continuing education.
A monitorização ambiental é essencial para a tomada de decisões tanto na ciência como na indústria. Em particular, uma vez que a água é essencial à vida e a superfície da Terra é composta principalmente por água, a monitorização do clima e dos parâmetros relacionados com a água em ecossistemas sensíveis, tais como oceanos, lagoas, rios e lagos, é de extrema importância. Um dos métodos mais comuns para monitorar a água é implantar bóias. O presente trabalho está integrado num projeto mais amplo, com o objetivo de projectar e desenvolver uma bóia autónoma para a investigação científica com dois modos de funcionamento: (i) monitorização ambiental ; e (ii) baliza ativa de regata. Assim, a bóia tem duas aplicações principais: a coleta e armazenamento de dados e a assistência a regatas de veleiros autónomos. O projeto arrancou há dois anos com um grupo de quatro estudantes internacionais. Eles projetaram e construíram a estrutura física, compraram e montaram o sistema de ancoragem da bóia e escolherem a maioria dos componentes electrónicos para o sistema geral de controlo e medição. Este ano, durante o primeiro semestre, dois estudantes belgas - Jeroen Vervenne e Hendrick Verschelde – trabalharam nos subsistemas de recolha e armazenamento de dados (unidade de controlo escrava) e de telemetria e configuração (unidade de controlo mestre) assim como definiram o protocolo de comunicação da aplicação. O trabalho desta tese continua o desenvolvimento do subsistema de telemetria e configuração. Este subsistema _e responsável pela configuração do modo de funcionamento e dos sensores assim como pela comunicação com a estacão de base (controlo ambiental), barcos (baliza ativa de regata) e com o subsistema de recolha e armazenamento de dados. O desenvolvimento do subsistema de recolha e armazenamento de dados, que coleta e armazena num cartão SD os dados dos sensores selecionados, prossegue com outro estudante belga - Mathias van Flieberge. O objetivo desta tese é, por um lado, implementar o subsistema de telemetria e de configuração na unidade de controle mestre e, por outro lado, refinar e implementar, conjuntamente com Mathias van Flieberge, o protocolo de nível de aplicação projetado. Em particular, a unidade de controlo mestre deve processar e atribuir prioridades às mensagens recebidas da estacão base, solicitar dados à unidade de controlo escrava e difundir mensagens com informação de posição e condições de vento e água no modo de regata. Enquanto que a comunicação entre a unidade de controlo mestre e a estacão base e a unidade de controlo mestre e os barcos é sem fios, a unidade de controlo mestre e a unidade de controlo escrava comunicam através de uma ligação série. A bóia tem atualmente duas limitações: (i) a carga máxima é de 40 kg; e (ii) apenas pode ser utilizada em rios ou próximo da costa dada à limitação de distância imposta pela técnica de comunicação sem fios escolhida.
FEBS journal, Volume 278, Issue 14, pages 2511-2524, July 2011
HIV/AIDS-associated visceral leishmaniasis may display the characteristics of an aggressive disease or without specific symptoms at all, thus making diagnosis difficult. The present study describes the results of diagnostic tests applied to a series of suspected VL cases in HIV-infected/AIDS patients admitted in referral hospitals in Pernambuco, Brazil. From a total of 14 eligible patients with cytopenias and/or fever of an unknown etiology, and indication of bone marrow aspirate, 10 patients were selected for inclusion in the study. Diagnosis was confirmed by the following examinations: Leishmania detection in bone marrow aspirate, direct agglutination test, indirect immunofluorescence, rK39 dipstick test, polymerase chain reaction and latex agglutination test. Five out of the ten patients were diagnosed with co-infection. A positive direct agglutination test was recorded for all five co-infected patients, the Leishmania detection and latex agglutination tests were positive in four patients, the rK39 dipstick test in three, the indirect immunofluorescence in two and a positive polymerase chain reaction was recorded for one patient. This series of cases was the first to be conducted in Brazil using this set of tests in order to detect co-infection. However, no consensus has thus far been reached regarding the most appropriate examination for the screening and monitoring of this group of patients.
Background: This is the first prospective, randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled study showing statistical improvement of an H1-antihistamine in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis in all symptoms throughout the entire treatment period. Objective: This randomized, placebo-controlled, parallelgroup,double-blind study was performed to assess the efficacy and safety of fexofenadine in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Methods: This study was conducted at 148 centers in 15 countries. Nine hundred thirty-five children (aged 6-11 years) were randomized and treated with either fexofenadine HCl 30 mg (n = 464) or placebo (n = 471) tablets twice a day for 14 days. Individual symptoms (sneezing; rhinorrhea; itchy nose, mouth, throat, and/or ears; itchy, watery, and/or red eyes; and nasal congestion) were assessed at baseline and then daily at 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM (±1 hour) during the double-blind treatment period. Each total symptom score was the sum of all symptoms, excluding nasal congestion. The primary efficacy variable was the change from baseline in the average of the daily 12-hour evening reflective total symptom scores throughout the double-blind treatment. Safety was evaluated from adverse-event reporting, vital signs, physical examinations, and clinical laboratory data at screening and study end point.
A novel SYBR® green-real time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was developed to detect two Bartonellaspecies, B. henselae and B. clarridgeiae, directly from blood samples. The test was used in blood samples obtained from cats living in animal shelters in Southern Brazil. Results were compared with those obtained by conventional PCR targeting Bartonella spp. Among the 47 samples analyzed, eight were positive using the conventional PCR and 12 were positive using qPCR. Importantly, the new qPCR detected the presence of both B. henselae and B. clarridgeiae in two samples. The results show that the qPCR described here may be a reliable tool for the screening and differentiation of two important Bartonella species.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Background. HIV infected women have higher rates of infertility. Objective. The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate the effectiveness of fresh IVF/ICSI cycles in HIV infected women. Materials and Methods. A search of the PubMed database was performed to identify studies assessing fresh nondonor oocyte IVF/ICSI cycle outcomes of serodiscordant couples with an HIV infected female partner. Results and Discussion. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. Whenever a comparison with a control group was available, with the exception of one case, ovarian stimulation cancelation rate was higher and pregnancy rate (PR) was lower in HIV infected women. However, statistically significant differences in both rates were only seen in one and two studies, respectively. A number of noncontrolled sources of bias for IVF outcome were identified. This fact, added to the small size of samples studied and heterogeneity in study design and methodology, still hampers the performance of a meta-analysis on the issue. Conclusion. Prospective matched case-control studies are necessary for the understanding of the specific effects of HIV infection on ovarian response and ART outcome.
The purpose of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1/2), human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I/II), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Treponema pallidum and Trypanosoma cruzi among 63 male prisoners in Manhuaçu, Minas Gerais, Brazil and to compare this with data from eligible blood donors. The positive results were as follows: 11/63 (17.5%) for HBV, 5/63 (7.4%) for syphilis, 4/63 (6.3%) for HCV, 3/63 (4.8%) for Chagas' disease, 2/63 (3.2%) for HIV-1/2 and 1/63 (1.6%) for HTLV-I/II. The seroprevalence in prisoners was higher than among blood donors, mainly for antibodies to HIV-1/2, HCV and HBV. This is probably due to low social economic level, illiteracy, higher proportion with a prior history of intravenous drug use and/or unsafe sexual behavior. Therefore, these prisoners constitute a high risk group and routine screening and counseling are recommended.
AraL from Bacillus subtilis is a member of the ubiquitous haloalkanoate dehalogenase, HAD, superfamily. The araL gene has been cloned, over-expressed in Escherichia coli and its product purified to homogeneity. The enzyme displays phosphatase activity, which is optimal at neutral pH (7.0) and 65 °C. Substrate screening and kinetic analysis showed AraL to have low specificity and catalytic activity towards several sugar phosphates, which are metabolic intermediates of the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways. Based on substrate specificity and gene context within the arabinose metabolic operon, a putative physiological role of AraL in detoxification of accidental accumulation of phosphorylated metabolites has been proposed. The ability of AraL to catabolise several related secondary metabolites requires regulation at the genetic level. Here, by site- directed mutagenesis, we show that AraL production is regulated by a structure in the translation initiation region of the mRNA, which most probably blocks access to the ribosome-binding site, preventing protein synthesis. Members of HAD subfamily IIA and IIB are characterised by a broad-range and overlapping specificity that anticipated the need for regulation at the genetic level. In this study we provide evidence for the existence of a genetic regulatory mechanism controlling AraL production.
Prevention plays a central role in early detection of cervical cancer. Common Sense Model proposes that the nature and organization of illness representations can guide actions related to health and how self-care is exercised. The aim of this study was to describe and compare illness perception, knowledge and self-care in women with and without cancer precursor lesions. Participants were 92 women (aged 18-59) from primary care unity divided into two groups: women with and without premalignant lesion. Measures for illness perception, knowledge and self-care were used. There was no statistically signifi cant difference (t test e chi-square test) between groups in the variables analyzed. Despite the risk for cervical cancer, women with precursor lesions do not adjust their illness perceptions, knowledge and self-care to the situation. These data show the need to warn women against the cervical cancer risks, because their distorted perceptions and lack of knowledge about the disease may hamper the screening and control of cervical cancer.