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This paper forms part of a wider project to show the significance of archival material on distinguished economists, in this case Lauchlin Currie (1902-93), who studied and taught at Harvard before entering government service at the US Treasury and Federal Reserve Board as the intellectual leader of Roosevelt’s New Deal, 1934-39, as FDR’s White House economic adviser in peace and war, 1939-45, and as a post-war development economist. It discusses the uses made of the written and oral material available when the author was writing his intellectual biography of Currie (Duke University Press 1990) while Currie was still alive, and the significance of the material that has come to light after Currie’s death.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to present the specific public health indicators recently developed by EUROCAT that aim to summarize important aspects of the public health impact of congenital anomalies in a few quantitative measures. METHODS: The six indicators are: (1) congenital anomaly perinatal mortality, (2) congenital anomaly prenatal diagnosis prevalence, (3) congenital anomaly termination of pregnancy, (4) Down syndrome livebirth prevalence, (5) congenital anomaly pediatric surgery, and (6) neural tube defects (NTD) total prevalence. Data presented for this report pertained to all cases (livebirths, fetal deaths, or stillbirths after 20 weeks of gestation and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly [TOPFA]) of congenital anomaly from 27 full member registries of EUROCAT that could provide data for at least 3 years during the period 2004 to 2008. Prevalence of anomalies, prenatal diagnosis, TOPFA, pediatric surgery, and perinatal mortality were calculated per 1000 births. RESULTS: The overall perinatal mortality was approximately 1.0 per 1000 births for EUROCAT registries with almost half due to fetal and the other half due to first week deaths. There were wide variations in perinatal mortality across the registries with the highest rates observed in Dublin and Malta, registries in countries where TOPFA are illegal, and in Ukraine. The overall perinatal mortality across EUROCAT registries slightly decreased between 2004 and 2008 due to a decrease in first week deaths. The prevalence of TOPFA was fairly stable at about 4 per 1000 births. There were variations in livebirth prevalence of cases typically requiring surgery across the registries; however, for most registries this prevalence was between 3 and 5 per 1000 births. Prevalence of NTD decreased by about 10% from 1.05 in 2004 to 0.94 per 1000 in 2008. CONCLUSION: It is hoped that by publishing the data on EUROCAT indicators, the public health importance of congenital anomalies can be clearly summarized to policy makers, the need for accurate data from registries emphasized, the need for primary prevention and treatment services highlighted, and the impact of current services measured.
Hong Kong’s currency is pegged to the US dollar in a currency board arrangement. In autumn 2003, the Hong Kong dollar appreciated from close to 7.80 per US dollar to 7.70, as investors feared that the currency board would be abandoned. In the wake of this appreciation, the monetary authorities revamped the one-sided currency board mechanism into a symmetric two-sided system with a narrow exchange rate band. This paper reviews the characteristics of the new currency board arrangement and embeds a theoretical soft edge target zone model typifying many intermediate regimes, to explain the notable achievement of speculative peace and credibility since May 2005.
Using a theoretical framework, we explain the impact of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) on emissions in Annex I and non-Annex I countries. We show that on one hand, emissions in the non-Annex I country decline because of abatement sponsored by the Annex I country under the CDM; on the other hand, emissions may increase because (i) the Annex I country increases emissions in its own country, and (ii) the non-Annex I country crowds out the bene ts from the CDM projects by increasing its domestic emissions. For the CDM to be e¤ective in reducing global emissions, we show that partial Certi ed Emissions Reduction credits should be given to the Annex I country that sponsors CDM projects in the non-Annex I country. We also suggest that the CDM Executive Board should not allow the CDM projects to be hosted by non-Annex I countries that are too conscious about their emission levels.
When Bank of England (and the Federal Reserve Board) introduced their quantitative easing (QE) operations they emphasised the effects on money and credit, but much of their empirical research on the effects of QE focuses on long-term interest rates. We use a flow of funds matrix with an independent central bank to show the implications of QE and other monetary developments, and argue that the financial crisis, the fiscal expansion and QE are likely to have constituted major exogenous shocks to money and credit in the UK which could not be digested immediately by the usual adjustment mechanisms. We present regressions of a reduced form model which considers the growth of nominal spending as determined by the growth of nominal money and other variables. These results suggest that money was not important during the Great Moderation but has had a much larger role in the period of the crisis and QE. We then use these estimates to illustrate the effects of the financial crisis and QE. We conclude that it would be useful to incorporate money and/or credit in wider macroeconometric models of the UK economy.
Amb l’establiment de grups d’immigrants a Catalunya, l’abast de les polítiques socials s’ha vist ampliat per tal d’afrontar els reptes d'integració i cohesió social. Tot i que la Generalitat de Catalunya i la Diputació de Barcelona identifiquen t l’esport com a vehicle positiu per a la integració dels immigrants, el desenvolupament de polítiques en aquest àmbit encara està en una fase preliminar. La manca de recerca i l’absència d’aproximació política dificulten aquest procés. Comprendre la realitat de la participació esportiva entre la població adulta immigrant pot servir per millorar els processos de formulació i implementació de polítiques per part de les administracions públiques catalanes. S’ha realitzat una aproximació exploratòria a aquesta necessitat. La recollida de dades s’ha fet mitjançant observació i entrevistes semi-estructurades sobre experiències esportives organitzades o semi-organitzades rellevants. Els resultats revelen la importància de l’esport per a l’immigrant en el procés d’establiment de xarxes socials, i per al manteniment, la reproducció i la negociació de les identitats culturals i, en particular, nacionals. Hi ha una divisió entre el sistema esportiu formal català i els sistemes informals i fragmentats que utilitzen els immigrants per organitzar activitats esportives. Les entrevistes realitzades a actors clau en els diferents nivells de l’administració pública i el cas d’estudi d’un municipi han proporcionat una visió general de la resposta política. Es proposen un conjunt de recomanacions referents a la necessitat de gestionar les xarxes socials de forma més sistemàtica, la necessitat d’incrementar les accions de transversalitat horitzontal i vertical entre els actors públics i d’establir un conjunt d’indicadors socials per mesurar l’efectivitat de la intervenció política en aquest àmbit, així com la identificació de bones pràctiques i activitats per compartir coneixements.
Al llarg dels últims anys l’òxid nítric (NO) i el monòxid de carboni (CO) han estat investigats com dos neurotransmissors gasosos del tracte gastrointestinal. Algunes dades demostren que el sulfur d’hidrogen (H2S) podria ser el tercer neurotransmissor gasos a nivell central i perifèric. Objectiu: valorar si el H2S compleix els requisits per ser considerat com el tercer neurotransmissor gasos a nivell del sistema nerviós entèric. Mètodes: la motilitat espontània de preparacions de múscul llis circular de mostres de còlon sigma humà i còlon mig de rata es van determinar in vitro mitjançant la tècnica de banys d’òrgans. El hidrogensulfur de sodi (NaHS) va ser utilitzat com donador de H2S. Resultats: 1- El NaHS va inhibir de forma concentració depenent la motilitat espontània en presència de bloqueig neural amb Tetrodotoxina (TTX 1 μM) (IC50 101±18 μM rata n=10; 329±86 μM humà n=18). 2- Aquesta relaxació es va veure reduïda per ODQ 10 μM, un inhibidor de la guanilat ciclasa, en còlon mig de rata (n=5). En humà a més de ser reduïda per ODQ 10μM (n=6), també ho va ser per SQ 22,536 100 μM (n=10), un inhibidor de l’adenilat ciclasa, i per L-NNA 1 mM (n=8), un inhibidor de la sintesi de NO. 3- En còlon de rata la incubació amb D,L-Propargilglicina 2 mM (PAG), un inhibidor de la síntesi de H2S, va incrementar la motilitat tant en situació control (10,05±2,06 vs 17,46±3,37 g•min-1 AUC, P&0,001, n=10) com en presència de TTX 1μM (14,45±7,28 vs 21,67±10,05 g•min-1 AUC, P&0,01, n=7). Conclusió: el H2S compleix part dels criteris per ser considerat un neurotransmissor gasos inhibitori en el tracte gastrointestinal: la inhibició de la seva síntesi incrementa la motilitat intestinal i la seva addició exògena produeix relaxació de la musculatura llisa intestinal.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Quins científics van interessar-se per la probabilitat en els seus inicis?, quins altres van fer-la evolucionar? i quins conceptes coneixem i apliquem a l'actualitat? són preguntes que el treball teòric es proposa respondre. Pel que fa a la part pràctica del treball, el seu objectiu és el de crear un mecanisme capaç de generar nombres aleatoris a partir d'un taulell condicionat per paràmetres. El treball s'estructura en 4 blocs que aborden diversos camps de la probabilitat: la història de la probabilitat, els conceptes bàsics de la probabilitat, una introducció pràctica al mecanisme aleatori i el treball de camp. Els resultats finals rebel·len la possibilitat de generar nombres aleatoris a partir d'aparells senzills.
ABSTRACT: Apprenticeship is a period of increased risk of developing work-related respiratory allergic diseases. There is a need for documents to provide appropriate professional advice to young adults aiming to reduce unsuitable job choices and prevent impairment from their careers. The present document is the result of a consensus reached by a panel of experts from European and non-European countries addressed to allergologists, pneumologists, occupational physicians, primary care physicians, and other specialists interested in this field, which aims to reduce work-related respiratory allergies (rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma) among allergic or nonallergic apprentices and other young adults entering the workforce. The main objective of the document is to issue consensus suggestions for good clinical practice based on existing scientific evidence and the expertise of a panel of physicians.
Introduction In my thesis I argue that economic policy is all about economics and politics. Consequently, analysing and understanding economic policy ideally has at least two parts. The economics part, which is centered around the expected impact of a specific policy on the real economy both in terms of efficiency and equity. The insights of this part point into which direction the fine-tuning of economic policies should go. However, fine-tuning of economic policies will be most likely subject to political constraints. That is why, in the politics part, a much better understanding can be gained by taking into account how the incentives of politicians and special interest groups as well as the role played by different institutional features affect the formation of economic policies. The first part and chapter of my thesis concentrates on the efficiency-related impact of economic policies: how does corporate income taxation in general, and corporate income tax progressivity in specific, affect the creation of new firms? Reduced progressivity and flat-rate taxes are in vogue. By 2009, 22 countries are operating flat-rate income tax systems, as do 7 US states and 14 Swiss cantons (for corporate income only). Tax reform proposals in the spirit of the "flat tax" model typically aim to reduce three parameters: the average tax burden, the progressivity of the tax schedule, and the complexity of the tax code. In joint work, Marius Brülhart and I explore the implications of changes in these three parameters on entrepreneurial activity, measured by counts of firm births in a panel of Swiss municipalities. Our results show that lower average tax rates and reduced complexity of the tax code promote firm births. Controlling for these effects, reduced progressivity inhibits firm births. Our reading of these results is that tax progressivity has an insurance effect that facilitates entrepreneurial risk taking. The positive effects of lower tax levels and reduced complexity are estimated to be significantly stronger than the negative effect of reduced progressivity. To the extent that firm births reflect desirable entrepreneurial dynamism, it is not the flattening of tax schedules that is key to successful tax reforms, but the lowering of average tax burdens and the simplification of tax codes. Flatness per se is of secondary importance and even appears to be detrimental to firm births. The second part of my thesis, which corresponds to the second and third chapter, concentrates on how economic policies are formed. By the nature of the analysis, these two chapters draw on a broader literature than the first chapter. Both economists and political scientists have done extensive research on how economic policies are formed. Thereby, researchers in both disciplines have recognised the importance of special interest groups trying to influence policy-making through various channels. In general, economists base their analysis on a formal and microeconomically founded approach, while abstracting from institutional details. In contrast, political scientists' frameworks are generally richer in terms of institutional features but lack the theoretical rigour of economists' approaches. I start from the economist's point of view. However, I try to borrow as much as possible from the findings of political science to gain a better understanding of how economic policies are formed in reality. In the second chapter, I take a theoretical approach and focus on the institutional policy framework to explore how interactions between different political institutions affect the outcome of trade policy in presence of special interest groups' lobbying. Standard political economy theory treats the government as a single institutional actor which sets tariffs by trading off social welfare against contributions from special interest groups seeking industry-specific protection from imports. However, these models lack important (institutional) features of reality. That is why, in my model, I split up the government into a legislative and executive branch which can both be lobbied by special interest groups. Furthermore, the legislative has the option to delegate its trade policy authority to the executive. I allow the executive to compensate the legislative in exchange for delegation. Despite ample anecdotal evidence, bargaining over delegation of trade policy authority has not yet been formally modelled in the literature. I show that delegation has an impact on policy formation in that it leads to lower equilibrium tariffs compared to a standard model without delegation. I also show that delegation will only take place if the lobby is not strong enough to prevent it. Furthermore, the option to delegate increases the bargaining power of the legislative at the expense of the lobbies. Therefore, the findings of this model can shed a light on why the U.S. Congress often practices delegation to the executive. In the final chapter of my thesis, my coauthor, Antonio Fidalgo, and I take a narrower approach and focus on the individual politician level of policy-making to explore how connections to private firms and networks within parliament affect individual politicians' decision-making. Theories in the spirit of the model of the second chapter show how campaign contributions from lobbies to politicians can influence economic policies. There exists an abundant empirical literature that analyses ties between firms and politicians based on campaign contributions. However, the evidence on the impact of campaign contributions is mixed, at best. In our paper, we analyse an alternative channel of influence in the shape of personal connections between politicians and firms through board membership. We identify a direct effect of board membership on individual politicians' voting behaviour and an indirect leverage effect when politicians with board connections influence non-connected peers. We assess the importance of these two effects using a vote in the Swiss parliament on a government bailout of the national airline, Swissair, in 2001, which serves as a natural experiment. We find that both the direct effect of connections to firms and the indirect leverage effect had a strong and positive impact on the probability that a politician supported the government bailout.
This study evaluates whether blood collected on filter paper kept at 4 degrees C and tested at different intervals of time (1, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after collection) would present similar results when compared to the serum samples and whether the type of filter paper influences the results. Eluates from filter paper samples were tested for Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), indirect haemagglutination (IHA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as reference, the antibody titer in sera. Analysis of data showed that results obtained with IFAT, IHA (cut off point = 1:40) and ELISA in sera had similar sensitivity and good concordance among reactions. The use of a multiple linear regression model indicated that titer fall in eluates occurs up to the 7th day after the collection, and it is more marked for samples with lower antibodies titers. However, no significant differences were observed by IFAT, IHA (cut off point = 1:20) and ELISA in the proportion of positive reactions between sera and eluates. The results also showed that Melitta, Klabin or Whatman (reference) filter papers could be indicated for surveys, since they have shown similar capacity of maintenance of anti-T. cruzi immunoglobulins.
S’ha estudiat el grau de protecció física del carboni dins d’agregats de diferents mides en un sòl d’una pedrera restaurada fa 17 anys amb terres adobades amb fangs de depuradora, i s’ha interpretat el seu paper en el context del segrest de carboni en el sòl. La metodologia aplicada es basa en la d’humitejament ràpid dels agregats del sòl per immersió en aigua (Le Bissonnais, 1996), que simula l’estabilitat d'un sòl sec que es veu sotmès a processos tals com la inundació local o saturació ràpida. També s’ha determinat la quantitat de carboni oxidable present en els agregats del sòl amb el mètode de Nelson i Sommers (1982). Els resultats han mostrat que l’adobat amb fangs de depuradora contribueix a augmentar el contingut de carboni orgànic en els agregats del sòl i n’estimula el segrest a mitjà termini (unes 10 tones ha-1 en 17 anys), aportant estabilitat al sòl i protegint físicament el carboni orgànic dins dels agregats de mida major (5-2 mm). A més s’ha constatat que per determinar l’estabilitat del carboni segrestat en el sòl cal conèixer com es distribueix entre les diferents mides d’agregats. Finalment, l’augment del segrest de carboni en el sòl propiciat per l’aplicació dels fangs de depuradora li dóna més capacitat per fixar CO2 atmosfèric.
In less than half a century, allergy, originally perceived as a rare disease, has become a major public health threat, today affecting the lives of more than 60 million people in Europe, and probably close to one billion worldwide, thereby heavily impacting the budgets of public health systems. More disturbingly, its prevalence and impact are on the rise, a development that has been associated with environmental and lifestyle changes accompanying the continuous process of urbanization and globalization. Therefore, there is an urgent need to prioritize and concert research efforts in the field of allergy, in order to achieve sustainable results on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this most prevalent chronic disease of the 21st century.The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) is the leading professional organization in the field of allergy, promoting excellence in clinical care, education, training and basic and translational research, all with the ultimate goal of improving the health of allergic patients. The European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA) is a non-profit network of allergy, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) patients' organizations. In support of their missions, the present EAACI Position Paper, in collaboration with EFA, highlights the most important research needs in the field of allergy to serve as key recommendations for future research funding at the national and European levels.Although allergies may involve almost every organ of the body and an array of diverse external factors act as triggers, there are several common themes that need to be prioritized in research efforts. As in many other chronic diseases, effective prevention, curative treatment and accurate, rapid diagnosis represent major unmet needs. Detailed phenotyping/endotyping stands out as widely required in order to arrange or re-categorize clinical syndromes into more coherent, uniform and treatment-responsive groups. Research efforts to unveil the basic pathophysiologic pathways and mechanisms, thus leading to the comprehension and resolution of the pathophysiologic complexity of allergies will allow for the design of novel patient-oriented diagnostic and treatment protocols. Several allergic diseases require well-controlled epidemiological description and surveillance, using disease registries, pharmacoeconomic evaluation, as well as large biobanks. Additionally, there is a need for extensive studies to bring promising new biotechnological innovations, such as biological agents, vaccines of modified allergen molecules and engineered components for allergy diagnosis, closer to clinical practice. Finally, particular attention should be paid to the difficult-to-manage, precarious and costly severe disease forms and/or exacerbations. Nonetheless, currently arising treatments, mainly in the fields of immunotherapy and biologicals, hold great promise for targeted and causal management of allergic conditions. Active involvement of all stakeholders, including Patient Organizations and policy makers are necessary to achieve the aims emphasized herein.
La adrenoleucodistrofia ligada al X (X-ALD) es un enfermedad neurometabólica fatal caracterizada por una desmielinización cerebral progresiva infantil (CCALD) o por una neurodegeneración de la médula espinal (adrenomieloneuropatía, AMN), insuficiencia adrenal y acumulación de ácidos grasos de cadena muy larga (AGCML) como el ácido hexacosanoico (C26:0) en tejidos. La enfermedad está causada por mutaciones en el gen ABCD1 el cual codifica para un transportador peroxisomoal que importa AGCML. El ratón knockout para Abcd1 (Abcd1-) desarrolla alteraciones en la médula espinal que mimetizan el modelo de enfermedad AMN con inicio de los síntomas a los 20 meses. Previamente, nuestro grupo evidenció mediante análisis de transcriptómica, una desregulación mitocondrial en el modelo murino Abcd1- . En este trabajo demostramos que tanto en el ratón Abcd1- como en la sustancia blanca afectada de pacientes X-ALD hay una depleción mitocondrial. Para poder explicar esta depleción, estudiamos los niveles de un repressor de la biogenesis mitocondrial, RIP140. En cultivo organotípico de cortes de médula espinal observamos un aumento de los niveles proteicos de RIP140 en el ratón Abcd1- y también un aumento mediado por C26:0. Estos resultados indican que la sobreexpresión de RIP140 puede ser la responsable de la depleción mitocondrial presente en el ratón Abcd1- y una posible nueva diana terapèutica para la X-ALD.
The collection of dried blood spots (DBS) on filter paper provides a powerful approach for the development of large-scale, population-based screening programs. DBS methods are particularly valuable in developing countries and isolated rural regions where resources are limited. Large numbers of field specimens can be economically collected and shipped to centralized reference laboratories for genetic and (or) serological analysis. Alternatively, the dried blood can be stored and used as an archival resource to rapidly establish the frequency and distribution of newly recognized mutations, confirm patient identity or track the origins and emergence of newly identified pathogens. In this report, we describe how PCR-based technologies are beginning to interface with international screening programmes for the diagnosis and genetic characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). In particular, we review recent progress using DBS specimens to resolve the HIV-1 infection status of neonates, monitor the genetic evolution of HIV-1 during early infancy and establish a sentinel surveillance system for the systematic monitoring of HIV-1 genetic variation in Asia.