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Introduction This study confirmed the absence of natural infection with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) or XMRV-related disease in human populations of the Brazilian Amazon basin. We demonstrated that 803 individuals of both sexes, who were residents of Belem in the Brazilian State of Pará, were not infected with XMRV. Methods Individuals were divided into 4 subgroups: healthy individuals, individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), individuals infected with human T-lymphotrophic virus, types 1 or 2 (HTLV-1/2), and individuals with prostate cancer. XMRV infection was investigated by nested PCR to detect the viral gag gene and by quantitative PCR to detect pol. Results There was no amplification of either gag or pol segments from XRMV in any of the samples examined. Conclusions This study supports the conclusions of the studies that eventually led to the retraction of the original study reporting the association between XMRV and human diseases.
The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is a human pathogen of major public health significance. Strains can be classified into 15 main serovars (A to L3) that preferentially cause ocular infections (A-C), genital infections (D-K) or lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) (L1-L3), but the molecular basis behind their distinct tropism, ecological success and pathogenicity is not welldefined. Most chlamydial research demands culture in eukaryotic cell lines, but it is not known if stains become laboratory adapted. By essentially using genomics and transcriptomics, we aimed to investigate the evolutionary patterns underlying the adaptation of C. trachomatis to the different human tissues, given emphasis to the identification of molecular patterns of genes encoding hypothetical proteins, and to understand the adaptive process behind the C. trachomatis in vivo to in vitro transition. Our results highlight a positive selection-driven evolution of C. trachomatis towards nichespecific adaptation, essentially targeting host-interacting proteins, namely effectors and inclusion membrane proteins, where some of them also displayed niche-specific expression patterns. We also identified potential "ocular-specific" pseudogenes, and pointed out the major gene targets of adaptive mutations associated with LGV infections. We further observed that the in vivo-derived genetic makeup of C. trachomatis is not significantly compromised by its long-term laboratory propagation. In opposition, its introduction in vitro has the potential to affect the phenotype, likely yielding virulence attenuation. In fact, we observed a "genital-specific" rampant inactivation of the virulence gene CT135, which may impact the interpretation of data derived from studies requiring culture. Globally, the findings presented in this Ph.D. thesis contribute for the understanding of C.trachomatis adaptive evolution and provides new insights into the biological role of C. trachomatishypothetical proteins. They also launch research questions for future functional studies aiming toclarify the determinants of tissue tropism, virulence or pathogenic dissimilarities among C. trachomatisstrains.
INTRODUCTION: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonosis of great importance to public health and is considered a neglected disease by the World Health Organization. The disease has expanded and become more prevalent in urban areas in Brazil. METHODS: Geospatial analyses were performed and thematic maps of the triad of the disease were produced for the study period (2003-2012) in the urban area of the municipality of Rondonópolis in the midwestern State of Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil, TerraView 4.2.2 software was used for the analyses. RESULTS: A total of 87.9% of the 186 confirmed human cases of VL were cured. Children between the ages of 1 and 4 were the most affected. Registered deaths were predominant among adults aged 60 years or older. The urban area of the municipality consists of eight strata and 12 census districts include 237 neighborhoods. All sectors had confirmed cases of VL. During the study period, human cases of the disease were recorded in 90 neighborhoods. The 23 deaths from the disease were distributed in 21 neighborhoods. Sandflies carrying the parasite were captured in 192 out of 200 neighborhoods evaluated for the presence of the VL vector. The presence of dogs carrying the parasite was confirmed in, 140 out of 154 surveyed neighborhoods. CONCLUSIONS: The data demonstrated the endemic nature of VL, with a high percentage of infected children, a high distribution of canine infection, and a wide adaptation and dispersal of the vectors in the urban environment. These results, illustrate the process of urbanization of VL in the municipality of Rondonópolis, MT, Brazil.
The introduction of molecular biology techniques, especially of DNA analysis, for human identification is a recent advance in legal medicine. Substantial effort has continuously been made in an attempt to identify cadavers and human remains after wars, socio-political problems and mass disasters. In addition, because of the social dynamics of large cities, there are always cases of missing people, as well as unidentified cadavers and human remains that are found. In the last few years, there has also been an increase in requests for exhumation of human remains in order to determine genetic relationships in civil suits and court action. The authors provide an extensive review of the literature regarding the use of this new methodology for human identification of ancient or recent bones.
The environmental and socio-economic importance of coastal areas is widely recognized, but at present these areas face severe weaknesses and high-risk situations. The increased demand and growing human occupation of coastal zones have greatly contributed to exacerbating such weaknesses. Today, throughout the world, in all countries with coastal regions, episodes of waves overtopping and coastal flooding are frequent. These episodes are usually responsible for property losses and often put human lives at risk. The floods are caused by coastal storms primarily due to the action of very strong winds. The propagation of these storms towards the coast induces high water levels. It is expected that climate change phenomena will contribute to the intensification of coastal storms. In this context, an estimation of coastal flooding hazards is of paramount importance for the planning and management of coastal zones. Consequently, carrying out a series of storm scenarios and analyzing their impacts through numerical modeling is of prime interest to coastal decision-makers. Firstly, throughout this work, historical storm tracks and intensities are characterized for the northeastern region of United States coast, in terms of probability of occurrence. Secondly, several storm events with high potential of occurrence are generated using a specific tool of DelftDashboard interface for Delft3D software. Hydrodynamic models are then used to generate ensemble simulations to assess storms' effects on coastal water levels. For the United States’ northeastern coast, a highly refined regional domain is considered surrounding the area of The Battery, New York, situated in New York Harbor. Based on statistical data of numerical modeling results, a review of the impact of coastal storms to different locations within the study area is performed.
Bioactive compounds are a large group of compounds (antimicrobials, antioxidants, nutrients, etc.), but its use in edible fi lms and coatings for application on fruits and vegetables has been very important because nowadays the consumers demand fruits and vegetables that are fresh, healthy, high quality and easy to prepare. A number of investigations have shown that the use of additives in edible fi lms and coatings improve its functionability and provide compounds for human health. However, it is necessary to continue research that can generate specifi c or tailor-made edible fi lms and coatings for each product with the best characteristics for preservation. In this review we present and analyze the concepts, progress and perspectives in the design and application of edible fi lms and coatings for fruits and vegetables in order to defi ne the challenges and opportunities that this topic of study in the fi eld of science, technology and food engineering.
Despite the common assumption that orthologs usually share the same function, there have been various reports of divergence between orthologs, even among species as close as mammals. The comparison of mouse and human is of special interest, because mouse is often used as a model organism to understand human biology. We review the literature on evidence for divergence between human and mouse orthologous genes, and discuss it in the context of biomedical research.
Hepatitis E is considered an emerging human viral disease in industrialized countries. Studies from Switzerland report a human seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) of 2.6-21%, a range lower than in adjacent European countries. The aim of this study was to determine whether HEV seroprevalence in domestic pigs and wild boars is also lower in Switzerland and whether it is increasing and thus indicating that this zoonotic viral infection is emerging. Serum samples collected from 2,001 pigs in 2006 and 2011 and from 303 wild boars from 2008 to 2012 were analysed by ELISA for the presence of HEV-specific antibodies. Overall HEV seroprevalence was 58.1% in domestic pigs and 12.5% in wild boars. Prevalence in domestic pigs was significantly higher in 2006 than in 2011. In conclusion, HEV seroprevalence in domestic pigs and wild boars in Switzerland is comparable with the seroprevalence in other countries and not increasing. Therefore, prevalence of HEV in humans must be related to other factors than prevalence in pigs or wild boars.
Retroviral transfer of T cell antigen receptor (TCR) genes selected by circumventing tolerance to broad tumor- and leukemia-associated antigens in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*0201 (A2.1) transgenic (Tg) mice allows the therapeutic reprogramming of human T lymphocytes. Using a human CD8 x A2.1/Kb mouse derived TCR specific for natural peptide-A2.1 (pA2.1) complexes comprising residues 81-88 of the human homolog of the murine double-minute 2 oncoprotein, MDM2(81-88), we found that the heterodimeric CD8 alpha beta coreceptor, but not normally expressed homodimeric CD8 alpha alpha, is required for tetramer binding and functional redirection of TCR- transduced human T cells. CD8+T cells that received a humanized derivative of the MDM2 TCR bound pA2.1 tetramers only in the presence of an anti-human-CD8 anti-body and required more peptide than wild-type (WT) MDM2 TCR+T cells to mount equivalent cytotoxicity. They were, however, sufficiently effective in recognizing malignant targets including fresh leukemia cells. Most efficient expression of transduced TCR in human T lymphocytes was governed by mouse as compared to human constant (C) alphabeta domains, as demonstrated with partially humanized and murinized TCR of primary mouse and human origin, respectively. We further observed a reciprocal relationship between the level of Tg WT mouse relative to natural human TCR expression, resulting in T cells with decreased normal human cell surface TCR. In contrast, natural human TCR display remained unaffected after delivery of the humanized MDM2 TCR. These results provide important insights into the molecular basis of TCR gene therapy of malignant disease.
BACKGROUND: Cancer/testis (CT) genes are normally expressed only in germ cells, but can be activated in the cancer state. This unusual property, together with the finding that many CT proteins elicit an antigenic response in cancer patients, has established a role for this class of genes as targets in immunotherapy regimes. Many families of CT genes have been identified in the human genome, but their biological function for the most part remains unclear. While it has been shown that some CT genes are under diversifying selection, this question has not been addressed before for the class as a whole. RESULTS: To shed more light on this interesting group of genes, we exploited the generation of a draft chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) genomic sequence to examine CT genes in an organism that is closely related to human, and generated a high-quality, manually curated set of human:chimpanzee CT gene alignments. We find that the chimpanzee genome contains homologues to most of the human CT families, and that the genes are located on the same chromosome and at a similar copy number to those in human. Comparison of putative human:chimpanzee orthologues indicates that CT genes located on chromosome X are diverging faster and are undergoing stronger diversifying selection than those on the autosomes or than a set of control genes on either chromosome X or autosomes. CONCLUSION: Given their high level of diversifying selection, we suggest that CT genes are primarily responsible for the observed rapid evolution of protein-coding genes on the X chromosome.
An indirect haemagglutination (IH) test is described for the detection of Clostridium perfringens type A enterotoxin, produced by strains isolated from human cases of food poisoning and from contaminated food. Though no strict relationship could be observed between titers in the IH test and the time it took mice to die from the intravenous inoculation of mice (IIM), results of the supernatants examined by both methods demonstrated that the IH test was more sensitive than the ILM one. No unspecific reaction was obtanined int he IH wirh a negative control and the inhibitions of the IH and IIM tests by specific antiserum against C. perfringens enterotoxin showed that the IH test is very spcific. The IH assay is recommended for its sensitivity and easy performance by less-equipped laboratories, by these and other data.
The gene encoding the cAMP-responsive transcription factor CREB consists of multiple small exons some of which undergo alternative RNA splicing. We describe the finding of a novel transcript of the CREB gene expressed at high levels in the germ cells of the rat testis. The transcript contains an alternatively spliced exon inserted within the sequence encoding the transcriptional transactivation domain of CREB and this exon contains multiple in-frame stop codons. Furthermore, the exon is conserved in both rat and human genes (75% nucleotide identity). Although the function(s) of this RNA or the truncated CREB protein predicted to result from the translation of this unusual transcript is unknown, the high level of expression in the testicular germ cells and remarkable conservation of sequences in rat and human suggests that it may have a unique biological function in these cells.
Human perception of bitterness displays pronounced interindividual variation. This phenotypic variation is mirrored by equally pronounced genetic variation in the family of bitter taste receptor genes. To better understand the effects of common genetic variations on human bitter taste perception, we conducted a genome-wide association study on a discovery panel of 504 subjects and a validation panel of 104 subjects from the general population of São Paulo in Brazil. Correction for general taste-sensitivity allowed us to identify a SNP in the cluster of bitter taste receptors on chr12 (10.88- 11.24 Mb, build 36.1) significantly associated (best SNP: rs2708377, P = 5.31 × 10(-13), r(2) = 8.9%, β = -0.12, s.e. = 0.016) with the perceived bitterness of caffeine. This association overlaps with-but is statistically distinct from-the previously identified SNP rs10772420 influencing the perception of quinine bitterness that falls in the same bitter taste cluster. We replicated this association to quinine perception (P = 4.97 × 10(-37), r(2) = 23.2%, β = 0.25, s.e. = 0.020) and additionally found the effect of this genetic locus to be concentration specific with a strong impact on the perception of low, but no impact on the perception of high concentrations of quinine. Our study, thus, furthers our understanding of the complex genetic architecture of bitter taste perception.
We have recently cloned the human homologue of the murine pT49 cDNA (hpT49h), a transcript encoding a protein homologous to the beta- and gamma-chains of fibrinogen. Here, we report the identification of the hpT49h gene product using mAbs generated against a peptide corresponding to the carboxyl-terminal end of the deduced protein and a recombinant protein fragment expressed in Escherichia coli. mAbs 23A6, 7B12, and 3F4 specifically recognized a protein of 70 kDa in reducing SDS-PAGE in the culture supernatant of 293T cells transiently transfected with the full length hpT49h cDNA and freshly isolated PBMC. Under nonreducing conditions, the material migrated with a molecular mass of 250 to 300 kDa, indicating that the 70-kDa protein forms a disulfide bonded complex. Because of its homology with fibrinogen, we have termed this protein fibroleukin. Fibroleukin is spontaneously secreted in vitro by freshly isolated CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. RT-PCR analysis revealed preferential expression of fibroleukin mRNA in memory T lymphocytes (CD3+/CD45R0+) compared with naive T lymphocytes (CD3+/CD45RA+). Fibroleukin production by PBMC was rapidly lost in culture. Production could be partially maintained in the presence of IFN-gamma, while T lymphocyte activation had no effect. To demonstrate fibroleukin production in vivo, we analyzed colon mucosa by immunohistology. Fibroleukin staining was detected in the extracellular matrix of the T lymphocyte-rich upper portion of the lamina propria mucosa. While the exact function of fibroleukin remains to be defined, these data suggest that fibroleukin may play a role in physiologic lymphocyte functions at mucosal sites.
From 1997 to 1999, we identified seven human cases of infection by fourth stage larvae of Pseudoterranova decipiens in Chile. All identified larvae were coughed up by the patients. Subjects were 10-55 years old; five were female. Some patients complained of coughing, expectoration, pharyngeal pain, nausea or anal and nasal pruritus. Larvae of three patients were coughed up from 36 h to 7 days after having eaten raw (cebiche or sushi) or lightly fried fish. P. decipiens has a marine life cycle. Infective third stage larva develop to adult stage in pinniped mammals. The nematode eggs are voided with the host faeces and develop and hatch releasing third stage larvae. Some crustaceans and fish act as hosts of third stage larvae. Man is an accidental host for third or fourth stage larvae.