950 resultados para ozone and storage


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The consumption of lutein is associated with the prevention and reduction of age-related macular degeneration. Its incorporation into Prato cheese as a yellowish food coloring is a valid alternative to increase the daily intake of this compound. However, part of the lutein added may be lost in the whey during the cheese making, or it can be degraded by light during storage, resulting in color changes reducing the sensory acceptance of the cheese. The objectives of this study were to determine the transference of the lutein (dye), added to the milk, in the whey, and cheese, to evaluate the effect of the lutein addition, light exposure, and storage time on the cheese color, and to verify the sensory acceptance of Prato cheese with addition of lutein. The lutein recovery of cheese was 95.25%. Color saturation (chrome) increased during storage time resulting in a cheese with more intense color, but there were no changes in the hue of the cheese. Adjusting the amount of lutein added to Prato cheese may lead to greater acceptance. The high recovery of lutein in the cheese and the fact that the hue remained unchanged during storage under light showed that the incorporation of lutein into Prato cheese is feasible from a technical point of view.


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Abstract The present work aimed at studying the effect of different drying methods applied to tilapia byproducts (heads, viscera and carcasses) fed with flaxseed, verifying the contents of omega-3 fatty acids. Two diets were given to the tilapia: a control and a flaxseed formulation, over the course of 60 days. After this period, they were slaughtered and their byproducts (heads, viscera and carcasses) were collected. These fish parts were analyzed in natura, lyophilized and oven dried. Byproducts from tilapia fed with flaxseed presented docosapentaenoic, eicopentaenoic and docosahexanoic fatty acids as a result of the enzymatic metabolism of the fish. The byproducts from the oven drying process had lower levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the multivariate analysis, the byproducts from fish fed with flaxseed had a greater composition of fatty acids. The addition of flaxseed in fish diets, as well as the utilization of their byproducts, may become a good business strategy. Additionally, the byproducts may be dried to facilitate transport and storage.


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3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazines (MPs) are grape- and insect-derived odor-active compounds responsible for vegetative percepts that are detrimental to wine quality when elevated. This study tested both the effect of closure/packaging types and light/temperature storage conditions on MPs (isopropyl-, secbutyl-, and isobutyl-MP) in wine. An MP-emiched wine rapidly (after 140 hours) and significantly decreased in MP concentration after natural and synthetic cork contact (immersion of closures in wine). This decrease was greatest with synthetic closures (70% - 89% reduction) and secbutyl-MP. Subsequently storage trials tested the effects of commercial closure/packaging options (natural cork, agglomerate cork, synthetic corks, screwcaps and TetraPak® cartons) on MPs in MP-emiched Riesling and Cabernet Franc over 18 months. Regardless of packaging, isobutyl-MP was the most altered from bottling. Notably, all MP levels tended to decrease to the greatest extent in TetraPak® cartons (~34% for all MPs) and there was evidence of contribution ofisoproyl- and secbutyl-MP from cork-based closures (i.e. ~30% increase in secbutyl-MP after 6 months) or from an unidentified wine constituent. To test the effects of various light/temperature conditions (light exposed at ambient temperature in three different bottle hues, light excluded at ambient temperature and light excluded at a "cellar" temperature (14°C)), MP-emiched Riesling and Cabernet Franc were also analyzed for MP concentrations over 12 months. MPs did not vary consistently with light or temperature. Other odorants and physico-chemical properties were tested in all wines during storage trials and closely agree with previous literature. These results provide novel insights into MPs during ageing, interactions with packaging and storage conditions, and assist in the selection of storage conditions/packaging for optimal wine quality.


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Le problème inverse en électroencéphalographie (EEG) est la localisation de sources de courant dans le cerveau utilisant les potentiels de surface sur le cuir chevelu générés par ces sources. Une solution inverse implique typiquement de multiples calculs de potentiels de surface sur le cuir chevelu, soit le problème direct en EEG. Pour résoudre le problème direct, des modèles sont requis à la fois pour la configuration de source sous-jacente, soit le modèle de source, et pour les tissues environnants, soit le modèle de la tête. Cette thèse traite deux approches bien distinctes pour la résolution du problème direct et inverse en EEG en utilisant la méthode des éléments de frontières (BEM): l’approche conventionnelle et l’approche réciproque. L’approche conventionnelle pour le problème direct comporte le calcul des potentiels de surface en partant de sources de courant dipolaires. D’un autre côté, l’approche réciproque détermine d’abord le champ électrique aux sites des sources dipolaires quand les électrodes de surfaces sont utilisées pour injecter et retirer un courant unitaire. Le produit scalaire de ce champ électrique avec les sources dipolaires donne ensuite les potentiels de surface. L’approche réciproque promet un nombre d’avantages par rapport à l’approche conventionnelle dont la possibilité d’augmenter la précision des potentiels de surface et de réduire les exigences informatiques pour les solutions inverses. Dans cette thèse, les équations BEM pour les approches conventionnelle et réciproque sont développées en utilisant une formulation courante, la méthode des résidus pondérés. La réalisation numérique des deux approches pour le problème direct est décrite pour un seul modèle de source dipolaire. Un modèle de tête de trois sphères concentriques pour lequel des solutions analytiques sont disponibles est utilisé. Les potentiels de surfaces sont calculés aux centroïdes ou aux sommets des éléments de discrétisation BEM utilisés. La performance des approches conventionnelle et réciproque pour le problème direct est évaluée pour des dipôles radiaux et tangentiels d’excentricité variable et deux valeurs très différentes pour la conductivité du crâne. On détermine ensuite si les avantages potentiels de l’approche réciproquesuggérés par les simulations du problème direct peuvent êtres exploités pour donner des solutions inverses plus précises. Des solutions inverses à un seul dipôle sont obtenues en utilisant la minimisation par méthode du simplexe pour à la fois l’approche conventionnelle et réciproque, chacun avec des versions aux centroïdes et aux sommets. Encore une fois, les simulations numériques sont effectuées sur un modèle à trois sphères concentriques pour des dipôles radiaux et tangentiels d’excentricité variable. La précision des solutions inverses des deux approches est comparée pour les deux conductivités différentes du crâne, et leurs sensibilités relatives aux erreurs de conductivité du crâne et au bruit sont évaluées. Tandis que l’approche conventionnelle aux sommets donne les solutions directes les plus précises pour une conductivité du crâne supposément plus réaliste, les deux approches, conventionnelle et réciproque, produisent de grandes erreurs dans les potentiels du cuir chevelu pour des dipôles très excentriques. Les approches réciproques produisent le moins de variations en précision des solutions directes pour différentes valeurs de conductivité du crâne. En termes de solutions inverses pour un seul dipôle, les approches conventionnelle et réciproque sont de précision semblable. Les erreurs de localisation sont petites, même pour des dipôles très excentriques qui produisent des grandes erreurs dans les potentiels du cuir chevelu, à cause de la nature non linéaire des solutions inverses pour un dipôle. Les deux approches se sont démontrées également robustes aux erreurs de conductivité du crâne quand du bruit est présent. Finalement, un modèle plus réaliste de la tête est obtenu en utilisant des images par resonace magnétique (IRM) à partir desquelles les surfaces du cuir chevelu, du crâne et du cerveau/liquide céphalorachidien (LCR) sont extraites. Les deux approches sont validées sur ce type de modèle en utilisant des véritables potentiels évoqués somatosensoriels enregistrés à la suite de stimulation du nerf médian chez des sujets sains. La précision des solutions inverses pour les approches conventionnelle et réciproque et leurs variantes, en les comparant à des sites anatomiques connus sur IRM, est encore une fois évaluée pour les deux conductivités différentes du crâne. Leurs avantages et inconvénients incluant leurs exigences informatiques sont également évalués. Encore une fois, les approches conventionnelle et réciproque produisent des petites erreurs de position dipolaire. En effet, les erreurs de position pour des solutions inverses à un seul dipôle sont robustes de manière inhérente au manque de précision dans les solutions directes, mais dépendent de l’activité superposée d’autres sources neurales. Contrairement aux attentes, les approches réciproques n’améliorent pas la précision des positions dipolaires comparativement aux approches conventionnelles. Cependant, des exigences informatiques réduites en temps et en espace sont les avantages principaux des approches réciproques. Ce type de localisation est potentiellement utile dans la planification d’interventions neurochirurgicales, par exemple, chez des patients souffrant d’épilepsie focale réfractaire qui ont souvent déjà fait un EEG et IRM.


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Les récoltes de céréales sont souvent contaminées par des moisissures qui se développent pendant la récolte et l’entreposage et produisent des métabolites secondaires appelés mycotoxines. Le porc est reconnu pour être sensible au déoxynivalénol (DON). L’infection virale la plus importante chez le porc est causée par le virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (VSRRP). Celui-ci provoque un syndrome grippal et des troubles de reproduction. L’objectif du présent projet était de déterminer l'effet in vitro de DON sur la réplication du VSRRP dans de lignées cellulaires permissives, MARC-145 et PAM, et déterminer in vivo l'impact de DON dans des aliments naturellement contaminés sur l’infection au VSRRP chez le porcelet. Tout d’abord, les cellules ont été incubées avec des doses croissantes de DON et ont été infectées avec du VSRRP pour évaluer la viabilité et la mortalité cellulaire, la réplication virale et l’expression de cytokines. Les résultats ont montré que les concentrations de DON de 560ng/ml et plus affectaient significativement la survie des cellules MARC-145 et PAM infectées par le VSRRP. En revanche, il y avait une augmentation significative de la viabilité et une réduction de la mortalité cellulaire à des concentrations de DON de 140 à 280 ng/ml pour les cellules PAM et de 70 à 280 ng/ml pour les cellules MARC-145 avec une réduction de l'effet cytopathique provoqué parle VSRRP. Au niveau in vivo, 30 porcelets divisés en 3 groupes de 10 porcelets et nourris pendant 2 semaines avec 3 différentes diètes naturellement ont été contaminées avec DON (0; 2,5 et 3,5 mg/kg). Les porcelets ont été subdivisés en 6 groupes, 3 groupes de 6 porcelets et ont été exposés au DON pendant 2 semaines et infectés par voie intratrachéale et intramusculaire avec le virus. Les 3 autres groupes de 4 porcelets servaient de contrôle non infectés. Les signes cliniques ont été enregistrés pendant 21 jours. La virémie a été évaluée par PCR. À la fin de l’expérimentation, les porcelets ont été euthanasiés et les lésions pulmonaires ont été évaluées. Les résultats ont montré que l’ingestion de DON à 3,5 mg/kg a augmenté l’effet du VSRRP sur la sévérité des signes cliniques, les lésions pulmonaires et la mortalité. L’ingestion de DON à 2,5 mg/kg a entrainé une augmentation de la virémie au jour 3 après l’infection mais sans impact sur les signes cliniques et les lésions pulmonaires. Mot clés: DON, VSRRP, MARC-145, PAM, effet cytopathique, cytokines, PCR


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Remote Data acquisition and analysing systems developed for fisheries and related environmental studies have been reported. It consists of three units. The first one namely multichannel remote data acquisition system is installed at the remote place powered by a rechargeable battery. It acquires and stores the 16 channel environmental data on a battery backed up RAM. The second unit called the Field data analyser is used for insitue display and analysis of the data stored in the backed up RAM. The third unit namely Laboratory data analyser is an IBM compatible PC based unit for detailed analysis and interpretation of the data after bringing the RAM unit to the laboratory. The data collected using the system has been analysed and presented in the form of a graph. The system timer operated at negligibly low current, switches on the power to the entire remote operated system at prefixed time interval of 2 hours.Data storage at remote site on low power battery backedupRAM and retrieval and analysis of data using PC are the special i ty of the system. The remote operated system takes about 7 seconds including the 5 second stabilization time to acquire and store data and is very ideal for remote operation on rechargeable bat tery. The system can store 16 channel data scanned at 2 hour interval for 10 days on 2K backed up RAM with memory expansion facility for 8K RAM.


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Packaging is important not only in extending the shellife of fish and fishery products but also improving their marketability. In the recent years, significant development have taken place in the packaging industry. During the past decade in India, there is almost a packaging revolution with the availability of variety packaging materials, thus generating better packaging consciousness in other producer/manufacturing industries. But unfortunately, such realisation is not forthcoming in the fisheries sector and packaging techniques for local and export trade continues to be on traditional lines with their inherent drawbacks and limitations. Better packaging ensures improved quality and presentation of the products and ensures higher returns to the producer. Among several packaging materials used in fishery industry, ISI specifications had been formulated only for corrugated fibre board boxes for export of seafoods and froglegs. This standard was formulated before containersiation came into existance in the export of marine products. Before containerisation, the standards were stringent in view of the rough handling, transportation and storage. Two of the common defects reported in the master cartons exported from India are low mechanical strength and tendency to get wet. They are weakened by the deposits of moisture caused by temperature fluctuations during loading, unloading and other handling stages. It is necessary to rectify the above defects in packaging aquatic products and hence in the present study extensive investigations are carried out to find out the reasons for the damage of master cartons, to evolve code of practice for the packaging oi frozen shrimp for exports, development of alternative style of packaging for the shipping container, development of suitable consumer packaging materials for fish soup powder, cured dried mackeral, fish pickles in oil and frozen shrimp. For the development of suitable packaging materials, it is absolutely essential to know the properties of packaging materials, effect of different packaging materials on theirshelf life and their suitability for food contact applications.


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There are a large number of commercial examples and property advantages of immiscible elastomer blends.73 Blends of natural rubber (NR) and polybutadiene (BR) have shown various advantages including heat stability, improved elasticity and abrasion resistance. Ethylene-propylene-diene-rubber (EPDM) blended with styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) has shown improvements in ozone and chemical resistance with better compression set properties. Blends of EPDM and nitrile rubber (NBR) have been cited as a compromise for obtaining moderate oil and ozone resistance with improved low temperature properties. Neoprene (CR)/BR blends offer improved low temperature properties and abrasion resistance with better processing characteristics etc. However, in many of the commercial two-phase elastomer blends, segregation of the crosslinking agents, carbon black or antioxidants preferentially into one phase can result in failure to attain optimum properties. Soluble and insoluble compounding ingredients are found to be preferentially concentrated in one phase. The balance of optimum curing of both phases therefore presents a difficult problem. It has been the aim of this study to improve the performance of commercially important elastomer blends such as natural rubber (NR)/styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and natural rubber/polybutadiene rubber (BR) by industrially viable procedures


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In forestry, availability of healthy seeds is an important factor in raising planting stock. Initial seed health and storage conditions are the major factors governing the germinability of seeds. Like seeds of agricultural and horticultural crops, forest tree seeds are also liable to be affected by micro-organisms during storage, which affects the germination, and reduces the viability. Further introduction of seed-borne diseases into newly sown crops/areas on account of using unhealthy seeds is also not ruled out. Availability of healthy stock of seedlings is intrinsic for raising plantations and to meet this requirement elimination of nursery diseases by appropriate chemicals is of prime imortance. As exotic tree species may become susceptible to various native pathogens, it is generally considered better to select indigenous tree species for large scale plantations as they are well adapted to local environment. However, before taking up large scale afforestation progranme involving any indigenous tree species, it is essential to have knowledge about seed disorders and seedling diseases and their management. with a View to select appropriate tree species with fewer seed disorders and seedling disease problems for use in further plantation programme, four indigenous tree species such as Albizia odoratissima (L.f) Benth., Lagerstroemia microcazpa Wt., Pterocazpus marsupiwn Roxb. and Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. were evaluated to meet the above parameters


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Light in its physical and philosophical sense has captured the imagination of human mind right from the dawn of civilization. The invention of lasers in the 60’s caused a renaissance in the field of optics. This intense, monochromatic, highly directional radiation created new frontiers in science and technology. The strong oscillating electric field of laser radiation creates a. polarisation response that is nonlinear in character in the medium through which it passes and the medium acts as a new source of optical field with alternate properties. It was in this context, that the field of optoelectronics which encompasses the generation, modulation, transmission etc. of optical radiation has gained tremendous importance. Organic molecules and polymeric systems have emerged as a class of promising materials of optoelectronics because they offer the flexibility, both at the molecular and bulk levels, to optimize the nonlinearity and other suitable properties for device applications. Organic nonlinear optical media, which yield large third-order nonlinearities, have been widely studied to develop optical devices like high speed switches, optical limiters etc. Transparent polymeric materials have found one of their most promising applicationsin lasers, in which they can be used as active elements with suitable laser dyes doped in it. The solid-matrix dye lasers make possible combination of the advantages of solid state lasers with the possibility of tuning the radiation over a broad spectral range. The polymeric matrices impregnated with organic dyes have not yet widely used because of the low resistance of the polymeric matrices to laser damage, their low dye photostability, and low dye stability over longer time of operation and storage. In this thesis we investigate the nonlinear and radiative properties of certain organic materials and doped polymeric matrix and their possible role in device development


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The focus of this work is to provide authentication and confidentiality of messages in a swift and cost effective manner to suit the fast growing Internet applications. A nested hash function with lower computational and storage demands is designed with a view to providing authentication as also to encrypt the message as well as the hash code using a fast stream cipher MAJE4 with a variable key size of 128-bit or 256-bit for achieving confidentiality. Both nested Hash function and MAJE4 stream cipher algorithm use primitive computational operators commonly found in microprocessors; this makes the method simple and fast to implement both in hardware and software. Since the memory requirement is less, it can be used for handheld devices for security purposes.


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The term ‘water pollution’ broadly refers to the contamination of water and water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater etc). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove the harmful contaminants. This affects not only the plants and organisms living in these bodies of water but also the entire natural biological communities and the biodiversity.Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have been tested as environment-friendly techniques for the treatment of contaminated water, in view of their ability to convert pollutants into harmless end products. These techniques refer to a set of treatment procedures designed to remove organic or inorganic contaminants in wastewater by oxidation. The contaminants are oxidized by different reagents such as air, oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide which are introduced in precise, preprogrammed dosages, sequences and combinations under appropriate conditions. The procedure when combined with light in presence of catalyst is known as photocatalysis. When ultrasound (US) is used as the energy source, the process is referred as sonication. Sonication in presence of catalyst is referred as sonocatalysis. Of late, combination of light and sound as energy sources has been tested for the decontamination of wastewater in the presence of suitable catalyst. In this case, the process is referred as sonophotocatalysis. These AOPs are specially advantageous in pollution control and waste water treatment because unlike many other technologies, they do not just transfer the pollutant from one phase to another but completely degrade them into innocuous substances such as CO2 and H2O.


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The atmospheric composition of the central North Atlantic region has been sampled using the FAAM BAe146 instrumented aircraft during the Intercontinental Transport of Ozone and Precursors (ITOP) campaign, part of the wider International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT). This paper presents an overview of the ITOP campaign. Between late July and early August 2004, twelve flights comprising 72 hours of measurement were made in a region from approximately 20 to 40°W and 33 to 47°N centered on Faial Island, Azores, ranging in altitude from 50 to 9000 m. The vertical profiles of O3 and CO are consistent with previous observations made in this region during 1997 and our knowledge of the seasonal cycles within the region. A cluster analysis technique is used to partition the data set into air mass types with distinct chemical signatures. Six clusters provide a suitable balance between cluster generality and specificity. The clusters are labeled as biomass burning, low level outflow, upper level outflow, moist lower troposphere, marine and upper troposphere. During this summer, boreal forest fire emissions from Alaska and northern Canada were found to provide a major perturbation of tropospheric composition in CO, PAN, organic compounds and aerosol. Anthropogenic influenced air from the continental boundary layer of the USA was clearly observed running above the marine boundary layer right across the mid-Atlantic, retaining high pollution levels in VOCs and sulfate aerosol. Upper level outflow events were found to have far lower sulfate aerosol, resulting from washout on ascent, but much higher PAN associated with the colder temperatures. Lagrangian links with flights of other aircraft over the USA and Europe show that such signatures are maintained many days downwind of emission regions. Some other features of the data set are highlighted, including the strong perturbations to many VOCs and OVOCs in this remote region.


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FAMOUS is an ocean-atmosphere general circulation model of low resolution, capable of simulating approximately 120 years of model climate per wallclock day using current high performance computing facilities. It uses most of the same code as HadCM3, a widely used climate model of higher resolution and computational cost, and has been tuned to reproduce the same climate reasonably well. FAMOUS is useful for climate simulations where the computational cost makes the application of HadCM3 unfeasible, either because of the length of simulation or the size of the ensemble desired. We document a number of scientific and technical improvements to the original version of FAMOUS. These improvements include changes to the parameterisations of ozone and sea-ice which alleviate a significant cold bias from high northern latitudes and the upper troposphere, and the elimination of volume-averaged drifts in ocean tracers. A simple model of the marine carbon cycle has also been included. A particular goal of FAMOUS is to conduct millennial-scale paleoclimate simulations of Quaternary ice ages; to this end, a number of useful changes to the model infrastructure have been made.


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Fine sediment delivery to and storage in stream channel reaches can disrupt aquatic habitats, impact river hydromorphology, and transfer adsorbed nutrients and pollutants from catchment slopes to the fluvial system. This paper presents a modelling toot for simulating the time-dependent response of the fine sediment system in catchments, using an integrated approach that incorporates both land phase and in-stream processes of sediment generation, storage and transfer. The performance of the model is demonstrated by applying it to simulate in-stream suspended sediment concentrations in two lowland catchments in southern England, the Enborne and the Lambourn, which exhibit contrasting hydrological and sediment responses due to differences in substrate permeability. The sediment model performs well in the Enborne catchment, where direct runoff events are frequent and peak suspended sediment concentrations can exceed 600 mg l(-1). The general trends in the in-stream concentrations in the Lambourn catchment are also reproduced by the model, although the observed concentrations are low (rarely exceeding 50 mg l(-1)) and the background variability in the concentrations is not fully characterized by the model. Direct runoff events are rare in this highly permeable catchment, resulting in a weak coupling between the sediment delivery system and the catchment hydrology. The generic performance of the model is also assessed using a generalized sensitivity analysis based on the parameter bounds identified in the catchment applications. Results indicate that the hydrological parameters contributing to the sediment response include those controlling (1) the partitioning of runoff between surface and soil zone flows and (2) the fractional loss of direct runoff volume prior to channel delivery. The principal sediment processes controlling model behaviour in the simulations are the transport capacity of direct runoff and the in-stream generation, storage and release of the fine sediment fraction. The in-stream processes appear to be important in maintaining the suspended sediment concentrations during low flows in the River Enborne and throughout much of the year in the River Lambourn. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.