958 resultados para obstructive jaundice
OBJETIVOS: Descrever as características clínicas e laboratoriais dos pacientes em oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada acompanhados pelo programa de atendimento domiciliar do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, durante um período de 8 anos, e comparar os grupos com e sem hipertensão pulmonar secundária. Estimar o custo do programa utilizando concentradores versus cilindros de oxigênio arcados pela instituição. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo retrospectivo e de coorte dos pacientes em oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada, em seguimento no período de 2002 a 2009, na Unidade de Pneumologia do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 165 pacientes, 53% do sexo masculino, com as medianas: idade de início da oxigenoterapia - 3,6 anos; tempo de oxigenoterapia - 7 anos; e tempo de sobrevida após início da oxigenoterapia - 3,4 anos. Os principais diagnósticos foram: fibrose cística (22%), displasia broncopulmonar (19%) e bronquiolite obliterante (15%). Dos 33 pacientes que realizaram espirometria, 70% apresentavam distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo grave. O exame ecocardiográfico foi executado em 134 pacientes; 51% deles tinham hipertensão pulmonar secundária. Houve associação estatisticamente significante entre: presença de hipertensão pulmonar e necessidade de maiores fluxos de oxigênio (qui-quadrado, p = 0,011); e presença de hipertensão pulmonar e maior tempo de oxigenoterapia (Logrank, p = 0,0001). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre tempo de sobrevida após início da oxigenoterapia e presença de hipertensão pulmonar. Os custos médios mensais do programa foram: US$ 7.392,93 para os concentradores e US$ 16.630,92 para cilindros. CONCLUSÕES: A oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada foi empregada em distintas doenças crônicas, predominantemente em lactentes e pré-escolares. Houve alta frequência de hipertensão pulmonar associada a maiores períodos de uso e fluxos de oxigênio, sem associação à sobrevida. A substituição dos cilindros por concentradores poderá reduzir custos significativamente.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e fatores associados à doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional com 1.441 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e com 40 anos de idade ou mais no município de São Paulo, SP, entre 2008 e 2009. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade, e por conglomerados em dois estágios (setores censitários e domicílios). Foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson na análise ajustada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 4,2% (IC95% 3,1;5,4) referiram doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. Após análise ajustada, identificaram-se os seguintes fatores independentemente associados ao agravo: número de cigarros fumados na vida (> 1.500/nenhum) RP = 3,85 (IC95%: 1,87;7,94), cansar-se com facilidade (sim/não) RP = 2,61 (IC95% 1,39;4,90), idade (60 a 69 anos/50 a 59 anos) RP = 3,27 (IC95% 1,01;11,24), idade (70 anos e mais/50 a 59 anos) RP = 4,29 (IC95% 1,30;14,29), problemas de saúde nos últimos 15 dias (sim/não) RP = 1,31 (IC95% 1,02;1,77), e atividade física no tempo livre (sim/não) RP = 0,57 (IC95% 0,26;0,97). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica é elevada e está associada ao uso do tabaco e idade acima de 60 anos. Os problemas de saúde freqüentes e redução da atividade física no tempo livre podem ser considerados conseqüências dessa doença.
Estudos sugerem que pacientes com claudicação intermitente (CI) apresentam respostas hemodinâmicas alteradas durante o teste ergométrico. Contudo, o impacto da severidade da doença nessas respostas ainda não está claro. Em vista disso, o presente estudo analisou o impacto da severidade dos sintomas de CI nas respostas cardiovasculares ao teste de esforço, em indivíduos com doença arterial obstrutiva periférica. Participaram do estudo 47 sujeitos com CI. Foi realizado teste ergométrico em esteira, utilizando protocolo específico para essa população. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos de acordo com a distância obtida no teste de esforço em: 1º tercil, caminhavam entre 210 e 420 metros; 2º tercil, caminhavam entre 450 e 700 metros; e 3º tercil, caminhavam entre 740 e 1060 metros. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), a frequência cardíaca (FC) e o duplo produto (DP) foram obtidos em repouso, no primeiro estágio e no pico de esforço. Nos três tercis, a PAS e a PAD aumentaram significantemente ao longo do teste ergométrico. Nos três tercis, a FC e o DP aumentaram significantemente ao longo do teste e as respostas no 1º tercil foram mais acentuadas que nos demais tercis. Todavia, no pico de esforço, a FC e o DP não houve diferença entre os tercis. Concluíu-se que a severidade da CI não influenciou as respostas da pressão arterial durante o teste ergométrico progressivo, ao passo que maiores valores de FC e DP foram observados em indivíduos com CI mais severa em uma carga submáxima.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo rever a literatura e descrever a utilização da ventilação oscilatória de alta freqüência em crianças e recém-nascidos. Revisão bibliográfica e seleção de publicações mais relevantes sobre ventilação de alta freqüência utilizando as bases de dados MedLine e SciElo publicadas nos últimos 15 anos. As seguintes palavras-chave foram utilizadas: ventilação oscilatória de alta freqüência, ventilação mecânica, síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo, crianças e recém-nascidos. Descreveu-se o emprego da ventilação oscilatória de alta freqüência em crianças com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo, síndrome de escape de ar e doença pulmonar obstrutiva. Avaliou em recém-nascidos, síndrome do desconforto respiratório, displasia broncopulmonar, hemorragia peri-intraventricular, leucoencefalomalácia e extravasamento de ar. Também, abordou a transição da ventilação mecânica convencional para a ventilação de alta freqüência e o manuseio específico da ventilação de alta freqüência quanto à oxigenação, eliminação de gás carbônico, realização de exame radiológico, realização de sucção traqueal e utilização de sedação e bloqueio neuromuscular. Foram abordados o desmame deste modo ventilatório e as complicações. Em crianças maiores a ventilação oscilatória de alta freqüência é uma opção terapêutica, principalmente na síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo, devendo ser empregada precocemente. Também pode ser útil em casos de síndrome de escape de ar e doença pulmonar obstrutiva. Em recém-nascidos, não há evidências que demonstram superioridade da ventilação oscilatória de alta freqüência em relação à ventilação convencional, sendo a síndrome de escape de ar a única situação clínica em que há evidência de melhores resultados com este modo ventilatório.
In order to assess the prevalence of and risk factors for aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity in intensive care units (ICUs), we evaluated 360 consecutive patients starting aminoglycoside therapy in an ICU. The patients had a baseline calculated glomerular filtration rate (cGFR) of ?30 ml/min/1.73 m2. Among these patients, 209 (58 per cent) developed aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity (the acute kidney injury [AKI] group, which consisted of individuals with a decrease in cGFR of >20 per cent from the baseline cGFR), while 151 did not (non-AKI group). Both groups had similar baseline cGFRs. The AKI group developed a lower cGFR nadir (45 ± 27 versus 79 ± 39 ml/min/1.73 m2 for the non-AKI group; P < 0.001); was older (56 ± 18 years versus 52 ± 19 years for the non-AKI group; P = 0.033); had a higher prevalence of diabetes (19.6 per cent versus 9.3 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.007); was more frequently treated with other nephrotoxic drugs (51 per cent versus 38 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.024); used iodinated contrast more frequently (18 per cent versus 8 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0054); and showed a higher prevalence of hypotension (63 per cent versus 44 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0003), shock (56 per cent versus 31 per cent for the non-AKI group; P < 0.0001), and jaundice (19 per cent versus 8 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0036). The mortality rate was 44.5 per cent for the AKI group and 29.1 per cent for the non-AKI group (P = 0.0031). A logistic regression model identified as significant (P < 0.05) the following independent factors that affected aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity: a baseline cGFR of <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (odds ratio [OR], 0.42), diabetes (OR, 2.13), treatment with other nephrotoxins (OR, 1.61) or iodinated contrast (OR, 2.13), and hypotension (OR, 1.83). (To continue) In conclusion, AKI was frequent among ICU patients receiving an aminoglycoside, and it was associated with a high rate of mortality. The presence of diabetes or hypotension and the use of other nephrotoxic drugs and iodinated contrast were independent risk factors for the development of aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity
OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil de pacientes adultos residentes no município de São Paulo que evoluíram para óbito associado à tuberculose, segundo fatores biológicos, ambientais e institucionais. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, abrangendo todos os óbitos por tuberculose (N=416) ocorridos em 2002, entre maiores de 15 anos. Os dados analisados foram obtidos do Sistema Municipal de Informações de Mortalidade, prontuários hospitalares, Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos e Sistema de Vigilância de Tuberculose. Os cálculos dos riscos relativos e intervalos de confiança de 95 por cento (IC 95 por cento) tiveram como referência o sexo feminino, grupo de 15 a 29 anos, e os naturais do Estado de São Paulo. A análise comparativa usou o teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson e o exato de Fisher para variáveis categóricas e o teste Kruskal-Wallis para variáveis contínuas. RESULTADOS: Do total de óbitos, 78 por cento apresentavam a forma pulmonar; o diagnóstico foi efetuado após a morte em 30 por cento e em unidades de atendimento primário em 14 por cento dos casos; 44 por cento não iniciaram tratamento; 49 por cento não foram notificados; 76 por cento eram homens e a mediana da idade foi de 51 anos; 52 por cento tinham até quatro anos de estudo, 4 por cento eram prováveis moradores de rua. As taxas de mortalidade aumentavam com a idade, sendo de 5,0/100.000 no município, variando de zero a 35, conforme o distrito. Para 82 de 232 pacientes com registro de tratamento, havia referência de tratamento anterior, e desses, 41 o haviam abandonado. Constatou-se presença de diabetes (16 por cento), doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (19 por cento), HIV (11 por cento), tabagismo (71 por cento) e alcoolismo (64 por cento) nos pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: Homens acima de 50 anos, migrantes e residentes em distritos com baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano apresentam maiores riscos de óbito. )A pouca escolaridade e apresentar co-morbidades são características importante Observou-se baixa participação das unidades básicas de saúde no diagnóstico e a elevada sub-notificação
Background: Hypertension, diabetes and obesity are not isolated findings, but a series of interacting interactive physiologic derangements. Taking into account genetic background and lifestyle behavior, AI (autonomic imbalance) could be a common root for RHTN (resistant hypertension) or RHTN plus type 2 diabetes (T2D) comorbidity development. Moreover, circadian disruption can lead to metabolic and vasomotor impairments such as obesity, insulin resistance and resistant hypertension. In order to better understand the triggered emergence of obesity and T2D comorbidity in resistant hypertension, we investigated the pattern of autonomic activity in the circadian rhythm in RHTN with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D), and its relationship with serum adiponectin concentration. Methods: Twenty five RHTN patients (15 non-T2D and 10 T2D, 15 males, 10 females; age range 34 to 70 years) were evaluated using the following parameters: BMI (body mass index), biochemical analysis, serum adiponectinemia, echocardiogram and ambulatory electrocardiograph heart rate variability (HRV) in time and frequency domains stratified into three periods: 24 hour, day time and night time. Results: Both groups demonstrated similar characteristics despite of the laboratory analysis concerning T2D like fasting glucose, HbA1c levels and hypertriglyceridemia. Both groups also revealed disruption of the circadian rhythm: inverted sympathetic and parasympathetic tones during day (parasympathetic > sympathetic tone) and night periods (sympathetic > parasympathetic tone). T2D group had increased BMI and serum triglyceride levels (mean 33.7 +/- 4.0 vs 26.6 +/- 3.7 kg/m(2) - p = 0.00; 254.8 +/- 226.4 vs 108.6 +/- 48.7 mg/dL - p = 0.04), lower levels of adiponectin (6729.7 +/- 3381.5 vs 10911.5 +/- 5554.0 ng/mL - p = 0.04) and greater autonomic imbalance evaluated by HRV parameters in time domain compared to non-T2D RHTN patients. Total patients had HRV correlated positively with serum adiponectin (r = 0.37 [95% CI - 0.04 - 1.00] p = 0.03), negatively with HbA1c levels (r = -0.58 [95% CI -1.00 - -0.3] p = 0.00) and also adiponectin correlated negatively with HbA1c levels (r = -0.40 [95% CI -1.00 - -0.07] p = 0.02). Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes comorbidity is associated with greater autonomic imbalance, lower adiponectin levels and greater BMI in RHTN patients. Similar circadian disruption was also found in both groups indicating the importance of lifestyle behavior in the genesis of RHTN.
Background Peripheral muscle strength and endurance are decreased in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases and seem to contribute to patients' exercise intolerance. However, the authors are not aware of any studies evaluating peripheral muscle function in children with asthma. It seems to be implied that children with asthma have lower aerobic fitness, but there are limited studies comparing the aerobic capacity of children with and without asthma. The present study aimed to evaluate muscle strength and endurance in children with persistent asthma and their association with aerobic capacity and inhaled corticosteroid consumption. Methods Forty children with mild persistent asthma (MPA) or severe persistent asthma (SPA) (N=20 each) and 20 children without asthma (control group) were evaluated. Upper (pectoralis and latissimus dorsi) and lower (quadriceps) muscle strength and endurance were assessed, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing was performed. Inhaled corticosteroid consumption during the last 6 and 24 months was also quantified. Results Children with SPA presented a reduction in peak oxygen consumption (VO(2)) (28.2 +/- 8.1 vs 34.7 +/- 6.9 ml/kg/min; p<0.01) and quadriceps endurance (43.1 +/- 6.7 vs 80.9 +/- 11.9 repetitions; p<0.05) compared with the control group, but not the MPA group (31.5 +/- 6.1 ml/kg/min and 56.7 +/- 47.7 repetitions respectively; p>0.05). Maximal upper and lower muscle strength was preserved in children with both mild and severe asthma (p>0.05). Finally, the authors observed that lower muscle endurance weakness was not associated with reductions in either peak VO(2) (r=0.22, p>0.05) or corticosteroid consumption (r=-0.31, p>0.05) in children with asthma. Conclusion The findings suggest that cardiopulmonary exercise and lower limb muscle endurance should be a priority during physical training programs for children with severe asthma.
AIM: To compare the histologic features of the liver in intrahepatic neonatal cholestasis (IHNC) with infectious, genetic-endocrine-metabolic, and idiopathic etiologies. METHODS: Liver biopsies from 86 infants with IHNC were evaluated. The inclusion criteria consisted of jaundice beginning at 3 mo of age and a hepatic biopsy during the 1st year of life. The following histologic features were evaluated: cholestasis, eosinophilia, giant cells, erythropoiesis, siderosis, portal fibrosis, and the presence of a septum. RESULTS: Based on the diagnosis, patients were classified into three groups: group 1 (infectious; n = 18), group 2 (genetic-endocrine-metabolic; n = 18), and group 3 (idiopathic; n = 50). There were no significant differences with respect to the following variables: cholestasis, eosinophilia, giant cells, siderosis, portal fibrosis, and presence of a septum. A significant difference was observed with respect to erythropoiesis, which was more severe in group 1 (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.016). CONCLUSION: A significant difference was observed in IHNC of infectious etiology, in which erythropoiesis was more severe than that in genetic-endocrine-metabolic and idiopathic etiologies, whereas there were no significant differences among cholestasis, eosinophilia, giant cells, siderosis, portal fibrosis, and the presence of a septum. (C) 2009 The WIG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The occurrence of urolithiasis in pregnancy represents a challenge in both diagnosis and treatment of this condition, because it presents risks not only to the mother but also to the fetus. Surgical treatment may be indicated for patients with infection, persistent pain, and obstruction of a solitary kidney. We present our experience on the management of pregnant patients with ureteral calculi and a review of the literature. Materials and Methods: The charts of 19 pregnant patients with obstructive ureteral calculi were retrospectively reviewed. Gestational age ranged from 13 to 33 weeks. In all patients, ureteral stone was diagnosed on abdominal ultrasound. In regard to localization, 15 calculi were in the distal ureter, 3 in the proximal ureter, and 1 in the interior of an ureterocele. Calculi size ranged from 6 to 10 mm (mean, 8 mm). The following criteria were used to indicate ureteroscopy: persistent pain with no improvement after clinical treatment, increase in renal dilation, or presence of uterine contractions. Nine patients (47.3%) were submitted to ureteroscopy. All calculi (100%) were removed with a stone basket extractor under continuous endoscopic vision. None of the calculi demanded the use of a lithotriptor. Results: Nine patients (47.3%) treated with clinical measurements presented no obstetric complications and spontaneous elimination of the calculi. Nine patients (47.3%) submitted to ureteroscopy had no surgical complications. There was remission of pain in all cases after ureteroscopy and ureteral catheter placement. Conclusion: The diagnosis and treatment of ureteral lithiasis in pregnant women present potential risks for the fetus and the mother. Conservative management is the first option, but ureteroscopy may be performed with safety and high success rates.
Commercial passenger flights have been increasing around the world. The effect of these flights on health is unclear. Venous thromboembolism has been noted after recent long-distance airplane flight, even in the absence of other risk factors. Hypoxia caused by the low ambient pressure during flights could contribute, and individuals with obstructive sleep apnea may be particularly vulnerable. The association between the effects of long airplane travel and sleep-disordered breathing deserves further study. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nitric oxide (NO) has been demonstrated to be the primary agent in relaxing airways in humans and animals. We investigated the mechanisms involved in the relaxation induced by NO-donors, ruthenium complex [Ru(terpy)(bdq)NO(+)](3+) (TERPY) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in isolated trachea of rats contracted with carbachol in an isolated organs chamber. For instance, we verified the contribution of K(+) channels, the importance of sGC/cGMP pathway, the influence of the extra and intracellular Ca(2+) sources and the contribution of the epithelium on the relaxing response. Additionally, we have used confocal microscopy in order to analyze the action of the NO-donors on cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration. The results demonstrated that both compounds led to the relaxation of trachea in a dependent-concentration way. However, the maximum effect (E(max)) of TERPY is higher than the SNP. The relaxation induced by SNP (but not TERPY) was significantly reduced by pretreatment with ODQ (sGC inhibitor). Only TERPY-induced relaxation was reduced by tetraethylammonium (K(+) channels blocker) and by pre-contraction with 75 mM KCl (membrane depolarization). The response to both NO-donors was not altered by the presence of thapsigargin (sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor). The epithelium removal has reduced the relaxation only to SNP, and it has no effect on TERPY. The both NO-donors reduced the contraction evoked by Ca(2+) influx, while TERPY have shown a higher inhibitory effect on contraction. Moreover, the TERPY was more effective than SNP in reducing the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration measured by confocal microscopy. In conclusion, these results show that TERPY induces airway smooth muscle relaxation by cGMP-independent mechanisms, it involves the fluxes of Ca(2+) and K(+) across the membrane, it is more effective in reducing cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration and inducing relaxation in the rat trachea than the standard drug, SNP. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Although there is evidence demonstrating an association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), it is not clear whether COPD predicts greater rates of expansion of established aneurysms. We sought such an association in a cohort of men with aneurysms detected in a population-based study of screening for aneurysms. Methods: In addition to regular aortic ultrasound scans, 179 men with AAA underwent full lung function testing in order to identify the presence of COPD and its subgroups, emphysema and other obstructive ventilatory defects (OVD). The rate of expansion of each aneurysm was calculated and the men were divided into 'rapid expanders' (3 mm or more per year) and 'slow expanders' (less than 3 mm per year). Any association with the presence of COPD or smoking was tested using a multivariate model. Results: Over a median follow-up period of 36 months the mean rate of aortic expansion for the cohort of 179 men was 2.1 mm/year. There was no significant difference in prevalence of COPD (68% overall) or having ever been a smoker (87% overall) between the rapid expanders and the slow expanders. Conclusions: Although there was a high prevalence of COPD among men with an AAA, there was no association between the rate of expansion of AAA and the presence of any form of this disease.
Objectives: To examine the association between introduction of paediatric ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery guidelines and population procedure rates. To determine changes in children's risk of undergoing ENT surgery. Methods: Trend analysis of incidence of myringotomy, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy among New South Wales (NSW) children aged 0-14 between 1981 and mid 1999. Poisson regression models were used to estimate annual rates of change pre and postguidelines introduction and age/gender specific rates, and lifetable methods to determine risk of undergoing an ENT procedure by age 15. Results: ENT surgery rates increased by 21% over the study period. Children's risk of surgery increased from 17.9% in 1981 to 20.2% in 1998/99. Guideline introduction was associated with moderate short-term decreases in rates. For tonsillectomy, rates decreased between 1981 and 1983, but then rose continually until the introduction of myringotomy guidelines in 1993, when they fell, only to recommence rising until the end of the study period. For myringotomy, rates rose annually from 1981 to 1992/93 and fell in the 3 years following guideline introduction, after which they rose again. Increases were almost exclusively restricted to children aged 0-4 and correspond with increased use of formal childcare. The prevalence of myringotomy by the age of 5 years rose from 5.6% of children born in 1988/89 to 6.4% of those born in 1994/95, and the prevalence of tonsillectomy from 2.4% to 2.7%. Conclusions: The risk of young Australian children undergoing ENT surgery increased significantly over the last two decades despite the introduction of guidelines and no evidence of an increase in otitis media, one condition prompting surgery. Surgery increased most among the very young. We hypothesize this is related to increasing use of childcare.
Symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) typically occurs in the sixth and seventh decades, and the most frequent obstructive urinary symptoms are hesitancy, decreased urinary stream, sensation of incomplete emptying, nocturia, frequency, and urgency. Various medications, specifically 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and selective alpha-blockers, can decrease the severity of the symptoms secondary to BPH, but prostatectomy is still considered to be the traditional method of management. We report the preliminary results for two patients with acute urinary retention due to BPH, successfully treated by prostate artery embolization (PAE). The patients were investigated using the International Prostate Symptom Score, by digital rectal examination, urodynamic testing, prostate biopsy, transrectal ultrasound (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Uroflowmetry and postvoid residual urine volume complemented the investigation at 30, 90, and 180 days after PAE. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia; embolization of the prostate arteries was performed with a microcatheter and 300- to 500-mu m microspheres using complete stasis as the end point. One patient was subjected to bilateral PAE and the other to unilateral PAE; they urinated spontaneously after removal of the urethral catheter, 15 and 10 days after the procedure, respectively. At 6-month follow-up, US and MRI revealed a prostate reduction of 39.7% and 47.8%, respectively, for the bilateral PAE and 25.5 and 27.8%, respectively, for the patient submitted to unilateral PAE. The early results, at 6-month follow-up, for the two patients with BPH show a promising potential alternative for treatment with PAE.