900 resultados para non-human animals
Abstract Background Clinical and experimental data suggest that the inflammatory response is impaired in diabetics and can be modulated by insulin. The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of insulin on the early phase of allergic airway inflammation. Methods Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/Kg, i.v., 10 days) and controls were sensitized by s.c. injection of ovalbumin (OA) in aluminium hydroxide 14 days before OA (1 mg/0.4 mL) or saline intratracheal challenge. The following analyses were performed 6 hours thereafter: a) quantification of interleukin (IL)-1β, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-1 in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, b) expression of E- and P- selectins on lung vessels by immunohistochemistry, and c) inflammatory cell infiltration into the airways and lung parenchyma. NPH insulin (4 IU, s.c.) was given i.v. 2 hours before antigen challenge. Results Diabetic rats exhibited significant reduction in the BALF concentrations of IL-1β (30%) and TNF-α (45%), and in the lung expression of P-selectin (30%) compared to non-diabetic animals. This was accompanied by reduced number of neutrophils into the airways and around bronchi and blood vessels. There were no differences in the CINC-1 levels in BALF, and E-selectin expression. Treatment of diabetic rats with NPH insulin, 2 hours before antigen challenge, restored the reduced levels of IL-1β, TNF-α and P-selectin, and neutrophil migration. Conclusion Data presented suggest that insulin modulates the production/release of TNF-α and IL-1β, the expression of P- and E-selectin, and the associated neutrophil migration into the lungs during the early phase of the allergic inflammatory reaction.
AIMS: Solute carrier 2a2 (Slc2a2) gene codifies the glucose transporter GLUT2, a key protein for glucose flux in hepatocytes and renal epithelial cells of proximal tubule. In diabetes mellitus, hepatic and tubular glucose output has been related to Slc2a2/GLUT2 overexpression; and controlling the expression of this gene may be an important adjuvant way to improve glycemic homeostasis. Thus, the present study investigated transcriptional mechanisms involved in the diabetes-induced overexpression of the Slc2a2 gene. MAIN METHODS: Hepatocyte nuclear factors 1α and 4α (HNF-1α and HNF-4α), forkhead box A2 (FOXA2), sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) and the CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein (C/EBPβ) mRNA expression (RT-PCR) and binding activity into the Slc2a2 promoter (electrophoretic mobility assay) were analyzed in the liver and kidney of diabetic and 6-day insulin-treated diabetic rats. KEY FINDINGS: Slc2a2/GLUT2 expression increased by more than 50% (P<0.001) in the liver and kidney of diabetic rats, and 6-day insulin treatment restores these values to those observed in non-diabetic animals. Similarly, the mRNA expression and the binding activity of HNF-1α, HNF-4α and FOXA2 increased by 50 to 100% (P<0.05 to P<0.001), also returning to values of non-diabetic rats after insulin treatment. Neither the Srebf1 and Cebpb mRNA expression, nor the SREBP-1c and C/EBP-β binding activity was altered in diabetic rats. SIGNIFICANCE: HNF-1α, HNF-4α and FOXA2 transcriptional factors are involved in diabetes-induced overexpression of Slc2a2 gene in the liver and kidney. These data point out that these transcriptional factors are important targets to control GLUT2 expression in these tissues, which can contribute to glycemic homeostasis in diabetes.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and mammals. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the most common TSE in humans, can be sporadic (sCJD), genetic (gCJD), or acquired by infection. All TSEs are characterised by the accumulation of PrPSc, a misfolded form of the cellular protein PrPC. PrPSc is insoluble in detergents, partially resistant to proteolysis and shows a highly enriched β-sheet secondary structure. Six clinico-pathological phenotypes of sCJD have been characterized which correlate at the molecular level with two types (1 or 2) of PrPSc with distinctive physicochemical properties and the genotype at the polymorphic (methionine or valine) codon 129 of the prion protein gene. According to the protein-only hypothesis, which postulates that prions are composed exclusively of PrPSc, the strains of prions that are largely responsible for the wide spectrum of TSE phenotypes are enciphered in PrPSc conformation. In support to this view, studies mainly conducted in experimental scrapie, have shown that several prion strains can be identified based on distinguishing PrPSc biochemical properties. To further contribute to the understanding of the molecular basis of strains and to develop more sensitive strain typing assays in humans we have analyzed PrPSc biochemical properties in two experimental setting. In the first we compared the size of the core after protease digestion and the glycoform pattern of PrPSc before and after transmission of human prions to non human primates or bank voles, whereas in the second we analyzed the conformational stability of PrPSc associated with sCJD, vCJD or fCJD using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) as denaturant. Combining the results of the two studies, we were able to distinguish five human strains for at least one biochemical property. The present data extend our knowledge about the extent of strain variation and its relationship with PrPSc properties in human TSEs.
La possibilità di indurre stati ipotermici ed ipometabolici come il torpore o l’ibernazione in animali non ibernanti può avere dei risvolti utili nella pratica medica, in quanto permetterebbe di trarre vantaggio dagli effetti benefici dell’ipotermia senza gli effetti compensatori negativi causati dalla risposta omeostatica dell’organismo. Con questo lavoro vogliamo proporre un nuovo approccio, che coinvolge il blocco farmacologico dell’attività dei neuroni nel bulbo rostroventromediale (RVMM), un nucleo troncoencefalico che si è rivelato essere uno snodo chiave nella regolazione della termogenesi attraverso il controllo dell’attività del tessuto adiposo bruno, della vasomozione cutanea e del cuore. Nel nostro esperimento, sei iniezioni consecutive del agonista GABAA muscimolo nel RVMM, inducono uno stato reversibile di profonda ipotermia (21°C al Nadir) in ratti esposti ad una temperatura ambientale di 15°C. Lo stato ipotermico/ipomentabolico prodotto dall’inibizione dei neuroni del RVMM mostra forti similitudini col torpore naturale, anche per quanto concerne le modificazioni elettroencefalografiche osservate durante e dopo la procedura. Come negli ibernati naturali, nei ratti cui viene inibito il controllo della termogenesi si osserva uno spostamento verso le regioni lente delle spettro di tutte le frequenze dello spettro EEG durante l’ipotermia, ed un forte incremento dello spettro EEG dopo il ritorno alla normotermia, in particolare della banda Delta (0,5-4Hz) durante il sonno NREM. Per concludere, questi risultati dimostrano che l’inibizione farmacologica selettiva di un nucleo troncoencefalico chiave nel controllo della termogenesi è sufficiente per indurre uno stato di psuedo-torpore nel ratto, una specie che non presenta stati di torpore spontaneo. Un approccio di questo tipo può aprire nuove prospettive per l’utilizzo in ambito medico dell’ipotermia.
Form und Gestalt kraniofazialer Strukturen sind primär beeinflusst durch die inhärente Integration der unterschiedlichsten Funktionssysteme und externer selektiver Einflüsse. Die Variabilität der Schädel-Morphe ist ein Indikator für solche Einflussfaktoren und damit ein idealer Gegenstand für vergleichende Analysen morphogenetischer Formbildung. Zur Ermittlung morphologisch-adaptiver Trends und Muster wurden sowohl Hypothesen zur morphologischen Differenziertheit als auch zu Korrelationen zwischen modularen Schädelkompartimenten (fazial, neurokranial, basikranial) untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden aus Schichtröntgenaufnahmen (CT) virtuelle Modelle rekonstruiert, welche die Interpretation der statistischen Befunde unterstützen sollten. Zur Berechnung der Gestaltunterschiede wurden mittels eines mechanischen Gelenkarm-Messgerätes (MicroScribe-G2) max. 85 ektokraniale Messpunkte (Landmarks) bzw. dreidimensionale Koordinaten an ca. 520 Schädeln von fünf rezenten Gattungen der Überfamilie Hominoidea (Hylobates, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan und Homo) akquiriert. Aus dem Datensatz wurden geometrische Störfaktoren (Größe, Translation, Rotation) mathematisch eliminiert und die verbleibenden Residuale bzw. ‚Gestalt-Variablen‘ diversen multivariat-statistischen Verfahren unterzogen (Faktoren, Cluster-, Regressions- und Korrelationsanalysen sowie statistische Tests). Die angewandten Methoden erhalten die geometrische Information der Untersuchungsobjekte über alle Analyseschritte hinweg und werden unter der Bezeichnung „Geometric Morphometrics (GMM)“ als aktueller Ansatz der Morphometrie zusammengefasst. Für die unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen wurden spezifische Datensätze generiert. Es konnten diverse morphologische Trends und adaptive Muster mit Hilfe der Synthese statistischer Methoden und computer-basierter Rekonstruktionen aus den generierten Datensätzen ermittelt werden. Außerdem war es möglich, präzise zu rekonstruieren, welche kranialen Strukturen innerhalb der Stichprobe miteinander wechselwirken, einzigartige Variabilitäten repräsentieren oder eher homogen gestaltet sind. Die vorliegenden Befunde lassen erkennen, dass Fazial- und Neurokranium am stärksten miteinander korrelieren, während das Basikranium geringe Abhängigkeiten in Bezug auf Gesichts- oder Hirnschädelveränderungen zeigte. Das Basikranium erweist sich zudem bei den nicht-menschlichen Hominoidea und über alle Analysen hinweg als konservative und evolutiv-persistente Struktur mit dem geringsten Veränderungs-Potential. Juvenile Individuen zeigen eine hohe Affinität zueinander und zu Formen mit einem kleinem Gesichts- und großem Hirnschädel. Während das Kranium des rezenten Menschen primär von Enkephalisation und fazialer Retraktion (Orthognathisierung) dominiert ist und somit eine einzigartige Gestalt aufweist, zeigt sich der Kauapparat als maßgeblich formbildendes Kompartiment bei den nicht-menschlichen Formen. Die Verbindung von GMM mit den interaktiven Möglichkeiten computergenerierter Modelle erwies sich als valides Werkzeug zur Erfassung der aufgeworfenen Fragestellungen. Die Interpretation der Befunde ist durch massive Interkorrelationen der untersuchten Strukturen und der statistisch-mathematischen Prozeduren als hoch komplex zu kennzeichnen. Die Studie präsentiert einen innovativen Ansatz der modernen Morphometrie, welcher für zukünftige Untersuchungen im Bereich der kraniofazialen Gestaltanalyse ausgebaut werden könnte. Dabei verspricht die Verknüpfung mit ‚klassischen’ und modernen Zugängen (z. B. Molekularbiologie) gesteigerte Erkenntnismöglichkeiten für künftige morphometrische Fragestellungen.
Urban systems consist of several interlinked sub-systems - social, economic, institutional and environmental – each representing a complex system of its own and affecting all the others at various structural and functional levels. An urban system is represented by a number of “human” agents, such as individuals and households, and “non-human” agents, such as buildings, establishments, transports, vehicles and infrastructures. These two categories of agents interact among them and simultaneously produce impact on the system they interact with. Try to understand the type of interactions, their spatial and temporal localisation to allow a very detailed simulation trough models, turn out to be a great effort and is the topic this research deals with. An analysis of urban system complexity is here presented and a state of the art review about the field of urban models is provided. Finally, six international models - MATSim, MobiSim, ANTONIN, TRANSIMS, UrbanSim, ILUTE - are illustrated and then compared.
Auswirkungen einer hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Therapie in Kombination mit chirurgischer Hämatomentfernung auf funktionelle und histologische Defizite nach akutem subduralem Hämatom der Ratte: Die Zeit bis zur Behandlung eines akuten subduralen Hämatoms stellt eine der wichtigsten prognosebestimmenden Faktoren für die Mortalität und Morbidität der Patienten dar. Ein unbehandeltes akutes subdurales Hämatom im Rahmen eines schweren Schädelhirntraumas geht mit einer Sterblichkeit von weit über 50% einher. Selbst bei zeitiger chirurgischer Entlastung versterben noch ca. 30% der Patienten als Folge der Hirnschädigung. Um Therapieoptionen zur Verbesserung der schlechten Prognose nach akutem subduralem Hämatom liefern zu können, wurde in dieser Studie die frühe Therapie mit hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Lösungen (HHT) sowie die Kombination mit chirurgischer Evakuation des Hämatoms untersucht. In dem genutzten Tiermodell wurde ein subdurales Hämatom über die Infusion von 400 µl autologen venösen Blutes erreicht. Je nach Gruppe erhielten die Ratten 30 Minuten nach ASDH eine HHT oder isotonische Kochsalzlösung und ggf. eine chirurgische Entfernung des Hämatoms eine Stunde nach Induktion. Die Studie war in zwei Teile getrennt. Die akute Studie welche den intraoperativen Verlauf von Blutwerten, intrakraniellem Druck zerebralem Perfusionsdruck und zerebralem Blutfluss untersuchte und die chronische Studie welche über Verhaltenstests (Neuroscore, Beamwalk, Open Field) die funktionellen und histologischen Ergebnisse im Verlauf von 12 Tage betrachtete. Im Ergebnis konnten durch eine HHT eine Reduktion der intrakraniellen Hypertension erreicht werden. Im Langzeit Verlauf schnitten alle Behandlungen besser ab als die unbehandelte Gruppe. In Bezug auf die neurologische Erholung und das histologische Defizit zeigten die mit einer HHT behandelten Tiere jedoch die besten Ergebnisse. rnEine frühe chirurgische Intervention ist eine protektive Maßnahme bezogen auf die funktionelle Defizite und den histologischen Schaden nach akutem subduralem Hämatom, aber frühe hypertone / hyperonkotische Behandlung ist in diesem Modell sogar noch effektiver. Eine frühe Behandlung mit hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Lösungen stellt somit eine vielversprechende, sichere und kausale Therapieoption zur Verbesserung der Prognose nach akutem subduralem Hämatom dar. rn
Analysen zur molekularen Charakterisierung von Proteinen des humanen Usher-Syndroms und Evaluation genbasierter Therapiestrategien rnDas humane Usher Syndrom (USH) ist die häufigste Form vererbter Taub-Blindheit. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde diese komplexe Erkrankung auf verschiedenen Ebenen analysiert: in Arbeiten zur Expression und Lokalisation von USH-Proteinen, der Analyse der USH-Proteinnetzwerke und deren Funktionen sowie darauf aufbauend die Entwicklung von Therapiestrategien für USH.rnIm Rahmen der Arbeit wurde die Expression und (sub)-zelluläre Lokalisation des USH1D-Genproduktes CDH23 in der Retina und Cochlea analysiert. CDH23-Isoformen werden in der Maus zeitlich und räumlich differentiell exprimiert. In den Retinae von Mäusen, nicht humanen Primaten und Menschen zeigten Analysen eine unterschiedliche Expression und Lokalisation des Zell-Zelladhäsionsmoleküls CDH23, was auf Funktions-unterschiede der einzelnen Isoformen in den analysierten Spezies hindeutet.rnAnalysen zur Aufklärung der USH-Proteinnetzwerke ergaben eine potentielle Interaktion des USH1G-Gerüstproteins SANS mit dem Golgi- und Centrosom-assoziierten Protein Myomegalin. Die direkte Interaktion der Proteine konnte durch unabhängige Experimente verifiziert werden. Beide Interaktionspartner sind in den Retinae verschiedener Spezies partiell ko-lokalisiert und partizipieren im periciliären USH-Proteinnetzwerk. Die Assoziation von SANS und Myomegalin mit dem Mikrotubuli-Cytoskelett weist auf eine Funktion des Proteinkomplexes in gerichteten Transportprozessen innerhalb der Photorezeptoren hin und bekräftigt die Hypothese einer Rolle von SANS und assoziierten Netzwerken mit Transportprozessen.rnDas hier gewonnene erweiterte Verständnis der molekularen Grundlagen sowie die Aufklärung der zellulären Funktion der Proteinnetzwerke ermöglichen die Entwicklung therapeutischer Strategien für USH. Ein Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit lag auf der Entwicklung genbasierter Therapiestrategien und deren Evaluation, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Therapiestrategie der Genreparatur lag. Die mit Hilfe von Zinkfinger-Nukleasen (ZFN) induzierte Homologe Rekombination für die Genkorrektur wurde exemplarisch an der 91C>T/p.R31X-Mutation im USH1C-Gen gezeigt. Effiziente ZFN wurden identifiziert, generiert und erfolgreich im Zellkulturmodellsystem eingesetzt. Die Analysen demonstrierten eine Reparatur der Mutation durch Homologe Rekombination auf genomischer Ebene und die Expression des wiederhergestellten Proteins. Durch die Genkorrektur im endogenen Lokus sind Größe des Gens, Isoformen oder die Art der Mutation keine limitierenden Faktoren für die Therapie. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit durchgeführten Experimente unterstreichen das enorme Potential ZFN-basierter Therapiestrategien hin zu personalisierten Therapieformen nicht nur für USH sondern auch für andere erbliche Erkrankungen, deren genetische Grundlagen bekannt sind.rn
Gallup (this issue) believes that our recent review on the function of yawning (Guggisberg et al., 2010) is unbalanced and that it ignores evidence for his thermoregulation hypothesis. Here we address these criticisms and show them to be untenable. While we never claimed that the social hypothesis of yawning has "definite experimental support", we emphasize the importance of experimental evidence for specific effects of yawns when considering why we yawn. The only specific effect of yawning that could be demonstrated so far is its contagiousness in humans, some non-human primates, and possibly dogs, whereas all studies investigating physiological consequences of yawns were unable to observe specific yawn-induced effects in the individual of any species. The argument that from an evolutionary perspective, yawns must have a "primitive" physiological function arises from imprecise reasoning.
The reconstruction of the human past is a complex task characterized by a high level of interdisciplinarity. How do scientists from different fields reach consensus on crucial aspects of paleoanthropological research? The present paper explores this question through an historical analysis of the origin, development, and reception of the savannah hypotheses (SHs). We show that this model neglected to investigate crucial biological aspects which appeared to be irrelevant in scenarios depicting early hominins evolving in arid or semi-arid open plains. For instance, the exploitation of aquatic food resources and other aspects of hominin interaction with water were largely ignored in classical paleoanthropology. These topics became central to alternative ideas on human evolution known as aquatic hypotheses. Since the aquatic model is commonly regarded as highly controversial, its rejection led to a stigmatization of the whole spectrum of topics around water use in non-human hominoids and hominins. We argue that this bias represents a serious hindrance to a comprehensive reconstruction of the human past. Progress in this field depends on clear differentiation between hypotheses proposed to contextualize early hominin evolution in specific environmental settings and research topics which demand the investigation of all relevant facets of early hominins' interaction with complex landscapes.
Diverse concepts for BVD eradication or control have been applied in several countries with varying success. Results of previous studies conducted in Switzerland have shown that the prevalence of antibody-positive animals is high and that BVDV is widespread in the country causing serious economic losses. A new approach to eradicate BVD in the cattle population in Switzerland was chosen. It consists in testing the whole Swiss cattle population for virus detection in a short period of time, without initial antibody screening. Identified persistently infected (PI) animals have to be slaughtered, and new herd infections should be avoided by movement restrictions. Ear-notches are collected using special tags for labeling the animals, and are analyzed using ELISA or rtRT-PCR methods. Confirmatory tests if needed are performed on blood samples using rtRT-PCR. The eradication program is divided into four phases: (1) Pre-pasturing phase: all young bovines going to transhumance in summer have to be negative tested before. (2) Initial phase: all non-tested bovines have to be tested. Movement restrictions are effective at the same time. (3) Calves phase: all newborn calves have to be tested. (4) Surveillance phase: several strategies will be compared using a modeling approach. After the pre-pasture phase already 595,230 animals (37% of the livestock) have been tested within four months. A prevalence of 1.1% of PIs was observed. The average age of infected animals is 403 days compared to 794 days for non-infected animals, with the oldest PI-animal being over 11 years old. On average PI-animals are slaughtered within 18 days after the last positive result. The pre-pasture phase has shown that sampling and testing a high number of animals in a short time is challenging but possible. The next phase will deal with double the number of animals in a similar time frame. The coordination between all partners as well as the collaboration of farmers is the key factor for ensuring the success of the program.
Explores how Frost examines and configures the divide between life’s imperfections and its rewards. I am particularly interested in how Frost positions both the non-human natural world and poetry itself as intermediary (or liminal) realms that might help us live simultaneously in the worlds of reality and the imagination, or truth and beauty, or heaven and earth.
Self-control allows an individual to obtain a more preferred outcome by forgoing an immediate interest. Self-control is an advanced cognitive process because it involves the ability to weigh the costs and benefits of impulsive versus restrained behavior, determine the consequences of such behavior, and make decisions based on the most advantageous course of action. Self-control has been thoroughly explored in Old World primates, but less so in New World monkeys. There are many ways to test self-control abilities in non-human primates, including exchange tasks in which an animal must forgo an immediate, less preferred reward to receive a delayed, more preferred reward. I examined the self-control abilities of six capuchin monkeys using a task in which a monkey was given a less preferred food and was required to wait a delay interval to trade the fully intact less preferred food for a qualitatively higher, more preferred food. Partially eaten pieces of the less preferred food were not rewarded, and delay intervals increased on an individual basis based on performance. All six monkeys were successful in inhibiting impulsivity and trading a less preferred food for a more preferred food at the end of a delay interval. The maximum duration each subject postponed gratification instead of responding impulsively was considered their delay tolerance. This study was the first to show that monkeys could inhibit impulsivity in a delay of gratification food exchange task in which the immediate and delayed food options differed qualitatively and a partially eaten less preferred food was not rewarded with the more preferred food at the end of a delay interval. These results show that New World monkeys possess advanced cognitive abilities similar to those of Old World primates.
BACKGROUND: Calorimetry is a nonspecific technique which allows direct measurement of heat generated by biological processes in the living cell. We evaluated the potential of calorimetry for rapid detection of bacterial growth in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in a rat model of bacterial meningitis. METHODS: Infant rats were infected on postnatal day 11 by direct intracisternal injection with either Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis or Listeria monocytogenes. Control animals were injected with sterile saline or heat-inactivated S. pneumoniae. CSF was obtained at 18 hours after infection for quantitative cultures and heat flow measurement. For calorimetry, 10 microl and 1 microl CSF were inoculated in calorimetry ampoules containing 3 ml trypticase soy broth (TSB). RESULTS: The mean bacterial titer (+/- SD) in CSF was 1.5 +/- 0.6 x 108 for S. pneumoniae, 1.3 +/- 0.3 x 106 for N. meningitidis and 3.5 +/- 2.2 x 104 for L. monocytogenes. Calorimetric detection time was defined as the time until heat flow signal exceeded 10 microW. Heat signal was detected in 10-microl CSF samples from all infected animals with a mean (+/- SD) detection time of 1.5 +/- 0.2 hours for S. pneumoniae, 3.9 +/- 0.7 hours for N. meningitidis and 9.1 +/- 0.5 hours for L. monocytogenes. CSF samples from non-infected animals generated no increasing heat flow (<10 microW). The total heat was the highest in S. pneumoniae ranging from 6.7 to 7.5 Joules, followed by L. monocytogenes (5.6 to 6.1 Joules) and N. meningitidis (3.5 to 4.4 Joules). The lowest detectable bacterial titer by calorimetry was 2 cfu for S. pneumoniae, 4 cfu for N. meningitidis and 7 cfu for L. monocytogenes. CONCLUSION: By means of calorimetry, detection times of <4 hours for S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis and <10 hours for Listeria monocytogenes using as little as 10 microl CSF were achieved. Calorimetry is a new diagnostic method allowing rapid and accurate diagnosis of bacterial meningitis from a small volume of CSF.
BACKGROUND: Reversible ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) liver injury has been used to induce engraftment and hepatic parenchymal differentiation of exogenous beta2-microglubulin(-)/Thy1(+) bone marrow derived cells. AIM: To test the ability of this method of hepatic parenchymal repopulation, theoretically applicable to clinical practice, to correct the metabolic disorder in a rat model of congenital hyperbilirubinaemia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Analysis by confocal laser microscopy of fluorescence labelled cells and by immunohistochemistry for beta2-microglubulin, 72 hours after intraportal delivery, showed engraftment of infused cells in liver parenchyma of rats with I/R, but not in control animals with non-injured liver. Transplantation of bone marrow derived cells obtained from GFP-transgenic rats into Lewis rats resulted in the presence of up to 20% of GFP positive hepatocytes in I/R liver lobes after one month. The repopulation rate was proportional to the number of transplanted cells. Infusion of GFP negative bone marrow derived cells into GFP positive transgenic rats resulted in the appearance of GFP negative hepatocytes, suggesting that the main mechanism underlying parenchymal repopulation was differentiation rather than cell fusion. Transplantation of wild type bone marrow derived cells into hyperbilirubinaemic Gunn rats with deficient bilirubin conjugation after I/R damage resulted in 30% decrease in serum bilirubin, the appearance of bilirubin conjugates in bile, and the expression of normal UDP-glucuronyltransferase enzyme evaluated by polymerase chain reaction. CONCLUSIONS: I/R injury induced hepatic parenchymal engraftment and differentiation into hepatocyte-like cells of bone marrow derived cells. Transplantation of bone marrow derived cells from non-affected animals resulted in the partial correction of hyperbilirubinaemia in the Gunn rat.