860 resultados para new age digitization


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S'inscrivant dans le domaine de l'analyse des relations temporelles dans les textes, la présente étude est consacrée à la notion du futur définie en tant qu'anticipation sur les événements à venir dans le récit. Ainsi, la recherche en question se propose de mettre en lumière les différents mécanismes d'anticipation propres aux récits d'aventures au Moyen Âge. Recourant aux moyens heuristiques existants (les bases de la théorie de la réception telle qu'elle est représentée dans les travaux de Jauss, Eco et Greimas), cette thèse se concentre sur l'étude du prologue de l'oeuvre littéraire dont elle élabore une grille de lecture particulière qui tient compte de la complexité de la notion du futur envisagée aux plans grammatical (formes verbales du futur), rhétorique (la figure de la prolepse) et littéraire (les scénarios et les isotopies). La démarche de la lecture détaillée du prologue adoptée au cours de ce travail s'applique d'abord au Chevalier au Lion de Chrétien de Troyes, texte fondateur du corpus, qui constitue, pour parler avec Philippe Walter, un vrai « drame du temps ». L'étude des mécanismes d'anticipation mis en place dans le prologue se prolonge ensuite dans les chapitres consacrés à Claris et Laris et au Chevalier au Lion de Pierre Sala, deux réécritures du célèbre roman du maître champenois. Datant, respectivement, du XIIIe et du début du XVIe siècle, ces oeuvres permettent de saisir le chemin parcouru par le futur dans son aspect thématique et diachronique, ce qui est particulièrement propice au repérage des critères qui influencent l'attente du lecteur par rapport aux événements à venir au fil des siècles. Ainsi, à côté des moyens d'expression « standards » du futur (scénarios intertextuels et isotopies), la présente recherche fait apparaître d'autres facteurs qui influencent l'anticipation, notamment le procédé de la disputatio, le recours à la satire, la démarche de l'engagement indirect et l'opposition vers/prose. La seconde partie de la thèse qui traite, d'un côté, des récits consacrés à la fée Mélusine de Jean d'Arras et de Coudrette, du Livre du Cuer d'amours espris de René d'Anjou de l'autre, sert à vérifier dans quelle mesure la démarche choisie s'applique à des oeuvres du Moyen Âge tardif qui combinent des éléments empruntés à la tradition antérieure avec des éléments d'autre provenance. L'analyse de Mélusine et du Livre du Cuer conduit à ajouter deux facteurs supplémentaires qui influencent l'attente du lecteur, à savoir la démarche de l'engagement partiel et le recours au genre judiciaire. Cette étude démontre que le traitement du futur est d'un enjeu capital pour lire les textes du Moyen Âge, car il permet au lecteur, dès le prologue, de reconnaître la fin vers laquelle tend le récit et de faire par là- même une lecture enrichie, supérieure à d'autres. Telling the Future in the Middle Ages : from the Prologue to the Narrative. From Chrétien de Troyes ' Chevalier au Lion to Pierre Sala 's Chevalier au Lion. Part of the analyses of the time based relations within the texts, the present study deals with the notion of future characterized as an anticipation of the events to come in the narrative. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to bring to light the various mechanisms of anticipation peculiar to the narratives of adventures in the Middle Ages. Making the use of the existing heuristic instruments (the bases of the theory of the reception as it presents itself in the works by Jauss, Eco and Greimas), this thesis is dedicated to the study of the prologue of the work of fiction by means of a particular key for reading which takes into account the complexity of the notion of future with regard to its grammatical side (future tenses), to its rhetorical side (prolepse) and to its literary side (scenario and isotopy). First of all, the close reading of the prologue used in this work is applied to Chrétien de Troyes's Chevalier au Lion (Lion Knight), the founding text of our literary corpus, which represents, according to Philippe Walter, the real « drama of Time ». Then, the study of the mechanisms of anticipation in the prologue is carried over to the chapters devoted to Claris et Laris and to Pierre Sala's Chevalier au Lion, two romances that rewrite Chrétien de Troyes' famous work. Written, respectively, in the XIIIth and in the beginning of the XVI century, these romances enable the reader to ascertain the changes in the manner of telling the future from the thematic and diachronic point of view : this is particularly convenient to the identification of the criteria which influence the reader's expectations relative to the future events in the course of the centuries. Therefore, next to the « standard » means of expression of future (intertextual scenario and isotopy), the present study reveals other factors which influence the anticipation, in particular the method of the disputatio, the use of the satire, the approach of the indirect commitment and the verse/prose opposition. The second part of the thesis which deals with the narratives concerning the fairy Melusine written by Jean d'Arras and by Coudrette on one hand, with René d'Anjou's Livre du Cuer d'amours espris on the other hand, is used to verify to what extent the chosen approach applies to the works of fiction of the Late Middle Ages that combine the elements from the previous tradition with the elements of other origin. The analysis of Melusine's romances and of the Livre du Cuer brings us to add two new factors which influence the reader's expectations : the approach of the partial commitment, and the use of the legal discourse. This study demonstrates that the manner of telling the future is of the utmost importance to read the texts of the Middle Ages, because it enables the reader to know the end of the story from the very beginning, from the prologue, thus leading to a richer and superior reading.


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INTRODUCTION: Auscultatory nonmercury manual devices seem good alternatives for the mercury sphygmomanometers in the clinic and for research settings, but individual internal validation of each device is time-consuming. The aim of this study was to validate a new technique capable of testing two devices simultaneously, based on the International protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. METHODS: The concept of the new technique is to measure blood pressure alternatively by two observers using a mercury sphygmomanometer and by two observers using the A&D UM-101 and Accoson Greenlight 300 devices, connected by Y-tube to obtain simultaneous readings with both nonmercury devices. Thirty-three participants were enrolled (mean age 47.2±14.0 years). Nine sequential blood pressure measurements were performed for each participant. RESULTS: Both devices passed phase 1 using 15 participants. In phase 2.1 (n=33), on a maximum of 99 measurements, the Accoson device produced 81/95/99 measurements within 5/10/15 mmHg for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 87/98/99 for diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The A&D device produced 86/96/99 for SBP and 94/99/99 for DBP. In phase 2.2 (n=33), 30 participants had at least 2 out of 3 SBP obtained with Accoson device within 5 mmHg of the mercury device, as compared with 29 of 33 participants with the A&D device. For DBP, this was 33 of 33 participants for both devices. CONCLUSION: Both the nonmercury devices passed the International protocol. The new technique of simultaneous device testing using a Y-tube represents a time saving application of the International protocol.


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The Talea Ori unit is the lowermost known tectonic unit of Crete and the most external part of the Hellenides. Its stratigraphy ranges from Late Carboniferous to Oligocene and outcrops of the lower part are only known in the Talea Ori mountains (central Crete). In this area, a black sandstone at the base of the Galinos Beds, thought to be the oldest formation, contains zircons which were dated using the single grain evaporation method. The majority of these grains yielded Late Carboniferous ages (Variscan), while a small group yielded Early Proterozoic ages. The age distribution of these zircons suggests that, at the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, not much of the older North Gondwanan basement was exposed and that a river system carried detrital material from the Variscan belt towards the forming Neotethyan rift. Additionally, higher up in the stratigraphy benthic foraminifers (miliolids) were found in clasts from a conglomerate which was so far thought to be of Early Triassic age [Epting, M., Kudrass, H.-R., Leppig, U., Schaffer, A., 1972. Geologie der Talea Ori/Kreta. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 141, 259-285.]. These miliolids belong to the species Hoyenella inconstans [Michalik, J., Jendrejakova, O., Borza, K., 1979. Some new foraminifera species of the Fatra-Formation (Uppermost Triassic) in the West Carpathians. Geol. Carpath. 30 (1), 61-91.], thus attributing a Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian?) maximal age to this conglomerate. The carbonate platform from which the miliolids-bearing clasts come is not known. The presence to the north of a continuous hemipelagic record from the Carboniferous to the Triassic (Phyllite-Quartzite and Tripali units), attributed to the Palaeotethys realm, allows the Talea Ori unit and its lateral equivalents (the Ionian zone) to be assigned to the westward continuation of the Cimmerian block and therefore to the northern margin of the East Mediterranean Neotethys ocean. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe a method to obtain a profile of the duration and intensity (speed) of walking periods over 24 hours in women under free-living conditions. DESIGN: A new method based on accelerometry was designed for analyzing walking activity. In order to take into account inter-individual variability of acceleration, an individual calibration process was used. Different experiments were performed to highlight the variability of acceleration vs walking speed relationship, to analyze the speed prediction accuracy of the method, and to test the assessment of walking distance and duration over 24-h. SUBJECTS: Twenty-eight women were studied (mean+/-s.d.) age: 39.3+/-8.9 y; body mass: 79.7+/-11.1 kg; body height: 162.9+/-5.4 cm; and body mass index (BMI) 30.0+/-3.8 kg/m(2). RESULTS: Accelerometer output was significantly correlated with speed during treadmill walking (r=0.95, P<0.01), and short unconstrained walks (r=0.86, P<0.01), although with a large inter-individual variation of the regression parameters. By using individual calibration, it was possible to predict walking speed on a standard urban circuit (predicted vs measured r=0.93, P<0.01, s.e.e.=0.51 km/h). In the free-living experiment, women spent on average 79.9+/-36.0 (range: 31.7-168.2) min/day in displacement activities, from which discontinuous short walking activities represented about 2/3 and continuous ones 1/3. Total walking distance averaged 2.1+/-1.2 (range: 0.4-4.7) km/day. It was performed at an average speed of 5.0+/-0.5 (range: 4.1-6.0) km/h. CONCLUSION: An accelerometer measuring the anteroposterior acceleration of the body can estimate walking speed together with the pattern, intensity and duration of daily walking activity.


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Quantitative approaches in ceramology are gaining ground in excavation reports, archaeological publications and thematic studies. Hence, a wide variety of methods are being used depending on the researchers' theoretical premise, the type of material which is examined, the context of discovery and the questions that are addressed. The round table that took place in Athens on November 2008 was intended to offer the participants the opportunity to present a selection of case studies on the basis of which methodological approaches were discussed. The aim was to define a set of guidelines for quantification that would prove to be of use to all researchers. Contents: 1) Introduction (Samuel Verdan); 2) Isthmia and beyond. How can quantification help the analysis of EIA sanctuary deposits? (Catherine Morgan); 3) Approaching aspects of cult practice and ethnicity in Early Iron Age Ephesos using quantitative analysis of a Protogeometric deposit from the Artemision (Michael Kerschner); 4) Development of a ceramic cultic assemblage: Analyzing pottery from Late Helladic IIIC through Late Geometric Kalapodi (Ivonne Kaiser, Laura-Concetta Rizzotto, Sara Strack); 5) 'Erfahrungsbericht' of application of different quantitative methods at Kalapodi (Sara Strack); 6) The Early Iron Age sanctuary at Olympia: counting sherds from the Pelopion excavations (1987-1996) (Birgitta Eder); 7) L'aire du pilier des Rhodiens à Delphes: Essai de quantification du mobilier (Jean-Marc Luce); 8) A new approach in ceramic statistical analyses: Pit 13 on Xeropolis at Lefkandi (David A. Mitchell, Irene S. Lemos); 9) Households and workshops at Early Iron Age Oropos: A quantitative approach of the fine, wheel-made pottery (Vicky Vlachou); 10) Counting sherds at Sindos: Pottery consumption and construction of identities in the Iron Age (Stefanos Gimatzidis); 11) Analyse quantitative du mobilier céramique des fouilles de Xombourgo à Ténos et le cas des supports de caisson (Jean-Sébastien Gros); 12) Defining a typology of pottery from Gortyn: The material from a pottery workshop pit, (Emanuela Santaniello); 13) Quantification of ceramics from Early Iron Age tombs (Antonis Kotsonas); 14) Quantitative analysis of the pottery from the Early Iron Age necropolis of Tsikalario on Naxos (Xenia Charalambidou); 15) Finding the Early Iron Age in field survey: Two case studies from Boeotia and Magnesia (Vladimir Stissi); 16) Pottery quantification: Some guidelines (Samuel Verdan)


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation potentially damages the skin, the immune system, and structures of the eye. A useful UV sun protection for the skin has been established. Since a remarkable body of evidence shows an association between UV radiation and damage to structures of the eye, eye protection is important, but a reliable and practical tool to assess and compare the UV-protective properties of lenses has been lacking. Among the general lay public, misconceptions on eye-sun protection have been identified. For example, sun protection is mainly ascribed to sunglasses, but less so to clear lenses. Skin malignancies in the periorbital region are frequent, but usual topical skin protection does not include the lids. Recent research utilized exact dosimetry and demonstrated relevant differences in UV burden to the eye and skin at a given ambient irradiation. Chronic UV effects on the cornea and lens are cumulative, so effective UV protection of the eyes is important for all age groups and should be used systematically. Protection of children's eyes is especially important, because UV transmittance is higher at a very young age, allowing higher levels of UV radiation to reach the crystalline lens and even the retina. Sunglasses as well as clear lenses (plano and prescription) effectively reduce transmittance of UV radiation. However, an important share of the UV burden to the eye is explained by back reflection of radiation from lenses to the eye. UV radiation incident from an angle of 135°-150° behind a lens wearer is reflected from the back side of lenses. The usual antireflective coatings considerably increase reflection of UV radiation. To provide reliable labeling of the protective potential of lenses, an eye-sun protection factor (E-SPF®) has been developed. It integrates UV transmission as well as UV reflectance of lenses. The E-SPF® compares well with established skin-sun protection factors and provides clear messages to eye health care providers and to lay consumers.


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In human, neuronal migration disorders are commonly associated with developmental delay, mental retardation, and epilepsy. We describe here a new mouse mutant that develops a heterotopic cortex (HeCo) lying in the dorsolateral hemispheric region, between the homotopic cortex (HoCo) and subcortical white matter. Cross-breeding demonstrated an autosomal recessive transmission. Birthdating studies and immunochemistry for layer-specific markers revealed that HeCo formation was due to a transit problem in the intermediate zone affecting both radially and tangentially migrating neurons. The scaffold of radial glial fibers, as well as the expression of doublecortin is not altered in the mutant. Neurons within the HeCo are generated at a late embryonic age (E18) and the superficial layers of the HoCo have a correspondingly lower cell density and layer thickness. Parvalbumin immunohistochemistry showed the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acidergic cells in the HeCo and the mutant mice have a lowered threshold for the induction of epileptic seizures. The mutant showed a developmental delay but, in contrast, memory function was relatively spared. Therefore, this unique mouse model resembles subcortical band heterotopia observed in human. This model represents a new and rare tool to better understand cortical development and to investigate future therapeutic strategies for refractory epilepsy.


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BACKGROUND: Walk-in centres may improve access to healthcare for some patients, due to their convenient location and extensive opening hours, with no need for an appointment. Herein, we describe and assess a new model of walk-in centre, characterised by care provided by residents and supervision achieved by experienced family doctors. The main aim of the study was to assess patients' satisfaction about the care they received from residents and their supervision by family doctors. The secondary aim was to describe walk-in patients' demographic characteristics and to identify potential associations with satisfaction. METHODS: The study was conducted in the walk-in centre of Lausanne. Patients who consulted between 11th and 31st April were automatically included and received a questionnaire in French. We used a five-point Likert scale, ranging from "not at all satisfied" to "very satisfied", converted from values of 1 to 5. We focused on the satisfaction regarding residents' care and supervision by a family doctor. The former was divided in three categories: "Skills", "Treatment" and "Behaviour". A mean satisfaction score was calculated for each category and a multivariable logistic model was applied in order to identify associations with patients' demographics. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 47% [184/395]. Walk-in patients were more likely to be women (62%), young (median age 31), with a high education level (40% of University degree or equivalent). Patients were "very satisfied" with residents' care, with a median satisfaction score between 4.5 and 5, for each category. Over 90% of patients were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" that a family doctor was involved in the consultation. Age showed the greatest association with satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Patients were highly satisfied with care provided by residents and with the involvement of a family doctor in the consultation. Older age showed the greatest positive association with satisfaction with a positive impact. The high level satisfaction reported by walk-in patients supports this new model of walk-in centre.


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Introduction: Coarctation of the aorta is a common congenital heart malformation. Mode of diagnosis changed from clinically to almost exclusively by echocardiogram and MRI. We claim to find a new echocardiographic index, based on simple and reliable morphologic measurements, to facilitate the diagnosis of aortic coarctation in the newborn.We reproduce the same procedure for older child to validate this new index. Material and Methods: We reviewed echocardiographic studies of 47 neonates with diagnosis of coarctation who underwent cardiac surgery between January 1997 and February 2003 and compared them with a matched control group. We measured 12 different sites of the aorta, aortic arch and the great vessels on the echocardiographic bands. In a second time we reviewed 23 infants for the same measurements and compare them with a matched control group. Results: 47 neonates with coarctation were analysed, age 11.8 _ 10 days,weight 3.0 _ 0.6 kg, body surface 0.20 _ 0.02m2. The control group was of 16 newborns aged 15.8 _ 10 days,weight 3.2 _ 0.9 kg and body surface 0.20 _ 0.04m2. A significant difference was noted in many morphologic measurement between the both groups, the most significant being the distance between the left carotid artery and the left subclavian artery (coarctation vs control: 7.3 _ 3mm vs 2.4 _ 0.8mm, p _ 0.0001). We then defined a new index, the carotid-subclavian arteries index (CSI) as the diameter of the distal tranverse aortic arch divided to the distance left carotid artery to left subclavian artery being also significaly different (coarctation vs control: 0.76 _ 0.86 vs 2.95 _ 1.24, p _ 0.0001). With the cutoff value of this index of 1.5 the sensitivity for aortic coarctation was 98% and the specificity of 92%. In an older group of infant with coarctation (16 patients) we apply the same principle and find for a cut-off value of 1.5 a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 100%. Conclusions: The CSI allows to evaluate newborns and infants for aortic coarctation with simple morphologic measurement that are not depending of the left ventricular function, presence of a patent ductus arteriosus or not. Further aggressive evaluation of these patient with a CSI _ 1.5 is indicated.


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In Switzerland, each year there are about 25000 new patients suffering from dementia (one new case every 20 minutes!). Currently, recognition of cognitive impairment and dementia diagnoses remain essentially based on clinical features. For the primary care provider, a 4-step approach based on a) history, b) collateral information provided by a knowledgeable relative, c) a standardized brief cognitive screening instrument, and d) simple laboratory tests will identify most older persons suffering from dementia. Unclear situations benefit from an assessment in a memory clinic.


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The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of posterior wall repair with a synthetic absorbable mesh. Between January and September 1996, five posterior repairs using absorbable synthetic meshes were performed. Five posterior wall repairs in patients matched for age, parity, and rectocele degree were performed according to usual procedures during the same period, and were used as controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff or posterior vaginal wall infections, thrombophlebitis, rectal injury, or hemorrhagic complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, posterior wall repair can be easily performed with an absorbable soft tissue patch, theoretically preserving sexual activity, and probably offers better functional results with longer experience, thus providing a safe and useful procedure in sexually active women.


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The Thyon metagranite is located in the frontal part of the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe, in the western Penninic Alps. It is intrusive in a polymetamorphic banded volcanic complex as leucocratic concordant sills with pseudoaplitic rims. A distinct metamorphic schistosity is defined by dark-green Fe-rich biotite. Abundant mesoperthites, chess-board albite and low microcline are presumably related to magmatic stages and/or greenschist-facies metamorphic retrogression. Major, trace element and REE geochemistry, zircon typology, Y and Nb-bearing accessory minerals such as fergusonite and euxenite, all point to a metaluminous to peraluminous alkaline A-type granite. High-precision U-Pb zircon dating yielded a sub-concordant age of 500 +3/-4 Ma. The Thyon metagranite is the third record of a Cambro-Ordovician alkaline magmatic activity in the Alps. As A-type granitic magmatism is common in post-orogenic to anorogenic extensional tectonic regime, the Thyon intrusion could mark the transition between the Cadomian and the Caledonian orogenies.


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Ocular neovascularizations are responsible for irreversible loss of vision in various diseases, including age-related macular degeneration. Treatments have changed greatly, and photodynamic therapy with verteporfin has come into common use. However, the visual prognosis remains poor. The recent approval of new antiangiogenic molecules such as ranibizumab and pegaptanib should allow for new therapeutical possibilities. The unapproved ophthalmological use of bevacizumab requires further studies. This paper updates what is known about old and new neovascularization treatments: their mechanism of action, their efficacy, and their toxicity. It reviews the principal clinical studies, and concludes with the recognized recommendations. For the first time, ophthalmologists can hope not only to stabilize loss of vision, but also to improve visual acuity. Complementary treatments can now be tested in associations, concomitantly or not, with the hope of improving visual results.


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OBJECTIVE: Proinsulin is a precursor of mature insulin and C-peptide. Higher circulating proinsulin levels are associated with impaired β-cell function, raised glucose levels, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Studies of the insulin processing pathway could provide new insights about T2D pathophysiology. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We have conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association tests of ∼2.5 million genotyped or imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and fasting proinsulin levels in 10,701 nondiabetic adults of European ancestry, with follow-up of 23 loci in up to 16,378 individuals, using additive genetic models adjusted for age, sex, fasting insulin, and study-specific covariates. RESULTS: Nine SNPs at eight loci were associated with proinsulin levels (P < 5 × 10(-8)). Two loci (LARP6 and SGSM2) have not been previously related to metabolic traits, one (MADD) has been associated with fasting glucose, one (PCSK1) has been implicated in obesity, and four (TCF7L2, SLC30A8, VPS13C/C2CD4A/B, and ARAP1, formerly CENTD2) increase T2D risk. The proinsulin-raising allele of ARAP1 was associated with a lower fasting glucose (P = 1.7 × 10(-4)), improved β-cell function (P = 1.1 × 10(-5)), and lower risk of T2D (odds ratio 0.88; P = 7.8 × 10(-6)). Notably, PCSK1 encodes the protein prohormone convertase 1/3, the first enzyme in the insulin processing pathway. A genotype score composed of the nine proinsulin-raising alleles was not associated with coronary disease in two large case-control datasets. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified nine genetic variants associated with fasting proinsulin. Our findings illuminate the biology underlying glucose homeostasis and T2D development in humans and argue against a direct role of proinsulin in coronary artery disease pathogenesis.