963 resultados para near infrared spectroscopy, copper, arsenate, strashimirite, hydroxyl, molecular water


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Gas hydrothermal vents are used as a natural analogue for studying the effects of CO2 leakage from hypothetical shallow marine storage sites on benthic and pelagic systems. This study investigated the interrelationships between planktonic prokaryotes and viruses in the Panarea Islands hydrothermal system (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy), especially their abundance, distribution and diversity. No difference in prokaryotic abundance was shown between high-CO2 and control sites. The community structure displayed differences between fumarolic field and the control, and between surface and bottom waters, the latter likely due to the presence of different water masses. Bacterial assemblages were qualitatively dominated by chemo- and photoautotrophic organisms, able to utilise both CO2 and H2S for their metabolic requirements. From significantly lower virioplankton abundance in the proximity of the exhalative area together with particularly low Virus-to-Prokaryotes Ratio, we inferred a reduced impact on prokaryotic abundance and proliferation. Even if the fate of viruses in this particular condition remains still unknown, we consider that lower viral abundance could reflect in enhancing the energy flow to higher trophic levels, thus largely influencing the overall functioning of the system.


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Tourmaline from a gem-quality deposit in the Grenville province has been studied with X-ray diffraction, visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and optical measurements. The tourmaline is found within tremolite-rich calc-silicate pods hosted in marble of the Central Metasedimentary Belt. The crystals are greenish-greyish-brown and have yielded facetable material up to 2.09 carats in size. Using the classification of Henry et al. 2011 the tourmaline is classified as a dravite, with a representative formula shown to be (Na0.73Ca0.2380.032)(Mg2+2.913Fe2+0.057Ti4+0.030) (Al3+5.787Fe3+0.017Mg2+0.14)(Si6.013O18)(BO3)3(OH)3((OH,O)0.907F0.093). Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data gives a = 15.9436(8) Å, c = 7.2126(7) Å and a unit cell volume of 1587.8 Å3. A polished thin section was cut perpendicular to the c-axis of one tourmaline crystal, which showed zoning from a dark brown core into a lighter rim into a thin darker rim and back into lighter zonation. Through the geochemical data, three key stages of crystal growth can be seen within this thin section. The first is the core stage which occurs from the dark core to the first colourless zone; the second is from this colourless zone increasing in brown colour to the outer limit before a sudden absence of colour is noted; the third is a sharp change from the end of the second and is entirely colourless. These events are the result of metamorphism and hydrothermal fluids resulting from nearby felsic intrusive plutons. Scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe traverses across this cross-section revealed that the green colour is the result of iron present throughout the system while the brown colour is correlated with titanium content. Crystal inclusions in the tourmaline of chlorapatite, and zircon were identified by petrographic analysis and confirmed using scanning electron microscope data and occur within the third stage of formation.


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L’estimation temporelle de l’ordre des secondes à quelques minutes requiert des ressources attentionnelles pour l’accumulation d’information temporelle pendant l’intervalle à estimer (Brown, 2006; Buhusi & Meck, 2009; Zakay & Block, 2004). Ceci est démontré dans le paradigme de double tâche, où l’exécution d’une tâche concurrente pendant l’estimation d’un intervalle mène à un effet d’interférence, soit une distorsion de la durée perçue se traduisant par des productions temporelles plus longues et plus variables que si l’estimation de l’intervalle était effectuée seule (voir Brown, 1997; 2010). Un effet d’interférence est également observé lorsqu’une interruption est attendue pendant l’intervalle à estimer, l’allongement étant proportionnel à la durée d’attente de l’interruption (Fortin & Massé, 2000). Cet effet a mené à l’hypothèse que la production avec interruption serait sous-tendue par un mécanisme de partage attentionnel similaire à la double tâche (Fortin, 2003). Afin d’étudier cette hypothèse, deux études empiriques ont été effectuées dans des contextes expérimentaux associés respectivement à une augmentation et à une diminution de l’effet d’interférence, soit le vieillissement (Chapitre II) et l’entraînement cognitif (Chapitre III). Dans le Chapitre II, la tâche de production avec interruption est étudiée chez des participants jeunes et âgés à l’aide de la spectroscopie proche infrarouge fonctionnelle (SPIRf). Les résultats montrent que l’attente de l’interruption est associée à des coûts comportementaux et fonctionnels similaires à la double tâche. Au niveau comportemental, un allongement des productions proportionnel à la durée d’attente de l’interruption est observé chez l’ensemble des participants, mais cet effet est plus prononcé chez les participants âgés que chez les jeunes. Ce résultat est compatible avec les observations réalisées dans le paradigme de double tâche (voir Verhaegen, 2011 pour une revue). Au niveau fonctionnel, la production avec et sans interruption est associée à l’activation du cortex préfrontal droit et des régions préfrontales dorsolatérales connues pour leur rôle au niveau de l’estimation temporelle explicite (production d’intervalle) et implicite (processus préparatoires). En outre, l’attente de l’interruption est associée à l’augmentation de l’activation corticale préfrontale dans les deux hémisphères chez l’ensemble des participants, incluant le cortex ventrolatéral préfrontal associé au contrôle attentionnel dans la double tâche. Finalement, les résultats montrent que les participants âgés se caractérisent par une activation corticale bilatérale lors de la production sans et avec interruption. Dans le cadre des théories du vieillissement cognitif (Park & Reuter-Lorenz, 2009), cela suggère que l’âge est associé à un recrutement inefficace des ressources attentionnelles pour la production d’intervalle, ceci nuisant au recrutement de ressources additionnelles pour faire face aux demandes liées à l’attente de l’interruption. Dans le Chapitre III, la tâche de production avec interruption est étudiée en comparant la performance de participants assignés à l’une ou l’autre de deux conditions d’exécution extensive (cinq sessions successives) de double tâche ou de production avec interruption. Des sessions pré et post-test sont aussi effectuées afin de tester le transfert entre les conditions. Les résultats montrent un effet d’interférence et de durée d’interférence tant en production avec double tâche qu’en production avec interruption. Ces effets sont toutefois plus prononcés lors de la production avec interruption et tendent à augmenter au fil des sessions, ce qui n’est pas observé en double tâche. Cela peut être expliqué par l’influence des processus préparatoires pendant la période pré-interruption et pendant l’interruption. Finalement, les résultats ne mettent pas en évidence d’effets de transfert substantiels entre les conditions puisque les effets de la pratique concernent principalement la préparation temporelle, un processus spécifique à la production avec interruption. Par la convergence que permet l’utilisation d’un même paradigme avec des méthodologies distinctes, ces travaux approfondissent la connaissance des mécanismes attentionnels associés à l’estimation temporelle et plus spécifiquement à la production avec interruption. Les résultats supportent l’hypothèse d’un partage attentionnel induit par l’attente de l’interruption. Les ressources seraient partagées entre les processus d’estimation temporelle explicite et implicite, une distinction importante récemment mise de l’avant dans la recherche sur l’estimation du temps (Coull, Davranche, Nazarian & Vidal, 2013). L’implication de processus dépendant des ressources attentionnelles communes pour le traitement de l’information temporelle peut rendre compte de l’effet d’interférence robuste et systématique observé dans la tâche de production avec interruption.


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The red deer (Cervus elaphus) is currently one of the most widespread and abundant wild ungulates in the Iberian Peninsula and is extremely important both ecologically, as a key species for the functioning of the ecosystems, and economically, as a major game species. In Iberia, red deer populations are subjected to different management systems that may affect the physical condition of the individuals, with further consequences for population dynamics. Studies investigating the effects of management practices and environmental conditions on the performance of red deer are still rare regarding Mediterranean ecosystems. Much of the knowledge concerning the ecology of red deer and the impact of management on its physical condition is based on studies conducted in northern and central regions of Europe, where climatological features and management practices differ from those observed in the Mediterranean areas of Iberia. Studies on a biogeographical scale can provide important insights into the relationships between species and a particular environment and contribute to the development of more targeted and appropriate management practices. The optimisation of sampling procedures and the fine-tuning of pre-existing analytical techniques are also fundamental to a more cost-effective monitoring and, therefore, are of enormous value to wildlife managers. In this context, the main aims of this thesis were: 1) to optimise the procedures used to assess the physical condition of red deer; and 2) to identify relevant management and environmental factors affecting the nutritional condition and stress physiology of red deer in the Mediterranean ecosystems of Iberia, as well as any potential interactions between those factors. Two studies with a methodological focus, presented in the first part of the thesis, demonstrated that the physical condition of red deer can be evaluated more simply, using more cost- and time-effective procedures than those traditionally used: i) it was shown that only one kidney and its associated fat is enough to assess nutritional condition in red deer; and ii) the feasibility of using near infrared spectroscopy to predict the concentrations of stress hormone metabolites was demonstrated using faeces of red deer for the first time. Subsequently, two large-scale observational studies, conducted in representative red deer populations found in Mediterranean Iberia, highlighted the importance of considering seasonal environmental variations and variables related to hunting management practices to better understand the nutritional and physiological ecology of red deer. High population densities had adverse effects on the nutritional condition of the deer and were associated with increased stress levels in natural populations without supplementary feeding. Massive hunting events involving the use of hounds were also identified as a potential source of chronic stress in red deer. The research presented in this thesis has clear implications regarding the management and monitoring of red deer populations in Mediterranean environments and is intended to help wildlife managers to implement more effective monitoring programmes and sustainable management practices.


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Ten growth or wood-quality traits were assessed in three nearby Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV) open-pollinated family-within-provenance trials (18 provenances represented by a total of 374 families) to provide information for the development of a breeding program targeting both pulp and solid-wood products. Growth traits (diameter at breast high over bark [DBH], height and conical volume) were assessed at 3 and 7 years of age. Wood-quality traits (density [DEN], Kraft pulp yield [KPY], modulus of elasticity [MoE] and microfibril angle [MfA]) were predicted using near-infrared spectroscopy on wood samples collected from these trials when aged between 10 and 12 years. The high average KPY, DEN and MoE, and low average MfA observed indicates CCV is very suitable for both pulp and timber products. All traits were under moderate to strong genetic control. In across- trials analyses, high (>0.4) heritability estimates were observed for height, DEN, MoE and MfA, while moderate heritability estimates (0.24 to 0.34) were observed for DBH, volume and KPY. Most traits showed very low levels of genotype × site interaction. Estimated age–age genetic correlations for growth traits were strong at both the family (0.97) and provenance (0.99) levels. Relationships among traits (additive genetic correlation estimates) were favourable, with strong and positive estimates between growth traits (0.84 to 0.98), moderate and positive values between growth and wood-quality traits (0.32 to 0.68), moderate and positive between KPY and MoE (0.64), and high and positive between DEN and MoE (0.82). However, negative (but favourable) correlations were detected between MfA and all other evaluated traits (−0.31 to −0.96). The genetic correlation between the same trait expressed on two different sites, at family level, ranged from 0.24 to 0.42 for growth traits, and from 0.29 to 0.53 for wood traits. Therefore simultaneous genetic improvement of growth and wood property traits in CCV for the target environment in south-east Queensland should be possible, given the moderate to high estimates of heritability and favourable correlations amongst all traits studied, unless genotype × site interactions are greater than was evident. © 2016 NISC (Pty) Ltd


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Lan honen helburua, burmuineko oxigeno maila neurtzeko NIRS (Near Infrarred Spectroscopy) teknika ez-inbaditzaileaz baliatzen den sistema baten eraginkortasuna neurtzea da, pazientearen parametro fisiologikoak diren bihotz eta arnasketa maiztasunak neurtzerako orduan. Orain arte, pazientearen oxigenazioaren monitorizazioa gauzatzea beharrezkoa den egoeratan, atzamarreko oxigenazio maila neurtzea ahalbidetzen duen PPG (Photoplethysmogram) teknika erabili da. Emergentzia egoeratan, ordea, sistema kardiobaskularrak bizi irauteko nahitaezkoak diren organoei ematen die lehentasuna, garuna eta bihotzari, alegia. Bi organo hauek oxigeno jario jarraituaz hornituak direla egiaztatzeko, ezinbestekoa izango da burmuineko oxigenazio maila neurtzea eta berriki frogatu da NIRS teknikak esparru honetan etorkizun handiko emaitzak eskaini ditzakeela. Hau dela eta, azken urteotan, NIRS teknikak lekua hartu dio orain arte agertoki mediku gehienetan erabilitako PPG teknikari, gaur egun teknika hau aplikazio ugaritan erabiltzen hasia delarik, adibidez kirurgia kardiobaskularraren monitorizazioa edo anestesia orokorraren bitarteko monitorizazioa. NIRS teknikak, garuneko oxigenazio mailaz aparte, pazientearen beste hainbat parametro fisiologikoren neurketa ahalbidetuko balu (arnasketa eta bihotz maiztasuna), agertoki mediku asko erraztuko lituzke, gailu bakar batekin pazientearen bizi-konstante anitzen monitorizazio eramango baitzen aurrera. Tresna hau egingarria dela egiaztatzeko, lehenik eta behin, NIRS seinalea bizi-konstante hauen berri emateko gai dela balioetsi behar da eta hauxe da, hain zuzen, proiektu honen xede nagusia. Azken helburu hau lortzeko, hainbat azpi-helburu proposatzen dira hemen aurkeztuko den proiektuan: lehenik eta behin, NIRS seinaleak eta bizi konstante hauek era fidagarrian lortzea ahalbidetzen duten seinaleak biltegiratzen dituen datu base bat sortuko da. Datu base hau osatzeko, aurreko seinale guztiak aldi berean eskuratuko dituen neurketa sistema sinkrono bat sortzea ezinbestekoa izango da eta azkenik, NIRS seinaleen eraginkortasuna ebaluatzeko, seinaleen prozesaketan oinarritutako hainbat algoritmo garatuko dira.


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Thin commercial aluminum electrolytic and passed through reactions was obtained with anodic alumina membranes nanopores. These materials have applications in areas recognized electronic, biomedical, chemical and biological weapons, especially in obtaining nanostructures using these membranes as a substrate or template for processing nanowires, nanodots and nanofibers for applications noble. Previous studies showed that the membranes that have undergone heat treatment temperature to 1300° C underwent changes in morphology, crystal structure and optical properties. This aim, this thesis, a study of the heat treatment of porous anodic alumina membranes, in order to obtain and to characterize the behavior changes structures during the crystallization process of the membranes, at temperatures ranging between 300 and 1700° C. It was therefore necessary to mount a system formed by a tubular furnace resistive alumina tube and controlled environment, applying flux with special blend of Ag-87% and 13% N2, in which argon had the role of carrying out the oxygen nitrogen system and induce the closing of the pores during the densification of the membrane. The duration of heat treatment ranged from 60 to 15 minutes, at temperatures from 300 to 1700° C respectively. With the heat treatment occurred: a drastic reduction of porosity, grain growth and increased translucency of the membrane. For the characterization of the membranes were analyzed properties: Physical - thermogravimetric, X-ray diffraction, BET surface area; morphological - SEM, EDS through compositional and, optical absorbance, and transmittance in the UV-VIS, and FTIR. The results using the SEM showed that crystallization has occurred, densification and significant changes in membrane structure, as well as obtaining microtube, the BET analysis showed a decrease in specific surface area of the membranes has to 44.381 m2.g-1 to less than 1.8 m2.g-1 and in the analysis of transmittance and absorbance was found a value of 16.5% in the range of 800 nm, characteristic of the near infrared and FTIR have confirmed the molecular groups of the material. Thus, one can say that the membranes were mixed characteristics and properties which qualify for use in gas filtration system, as well as applications in the range of optical wavelength of the infra-red, and as a substrate of nanomaterials. This requires the continuation and deepening of additional study


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Tese (doutorado)–Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.


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By using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and by modifying the current Somanetics® optodes being used with the INVOS oximeter, the modified optodes are made to be fairly functional not only across the forehead, but across the hairy regions of the scalp as well. A major problem arises in the positioning of these optodes on the patients scalp and holding them in place while recording data. Another problem arises in the inconsistent repeatability of the trends displayed in the recorded data. A method was developed to facilitate the easy placement of these optodes on the patients scalp keeping in mind thepatient's comfort. The sensitivity of the optodes, too, was improved by incorporating better refined techniques for manufacturing the fiber optic brushes and fixing the same to the optode transmitting and receiving windows. The modified and improved optodes, in the single as well as in the multiplexed modes, were subjected to various tests on different areas of the brain to determine their efficiency and functionality.


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Weathering of mine tailings in Adak results in high As concentrations in surface and ground water, sediments, and soil. In spite of the oxic conditions, As-rich surface and ground, water samples indicate As(III) species predominantly (up to 83%). Several microorganisms were isolated from the enrichment cultures that were involved in As cycling. Amongst them was Arsenicicoccus bolidensis - a novel gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, coccus-shaped actinomycete, which actively reduced As(V) to As(III) in aqueous media. A. bolidensis reduced 0.06-0.20 mM day(-1) As(V). As(V) reduction displays a direct correlation between the initial As(V) concentration, growth rate, and biomass yield. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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It has been speculated that the presence of OH(H2O)n clusters in the troposphere could have significant effects on the solar absorption balance and the reactivity of the hydroxyl radical. We have used the G3 and G3B3 model chemistries to model the structures and predict the frequencies of hydroxyl radical/water clusters containing one to five water molecules. The reaction between hydroxyl radical clusters and methane was examined as a function of water cluster size to gain an understanding of how cluster size affects the hydroxyl radical reactivity.