516 resultados para narration séquentielle
As a hybrid genre, the narrative of Carlo Levi is an objective account and subjective elaboration that are equalized in a literary form. Written between 1943 and 1944, the book evokes with an atmosphere of memoir the period of 1935 and 1936, the writer’s exile. The film based on the narration fragmentizes the daily life of the problematic region and highlights the truth aimed by the discourses composed in times of crises, reinforced by action and expression without provincialism and also without a compensating aristocratic pose. It is possible to see some incapacity of the film by Rosi, natural to a certain degree, to translate the synthesis of literary treatment and socio-historical reflection. For this reason it is necessary to read the adaptation as an attitude about the literary matter and the result of historical experience. The memoir character relies on the artifice that makes good use of the book’s opening, the author’s short monologue, its narrative frame. The presence of paintings materializes the questions about the absurd contained in them
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
The storytelling is central to the early literacy of children, part of the objectives for the entire kindergarten. The story circle or storytelling is important and helpful in cognitive and emotional development of children, including the ones with disabilities. Seeking communicational accessibility, the aim of this work is to make the book "O Penuginha" by Luiz Vitor Martinello available in LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language). To facilitate the achievement of this objective, it was considered appropriate to develop a descriptive study following the methodology of qualitative research, to search for literature on how learning takes place in the Portuguese language by deaf students. This study resulted in a DVD with video recordings, the translation of the book "O Penuginha" in LIBRAS and the narration of the book in Portuguese. Therefore, this research is relevant because the paradigm of the twenty first century is the inclusion of all people in different scenarios and the school is one of the first places where the removal of barriers is essential.
From the study of the news, it is possible to notice a substantial and progressive increase in the number of reports that use social networks as a source for the composition of the news in recent years. This paper discusses precisely this process of legitimation of social networks as an authorized source for journalists from the perspective of the standards narration codes historically marked that journalists use to tell their stories, in a crossover between the ideas of Michel de Certeau, Paul Ricoeur and Roland Barthes. We will study the notion that this increase is due to a repositioning of journalistic values in vogue (who put those sources within the boundaries of acceptable) and has visible consequences in the writing and structuring of journalistic report as an enunciative technical.
Since journalistic report is subject to certain pre-coded forms of narration, so that the recognized journalistic discourse is subject to a specific and standardized way of narrating the events, in this article, we will discuss the historical status of reality effects engendered narratively by news stories. Over time, although the use of reality effects is constant in news, the narrative techniques that harbor these effects have changed. In different historical periods, different narration codes had assumed the role of making the journalistic stories more credible. As material of analysis, we will show certain narrative techniques linked to reality effects used by magazines such as Revista da Semana (1900-1958), O Cruzeiro (1928-1975) and Manchete (1952-2000). Each one of these used certain storytelling techniques that have been abandoned in subsequent periods and that show the historical status of reality effects linguistically constructed in journalism.
Assuming that testimony in photojournalism must be understood as a historical and performative act, the aim of this article is to discuss how the testimonial function of journalistic photography was constantly re-signified in Brazilian news magazines during the twentieth century. This redefinition has a relation with the different ways in which testimonial function was hinged to news report (in its broadest elements) and how this imperative appeared on its discursive form in writing narrative. As trustee of a narrative intended to be realistic, photojournalism articulates, from techniques and codes of narration, a series of referential and informational strategies. These strategies, however, have changed over time, based on different modes of narration by image and its accreditation in reality.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this study is to analyze the process of producing reflexive narratives on nursing students' portfolios. This qualitative study performed an analysis of the portfolios of the class discipline Health Promotion in Primary Education, taught in the fourth semester of the Nursing Licensure Course. Results showed an initial predominance of descriptive records, with the incipient approach of theoretical aspects associated with the aspects regarding their experience. Further, in the group and experience discussions, there were narratives containing more critical and reflexive elements, with justifications for the described actions and the relationships with the theoretical-practical aspects studied in the class and in the course. In conclusion, there is a process of producing critical-reflexive narratives in portfolios that could include a summarized description, using common sense and idealization which allows for including the differences and the theoretical review.
Esta investigação visou analisar o processo de construção das narrativas reflexivas em portfólios de estudantes de enfermagem. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, que analisou os portfólios da disciplina Promoção da Saúde na Educação Básica, ministrada no quarto semestre do curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem. Os resultados indicaram a predominância inicial de registros descritivos, com a incipiente abordagem de aspectos teóricos articulados aos aspectos vivenciais. Com o transcorrer das discussões em grupo e das vivências foram apresentadas narrativas com elementos mais críticos e reflexivos, com justificativas das ações descritas e relações com aspectos teórico-práticos estudados na disciplina e no curso. O estudo conclui que há um processo de produção das narrativas crítico-reflexivas em portfólios que pode incluir descrição sintética, senso comum, idealização, e que, de modo singular, possibilita a inclusão do outro, das diferenças e de revisão teórica.
Este trabalho descreve a experiência da construção de um livro de história com o objetivo de auxiliar profissionais de saúde e familiares a contarem para crianças menores de 5 anos sobre seu diagnóstico de Fibrose Cística. O livro traz a história de Lola, uma criança que descobre que tem Fibrose Cística e cria um monstro imaginário como representação da doença. A experiência emergida da prática profissional em um ambulatório multiprofissional de atendimento a esses pacientes, traduz a importância de conciliar teoria e prática, além da interdisciplinaridade para a construção de estratégias inovadoras e criativas no desenvolvimento do cuidado integral.
O presente artigo parte do tema da fotografia para valer-se dele como modo de compreensão do narrador em Dom Casmurro, romance publicado por Machado de Assis em 1899. Através do levantamento de passagens do enredo centradas em algum retrato (englobando nessa categoria pinturas e fotografias), desenvolve-se a noção de "narração-fotográfica", que visa enfatizar a reiteração de hipóteses e rememorações realizadas pela personagem Bentinho a partir de instantes cristalizados no tempo. A necessidade de posse através do apego às imagens, assim como aos momentos vividos relembrados pela memória, destaca a luta interior da personagem contra o esquecimento de momentos, a solidão e a condição efêmera da vida.