925 resultados para monolithic stationary phases


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Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168 does not exhibit the general increase in cellular stress resistance on entry into stationary phase that is seen in most other bacteria. This is consistent with the lack of global stationary phase regulatory elements in this organism. deduced from an analysis of its genome sequence. We now show that C. jejuni NCTC 11168 does undergo certain changes in stationary phase, of a pattern not previously described. As cells entered stationary phase there was a change in membrane fatty acid composition, principally a decrease in the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and an increase in the content of cyclopropane and short-chain fatty acids. These changes in membrane composition were accompanied by an increase in the resilience of the cell membrane towards loss of integrity caused by pressure and an increase in cellular pressure resistance. By contrast. there were no major changes in resistance to acid or heat treatment. A similar pattern of changes in stress resistance on entry, into stationary phase was seen in C. jejuni NCTC 11351, the type strain. These changes appear to represent a restricted Physiological response to the conditions existing in stationary phase cultures, in an organism having limited capacity for genetic regulation and adaptation to environment. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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During the stationary phase of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11351 viable numbers fluctuate in a characteristic fashion. After reaching the maximum cell count (ca. 2 X 10(9) CFU/ml) in early stationary phase (denoted phase 1), viable numbers subsequently decrease to about 10(6) CFU/ml after 48 h and then increase again to about 10(8) CFU/ml (denoted phase 2) before decreasing once more to a value intermediate between the previous maximum and minimum values. To investigate whether the increase in viable numbers following the initial decline was due to the emergence of a new strain with a growth advantage in stationary phase analogous to the 'GASP' phenotype described in Escherichia coli [Science 259 (1993) 1757], we conducted mixed culture experiments with cells from the original culture and antibiotic-resistant marked organisms isolated from the re-growth phase. In many experiments of this type, strains isolated from phase 2 failed to out-compete the original strain and we have thus been unable to demonstrate a convincing GASP phenotype. However, strains isolated from phase 2 showed a much lower rate of viability loss in early stationary phase and a small increase in resistance to aeration, peroxide challenge and heat, indicating that the emergent strain was different from the parent. These results support the view that dynamic population changes occur during the stationary phase of C jejuni that may play a role in the survival of this organism. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The relationship between a loss of viability and several morphological and physiological changes was examined with Escherichia coli strain J1 subjected to high-pressure treatment. The pressure resistance of stationary-phase cells was much higher than that of exponential-phase cells, but in both types of cell, aggregation of cytoplasmic proteins and condensation of the nucleoid occurred after treatment at 200 MPa for 8 min. Although gross changes were detected in these cellular structures, they were not related to cell death, at least for stationary-phase cells. In addition to these events, exponential-phase cells showed changes in their cell envelopes that were not seen for stationary-phase cells, namely physical perturbations of the cell envelope structure, a loss of osmotic responsiveness, and a loss of protein and RNA to the extracellular medium. Based on these observations, we propose that exponential-phase cells are inactivated under high pressure by irreversible damage to the cell membrane. In contrast, stationary-phase cells have a cytoplasmic membrane that is robust enough to withstand pressurization up to very intense treatments. The retention of an intact membrane appears to allow the stationary-phase cell to repair gross changes in other cellular structures and to remain viable at pressures that are lethal to exponential-phase cells.


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Ribosome modulation factor (RMF) was shown to have an influence on the survival of Escherichia coli under acid stress during stationary phase, since the viability of cultures of a mutant strain lacking functional RMF decreased more rapidly than that of the parent strain at pH 3. Loss of ribosomes was observed in both strains when exposed to low pH, although this occurred at a higher rate in the RMF-deficient mutant strain, which also suffered from higher levels of rRNA degradation. It was concluded that the action of RMF in limiting the damage to rRNA contributed to the protection of E coli under acid stress. Expression of the rmf gene was lower during stationary phase after growth in acidified media compared to media containing no added acid, and the increased rmf expression associated with transition from exponential phase to stationary phase was much reduced in acidified media. It was demonstrated that RMF was not involved in the stationary-phase acid-tolerance response in E coli by which growth under acidic conditions confers protection against subsequent acid shock. This response was sufficient to overcome the increased vulnerability of the RMF-deficient mutant strain to acid stress at pH values between 6.5 and 5.5.


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WThe capillary flow alignment of the thermotropic liquid crystal 4-n-octyl-4′-cyanobiphenyl in the nematic and smectic phases is investigated using time-resolved synchrotron small-angle x-ray scattering. Samples were cooled from the isotropic phase to erase prior orientation. Upon cooling through the nematic phase under Poiseuille flow in a circular capillary, a transition from the alignment of mesogens along the flow direction to the alignment of layers along the flow direction (mesogens perpendicular to flow) appears to occur continuously at the cooling rate applied. The transition is centered on a temperature at which the Leslie viscosity coefficient α3 changes sign. The configuration with layers aligned along the flow direction is also observed in the smectic phase. The transition in the nematic phase on cooling has previously been ascribed to an aligning-nonaligning or tumbling transition. At high flow rates there is evidence for tumbling around an average alignment of layers along the flow direction. At lower flow rates this orientation is more clearly defined. The layer alignment is ascribed to surface-induced ordering propagating into the bulk of the capillary, an observation supported by the parallel alignment of layers observed for a static sample at low temperatures in the nematic phase.


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An aquaplanet model is used to study the nature of the highly persistent low-frequency waves that have been observed in models forced by zonally symmetric boundary conditions. Using the Hayashi spectral analysis of the extratropical waves, the authors find that a quasi-stationary wave 5 belongs to a wave packet obeying a well-defined dispersion relation with eastward group velocity. The components of the dispersion relation with k ≥ 5 baroclinically convert eddy available potential energy into eddy kinetic energy, whereas those with k < 5 are baroclinically neutral. In agreement with Green’s model of baroclinic instability, wave 5 is weakly unstable, and the inverse energy cascade, which had been previously proposed as a main forcing for this type of wave, only acts as a positive feedback on its predominantly baroclinic energetics. The quasi-stationary wave is reinforced by a phase lock to an analogous pattern in the tropical convection, which provides further amplification to the wave. It is also found that the Pedlosky bounds on the phase speed of unstable waves provide guidance in explaining the latitudinal structure of the energy conversion, which is shown to be more enhanced where the zonal westerly surface wind is weaker. The wave’s energy is then trapped in the waveguide created by the upper tropospheric jet stream. In agreement with Green’s theory, as the equator-to-pole SST difference is reduced, the stationary marginally stable component shifts toward higher wavenumbers, while wave 5 becomes neutral and westward propagating. Some properties of the aquaplanet quasi-stationary waves are found to be in interesting agreement with a low frequency wave observed by Salby during December–February in the Southern Hemisphere so that this perspective on low frequency variability, apart from its value in terms of basic geophysical fluid dynamics, might be of specific interest for studying the earth’s atmosphere.


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Inverse bicontinuous cubic (Q(II)) phases are nanostructured materials formed by lipid self-assembly. We have successfully imaged thin films of hydrated Q(II) phases from two different systems using AFM. The images show periodic arrays of water channels with spacing and symmetry consistent with published SAXS data on the bulk materials.


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A methodology for identifying equatorial waves is used to analyze the multilevel 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40) data for two different years (1992 and 1993) to investigate the behavior of the equatorial waves under opposite phases of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). A comprehensive view of 3D structures and of zonal and vertical propagation of equatorial Kelvin, westward-moving mixed Rossby–gravity (WMRG), and n = 1 Rossby (R1) waves in different QBO phases is presented. Consistent with expectation based on theory, upward-propagating Kelvin waves occur more frequently during the easterly QBO phase than during the westerly QBO phase. However, the westward-moving WMRG and R1 waves show the opposite behavior. The presence of vertically propagating equatorial waves in the stratosphere also depends on the upper tropospheric winds and tropospheric forcing. Typical propagation parameters such as the zonal wavenumber, zonal phase speed, period, vertical wavelength, and vertical group velocity are found. In general, waves in the lower stratosphere have a smaller zonal wavenumber, shorter period, faster phase speed, and shorter vertical wavelength than those in the upper troposphere. All of the waves in the lower stratosphere show an upward group velocity and downward phase speed. When the phase of the QBO is not favorable for waves to propagate, their phase speed in the lower stratosphere is larger and their period is shorter than in the favorable phase, suggesting Doppler shifting by the ambient flow and a filtering of the slow waves. Tropospheric WMRG and R1 waves in the Western Hemisphere also show upward phase speed and downward group velocity, with an indication of their forcing from middle latitudes. Although the waves observed in the lower stratosphere are dominated by “free” waves, there is evidence of some connection with previous tropical convection in the favorable year for the Kelvin waves in the warm water hemisphere and WMRG and R1 waves in the Western Hemisphere, which is suggestive of the importance of convective forcing for the existence of propagating coupled Kelvin waves and midlatitude forcing for the existence of coupled WMRG and R1 waves.


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It is known that certain video deghoster systems cannot fully process the induced signal derived from the quadrature carrier forming nature of the VSB filter under a multipath condition. A new deterministic IIR deghoster filter structure is given which is capable of deghosting terrestrial video for any relative ghost carrier phase.


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This work investigated the role of rpoS in the development of increased cell envelope resilience and enhanced pressure resistance in stationary phase cells of Escherichia coli. Loss of both colony-forming ability and membrane integrity, measured as uptake of propidium iodide (PI), occurred at lower pressures in E. coli BW3709 (rpoS) than in the parental strain (BW2952). The rpoS mutant also released much higher concentrations of protein under pressure than the parent. We propose that RpoS-regulated functions are responsible for the increase in membrane resilience as cells enter stationary phase and that this plays a major role in the development of pressure resistance. Strains from the Keio collection with mutations in two RpoS-regulated genes, cfa (cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase) and osmB (outer membrane lipoprotein), were significantly more pressure-sensitive and took up more PI than the parent strains with cfa having the greatest effect. Mutations in the bolA morphogene and other RpoS-regulated lipoprotein genes (osmC, osmE, osmY and ybaY) had no effect on pressure resistance. The cytoplasmic membranes of the rpoS mutant failed to reseal after pressure treatment and strains with mutations in osmB and nlpI (new lipoprotein) were also somewhat impaired in the ability to reseal their membranes. The cfa mutant, though pressure-sensitive, was unaffected in membrane resealing implying that the initial transient permeabilization event is critical for loss of viability rather than the failure to reseal. The enhanced pressure sensitivity of polA, recA and xthA mutants suggested that DNA may be a target of oxidative stress in pressure-treated cells.


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This paper examines the significance of widely used leading indicators of the UK economy for predicting the cyclical pattern of commercial real estate performance. The analysis uses monthly capital value data for UK industrials, offices and retail from the Investment Property Databank (IPD). Prospective economic indicators are drawn from three sources namely, the series used by the US Conference Board to construct their UK leading indicator and the series deployed by two private organisations, Lombard Street Research and NTC Research, to predict UK economic activity. We first identify turning points in the capital value series adopting techniques employed in the classical business cycle literature. We then estimate probit models using the leading economic indicators as independent variables and forecast the probability of different phases of capital values, that is, periods of declining and rising capital values. The forecast performance of the models is tested and found to be satisfactory. The predictability of lasting directional changes in property performance represents a useful tool for real estate investment decision-making.