824 resultados para methotrexate transport


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Transepithelial Na+ reabsorption across tight epithelia is regulated by aldosterone. Mineralocorticoids modulate the expression of a number of proteins. Na+,K+-ATPase has been identified as an aldosterone-induced protein (Geering, K., M. Girardet, C. Bron, J. P. Kraehenbuhl, and B. C. Rossier, 1982, J. Biol. Chem., 257:10338-10343). Using A6 cells (kidney of Xenopus laevis) grown on filters we demonstrated by Northern blot analysis that the induction of Na+,K+-ATPase was mainly mediated by a two- to fourfold accumulation of both alpha- and beta-subunit mRNAs. The specific competitor spironolactone decreased basal Na+ transport, Na+,K+-ATPase mRNA, and the relative rate of protein biosynthesis, and it blocked the response to aldosterone. Cycloheximide inhibited the aldosterone-dependent sodium transport but did not significantly affect the cytoplasmic accumulation of Na+,K+-ATPase mRNA induced by aldosterone.


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We report that, in the rat hippocampus, learning leads to a significant increase in extracellular lactate levels that derive from glycogen, an energy reserve selectively localized in astrocytes. Astrocytic glycogen breakdown and lactate release are essential for long-term but not short-term memory formation, and for the maintenance of long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic strength elicited in vivo. Disrupting the expression of the astrocytic lactate transporters monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4) or MCT1 causes amnesia, which, like LTP impairment, is rescued by L-lactate but not equicaloric glucose. Disrupting the expression of the neuronal lactate transporter MCT2 also leads to amnesia that is unaffected by either L-lactate or glucose, suggesting that lactate import into neurons is necessary for long-term memory. Glycogenolysis and astrocytic lactate transporters are also critical for the induction of molecular changes required for memory formation, including the induction of phospho-CREB, Arc, and phospho-cofilin. We conclude that astrocyte-neuron lactate transport is required for long-term memory formation.


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Background/Purpose: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are critical in evaluating RA treatment effects on function and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL). Significant improvement in PROs has been reported in RA studies of biologic agents, including etanercept (ETN), but most studies have been conducted in patients with established disease. In addition to assessing treatment effects in early RA, there is interest in therapeutic strategies that allow dose reduction or withdrawal of biologic therapy (biologic-free) after induction of response. The PRIZE trial is an ongoing, 3-period study to evaluate the efficacy of combined ETN and methotrexate (MTX) therapy in patients with early, moderate-to-severe RA and to assess whether efficacy (remission) can be maintained with ETN dose reduction or biologic-free (Period 2) or drug-free (Period 3). Herein we report PROs associated with ETN 50 mg QW plus MTX (ETN50/MTX) therapy administered for 52 wks in Period 1 (induction) of the PRIZE trial. Methods: In Period 1, MTX- and biologic-naı‥ve patients with early, active RA (symptom onset 12 mo from enrollment; DAS28 _3.2) received open-label ETN50/MTX for 52 wks. The starting dose of MTX was 10 mg QW; at the discretion of the investigator, titration was permitted up to a maximum of 25 mg QW to achieve remission. Corticosteroid boosts were administered to patients not achieving low disease state at wks 13 and 26, unless contraindicated or not tolerated. PROs were assessed using the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) total score; Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS); EuroQol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) total index; Short Form Health Survey (SF-36); Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT)-Fatigue; Work Instability Scale for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RAWIS); and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire: Rheumatoid Arthritis (WPAI:RA). Results: A total of 306 patients received treatment in Period 1 (mITT population); 222 (73%) patients completed the period. The majority of patients were female (70%), with a mean age of 50 y, mean DAS28 of 6.0 (median, 6.0), and duration of disease symptoms from onset of 6.5 months (median, 6.3 mo). Significant and clinically meaningful improvements in PROs, including in HAQ, EQ-5D, SF-36, and FACIT-Fatigue, were demonstrated with ETN50/MTX therapy from baseline to the final on therapy visit (Table; P_0.0001). Similar improvements were observed in all dimensions of RA-WIS and WPAI:RA (Table; P_0.0001). Conclusion: Combination therapy with ETN50/MTX for 52 wks in patients with _12 mo of symptomatic, active RA resulted in significant, clinically important improvements in measures of physical function, including normal HAQ (66.6% of patients), HR-QoL, fatigue, and work productivity. These outcomes are consistent with those reported in prior studies in patients with more established disease.


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La finalitat d'aquest projecte és la creació d'una aplicació web per gestionar una empresa d'autobusos. El resultat que s'obtingui anirà dirigit a Agobe Tours SL. Permetrà reservar places als usuaris i l'administrador podrà gestionar tots els esdeveniments relacionats amb el negoci. Es desenvoluparà de zero per crear una aplicació a mida amb el propòsit de complir els objectius de l'empresa.


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We study the details of electronic transport related to the atomistic structure of silicon quantum dots embedded in a silicon dioxide matrix using ab initio calculations of the density of states. Several structural and composition features of quantum dots (QDs), such as diameter and amorphization level, are studied and correlated with transport under transfer Hamiltonian formalism. The current is strongly dependent on the QD density of states and on the conduction gap, both dependent on the dot diameter. In particular, as size increases, the available states inside the QD increase, while the QD band gap decreases due to relaxation of quantum confinement. Both effects contribute to increasing the current with the dot size. Besides, valence band offset between the band edges of the QD and the silica, and conduction band offset in a minor grade, increases with the QD diameter up to the theoretical value corresponding to planar heterostructures, thus decreasing the tunneling transmission probability and hence the total current. We discuss the influence of these parameters on electron and hole transport, evidencing a correlation between the electron (hole) barrier value and the electron (hole) current, and obtaining a general enhancement of the electron (hole) transport for larger (smaller) QD. Finally, we show that crystalline and amorphous structures exhibit enhanced probability of hole and electron current, respectively.


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BACKGROUND: The need for an integrated view of data obtained from high-throughput technologies gave rise to network analyses. These are especially useful to rationalize how external perturbations propagate through the expression of genes. To address this issue in the case of drug resistance, we constructed biological association networks of genes differentially expressed in cell lines resistant to methotrexate (MTX). METHODS: Seven cell lines representative of different types of cancer, including colon cancer (HT29 and Caco2), breast cancer (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468), pancreatic cancer (MIA PaCa-2), erythroblastic leukemia (K562) and osteosarcoma (Saos-2), were used. The differential expression pattern between sensitive and MTX-resistant cells was determined by whole human genome microarrays and analyzed with the GeneSpring GX software package. Genes deregulated in common between the different cancer cell lines served to generate biological association networks using the Pathway Architect software. RESULTS: Dikkopf homolog-1 (DKK1) is a highly interconnected node in the network generated with genes in common between the two colon cancer cell lines, and functional validations of this target using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) showed a chemosensitization toward MTX. Members of the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A (UGT1A) family formed a network of genes differentially expressed in the two breast cancer cell lines. siRNA treatment against UGT1A also showed an increase in MTX sensitivity. Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (EEF1A1) was overexpressed among the pancreatic cancer, leukemia and osteosarcoma cell lines, and siRNA treatment against EEF1A1 produced a chemosensitization toward MTX. CONCLUSIONS: Biological association networks identified DKK1, UGT1As and EEF1A1 as important gene nodes in MTX-resistance. Treatments using siRNA technology against these three genes showed chemosensitization toward MTX.


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Background: Methotrexate is a chemotherapeutic agent used to treat a variety of cancers. However, the occurrence of resistance limits its effectiveness. Cytochrome c in its reduced state is less capable of triggering the apoptotic cascade. Thus, we set up to study the relationship among redox state of cytochrome c, apoptosis and the development of resistance to methotrexate in MCF7 human breast cancer cells. Results: Cell incubation with cytochrome c-reducing agents, such as tetramethylphenylenediamine, ascorbate or reduced glutathione, decreased the mortality and apoptosis triggered by methotrexate. Conversely, depletion of glutathione increased the apoptotic action of methotrexate, showing an involvement of cytochrome c redox state in methotrexateinduced apoptosis. Methotrexate-resistant MCF7 cells showed increased levels of endogenous reduced glutathione and a higher capability to reduce exogenous cytochrome c. Using functional genomics we detected the overexpression of GSTM1 and GSTM4 in methotrexate-resistant MCF7 breast cancer cells, and determined that methotrexate was susceptible of glutathionylation by GSTs. The inhibition of these GSTM isoforms caused an increase in methotrexate cytotoxicity in sensitive and resistant cells. Conclusions: We conclude that overexpression of specific GSTMs, GSTM1 and GSTM4, together with increased endogenous reduced glutathione levels help to maintain a more reduced state of cytochrome c which, in turn, would decrease apoptosis, thus contributing to methotrexate resistance in human MCF7 breast cancer cells.


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Estudi de l’eficiència aerodinàmica de les carrosseries de vehicles pesants de cara a reduir el consum de combustible en autocars de llarg trajecte. L’estudi es basa en tres aspectes: validació del programa de simulació, estudi aerodinàmic de diferents carrosseries d’autocar de mercat i estudi aerodinàmic de diferents complements


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Investigacions recents revelen com l’acció del vent lateral és un efecte molt important en bona part dels accidents ocorreguts en vehicles pesants de transport per carretera. És per això que el perfil aerodinàmic del vehicle esdevé determinant en l’avaluació de les forces laterals que hi actuen.El present projecte té per objecte determinar les forces laterals que s’exerceixen en vehicles pesants de transport de passatgers degut a l’acció del vent i investigar-ne la seva perillositat. Per fer-ho s’utilitzen models numèrics de dinàmica de fluids i, per diferents velocitats del vehicle, es simulen vents amb diferent intensitat i direcció. D’aquí es determinen unes condicions de perillositat en funció, entre d’altres variables, de l’angle d’incidència del vent i de la seva velocitat


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We evaluated the role of the G alpha-q (Galphaq) subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins in the insulin signaling pathway leading to GLUT4 translocation. We inhibited endogenous Galphaq function by single cell microinjection of anti-Galphaq/11 antibody or RGS2 protein (a GAP protein for Galphaq), followed by immunostaining to assess GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Galphaq/11 antibody and RGS2 inhibited insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation by 60 or 75%, respectively, indicating that activated Galphaq is important for insulin-induced glucose transport. We then assessed the effect of overexpressing wild-type Galphaq (WT-Galphaq) or a constitutively active Galphaq mutant (Q209L-Galphaq) by using an adenovirus expression vector. In the basal state, Q209L-Galphaq expression stimulated 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to 70% of the maximal insulin effect. This effect of Q209L-Galphaq was inhibited by wortmannin, suggesting that it is phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) dependent. We further show that Q209L-Galphaq stimulates PI3-kinase activity in p110alpha and p110gamma immunoprecipitates by 3- and 8-fold, respectively, whereas insulin stimulates this activity mostly in p110alpha by 10-fold. Nevertheless, only microinjection of anti-p110alpha (and not p110gamma) antibody inhibited both insulin- and Q209L-Galphaq-induced GLUT4 translocation, suggesting that the metabolic effects induced by Q209L-Galphaq are dependent on the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase. In summary, (i) Galphaq appears to play a necessary role in insulin-stimulated glucose transport, (ii) Galphaq action in the insulin signaling pathway is upstream of and dependent upon PI3-kinase, and (iii) Galphaq can transmit signals from the insulin receptor to the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase, which leads to GLUT4 translocation.