999 resultados para metatietovaranto, Melinda, Kansalliskirjasto, yleiset kirjastot
Nombrosos són ja els estudis que s'han centrat en l'anomenat "cinema seriós" de Woody Allen i, entre ells, paga la pena de mencionar el que Pau Gilabert Barberà, autor d'aquest article, va escriure (2006) sobre el que, en opinió seva, és el llegat sofístic subjacent en el guió de Crimes and Misdemeanors. En aquesta ocasió, el seu objectiu és analitzar la trajectòria fluctuant del director americà en relació a la tragèdia grega, des de la convicció que, només així, és possible revelar la seva empatia amb l'esperit tràgic dels grecs i comprendre la seva necessitat de presentar aquell gènere literari com un paradigma des del qual entendre les grandeses i misèries del món contemporani.
Many studies have already paid attention to what is called the "serious films" by Woody Allen and, among them, it is also worth mentioning the one written by the very Pau Gilabert Barberà (2006), which is devoted to the Sophistic legacy underlying in his opinion the screenplay of Crimes and Misdemeanors. On this occasion, his aim is to analyse the fluctuating sight of the American director with regard to the Greek tragedy. Indeed, Gilabert is convinced that, only in this way, it is possible to reveal the true Allen¿s sympathy with the tragic spirit of the Greeks, as well as to understand his urge to present that ancient literary genre as a paradigm with the help of which one can evaluate the greatness and misery of our contemporary world.
Numerosos son ya los estudios que se han centrado en el llamado "cine serio" de Woody Allen y, entre ellos, cabe mencionar el que Pau Gilabert Barberà, autor de este artículo, escribió (2006) sobre lo que, en su opinión, es el legado sofístico subyacente en el guión de Crimes and Misdemeanors. En esta ocasión, su objetivo es analizar la trayectoria fluctuante del director americano en relación con la tragedia griega, desde la convicción de que, sólo así, es posible revelar su empatía con el espíritu trágico de los griegos y comprender su necesidad de presentar aquel género literario como un paradigma desde el cual entender las grandezas y miserias del mundo contemporáneo.
Background. Defining the parameters that modulate vaccine responses in African populations will be imperative to design effective vaccines for protection against HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and dengue virus infections. This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of the patient-specific immune microenvironment to the response to the licensed yellow fever vaccine 17D (YF-17D) in an African cohort. Methods. We compared responses to YF-17D in 50 volunteers in Entebbe, Uganda, and 50 volunteers in Lausanne, Switzerland. We measured the CD8+ T cell and B cell responses induced by YF-17D and correlated them with immune parameters analyzed by flow cytometry prior to vaccination. Results. We showed that YF-17D-induced CD8+ T cell and B cell responses were substantially lower in immunized individuals from Entebbe compared with immunized individuals from Lausanne. The impaired vaccine response in the Entebbe cohort associated with reduced YF-17D replication. Prior to vaccination, we observed higher frequencies of exhausted and activated NK cells, differentiated T and B cell subsets and proinflammatory monocytes, suggesting an activated immune microenvironment in the Entebbe volunteers. Interestingly, activation of CD8+ T cells and B cells as well as proinflammatory monocytes at baseline negatively correlated with YF-17D-neutralizing antibody titers after vaccination. Additionally, memory T and B cell responses in preimmunized volunteers exhibited reduced persistence in the Entebbe cohort but were boosted by a second vaccination. Conclusion. Together, these results demonstrate that an activated immune microenvironment prior to vaccination impedes efficacy of the YF-17D vaccine in an African cohort and suggest that vaccine regimens may need to be boosted in African populations to achieve efficient immunity. Trial registration. Registration is not required for observational studies. Funding. This study was funded by Canada's Global Health Research Initiative, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and United States Agency for International Development.