969 resultados para membrane-forming systems


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Objectives The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of cholesterol on the bilayer loading of drugs and their subsequent release and to investigate fatty alcohols as an alternative bilayer stabiliser to cholesterol. Methods The loading and release rates of four low solubility drugs (diazepam, ibuprofen, midazolam and propofol) incorporated within the bilayer of multilamellar liposomes which contained a range of cholesterol (0–33 mol/mol%) or a fatty alcohol (tetradecanol, hexadecanol and octadecanol) were investigated. The molecular packing of these various systems was also investigated in Langmuir monolayer studies. Key findings Loading and release of drugs within the liposome bilayer was shown to be influenced by their cholesterol content: increasing cholesterol content was shown to reduce drug incorporation and inclusion of cholesterol in the bilayer changed the release profile of propofol from zero-order, for phosphatidyl choline only liposomes, to a first-order model when 11 to 33 total molar % of cholesterol was present in the formulation. At higher bilayer concentrations substitution of cholesterol with tetradecanol was shown to have less of a detrimental impact on bilayer drug loading. However, the presence of cholesterol within the liposome bilayer was shown to reduce drug release compared with fatty alcohols. Monolayer studies undertaken showed that effective mean area per molecule for a 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) : cholesterol mixture deviated by 9% from the predicted area compared with 5% with a similar DSPC : tetradecanol mixture. This evidence, combined with cholesterol being a much more bulky structure, indicated that the condensing influence of tetradecanol was less compared with cholesterol, thus supporting the reduced impact of tetradecanol on drug loading and drug retention. Conclusions Liposomes can be effectively formulated using fatty alcohols as an alternative bilayer stabiliser to cholesterol. The general similarities in the characteristics of liposomes containing fatty alcohols or cholesterol suggest a common behavioural influence for both compounds within the bilayer.


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This thesis presents an investigation, of synchronisation and causality, motivated by problems in computational neuroscience. The thesis addresses both theoretical and practical signal processing issues regarding the estimation of interdependence from a set of multivariate data generated by a complex underlying dynamical system. This topic is driven by a series of problems in neuroscience, which represents the principal background motive behind the material in this work. The underlying system is the human brain and the generative process of the data is based on modern electromagnetic neuroimaging methods . In this thesis, the underlying functional of the brain mechanisms are derived from the recent mathematical formalism of dynamical systems in complex networks. This is justified principally on the grounds of the complex hierarchical and multiscale nature of the brain and it offers new methods of analysis to model its emergent phenomena. A fundamental approach to study the neural activity is to investigate the connectivity pattern developed by the brain’s complex network. Three types of connectivity are important to study: 1) anatomical connectivity refering to the physical links forming the topology of the brain network; 2) effective connectivity concerning with the way the neural elements communicate with each other using the brain’s anatomical structure, through phenomena of synchronisation and information transfer; 3) functional connectivity, presenting an epistemic concept which alludes to the interdependence between data measured from the brain network. The main contribution of this thesis is to present, apply and discuss novel algorithms of functional connectivities, which are designed to extract different specific aspects of interaction between the underlying generators of the data. Firstly, a univariate statistic is developed to allow for indirect assessment of synchronisation in the local network from a single time series. This approach is useful in inferring the coupling as in a local cortical area as observed by a single measurement electrode. Secondly, different existing methods of phase synchronisation are considered from the perspective of experimental data analysis and inference of coupling from observed data. These methods are designed to address the estimation of medium to long range connectivity and their differences are particularly relevant in the context of volume conduction, that is known to produce spurious detections of connectivity. Finally, an asymmetric temporal metric is introduced in order to detect the direction of the coupling between different regions of the brain. The method developed in this thesis is based on a machine learning extensions of the well known concept of Granger causality. The thesis discussion is developed alongside examples of synthetic and experimental real data. The synthetic data are simulations of complex dynamical systems with the intention to mimic the behaviour of simple cortical neural assemblies. They are helpful to test the techniques developed in this thesis. The real datasets are provided to illustrate the problem of brain connectivity in the case of important neurological disorders such as Epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. The methods of functional connectivity in this thesis are applied to intracranial EEG recordings in order to extract features, which characterize underlying spatiotemporal dynamics before during and after an epileptic seizure and predict seizure location and onset prior to conventional electrographic signs. The methodology is also applied to a MEG dataset containing healthy, Parkinson’s and dementia subjects with the scope of distinguishing patterns of pathological from physiological connectivity.


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Hard real-time systems are a class of computer control systems that must react to demands of their environment by providing `correct' and timely responses. Since these systems are increasingly being used in systems with safety implications, it is crucial that they are designed and developed to operate in a correct manner. This thesis is concerned with developing formal techniques that allow the specification, verification and design of hard real-time systems. Formal techniques for hard real-time systems must be capable of capturing the system's functional and performance requirements, and previous work has proposed a number of techniques which range from the mathematically intensive to those with some mathematical content. This thesis develops formal techniques that contain both an informal and a formal component because it is considered that the informality provides ease of understanding and the formality allows precise specification and verification. Specifically, the combination of Petri nets and temporal logic is considered for the specification and verification of hard real-time systems. Approaches that combine Petri nets and temporal logic by allowing a consistent translation between each formalism are examined. Previously, such techniques have been applied to the formal analysis of concurrent systems. This thesis adapts these techniques for use in the modelling, design and formal analysis of hard real-time systems. The techniques are applied to the problem of specifying a controller for a high-speed manufacturing system. It is shown that they can be used to prove liveness and safety properties, including qualitative aspects of system performance. The problem of verifying quantitative real-time properties is addressed by developing a further technique which combines the formalisms of timed Petri nets and real-time temporal logic. A unifying feature of these techniques is the common temporal description of the Petri net. A common problem with Petri net based techniques is the complexity problems associated with generating the reachability graph. This thesis addresses this problem by using concurrency sets to generate a partial reachability graph pertaining to a particular state. These sets also allows each state to be checked for the presence of inconsistencies and hazards. The problem of designing a controller for the high-speed manufacturing system is also considered. The approach adopted mvolves the use of a model-based controller: This type of controller uses the Petri net models developed, thus preservIng the properties already proven of the controller. It. also contains a model of the physical system which is synchronised to the real application to provide timely responses. The various way of forming the synchronization between these processes is considered and the resulting nets are analysed using concurrency sets.


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Reliable, high throughput, in vitro preliminary screening batteries have the potential to greatly accelerate the rate at which regulatory neurotoxicity data is generated. This study evaluated the importance of astrocytes when predicting acute toxic potential using a neuronal screening battery of pure neuronal (NT2.N) and astrocytic (NT2.A) and integrated neuronal/astrocytic (NT2.N/A) cell systems derived from the human NT2.D1 cell line, using biochemical endpoints (mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) depolarisation and ATP and GSH depletion). Following exposure for 72 h, the known acute human neurotoxicants trimethyltin-chloride, chloroquine and 6-hydroxydopamine were frequently capable of disrupting biochemical processes in all of the cell systems at non-cytotoxic concentrations. Astrocytes provide key metabolic and protective support to neurons during toxic challenge in vivo and generally the astrocyte containing cell systems showed increased tolerance to toxicant insult compared with the NT2.N mono-culture in vitro. Whilst there was no consistent relationship between MMP, ATP and GSH log IC(50) values for the NT2.N/A and NT2.A cell systems, these data did provide preliminary evidence of modulation of the acute neuronal toxic response by astrocytes. In conclusion, the suitability of NT2 neurons and astrocytes as cell systems for acute toxicity screening deserves further investigation.


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This system is concerned with the design and implementation of a community health information system which fulfils some of the local needs of fourteen nursing and para-medical professions in a district health authority, whilst satisfying the statutory requirements of the NHS Korner steering group for those professions. A national survey of community health computer applications, documented in the form of an applications register, shows the need for such a system. A series of general requirements for an informations systems design methodology are identified, together with specific requirements for this problem situation. A number of existing methodologies are reviewed, but none of these were appropriate for this application. Some existing approaches, tools and techniques are used to define a more suitable methodology. It is unreasonable to rely on one single general methodology for all types of application development. There is a need for pragmatism, adaptation and flexibility. In this research, participation in the development stages by those who will eventually use the system was thought desirable. This was achieved by forming a representative design group. Results would seem to show a highly favourable response from users to this participation which contributed to the overall success of the system implemented. A prototype was developed for the chiropody and school nursing staff groups of Darlington health authority, and evaluations show that a significant number of the problems and objectives of those groups have been successfully addressed; the value of community health information has been increased; and information has been successfully fed back to staff and better utilised.


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In the bulge test, a sheet metal specimen is clamped over a circular hole in a die and formed into a bulge by the hydraulic pressure on one side of the specirnen. As the unsupported part of the specimen is deformed in this way, its area is increased, in other words, the material is generally stretched and its thickness generally decreased. The stresses causing this stretching action are the membrane stresses in the shell generated by the hydraulic pressure, in the same way as the rubber in a toy balloon is stretched by the membrane stresses caused by the air inside it. The bulge test is a widely used sheet metal test, to determine the "formability" of sheet materials. Research on this forming process (2)-(15)* has hitherto been almost exclusively confined to predicting the behaviour of the bulged specimen through the constitutive equations (stresses and strains in relation to displacements and shapes) and empirical work hardening characteristics of the material as determined in the tension test. In the present study the approach is reversed; the stresses and strains in the specimen are measured and determined from the geometry of the deformed shell. Thus, the bulge test can be used for determining the stress-strain relationship in the material under actual conditions in sheet metal forming processes. When sheet materials are formed by fluid pressure, the work-piece assumes an approximately spherical shape, The exact nature and magnitude of the deviation from the perfect sphere can be defined and measured by an index called prolateness. The distribution of prolateness throughout the workpiece at any particular stage of the forming process is of fundamental significance, because it determines the variation of the stress ratio on which the mode of deformation depends. It is found. that, before the process becomes unstable in sheet metal, the workpiece is exactly spherical only at the pole and at an annular ring. Between the pole and this annular ring the workpiece is more pointed than a sphere, and outside this ring, it is flatter than a sphere. In the forming of sheet materials, the stresses and hence the incremental strains, are closely related to the curvatures of the workpiece. This relationship between geometry and state of stress can be formulated quantitatively through prolateness. The determination of the magnitudes of prolateness, however, requires special techniques. The success of the experimental work is due to the technique of measuring the profile inclination of the meridional section very accurately. A travelling microscope, workshop protractor and surface plate are used for measurements of circumferential and meridional tangential strains. The curvatures can be calculated from geometry. If, however, the shape of the workpiece is expressed in terms of the current radial (r) and axial ( L) coordinates, it is very difficult to calculate the curvatures within an adequate degree of accuracy, owing to the double differentiation involved. In this project, a first differentiation is, in effect, by-passed by measuring the profile inclination directly and the second differentiation is performed in a round-about way, as explained in later chapters. The variations of the stresses in the workpiece thus observed have not, to the knowledge of the author, been reported experimentally. The static strength of shells to withstand fluid pressure and their buckling strength under concentrated loads, both depend on the distribution of the thickness. Thickness distribution can be controlled to a limited extent by changing the work hardening characteristics of the work material and by imposing constraints. A technique is provided in this thesis for determining accurately the stress distribution, on which the strains associated with thinning depend. Whether a problem of controlled thickness distribution is tackled by theory, or by experiments, or by both combined, the analysis in this thesis supplies the theoretical framework and some useful experimental techniques for the research applied to particular problems. The improvement of formability by allowing draw-in can also be analysed with the same theoretical and experimental techniques. Results on stress-strain relationships are usually represented by single stress-strain curves plotted either between one stress and one strain (as in the tension or compression tests) or between the effective stress and effective strain, as in tests on tubular specimens under combined tension, torsion and internal pressure. In this study, the triaxial stresses and strains are plotted simultaneously in triangular coordinates. Thus, both stress and strain are represented by vectors and the relationship between them by the relationship between two vector functions. From the results so obtained, conclusions are drawn on both the behaviour and the properties of the material in the bulge test. The stress ratios are generally equal to the strain-rate ratios (stress vectors collinear with incremental strain vectors) and the work-hardening characteristics, which apply only to the particular strain paths are deduced. Plastic instability of the material is generally considered to have been reached when the oil pressure has attained its maximum value so that further deformation occurs under a constant or lower pressure. It is found that the instability regime of deformation has already occurred long before the maximum pressure is attained. Thus, a new concept of instability is proposed, and for this criterion, instability can occur for any type of pressure growth curves.


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The conventional design of forming rolls depends heavily on the individual skill of roll designers which is based on intuition and knowledge gained from previous work. Roll design is normally a trial an error procedure, however with the progress of computer technology, CAD/CAM systems for the cold roll-forming industry have been developed. Generally, however, these CAD systems can only provide a flower pattern based on the knowledge obtained from previously successful flower patterns. In the production of ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) tube and pipe, the need for a theoretical simulation of the roll-forming process, which can not only predict the occurrence of the edge buckling but also obtain the optimum forming condition, has been recognised. A new simulation system named "CADFORM" has been devised that can carry out the consistent forming simulation for this tube-making process. The CADFORM system applied an elastic-plastic stress-strain analysis and evaluate edge buckling by using a simplified model of the forming process. The results can also be visualised graphically. The calculated longitudinal strain is obtained by considering the deformation of lateral elements and takes into account the reduction in strains due to the fin-pass roll. These calculated strains correspond quite well with the experimental results. Using the calculated strains, the stresses in the strip can be estimated. The addition of the fin-pass roll reduction significantly reduces the longitudinal compressive stress and therefore effectively suppresses edge buckling. If the calculated longitudinal stress is controlled, by altering the forming flower pattern so it does not exceed the buckling stress within the material, then the occurrence of edge buckling can be avoided. CADFORM predicts the occurrence of edge buckling of the strip in tube-making and uses this information to suggest an appropriate flower pattern and forming conditions which will suppress the occurrence of the edge buckling.


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Vesicular adjuvant systems composing dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) can promote both cell-mediated and humoral immune responses to the tuberculosis vaccine fusion protein in mice. However, these DDA preparations were found to be physically unstable, forming aggregates under ambient storage conditions. Therefore there is a need to improve the stability of such systems without undermining their potent adjuvanticity. To this end, the effect of incorporating non-ionic surfactants, such as 1-monopalmitoyl glycerol (MP), in addition to cholesterol (Chol) and trehalose 6,6′-dibehenate (TDB), on the stability and efficacy of these vaccine delivery systems was investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed a reduction in the phase transition temperature (T c) of DDA-based vesicles by ∼12°C when MP and cholesterol (1:1 molar ratio) were incorporated into the DDA system. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the addition of MP to DDA vesicles resulted in the formation of multi-lamellar vesicles. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) of MP-Chol-DDA-TDB (16:16:4:0.5 μmol) indicated that incorporation of antigen led to increased stability of the vesicles, perhaps as a result of the antigen embedding within the vesicle bilayers. At 4°C DDA liposomes showed significant vesicle aggregation after 28 days, although addition of MP-Chol or TDB was shown to inhibit this instability. Alternatively, at 25°C only the MP-based systems retained their original size. The presence of MP within the vesicle formulation was also shown to promote a sustained release of antigen in-vitro. The adjuvant activity of various systems was tested in mice against three subunit antigens, including mycobacterial fusion protein Ag85b-ESAT-6, and two malarial antigens (Merozoite surface protein 1, MSP1, and the glutamate rich protein, GLURP). The MP- and DDA-based systems induced antibody responses at comparable levels whereas the DDA-based systems induced more powerful cell-mediated immune responses. © 2006 The Authors.


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With careful calculation of signal forwarding weights, relay nodes can be used to work collaboratively to enhance downlink transmission performance by forming a virtual multiple-input multiple-output beamforming system. Although collaborative relay beamforming schemes for single user have been widely investigated for cellular systems in previous literatures, there are few studies on the relay beamforming for multiusers. In this paper, we study the collaborative downlink signal transmission with multiple amplify-and-forward relay nodes for multiusers in cellular systems. We propose two new algorithms to determine the beamforming weights with the same objective of minimizing power consumption of the relay nodes. In the first algorithm, we aim to guarantee the received signal-to-noise ratio at multiusers for the relay beamforming with orthogonal channels. We prove that the solution obtained by a semidefinite relaxation technology is optimal. In the second algorithm, we propose an iterative algorithm that jointly selects the base station antennas and optimizes the relay beamforming weights to reach the target signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio at multiusers with nonorthogonal channels. Numerical results validate our theoretical analysis and demonstrate that the proposed optimal schemes can effectively reduce the relay power consumption compared with several other beamforming approaches. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This thesis is concerned with the investigation of transition metal (TM) ion complexation with hydrophilic membranes composed of copolymers of 4-vinyl pyridine & 4-methyl-4'vinyl- 2,2'-bipyridine with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The Cu(II), CoCII) & Fe(II) complexes with these coordinating membranes were characterised by a variety of techniques, in order to assess the effect of the polymer on the properties of the complex, and vice versa. A detailed programme of work was instigated into the kinetics of formation for the polymer-bound tris(bipyridyl) iron(II) complex; the rate and extent of complex formation was found to be anion-dependent. This is explained in terms of the influence of the anion on the transport properties and water content of the membrane, the controlling factor in the development of the tris-complex being the equilibrium concentration of Fe(II) in the gel matrix. A series of transport studies were performed with a view to the potential application of complexing hydrogel membranes for aqueous TM ion separations. A number of salts were studied individually and shown to possess a range of permeabilities; the degree of interaction between particular metal-ion:ligand combinations is given by the lag-time observed before steady-state permeation is achieved. However, when two TM salts that individually display different transport properties were studied in combination, they showed similar lag-times & permeabilities, characteristic of the more strongly coordinating metal ion. This 'anti-selective' nature thus renders the membrane systems unsuitable for TM ion separations. Finally, attempts were made to synthesise and immobilise a series of N ,0-donor macrocyclic ligands into hydrogel membranes. Although the functionalisation reactions failed, limited transport data was obtained from membranes in which the ligands were physically entrapped within the polymer matrix.


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We study the comparative importance of thermal to nonthermal fluctuations for membrane-based models in the linear regime. Our results, both in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions, suggest that nonthermal fluctuations dominate thermal ones only when the relaxation time τ is large. For moderate to small values of τ, the dynamics is defined by a competition between these two forces. The results are expected to act as a quantitative benchmark for biological modeling in systems involving cytoskeletal and other nonthermal fluctuations. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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Transition P Systems are a parallel and distributed computational model based on the notion of the cellular membrane structure. Each membrane determines a region that encloses a multiset of objects and evolution rules. Transition P Systems evolve through transitions between two consecutive configurations that are determined by the membrane structure and multisets present inside membranes. Moreover, transitions between two consecutive configurations are provided by an exhaustive non-deterministic and parallel application of evolution rules. But, to establish the rules to be applied, it is required the previous calculation of useful, applicable and active rules. Hence, computation of useful evolution rules is critical for the whole evolution process efficiency, because it is performed in parallel inside each membrane in every evolution step. This work defines usefulness states through an exhaustive analysis of the P system for every membrane and for every possible configuration of the membrane structure during the computation. Moreover, this analysis can be done in a static way; therefore membranes only have to check their usefulness states to obtain their set of useful rules during execution.


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ransition P-systems are based on biological membranes and try to emulate cell behavior and its evolution due to the presence of chemical elements. These systems perform computation through transition between two consecutive configurations, which consist in a m-tuple of multisets present at any moment in the existing m regions of the system. Transition between two configurations is performed by using evolution rules also present in each region. Among main Transition P-systems characteristics are massive parallelism and non determinism. This work is part of a very large project and tries to determine the design of a hardware circuit that can improve remarkably the process involved in the evolution of a membrane. Process in biological cells has two different levels of parallelism: the first one, obviously, is the evolution of each cell inside the whole set, and the second one is the application of the rules inside one membrane. This paper presents an evolution of the work done previously and includes an improvement that uses massive parallelism to do transition between two states. To achieve this, the initial set of rules is transformed into a new set that consists in all their possible combinations, and each of them is treated like a new rule (participant antecedents are added to generate a new multiset), converting an unique rule application in a way of parallelism in the means that several rules are applied at the same time. In this paper, we present a circuit that is able to process this kind of rules and to decode the result, taking advantage of all the potential that hardware has to implement P Systems versus previously proposed sequential solutions.


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In the field of Transition P systems implementation, it has been determined that it is very important to determine in advance how long takes evolution rules application in membranes. Moreover, to have time estimations of rules application in membranes makes possible to take important decisions related to hardware / software architectures design. The work presented here introduces an algorithm for applying active evolution rules in Transition P systems, which is based on active rules elimination. The algorithm complies the requisites of being nondeterministic, massively parallel, and what is more important, it is time delimited because it is only dependant on the number of membrane evolution rules.


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Membrane systems are computational equivalent to Turing machines. However, its distributed and massively parallel nature obtain polynomial solutions opposite to traditional non-polynomial ones. Nowadays, developed investigation for implementing membrane systems has not yet reached the massively parallel character of this computational model. Better published approaches have achieved a distributed architecture denominated “partially parallel evolution with partially parallel communication” where several membranes are allocated at each processor, proxys are used to communicate with membranes allocated at different processors and a policy of access control to the communications is mandatory. With these approaches, it is obtained processors parallelism in the application of evolution rules and in the internal communication among membranes allocated inside each processor. Even though, external communications share a common communication line, needed for the communication among membranes arranged in different processors, are sequential. In this work, we present a new hierarchical architecture that reaches external communication parallelism among processors and substantially increases parallelization in the application of evolution rules and internal communications. Consequently, necessary time for each evolution step is reduced. With all of that, this new distributed hierarchical architecture is near to the massively parallel character required by the model.