859 resultados para light durability


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SUMMARY : Phytochromes constitute a family of red/far-red photoreceptors regulating all the major transitions during the life cycle of plants. In Arabidopsis, five members: phyA,_ B, C, D and E, were identified. Phytochromes are synthesized in their inactive red-light absorbing form called Pr. Upon light absorbance they convert to the far-red light absorbing Pfr form. The Pfr form is the active conformer which converts back to the Pr form either rapidly upon far-red perception or in a slower process called dark reversion. ph~A represents an exception, in that it does not significantly dark-revert and two specific processes have been developed by the plants to decrease the amount of biologically active phyA. The first one is alight-dependent repression of the PHYA gene expression and the second one is alight-dependent degradation of the phyA protein. The latter is the most efficient process to rapidly decrease the level of active phyA. The ability of plants to regulate the amount of active phyA is critical in a far-red rich environment, a situation observed under a canopy. In these conditions, phyA is essential to induce the germination and the deetiolation of the young seedling. Later in the development the ability of phyA to repress growth counteracts the shade avoidance response. Therefore decreasing the amount of phyA allows stem growth and to compete with neighbours for the light. In this thesis, I investigate the light-dependent degradation of phyA. I developed a reverse genetic approach based on the systematic analysis of the light-dependent accumulation of phyA in the different cullin mutant cull, cul3a; cul3b and cul4. This analysis allowed me to show that CUL1 and CUL3A-based E3 ligase complexes are involved in the regulation of phyA degradation. Surprisingly, our results also demonstrate that cu14 is not affected in the degradation of phyA whereas constitutive Photomorphogenic 1 (COP1) a subunit of one CUL4based E3 complex was reported to be involved. Further investigations showed that the phenotype of cop1 is conditional, the mutant being defective in phyA degradation only in the presence of metabolisable sugars. I also showed that phyA is degraded by a proteasome-dependent mechanism both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus using mutants and transgenic lines affected in the localization of phyA. Interestingly, I observed that phyA degradation was faster in the nucleus than in the cytosol and that rapid degradation of Pr also occurred in the nucleus suggesting that cytosolic accumulation of phyA in the dark is a way to regulate its proteolysis. Finally, we identify a short region similar to a PEST sequence required for phyA stability and we developed a unbiased genetic screen to identify new components involved in the regulation of the light-dependent degradation of phyA. The significance of these results are discussed. RESUME : Les phytochromes (phy) constituent une famille de photorécepteurs absorbant la lumière rouge et rouge lointaine et régulant toutes les étapes de transitions majeures dans la vie des plantes. Chez Arabidopsis, cinq membres : phyA, B, C, D et E ont été identifiés. Les phytochromes sont synthétisés sous une forme inactive appelée Pr absorbant la lumière rouge. Après perception de lumière ils passent sous une forme active Pfr absorbant dans le rouge lointain. La forme Pfr peut retourner sous la forme Pr après absorption de lumiëre rouge lointaine ou dans un processus lent appelé «réversion à l'obscurité ». phyA représente une exception à cette règle car il ne retoune pas significativement sous sa forme inactive dans le noir. Deux processus spécifiques ont donc été développés pour diminuer le taux de phyA actif. Le premier consiste en la répression du gène PHYA en condition de lumière et le second en une dégradation induite par la lumière de la protéine phyA. Ce dernier processus est le plus efficace pour diminuer rapidement le niveau de phyA. La capacité des plantes à réguler le taux de phyA actifs est critique dans un environnement riche en lumière rouge lointaine, une situation observée sous une canopée. Sous une canopée, phyA est essentiel pour induire la germination et la dé-étiolation de la jeune pousse. Plus tard dans le développement la capacité de phyA de réprimer la croissance freine la «réponse à l'évitement de l'ombre ». Par conséquent diminuer le taux de phyA permet la croissance de la tige et donc de rentrer en compétition pour la lumière avec les plantes avoisinantes. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié la dégradation de phyA. J'ai développé une approche génétique inverse basée sur l'analyse systématique de l'accumulation de phyA en condition de lumière dans les différents mutants cullin, cul1, cul3a, cul3b et cul4. Ces analyses nous ont permis d'identifier qu'un complexe E3 ligase CUL1 et un complexe E3 ligase CUL3A sont impliqués dans la régulation de la dégradation de phyA. Mes résultats démontrent aussi que le mutant cul4 n'est pas affecté dans la dégradation de phyA alors que Çonstitutive Photomorphogenic 1 (COPI) une sous unité d'un complexe CUL4 à été identifier dans la régulation de cette dégradation. Des analyses supplémentaires suggèrent que l'effet de la mutation cop1 est dépendante dë la présence de sucres métabolisables. J'ai aussi montré que phyA est dégradé dans le noyau et dans le cytoplasme par un mécanisme dépendant du protéasome et que la dégradation dans le.noyau est non seulement aspécifique de la forme Pr ou Pfr mais aussi est plus rapide que dans le cytoplasme. Ceci suggère que l'accumulation de phyA dans le cytoplasme permet son accumulation à des niveaux élevés à l'obscurité. Enfin j'ai identifié une région similaire à un motif PEST requise pour la stabilité de phyA et j'ai aussi développé un criblage génétique non biaisé pour identifier de nouveaux composants impliqués dans la régulation de la dégradation de phyA. L'importance de ces résultats est discutée dans le dernier chapitre de cette thèse.


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Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are taking an increasing place in the market of domestic lighting because they produce light with low energy consumption. In the EU, by 2016, no traditional incandescent light sources will be available and LEDs may become the major domestic light sources. Due to specific spectral and energetic characteristics of white LEDs as compared to other domestic light sources, some concerns have been raised regarding their safety for human health and particularly potential harmful risks for the eye. To conduct a health risk assessment on systems using LEDs, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), a public body reporting to the French Ministers for ecology, for health and for employment, has organized a task group. This group consisted physicists, lighting and metrology specialists, retinal biologist and ophthalmologist who have worked together for a year. Part of this work has comprised the evaluation of group risks of different white LEDs commercialized on the French market, according to the standards and found that some of these lights belonged to the group risk 1 or 2. This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the potential risks of white LEDs, taking into account pre-clinical knowledge as well as epidemiologic studies and reports the French Agency's recommendations to avoid potential retinal hazards.


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Phototropism allows plants to align their photosynthetic tissues with incoming light. The direction of incident light is sensed by the phototropin family of blue light photoreceptors (phot1 and phot2 in Arabidopsis), which are light-activated protein kinases. The kinase activity of phototropins and phosphorylation of residues in the activation loop of their kinase domains are essential for the phototropic response. These initial steps trigger the formation of the auxin gradient across the hypocotyl that leads to asymmetric growth. The molecular events between photoreceptor activation and the growth response are only starting to be elucidated. In this review, we discuss the major steps leading from light perception to directional growth concentrating on Arabidopsis. In addition, we highlight links that connect these different steps enabling the phototropic response.


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A number of concrete admixtures are presently used in various concretes principally for water reduction, retardation, or air entrainment. Whereas the use of these admixtures in concrete placement is well documented, there is limited information showing their effects on durability and drying shrinkage. Since the durability and the shrinkage of concrete can have a pronounce effect on a structures longevity, wear characteristics, and reaction to loading, it is desirable to know the relative effects of different admixtures prior to concrete placement. The purpose of this study is to provide information which could be used to establish durability and shrinkage criterion for evaluating the admixtures currently in use and those whose use may be proposed.


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Plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana respond to foliar shade and neighbors who may become competitors for light resources by elongation growth to secure access to unfiltered sunlight. Challenges faced during this shade avoidance response (SAR) are different under a light-absorbing canopy and during neighbor detection where light remains abundant. In both situations, elongation growth depends on auxin and transcription factors of the phytochrome interacting factor (PIF) class. Using a computational modeling approach to study the SAR regulatory network, we identify and experimentally validate a previously unidentified role for long hypocotyl in far red 1, a negative regulator of the PIFs. Moreover, we find that during neighbor detection, growth is promoted primarily by the production of auxin. In contrast, in true shade, the system operates with less auxin but with an increased sensitivity to the hormonal signal. Our data suggest that this latter signal is less robust, which may reflect a cost-to-robustness tradeoff, a system trait long recognized by engineers and forming the basis of information theory.


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Light adaptation is crucial for coping with the varying levels of ambient light. Using high-density electroencephalography (EEG), we investigated how adaptation to light of different colors affects brain responsiveness. In a within-subject design, sixteen young participants were adapted first to dim white light and then to blue, green, red, or white bright light (one color per session in a randomized order). Immediately after both dim and bright light adaptation, we presented brief light pulses and recorded event-related potentials (ERPs). We analyzed ERP response strengths and brain topographies and determined the underlying sources using electrical source imaging. Between 150 and 261ms after stimulus onset, the global field power (GFP) was higher after dim than bright light adaptation. This effect was most pronounced with red light and localized in the frontal lobe, the fusiform gyrus, the occipital lobe and the cerebellum. After bright light adaptation, within the first 100ms after light onset, stronger responses were found than after dim light adaptation for all colors except for red light. Differences between conditions were localized in the frontal lobe, the cingulate gyrus, and the cerebellum. These results indicate that very short-term EEG brain responses are influenced by prior light adaptation and the spectral quality of the light stimulus. We show that the early EEG responses are differently affected by adaptation to different colors of light which may contribute to known differences in performance and reaction times in cognitive tests.


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Light toxicity is suspected to enhance certain retinal degenerative processes such as age-related macular degeneration. Death of photoreceptors can be induced by their exposure to the visible light, and although cellular processes within photoreceptors have been characterized extensively, the role of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in this model is less well understood. We demonstrate that exposition to intense light causes the immediate breakdown of the outer blood-retinal barrier (BRB). In a molecular level, we observed the slackening of adherens junctions tying up the RPE and massive leakage of albumin into the neural retina. Retinal pigment epithelial cells normally secrete vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) at their basolateral side; light damage in contrast leads to VEGF increase on the apical side - that is, in the neuroretina. Blocking VEGF, by means of lentiviral gene transfer to express an anti-VEGF antibody in RPE cells, inhibits outer BRB breakdown and retinal degeneration, as illustrated by functional, behavioral and morphometric analysis. Our data show that exposure to high levels of visible light induces hyperpermeability of the RPE, likely involving VEGF signaling. The resulting retinal edema contributes to irreversible damage to photoreceptors. These data suggest that anti-VEGF compounds are of therapeutic interest when the outer BRB is altered by retinal stresses.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about time trends, predictors, and consequences of changes made to antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens early after patients initially start treatment. METHODS: We compared the incidence of, reasons for, and predictors of treatment change within 1 year after starting combination ART (cART), as well as virological and immunological outcomes at 1 year, among 1866 patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who initiated cART during 2000--2001, 2002--2003, or 2004--2005. RESULTS: The durability of initial regimens did not improve over time (P = .15): 48.8% of 625 patients during 2000--2001, 43.8% of 607 during 2002--2003, and 44.3% of 634 during 2004--2005 changed cART within 1 year; reasons for change included intolerance (51.1% of all patients), patient wish (15.4%), physician decision (14.8%), and virological failure (7.1%). An increased probability of treatment change was associated with larger CD4+ cell counts, larger human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA loads, and receipt of regimens that contained stavudine or indinavir/ritonavir, but a decreased probability was associated with receipt of regimens that contained tenofovir. Treatment discontinuation was associated with larger CD4+ cell counts, current use of injection drugs, and receipt of regimens that contained nevirapine. One-year outcomes improved between 2000--2001 and 2004--2005: 84.5% and 92.7% of patients, respectively, reached HIV-1 RNA loads of <50 copies/mL and achieved median increases in CD4+ cell counts of 157.5 and 197.5 cells/microL, respectively (P < .001 for all comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: Virological and immunological outcomes of initial treatments improved between 2000--2001 and 2004--2005, irrespective of uniformly high rates of early changes in treatment across the 3 study intervals.


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The current study investigated the effect of fly ash class, source and amount on the compressive strength and freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete. Concrete aggregates of varying quality were also included as test variables. The current results and those obtained from previous laboratory and field work indicate that compressive strength can·be affected by fly ash class, source and amount while aggregate quality is shown to have no effect on strength. Freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete is strongly affected by aggregate quality and to a lesser degree by fly ash class, amount and source.


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The major objective of this research project was to investigate how Iowa fly ashes influenced the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. Chemical durability has become an area of uncertainty because of the winter application of deicer salts (rock salts) that contain a significant amount of sulfate impurities. The sulfate durability testing program consisted of monitoring portland cement-fly ash paste, mortar and concrete test specimens that had been subjected to aqueous solutions containing various concentrations of salts (both sulfate and chloride). The paste and mortar specimens were monitored for length as a function of time. The concrete test specimens were monitored for length, relative dynamic modulus and mass as a function of time. The alkali-aggregate reactivity testing program consisted of monitoring the expansion of ASTM C311 mortar bar specimens that contained three different aggregates (Pyrex glass, Oreapolis and standard Ottawa sand). The results of the sulfate durability study indicated that the paste and concrete test specimens tended to exhibit surface spalling but only very slow expansive tendencies. This suggested that the permeability of the test specimens was controlling the rate of deterioration. Concrete specimens are still being monitored because the majority of the test specimens have expanded less than 0.05%; hence, this makes it difficult to estimate the service life of the concrete test specimens or to quantify the performance of the different fly ashes that were used in the study. The results of the mortar bar studies indicated that the chemical composition of the various fly ashes did have an influence on their sulfate resistance. Typically, Clinton and Louisa fly ashes performed the best, followed by the Ottumwa, Neal 4 and then Council Bluffs fly ashes. Council Bluffs fly ash was the only fly ash that consistently reduced the sulfate resistance of the many different mortar specimens that were investigated during this study. None of the trends that were observed in the mortar bar studies have yet become evident in the concrete phase of this project. The results of the alkali-aggregate study indicated that the Oreapolis aggregate is not very sensitive to alkali attack. Two of the fly ashes, Council Bluffs and Ottumwa, tended to increase the expansion of mortar bar specimens that contained the Oreapolis aggregate. However, it was not clear if the additional expansion was due to the alkali content of the fly ash, the periclase content of the fly ash or the cristobalite content of the fly ash, since all three of these factors have been found to influence the test results.


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The freeze-thaw resistance of concretes was studied. Nine concrete mixes, made with five cements and cement-Class C fly ash combinations, were exposed to freeze-thaw cycling following 110 to 222 days of moist curing. Prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, the specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The influence of a wet/dry treatment was also studied. Infilling of ettringite in entrained air voids was observed in the concretes tested. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The concretes with 15% Class C fly ash replacement show more infilling in their air voids. It was found that the influence of the infilling on the freeze-thaw durability relates to the air spacing factor. The greater the spacing factor, the more expansion under the freeze-thaw cycling. The infilling seems to decrease effective air content and to increase effective spacing factor. The infilling also implies that the filled air voids are water-accessible. These might lead to concrete more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. By combining the above results with field observations, one may conclude that the freeze-thaw damage is a factor related to premature deterioration of portland cement concrete pavements in Iowa.


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The concrete admixture Ipanex (Registered trademark) manufactured by IPA Systems Inc. was submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) New Products Committee on April 15, 1998. The New Products Committee requested that the Iowa DOT Materials Laboratory evaluate the durability, corrosion inhibiting and concrete permeability reduction effects of this admixture. This report is intended to present the results of testing in Iowa DOT materials laboratories, review a Pennsylvania State University report, as well as review the IPA Systems Inc. marketing literature. The objective is to provide the New Products Committee with a recommendation concerning approval of this product based on the information gathered. The portland cement concrete admixture Ipanex (Registered trademark) did not show any significant benefit in terms of improvement in areas of permeability, chloride resistance and strength in the testing performed at the Iowa DOT. The literature and reports reviewed did not provide enough credible evidence to refute this conclusion. Additionally, the benefits ascribed to this product can be more economically achieved using other currently available products such as slag and silica fume. The recommendation is that this product not be approved for use on State projects in Iowa.


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A study of type II cements at the Iowa State Highway Commission concluded that the amount of tricalcium aluminate in the cement appears to have an inverse effect on concrete durability. This conclusion agrees with the results of the Kansas Highway Department's study to determine the combination of cement and aggregate which would produce the best possible durability factor. This study is a result of the questions raised following the completion of the project at the Iowa State Highway Commission. This project is being conducted on a larger scale so. that more definite conclusions can be drawn. The purpose of this project is to determine if the amount of tricalcium aluminate in type II cements has an inverse effect on the durability of concrete.


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Due to an equipment malfunction, too much sand was used in the concrete on the bridge floor placed on August 9, 1994, in Washington County, Project No. BRF-22-2(36)38-92. Freeze-thaw durability testing of cores taken from the concrete in question and the other two concretes not in question was performed. The experimental results indicate that the concrete in question is considered at least as durable and resistant to freeze-thaw damage as the concretes which are not in question. The concrete in question can be expected to function properly for the regular service life of the bridge.